Really want to kill myself

>really want to kill myself
>Villeneuve's Dune doesn't come out until 2020

What about you, Yea Forums? Which upcoming projects are keeping you alive begrudgingly?

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the scifi Dune was pretty good!
also all white people

this shit movie will come and go and you'll have another excuse for not doing it

How would you do it?
My friend tried to kill himself but failed.

its gonna be shit

How did he fail?

children of dune was better

He tried carbon monoxide in his car but I guess there wasn't a good seal on the doors/windows/vents because it didn't work

modern cars don't produce much carbon monoxide
you are better off setting up a charcoal grill in your car

What a fucking idiot.
Should've just shot himself. Only complete retards can mess that up.

He did do the grill thing. Sat in there an hour with it and nothing. The vehicle had been in an accident and had a completely different door so that may have been it. He also didn't tape any of the vents/seals, thinking he didn't need to as plenty of people have accidentally killed themselves without doing that.

Not everyone has access to guns, but I agree: nobody is going to survive a slug to the brainstem.

>Which upcoming projects are keeping you alive begrudgingly?
I'm making my own film later in the year so I guess I probably want to be alive for that...

okay so if it didn't work and did nothing how do you even now that he tried? He may just be looking for attention.

My friend is me

kek, well try again and do it better this time

That's it, I'm watching the miniseries again tonight.

he's still alive you fucking moron

>also all white people
This was one of the problems I have with it, still love it. The actress for Chani was actually a Czech.
Also kill yourself /pol/fag.

Stop being such a goddamn pussy. Man up and suffer through life like the rest of us. Suicide is for absolute cowards.

you probably have a comfy life though

To continue, most of the problems in your life probably stem from the same fucking cowardice that makes you want to end your life. Like I said, stop being such a fucking pussy, take responsibility for your mistakes, and start making moves to improve your lot.

the irishman
if mann ever makes another film

I've been fighting against the current for my entire life, man. Life isn't supposed to be easy. You get calluses when you do manual labor for a reason -- because that shit is hard and your body adapts.

Take the punches, they'll make you harder. Anyone can overcome depression -- you just need to take ownership of your own mind and harness your willpower. Your own will is the strongest fucking drug on the planet.

there's only so much you can improve in life

You only need to improve so much. All you need to be happy in life is to carve out a little corner of contentment for yourself. If you have unrealistic ambitions, wrangle that shit down. You can will yourself to be happy, I swear to god. Psychiatry, psychology, therapy -- that shit's all a racket run by wolves trying to profit off of vulnerable people that think they need outside help. You don't.

Like I said, harden the fuck up, find pleasure in simple things, and stake your claim to a quiet little corner of the world where you can achieve your simple goals and be happy.

Are the books any good?

I'm waiting for GRRM to finish the GOT books and write a real ending to offset the pile of shit D&D have produced, so I guess I'm immortal

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Life's pointless, so's death.
Death is inevitable so may as well get the most out of life that you can beforehand

I'm waiting for Kentaro Miura to finish Berserk. Improve that.

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Suicide is the folly of man.

Look at everything in nature. Everything that is alive is geared towards resilience and survival. Evolution very slowly marches us towards compensating for our weaknesses, accounting for our environment, and pushing us to survive. Survive. Learn the lesson nature is trying to teach you. Calluses from hard work don't just form on your fingers -- they can form in your mind as well. Survive. Become resilient, work to improve yourself, struggle for every fucking breath you take. Death is inevitable, sure, it'll get us all in the end. But there is a reason that survival is the ultimate goal of everything in nature. If there is some cosmic plan, survival is the compass that points the way forward. Survive, anons.

Don't give up and become a casualty of self-awareness. Use that awareness as your shield and push forward. I believe in you guys.

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yeah you have an easy life
I have pathetically small ambitions in life and I still can't reach them no matter how I try.
>Psychiatry, psychology, therapy -- that shit's all a racket run by wolves trying to profit off of vulnerable people that think they need outside help. You don't.
I agree 100%, but that doesn't mean that everything has a solution, in which case suicide sounds like the reasonable issue.
Dune and Dune: Messiah are god-tier, the next two ones (Children of Dune and God Emperor of Dune) are good too.

Look, man, we can sit around and compare wounds all day. It won't get either of us anywhere. You'd probably just think I was lying to you anyway.

The sum total of this whole thing is that YOU have to decide if you want to be a little bitch that is swept up by the current of your life and pulled under or if you want to be the kind of person that fights through every wave to pull towards tranquil waters.

You can reach your goals. I genuinely believe anyone can. The sad truth of your life is that you simply don't want to try. You'd rather opt for the easy way out. Go ahead. No one will remember you or mourn your passing.

Lol Fremen are basically sandniggers

>tfw you kinda want to die but your tulpa doesn't

guess I'll just keep on truckin

pfff yeah you're basically a tough love therapist, what a load of bullshit. If the waves are too strong you'll drown anyway. Trying again and again just makes life harder and pulls me away further from my goals.

It sounds more like you're unwilling to make any changes in your life to compensate for the sands shifting beneath your feet. It's sad but if you're not willing to motivate yourself to change, I sure as fuck can't help you. Godspeed, user.

>alive begrudgingly
You must live dishonestly to watch dishonesty.

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Can i help? I'll run coffee or something. Totally serious.

I would definitely say yes but the chances of you living in the UK, following through, getting on with me and supporting the film in its minimalist production design are so minutely small that it's not worth it

>one of the bravest things its possible to do, almost impossible to actually overcome survival instinct
almost as bad as the omg you -phobic meme

Yes. Dune might be my favorite book of all time.
As a side note: I always thought the dialogue in the book would transfer over to film really well.

Some people are actually scared of gay/mentally ill people so the terms homophobe and transphobe are accurate

Are you afraid of eating human excrement? Are you a pooaphobe?

Dune as well
The final seasons of Legion and Mr Robot
The Expanse

I'd say that was accurate

Are you irrationally afraid of poo? Do you avoid meals because you think everything is contaminated?

Fuck off kike

I’m going to kill myself at the Hollywood premiere of Forrest Gump 2

if you have an internet connection to post here, you probably have a decent one too

Bravery implies sacrifice and overcoming. Pointing a gun at your head or jumping off a building isn't particularly difficult

Actually, it is

>muh you're not starving or getting shot by american invaders so you should be content with your life

>The final seasons of Mr Robot


Afterwards I'm unironically offing myself

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