Neat The Story of Bourbon


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NEET: The Story of OP

true enough

>shoving down a style of drinking bourbon down the viewer's throat right in the title
>not having the dignity to give on the rocks chads the time of day


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This. Bourbon is literally made to be drank watered down. It's the only way to get the full flavor profile.

Scotch > Bourbon

Shit > your opinion

FEET: The Story of Yea Forums


Scotch > Shit > my opinion > yours > bourbon

Scotch is the most Reddit liquor

brownest of the brown liquors

>the story of bourbon

They were forced to only use barrels once in a bid to create jobs during the depression. This lead to a lower quality drink. However, it worked. Even today other whiskey companies buy used barrels of jack daniels etc.. To use as a base.

Basically you use older, previously used barrels to impart flavour. Using new barrels leads to less complexity and a harsher taste.

Not much history to it beyond that.

Reddit is essentially exactly the same as Yea Forums but a smaller demographic of autists like it. So yes, basically exactly the same as Scotch vs Bourbon.

bourbon is pretty shit and I say that as a burger
rather drink scotch t bh, JD makes me want to yak

>defending Reddit
>arguing with based dubs
fucking hard yikes

They are nothing alike, here you can speak your mind, there everyone is afraid of saying something people won't like. Discussion shouldn't be a popularity contest

JD is fucking sewer water. Wild Turkey is the lowest tier bourbon you should ever drink.

Act like I'm wrong. If today's little april fool's joke has proved anything, it's that Yea Forums is just the integrated censorship/upvoting framework from being reddit 2.0. I know that triggers you a whole bunch.

only faggots who wear suits to bars drink Neat's. we get it bro you watch Madmen and are a temp at some shitty company in the city

I always drink my whiskey neat because I don't like it cold, has nothing to do with trying to be cool

Defending Reddit should unironically be a bannable offense

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