Do you remember your team?

Do you remember your team?

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team sneed

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Peep proud
I'm looking for movies like Pi or Primer. Suggestions?

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Team Chuck

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where my minibros at?

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Team PB ww@?


peep is weak

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i was peep🙁

Team creme here, ill take upvotes or gold ;)

Team Peep represent

absolutely based

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based choc X peanut butter alliance

Los cronocrímenes

I posted once to see what team I was, it was Chocolate. After that I silently cheered on Team Mini.

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timecrimes, coherence, triangle, time lapse, moon

upstream colour is by the guy who made primer, you'll either love it or hate it. Also check out the jacket, not amazing but i didn't mind it.

EHHH! Wrong again, scumbag!
Peep Pride World Wide, best team by far, get over it, chump.

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peeps the best

Can you imagine being a cream? Even now you almost never see anyone brag about being a cream.
Peaunut was the underdog
Chocolate was the champion that fell and was succeded by the underdog
Peep was the likable villain (and also had the best memes)
Mini was the communal cumdump and happy with the role
Cream was the unlikable cunt that everyone wanted to see lose

there were only two teams:
>team peep
>team creep

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