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Like if /pol/ has been forever BTFO by based Brie and should leave this board for eternity.

I wish I could like OP's post

Sorry, incel. You can't stop progress. Especially with your shitposting.

no one cares about this dumb whore anymore
we only care about likes



>oh no! My multi billion dollar company didn’t make as much as their multi billion dollar company!
Unironically drink a gallon of bleach

of which at least 400 million are from disney
great news.

>You don't want my movie to fail do you user?

Attached: brie brie.jpg (388x600, 52K)


No one cares. Everyone nows now that Disney buys its own tickets for money laundering and that's been the case at least since Black Panther.

Any prove incel?


Fuck Captain Marvel😂

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So I’m turning 24 in a couple of weeks and I’ve been reflecting on captain marvel a lot recently. I saw the movie opening night and I was instantly obsessed I knew immediately that I was going to buy it on dvd which I never do. I’ve gotten a lot of captain marvel merch (shirt, socks) I bought a us airforce shirt (???). And like it was just instantly so important to me to see a woman my age kick ass and take names and to not have any romantic interests. (Not to discredit the love her and Maria have for each other but you know what I mean). And yeah we (women) have Wonder Woman too but for some reason captain marvel is everything to me and having Brie Larson bring her to life is just so cool. Maybe it’s lame to be so attached to a piece of media but I just really love it and am grateful for its existence because in 24 years it’s not often that I see this kind of representation in superhero movies.

It's been a while on that "verge", eh?

post discarded

FUCK Brie Larson and FUCK Marvel

...Not really? It's been like a week. That's about how much time it takes to make the final 100 million.

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Only (less than) $10m to a Briellion baby!!!
I’m just so happy that we’re almost at a Briellion before the Avengers: Endgame even premiered, but you know what makes Captain Marvel’s victory sweeter? It’s the fact that despite all the hate with the movie and most especially with Brie Larson, Captain Marvel is the only Superhero that earned (almost) a billion dollars without even appearing in any other superhero movies before. You can bitch about Infinity War and that’s a good introduction, but we never really saw her there, did we?


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The biggest problem with every single bad review of Captain Marvel coming from a man is that none of them seem to comprehend a narrative that isn’t meant for them.

They see Carol finally breaking free from being gaslighted by the Kree as “emotionally underwhelming,” never realizing that a climactic, emotional showdown with her abuser would be giving him exactly what he wants. Being in control of her emotions? Choosing not to react to a provocation? That’s strength most male comic fans don’t understand. They see masculine-coded strength as the only valid kind. Carol not being angry and putting Yon-Rogg down in a shonen-esque battle doesn’t make sense to them because it’s not what they would have done.

They see a woman struggling to work through lies she’d been told as “bad narrative structure,” when in reality the movie was never about building Carol up from nothing, but about her realizing her true potential through seeing past those lies. Carol’s character arc parallels many women attaining social consciousness, throwing off patriarchal lies they’d been conditioned to accept about who they are and what they can do. Her story isn’t about attaining power, but about embracing her true potential that had been deliberately hidden from her.

They see Carol’s emotions not lining up with the lies her abusers told her about being too emotional as “bad writing” or “bad acting,” never realizing that that was exactly the point. They only understand defiance as impassioned, outward battles of will and pride, not understanding that quiet, steadfast refusal to bend to others’ designs of who you should be is strength too.

Brie Larson was absolutely right. Carol’s story is not for men. And nothing proves that more than all the fanboys who didn’t understand it throwing fits on the internet.

All those stupid male haters aside, I don’t think men (at least not right now) will ever truly get the female experience. Even those of us fortunate enough to not have been so looked down upon or largely limited, those of us who have found genuinely good mentors, etc., something in Carol Danvers speaks to us deeply. To see HER on screen, blasting away the conceptions that we have to prove ourselves in your methods and ways, that made me want to scream in victory and dance in my seat for a year. I felt like I could run a marathon or leap onto a horse and charge into a burning building after that movie.

And it’s not that anything was wrong with these guys I spoke to in particular. It’s that they’ve just never had anything happen to them to help them relate to Carol. They think she’s cool. They don’t get all of the why.

And I wanted to say that that’s ok. They were open, they never shut me down. They’ll never write a negative review or hate on Brie Larson or wish she weren’t in the next movies. This is how we talk civilly about media consumed. Great. But… it can kinda suck to have someone not be excited about what you’re excited about.

So if you’re surrounded by guys negative or neutral about Captain Marvel, just know you’re not alone. And your love for her is real, it is important, it is justified, and it is something to get excited about.

So stay excited. You’re allowed to be and you deserve it.

I was walking out of the theater after seeing Captain Marvel, and I said “That movie was AMAZING, Honestly this is probably the best marvel movie yet, and Carol is so strong I love it”

And I just hear this other guy yell to me “DAMN RIGHT!!!”

Followed by this girl yelling “YOU TWO. I LIKE YOU.”

HAHA! WE DID IT, YA JACKASS. we were only pretending to want this movie to fail. the brigading was a ploy to get disney to.

A) spend shit loads of money on counter trolling.
B) disney would of course use it to there advantage and get sniveling little lefties to see to see it to fight the fascist 4channers.

as expected they fell right into our trap. the movie is a hit, and guess what? feige will follow through with captain marvel being the centerpiece of the mcu. problem is, all the the normal, non faggot audiences thought she was the least interesting part of a mediocre movie. her spear heading the mcu will lead to disaster. plummeting box offices. capeshit will finally die! we'll be free of you, faggots.

the gift that keeps on giving😂

Based and liked

the girl was brie larson. so was the other guy.

So... you tricked Disney into making a billion dollars, and gave them an out to say you're reviewbombing for every Captain Marvel movie from now on, regardless of whether or not you were, which will motivate people to come to theaters to fight you and will lead to more billion dollar films.

Pretty epic troll you got there. You "trolled" Marvel into lasting another ten years. That's eight years longer than Trump will be president.

Are there no independent film makers here? You should be suing Disney and Rotten and YouTube and Google. Your film they'll judge as they've judged and critiqued all before it all the while bowing down to Disney's corruption. Are there any independent film makers here?

/pol/ is already on a different board

I was pretty hyped for Black Panther because I liked the character and enjoyed Creed but I was let down by it once I pirated it. It was just a lame origin story preying on marvelcucks who are really into the story and were afraid they would miss stuff from the Avengers movie.

you didn't get it dumbass.

absolutely based

>740m just to breakeven
>china cut and deductions
It barely made any money.

Oh yes, I'm such a dumbass Disney employee for making a billion dollars.


Seether has way more likes than you, lol incel. Cope harder incel.

no he doesnt


clearly you are, because now you're steering the entire franchise into the dumpster. people captain marvel and thought it was bland with a bland cunt of an actress. comics fans hate her, we all know that. and their is osmosis in male fandom in which we all know captain marvel is repellent. plus normies thought it was bland, like ant man. your gonna have antman lead the mcu, except and man is a boring self righteous bitch with a stick up her dry salty cunt, yet has really bad greasy skin. nobody want her leading any franchise. except transgender weirdoes.


she looks cute with short hair!

I'm gonna steer my dick into your ass, incel.

I'm gonna steer my dick into your ass, incel.

They literally spent hundreds of millions to buy empty seats to show us how stupid we are.

Nice try

how about you shove you likes up your twitter faggot ass. nobody gives a flip flying fuck about winning the Yea Forums olympics. you're a name fag, by another name.

I'll shove this hat up your ass instead.

Cope harder, incel.




Oh neat, I just got something new.

proof it then hoss more score.

Don't mind me, just putting your posts in here.

Captain Marvel is probably the 3rd greatest movie ever made, after Wonder Woman and Black Panther

Yaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy! :D

t. highly paid professional movie critic

buying likes like they bought tickets.

Cry some more.

Hitler is the greatest statesmen to ever live and the Holocaust was the best party ever. Cry more.

gimme a like if you think Disney bought all the tickets

Attached: dabbed.gif (420x460, 82K)

Gimme a like if you think these incels are crybabies.💚

b-but /pol/incels and le based youtubers told me "get woke go broke"!!!!!!
how can this be??? are we losing the cultural war?? NOOOOOOOOO

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literally no-one I know has seen this movie

>making $1 billion
So making the movie itself and all its marketing cost nothing then?

try leaving your basement sometimes

It makes back its marketing cost in licensing and toy sales. It's a 1 billion dollar profit.


Nice april fool's joke lol.

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incels BTFO

Incels will never be able to speak freely ever again. They will be destroyed forever.

You're saying that for a third week in a row.

how would a dumb roastie like that be able to raise 1 billi

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The funny thing about Disney buying up all these tickets to make Captain Marvel look good, it makes Star Wars look even more pathetic by box office comparison



Wait it's been out for ages it still hasn't broken 1b? It was at like 700 after a week wasn't it?

Unequivocally based, well deserving of those likes👌

Bro it's been out for a month. Name any movie that made 1 billion in less than a month. You cannot because you don't know anything about movie box office and you are just trying to downplay this massive accomplishment.

a billion really isn't that much anymore. inflation sucks

>Marvel movie
>no competition when released
>character teased at the end of Infinity War
>will be in Endgame, aka the biggest movie this year

Wowser, what a surprise...!

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My score is higher than yours so I revoke your statement.

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I dislike this sjw bullshit
But I own disney stocks

Im fine with either way, bomb or success

This. It's over. They'll never recover.

>paying to make jews even richer

I'm a socialist and think you're a fucking moron, that's why i'm voting corbyn.
You reditors are supposed to be socialists? You're a fucking sheep

>I'm a socialist [...] that's why i'm voting corbyn.
Lmao? Are you an idiot?

Just from the MCU...
Black Panther
Civil War
Iron Man 3

And they didn't have as much shilling as this. Take a walk.

Name a film that opened with 600m after a week.

>fighter pilots in 2019
at least top gun 2 comes out next year

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I'll have you know I got dubs in that post you are responding too, so fuck off my digits are superior to yours and always will be

Attached: checkem.jpg (1252x704, 123K)

>Implying its not just people watching it because they will watch Endgame and bluray rip doesnt come fast enough

The West is doomed.

Actually a fair point. If a film makes that much in a weekend it's kinda weird it has a hard time making 2/3 as much in 3 weeks

Rolled 31 (1d100)

Your dubs lose to this, and also this.

>She looked cute before hitting the wall at the speed of light
Fixed 4 u, user.

Attached: Captain Ugly Roastie.jpg (905x1222, 248K)

It's called "legs" and "word of mouth."

>It's just because of the next movie!
Every movie for the last five years. Give it up already.

Rolled 3 (1d100)

My roll beats yours, and check my digits NOW

>something in carol dancers speak to us deeply
It's the marketing you stupid bitch. Go ahead, keep ruining your civilization. It's going to be fun as hell fucking a fuck load of poor white women in 10-15 years time.

Nope. You lost. I'll be taking your man card now.

>tv would bully this innocent dandelion
really makes you think

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Whatever movie Disney throw 500 million for ads campaign and buying their own tickets.
>300 mil domestic
>600 mil foreign
Thats translate in
>225 mil profit
>300 mil profit
The movie need 750 mil to break even (source Business Insider)

Attached: feminists got ghostbustered and eternally BTFO.jpg (1258x1239, 301K)

By far the best blog post I've seen on Yea Forums and there's been more than a few.
Have an upvote.

user, please...

Attached: 1553671960302.webm (1190x670, 1.1M)

Quick, like this post to fight the SJWs!




Kill yourself, seriously. You know how sad it is for patricians like me to constantly see these kind of threadds in the front page. I mean, not only do we have to deal with oscar-tier shit, but we also need to see you talking again and again about le epic super heroes. Literally, kill yourselves. Can you not talk about anything else? Are you seriously this retarded, this uneducated, this uncultured? Have you not seen ANY movie at all with no people dressing like retards? Are you 12 years old?

Fuck off, go back to the highschool you belong and leave this 18+ board to adults who want to discuss serious films and serious filmmakers. How come great auteurs like Kaurismäki and Iosseliani are barely mentioned, yet we have tons of thread discussing these kind of """"""art"""""""? Jesus christ, you can't even imagine how mad I am. I just wish you all knew something about cinema. I'm not even asking to be as cultured as I am, that is obviously impossible. I just want you to get to the point where I can at least read your posts and not feel both amused at your stupidity and sad at ignorance the sime time.

Fuck off, and grow up.

Those of you with a death wish, please form a line.

I'm glad I haven't seen it. I have my balls

you aight, white boi

And then the entire street clapped. The name of the street? Albert Einstein Blvd.

Quick Yea Forums what's your next goalpost? More than Aquaman? As much as Black Panther? What pathetic shortsighted goal do you think is impossible for Captain Marvel to make next?

incels btfo

how will /pol/incels ever recover lmao
it's over

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Have sex.

he cute❤️

Don't forget all numbers are made up, all tickets are bought by Disney, and the movie needs 5 billion dollars to break even.

Name a film

You know what's fucking stupid is that the likes don't update so you have to refresh the thread any time you want to check if you got more likes. That's the real failure of this event, that they can't even code properly.

>all these likelets seething that their posts got no likes and that post keeps getting more and more

Sucks to suck, don't it?👌

Oh please with this. Women have every advantage over their male counterparts. The system is built for you. What struggle did she face? She started the movie stoic and ended it stoic. What did she learn? Nothing. She was op the entire movie. But that's waymen now. Everything is handed to them and still not satisfied

she's so sexy as a platinum blonde

marvels first flop they said

it was a good movie

don't really know what tv was whining about

Don’t worry guys Disney bought $800 million of those tickets

Disappointing. Are the rumors about Disney buying tickets true or is it bullshit?


Attached: avengerleak.png (709x704, 667K)

You right now.💢

Based seether

have sex

>all these likelets seething that their posts got no likes and that post keeps getting more and more

Sucks to suck, don't it?👌

Yeah, so did Rouge One and the Dark Knight. One of the hunger games movies made 800 million and another 600 million. I think it is telling that the foreign gross for Capt. Marvel is 63% of its total gross.

Source: Box Office Mojo


The budget and marketing costs were much larger than any other Marvel movie except these last two Avengers movies.

Think about that.

I love every time /pol/ gets btfo(always).

God, white women are so ugly.

Lmaoooooooooo, incels on suicide watch♦️

She is the queen of spades♣️

This but ironically. Notice how Wonder Woman was he exact same thing, came out first, yet didn't make any money? Marvel shills the same product and boom, billion dollars. Disney is fixing the numbers and you'd be an idiot to not see it

Wonder Woman made 800 billion and you will never make love to a woman.

>This will be the first Marvel flop!
>No one is going to see it after the first weekend!
>Ticket sales dropping on weekdays is a proof of failure!
>Disney bought all the tickets!
>Anyone pointing out facts is a shill!
>It certainly won't make a billion! (said at 910M)💯

Attached: Brie smiles.jpg (392x377, 22K)

Have sex

Someone post the video of TheQuartering saying it would make no money


Captain Marvel? more like Captain Fungus.

Attached: 88.jpg (720x724, 29K)

Saw it last night. Wonder woman was better in nearly every single way.

This poster? More like incel alert.

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No, thank you.

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No incels allowed. This is an incel free zone. Begone incel.

So let's see Yea Forums's track record so far

Captain Marvel - a billion
Alita - barely broke even
Shazam- flopped
Detective Pikachu - DoA
Godzilla - RIP💯

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Yea Forumscels in denial be like

>not a single like

*cough cough* based *cough*

>Think about that.
I'm thinking that you're talking out your ass. Where is the marketing budget? Oh wait there isn't one because it's never released publically.
You're just saying that it's "larger than other marvel movies" because you can't C O P E hard enough after saying "hurrr durrr it's gonna flop" for months and being proven wrong.

I wanna suck her toes

>lead actress has a beautiful face, huge tits and a gigantic ass
>"why is this movie popular?"

This is fucking stupid. You can create a female empowering narrative that I as a man can resonate with without diminishing the movie. It’s not that I as a man don’t get Carols issues, it’s that her victories are fucking hollow because the movie thinks it doesn’t have to make Carol an actual compelling character. Captain Marvel is capeshit yes but it’s capeshit coasting on being sandwiched in between the two biggest capeshit movies of the last decade. This movie had no desire to show Carol being an actual character. People say the ripped guys like Thor are a male power fantasy but at least Thor went through some emotional arc that made his character grow. Also Carol just isn’t likable in this movie. They wanted her to be Tony Stark and Thor rolled into one but Brie didn’t have any charisma. Which I could forgive if the movie was good but it’s not.

I know this is a bait review by some sóylet cuck but holy shit I can’t stand people who defend this movie with “iz female powermant u scare of stronk wimin”

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>worldwide release "muh woman powa" and still no 1B
>not a flop
choose one, disney bots