I usually like the show but I don’t get it
Has the quality of SNL been declining lately?
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Like if SNL was never funny
What about Norm
Sneed Night Live
there is nothing to spin, no collusion was found
This is bait, right? Last time SNL was funny was maybe early 2010s, it's been garbage for YEARS
this last episode was pretty bad
not funny, confirmed by don ohlmeyer
I miss Mad TV Bros, now *crack* *hiss* there was a show
shut up fag
Nice dubs Dutch
>leftoids still doubling down
>they're just going to get BTFO even harder than if they dropped the muh russia thing by now
no u
They're never btfo, they have all of the MSM behind them, they can push a literal conspiracy with no repercussions even after it's been debunked. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, WaPO, NYT, and all the rest are basically Infowars with a better reputation
Does not compute.
>Watch SNL
Even normies are shitting on SNL now
>implying you watch it regularly and enjoy it for the regular and consistent quality
>implying you would ever pay attention to anything unless some faggots tells you about it on twitter.
>implying you are not the faggot for posting about stuff you never cared about but get triggered from on twitter
>Man found innocent
>SNL: Man tricked court into thinking he wasn't guilty
normies are now proto trannies? things have really changed.
is that the makeup or does baldwin really look that old? he looks older than trump.
Really cool to think this season is not only time we’ve have a Female Asian host in 18-19 years, but also the first time we have had 2 female Asian hosts in the same season.
My brain cannot physically comprehend that John Mulaney and Pete Davidson are friends. If you take it all apart, I get it. If you told me, “Oh, John and Pete are taking care of cutlery for the barbecue.” I’d believe you. But the second you tell me it’s those two men, my brain would explode. Once, I saw them with Seth Meyers and had a minor stroke
t.real jerk