Casually does a 360 and becomes PURE kino again

>casually does a 360 and becomes PURE kino again
how'd they do it? who's hyped for tonight's episode? we got a comfy winter episode

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Other urls found in this thread:مترجمه-the-walking-dead-9x16-حلقة/

>nobody cares

yeah true kino

Commonwealth is going to be cheesy as fuck isn't it?

I don't think we will see Commonwealth anytime soon since its still in the middle of that story in the comics.. I'd be surprised. But I do suspect Eugene will be talking to Stephanie or her tv equivalent next season who is in the Commonwealth. I bet that will be tonights clifhanger. A radio voice.

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Well i mean you're technically right, the show is still dog shit

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Nah, itll be Rick. Stephanie probs is written out for Rosita since she's sticking around for the longterm, and Gabe sure as shit will get his comics death, with Siddiq also betraying them last week

You might be right about Rick on the radio but I think it will be left ambiguous. I bet it will be staticy and we won't know whos on the radio as a cliffhanger. Gabes death was pretty metal in the comics, I hope they do it in the show haha.

So who's dying tonight?

Didn't see that one coming at all

I think Siddiq will get Gabriel's death.

I liked how it was played when we first heard Stephanie on the radio and whether or not it was left to our imaginations whether or not Eugene was cracking like Michonne and Rick did with the telephone.

Since the writers like to see Carol suffer, probably Ezekial

maybe aaron, they killed off his husbando already.

Shame William has been underwhelming since this seen.

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Last episode was pure filler and boring as shit.
>Oh no, it's a bit cold....
Fuck off shill

Nah m8, Aaron is taking Rick's role with Negan during The Whisperer's War

He looks more Rick than Andrew Lincoln does


New leader of The Kingdom in the comics. He's had one awesome scene and that was the one I posted but since then he's done pretty much nothing and The Kingdom hasn't had much exposure.

I agree. Seems like Kirkman doens't quite know what to do with half his characters atm. I'm still bummed about Andrea desu

Is it actually watchable now or are you guys just memeing? I find it hard to believe that a woman turned things around, Asian or not.

Rick and Maggy will be back tonight

Huge improvement on all fronts. Still not perfect but it's good again imo.

Kang was basically left with a bunch of lemons and a "lol good luck with this mess" and she made lemonaid that tastes pretty good.

don't listen to this faggot the writing is just as lame as it's always been, except now they got rid of most of the white men in the show

It's a meme. Ratings continue to drop

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pretty hyped for the finale. I figured maybe they'd kill off Michonne since the actress who plays her wants to do other things

No one except mountain dew drinking rural retards still watch this show. people with an IQ above 90 dropped it no later than season 2

if you don't think its an improvement from season 7 and 8 shitshow you are not even watching and are just meming.

It's the same shit it's always been. Inconsistent as fuck. Every so often there's a decent episode among the sea of shit.
It's better than GoT but that says very little.

And tonight's episode is fucking trash. The worst filler you don't care about because they subverted expectations by putting the interesting shit in the penultimate episode last week

>an unironic fan of TWD
>calling anyone else an NPC

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>rosita, muslim and priest are still alive to continue cuckold subplot

absolutely hilarious. of course they wouldn't kill a pregnant woman. they will probably kill the priest, and have the muslim and eugene fight over who is the cuckold

No one dies. Literally no one. Lydia tries to kill herself a couple of times and Negan gets injured saving Judith, but that's literally it
>I bet it will be staticy and we won't know whos on the radio as a cliffhanger.
Ding ding ding


that guy in the back right isn't even watching holy fucking based

they will be combined as a new character called raggy

Season 2 was the worst though. It improved in 3, and 5 is definitely the best so far.

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I bet you think that's you.

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Quoting for exposure.
Other fun facts
>Negan makes fun of the retarded love triangle around Rosita's baby
>Carol breaks up with Ezekiel
>THe kingdom falls
>The whisperers disappear conveniently cause the writers didn't know how to make them survive the storm

ruh roh!

Daily reminder that Dwight did nothing wrong.

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>that guy in the back right isn't even watching holy fucking based
Thats the middle guy you brainlet, it's a mirror reflection

>The whisperers disappear conveniently cause the writers didn't know how to make them survive the storm
For fuck's sake. Of course they do. I hate this show so fucking much I swear, why the fuck do I keep watching it?

looks like someone's been coaxed into a snafu! :)

>glenn death reaction.webm

OMG. the chicks' reactions had me ROFLMAO. just a fucking tv show you stupid whores

Nine years bro of arguing about it with us too. Think of what you could have accomplished.

why people do this kind of crap

>is it actually watchable now

It's better than season 7 or 8 but it's still pretty bad. It's like saying "It's dog shit but no longer horse shit." The fact still remains though that it's still shit.

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Haven't even seen the episode and you are upset. Why are people so fucking stupid

Have you seen the Game of Thrones ones? ROFLCAUST

>shilling this trash on fucking Yea Forums
getting desperate amclets?

Watch TV with their friends? pfft... casuals.

Why do you watch something you think is shit? There's more TV and movies around than ever, seeing as you can watch nearly anything that was ever filmed now.

It's a TV show based on a comic book which means it was popular on this board since episode one.

It wouldn't be Yea Forums without a bunch of losers making themselves apoplectic over hypothetical leftism.


>Why do you watch something you think is shit?

I watch it for the LOLs. Same reason I watch bad movies and stuff like MST3K.

>No one dies. Literally no one
Christ. That's 40 minutes saved I guess. Is this the first season finale where no one dies in the show's history?

you hit the nail on the head op the show is still garbage

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>Daryl has to have a personality now because they keep killing off anyone remotely interesting for the sake of shock value

Michonne leaves next season.

>kill off Michonne

She's under contract for next season. AMC wants to keep her but the actress has made it clear she wants to leave. AMC doesn't want to break up the Michonne as Judith's foster mother storyline so soon after Rick has left the show. Unless AMC gives her raise equal to what Daryl and Carol make, I don't see her coming back. That being said, they keep her on as long as possible so death in next season's finale.

They can remove a character without killing her though.

Never said they couldn't. Stop assuming things. They could always have the Commonwealth kidnap her.

that's okay, I didn't want to sleep tonight anyway

Full episode leaked

(Resident Boomer 03-04-1961)

You said "death" in next season, I'm saying you never know. That makes you the one assuming anything.

"Fucking awesome!"

- no one

Based understanding of basic geometry

Nothing much will happen. It's gonna be like the other seasons where it'll end on a predictable cliffhanger and the bad guys get held over into the next season and at the end of next season the bad guy will finally be defeated all while a new threat is teased

>becomes PURE kino
what the fuck are you smoking? this show is beyond redemption.

whatever you say, faggot

>guessing what will happen when there are spoilers for the entire episode only a few posts above

You mean tryhard LARPing shitposts from bored yet imaginative anons just like in every other thread for every other episode? I seem to remember how some of you fags said Daryl was supposed to have his head on a pike last episode... wew indeed.

Brettygud or sup streaming it?

Is a forbes article shilling this worthless trash supposed to prove your point retard? Not the guy youre replying to but he is right. Its an aimless dumpster fire

>bored yet imaginative

Well you're half right.

Jesus christ, I can't tell if you're a shill or legit retarded. The episode leaked hours ago
and are 100% accurate

No one dies and nothing interesting happens, but for some reason there's a snow storm and the kingdom fails because reasons

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>The episode leaked hours ago
Link or it didn't happen

>its good because t-they tell me its good!

Fucking embarrassing.

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The episode opens with Ezekiel narrating how the kingdom went to shit so they have to fuck off to Alexandria and then Hilltop
The whisperers are only in the very last scene of the episode
Lydia tries to kill herself by getting a zombie to bite her, then asks Carol to do it

Not a link, numbskull.

where is the link faggot

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There is none, he's just shitposting his pissweak fanfiction

>article from a site that has done nothing but shit on the show for 2 seasons is now calling it one of the best shows on tv
>"doesn't matter, it's bad because i said so!"

kill yourself

The snowstorm means they have to move Negan or else he'll freeze to death.
While lighting a fire, Eugene realises the chimney's blocked and just saves Gabriel and doctor before they get exploded
Negan makes jokes about how Gabriel is going to raise another man's child throughout this
They have to move to another house
Judith runs off looking for Daryl's dog
Negan is the only one who bothers to chase after her in the storm and wounds his leg
Ezekiel gets mad at Daryl sorta and asks him to stop being friends with Carol, he ignores him
Carol and Ezekiel later break up but Ezekiel doesn't accept Carol's ring back
They briefly take shelter at the sanctuary while trying to get to Alexandria before cutting through whisperer territory at night
The whisperers are nowhere but there are some frozen zombies
They comment that Rick's bridge would've been really helpful
Alpha is at the end and Beta whips her own because she thinks she needs to be tougher for whatever the fuck comes next
Gabriel and Judith talk over the radio and then sign off
At the end, after Gabriel leaves, there's a new voice that's too static-y to properly make out

Now fuck off
>no one dies
>nothing interesting happens
>the end

Is there a stream ?

Still not a link, dumbfuck

>too stupid to find a basic link
fuck off tourist, pls
The retarded thing is that it will take all of 5 seconds into the start of the episode to confirm that everything I said is true. And then you'll magically have disappeared

nice link nigger

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How can it become good again when
Ages ago
>They killed speedy chink
And now
>They killed Karl
>They killed Rick

Literally no-one left to give a shit about besides carol, who's OKAY, but that's 1 character. Michone sword is okay and daryl crossbow is okay but zombies are just an obligatory gore meme at this point.


This post doesn't make any sense.

there is no link yet, shithead, that's why you can't post one. Do yourself, and everyone around you a favor and neck yourself post haste.

the biggest fuckup was killing carl. If they didnt care for the actor just recast after timeskip.

I think it had to do with Chandler Riggs' age, he was getting close to 18, which means contract renegotiations...

What doesn't make sense? I've described the opening scene. When the episode starts and unfolds exactly as I stated [Ezekiel narrating why they had to fuck off out the kingdom (there's a great scene where we see a mural on a cracked wall talking about light shining through the cracks - brilliant writing you fucking hacks)], you'll either fuck off out of embarrassment or find some other way to pretend like I'm lying.
I think you're a shill. The others are just underaged tourists who are too stupid to find links on their own

By the way, the episode is complete dogshit. But you already you knew that ;)

still no link. neck yourself

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Nah that would've been even worse
They should've followed through with Henry though

Piss off, troll.

>waaah spoonfeed me!
even for a shill this is pathetic

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Not him but I've checked numerous stream sites and nothing. Go ahead and keep pretending.

>Haven't watched show in years
>Turn AMC on right now
>They are still in the woods

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You make less and less sense with each post. How drunk are you?

This post is going to age really badly :)

OH SHIT NIGGERSمترجمه-the-walking-dead-9x16-حلقة/

>literally nothing happens
>but its a comfy winter episode and Negan is based, solid 8/10 kino

Where the fuck do you expect them to wind up? Oz?

So will all the LARP posts when the episode actually drops and they're all proven wrong :^)

Go ahead, ask me literally any detail about the episode and I'l answer. I mean, you won't actually ask because you don't want leaks to get out there, but if you did I'll answer
What did I fucking say? (But it's not comfy, it's shit)

Why does the show have a such a blind hatred for the Saviors? Compared to their treatment in the comic, they're practically entirely extinct.

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I wanted to watch him grow into a strong leader, I spent the last damn near 10years of my life waiting for this boy to ripen.
Then they do a bait and switch with a literally-who gender swap.

It's like they designed it for the rebuttal
>If you don't like this you're a sexist
Kind of shit going on.

Very lame.
It's the kind of lame you just ignore and don't argue with, so it doesn't get any strength from the attention.

Very lame.

I'm sorry that AMC is too cheap to pay to film the show in Atlanta and instead viewers get budget woods and fields episodes every single goddamn fucking episode.

True. Sanctuary and kingdom dead in show now unlike comics

For some reason I thought the actor wanted to do something different with his life but I could be mistaken.

>loves show where the only couples are gay or interracial
>calling others onions

>still going when there's literally a link to the leaked episode
kek, however much amc pays you is clearly way too much
you suck at this

Was the opposite. He signed and bought a house near set right before they fired him

no they fired him because he was about to become too expensive to keep

>Eugene - "I traded corn husks for these ham radio parts so we can communicate with each other."
Jesus fucking Christ Walking Dead is Lost tier levels of garbage.

Except there isn't.

>entire episode is wandering aimlessly through the snowstorm and getting scared the whisperers might fuck them up

Where are they going with the Rosita/Siddiq/Gabriel/Eugene storyline?

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>Sadiq and Gabriel both die next mid season finale
>Eugene steps up to the plate thinking this is his chance
>Negan fucks Rosita

>>Negan fucks Rosita


>this kills the shill

I want to believe
(Also, fucking awful season finale tonight. Probably the worst I can remember for the show)

How did Siddiq betray anyone?

>black man takes over
>it all goes to shit
they're finally getting some stuff right

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>Fucking Muslim burka wearing bitch in the show.
Holy fucking shit kill this fucking show with fire.

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>as soon as this is posted, suddenly retard denying the leaks stops posting
So these posts are true then?
Jesus christ the state of this show

haha based fellow magapede

fool, that's detroit

these posts aged really badly ;)

>Ezekiel gets mad at Daryl sorta and asks him to stop being friends with Carol, he ignores him
looks like it's all 100% confirmed
no need to finish watching this shit then

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So did your mom, aged like sun beaten piss

>he thinks the_donald allows that kind of language

>getting this mad over being outed as an idiot
such is life

It's one thing to have an occasional screenshot leaked, but what kind of joke studio is AMC running when entire episodes get leaked?

>they don't allow you to say "black man" anymore

>I can't tell that I'm talking to numerous people
Enjoying your first day here?

>In September 2018, AMC CEO Josh Sapan stated that they plan on continuing The Walking Dead franchise for another 10 years, including new films and television series based on the original comic book series.[22]

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But how long will the main series continue?

Not gonna happen. After the Rick movies fail, they'll try to fully merge the two shows as a last ditch effort to get the ratings back up, and when that doesn't work they'll announce a final season. I'll give it 2-3 more seasons left

>At the end, after Gabriel leaves, there's a new voice that's too static-y to properly make out
*Ezekiel. And the voice says "I lived at Hilltop. Is anyone there?"

>"we're making so much fucking money off this garbage- I mean, we have like two cast members with million-dollar contracts, but everyone else is paid the cinematic equivelant of minimum wage. So we're going to milk this shit as long as possible. And since the American public are a bunch of morons, I'll have a second private island next year because they just won't stop watching and buying our merchandise."

>Sapan was born to a Jewish family[9][10]

Every time


Answer the fucking question you retard autism

Not him but heres the link you twats
openload dot co/f/oNIdagSRztA/The_Walking_Dead_Season_9_Episode_16.mp4

He didn't. He was telling the truth.

>I lived at Hilltop. Is anyone there?"
Is that what it said? I couldn't make it out but fair

He agreed to be a mole inside the community's in return for them sparing his life.

How do you think they kidnapped 6 people and got them out of a secured compound without anybody knowing?

Thanks for posting a link after its already been posting, retard

don't spoonfeed the retards
it's why tourists shit this place up

What would be his motivation?

Oh! I'll get an extra corpse mask and go live like an actual animal in a life comprised of wandering aimlessly from place to place surrounded by reeking rotting corpses?

Or stay where I live in comfort and never want for anything.

This wasn’t shown in the episode

Because he would have been killed when they were kidnapping.
Seriously, how do you think they got 6 people out of hilltop- when its completely enclosed with guards at the gates?

Stfu you fucking son of a whore i wull fucking fuck you in your ass and then cum on your back you fucking dipshit cunt twat just say thanks bb and its fine no need to come lile that at me you whore suck my dick cocksucker

This place is already complete shit due to the regulars.

The 6 dead people on pikes (plus 2 highway men), those 6 people were at the fair hours before.

he wasnt a traitor. saddiq was with enid when they were kidnapped but alpha wanted hilltop to pay mostly and he wasnt part of hilltop so he was spared

they were taken from the fair

Still doesn’t mean Siddiq betrayed anyone. They just left him alive as a witness / warning

KEK. I can't believe people actually defend this show. It is the biggest soap opera cash grab shit show imaginable. Ruined the zombie genre.

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How many men is Rosita cucking currently?

I meant kingdom, not hilltop.

This is not proof of him being party to the kidnappings.
This is just as good as a theory as any. Him being a traitor, at this point, is nothing but a meme or one of those telephone game theories that people want to push but have nothing to show for it.

Why are teens so fucking stupid in this show

All of them.

We're in here

I translated the arabic subs. It said something like "Hello, I used to live there, Hilltop. Is anyone out there?". Pretty sure it was a female voice. Maggie prolly. Rick will get involved next season, leading Michonne to leave (the series) to go for Rick (in the movies)

Because teens are fucking stupid in the real life

Did "whiskey cavalier" get cancelled already?

Why did she even agree to something without a guaranteed meal ticket?

the whole traitor thing started because roastita being one of the heads on the pikes in the comics and someone said he made a deal to spare her in the show but she was never around saddiq because she was with eugene

She thought she was an actress...

Doesn't make any sense if it was Maggie. She hasn't been gone long enough for everyone to forget her so she wouldn't need to say "I used to live there". All she would need to say is "Hey, it's Maggie". Also, it's too hard to make out if it's female or male. Could be Heath's dumb ass, which would explain the "I used to live there", referring to Alexandria

Also if it is female it could be Jadis, she had a shitty little Baofeng walkie talkie so the range/reception would be ass

Can't be Heath. The person literally mentioned "Hilltop". Jadis never lived there either. I listened to it several times, sounds female to me honestly. The episode plays a couple of months after the last one.

The person on the mic isn't saying "I'm from Hilltop", they're trying to say "Do you read me, Hilltop?". You have to figure that whoever it is is getting shitty reception on their end too

I watched the episode with subtitles. When the radio voice started, the subtitles said WOMAN: Do you read me, Hilltop? Is anybody there? Over.

Whiskey cavalier ratings have dropped every episode.
She'll be back for next seasons finale after her show is cancelled in 3 weeks.

And it's incorrect, there is no "Over." I hear "Hello, ______? Anyone alive on Hilltop? Is anybody out there?", sounds like the person could be saying "Judith" or another name with two syllables

El goblino

Hello, Judith? Is anyone alive on from Hilltop? Is anybody out there? Sounds like Maggums

It was definitely something with "alive"

I'm gonna wager it's a distress call from Maggie