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Cyberpolice incoming!

Didn't Jessi share noods around that time?

you gonna get backtraced

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Well, turns out the consequences really weren't the same.

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oh shit

I'm starting to believe that after a certain time on the internet people start go to insane.
Everything wrong with this world can be traced back to the internet.
It must be destroyed.

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Oh god, i forgot about that. It was pure arby's right?

Maybe we really were the bad guys.

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I fapped to the nudes


Did the trolling break her that much?

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Not Arby's.
Cheese pizza.

we ruined this girl, altough she was headed there anyway.

13 And already a roastie

pufy pusy

Ehh, all emos had mental issues.

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>We clearly ruined this girl
>everything she she did needed to be uploaded by her

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Hey, she was mentally weak anyway.
We trolled plenty of people back then who didn't take it nearly as autistically serious as Jessi.

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tfw score rebooted at 2100

How do you check the score?
I'm pretty lost with this shit.

Did we fuck up her life? Or was it already fucked? We certainly didn't help that's for sure, man I miss the old days..

Well, considering how much of a slut she was, she probably had daddy issues, so she would have ended up being a slut.
Then again, not sure if that's worse than how she did actually end up being.

put showscore in the email field

baed jewfro is right but internet arguments make everyone look stupid

Oh, thanks.


Oh, no doubt she would've ended up being gutter trash. but it's like she completely lost it now. she's a litteral prostitute. Juicy fat milkers though

Dude, have you seen

Have you seen the nudes? She's fucking people for a place to stay at this point


Are the nudes recent?
Or from before she turned into a tranny?

Don't know it was on Yea Forums a while ago, you could probally google them

This is Yea Forums's work, you're on 4channel

Formerly Yea Forums

In the end, I can’t help but consider the possibility that it was in fact her father who had “dun goofed” to produce such progeny.

You can't escape this hell


Wow, really dun goofed.

if I remember correctly, her father was abusive and ended up dying some time after this went down. im sure the trolling didn't help

Didn't she also sell some videos featuring her tranny girlfriend?

>daddy issues
>bullied by Yea Forums
Poor girl didn't stand a chance.

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>i'm a non-binary transperson
>and have several mental illnesses

She didn't have to repeat herself

What's me fortune holy computer

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

>bullied by Yea Forums
She kept antagonizing them, even making a video about a brain slushy.

I know, just saying.