Based or JUST? you decide
Based or JUST? you decide
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Alcoholics Anonymous is a fucking cult.
I used to drink every single day. I decided to not drink this year, it's April now and I'm fine, because I have a rational attitude when it comes to booze. AA treats it like it has some mystical power to dominate your brain when getting drunk all the time is just a lazy ass habit.
Kelsey is based smashed so much pussy and was always high and drunk on frasier and had a smoke show if a daughter
AA is a cult.
How do they reform alcohol? Is it mechanically recovered?
It is in a way, but it does help people to keep from drinking. Some people are just too addicted and have to give themselves up. I can't imagine an addict like Kelsey who had to go to rehab can maintain a drink or two a day attitude without eventually sinking down that hole.
Addiction is NOT a Disease. It's an outcome of disorder.
Did you just quit cold turkey? How did your body and mind react to that?
>implying alcohol isn't one of the most addicting drug
Remember everyone's brain is different, some people are pre-disposed to alcoholism
Yeah, that's because you're not an alcoholic. I've known "recovering" alcoholics and drug addicts who go sober for months but are completely unable to control themselves the second they touch the stuff again. Addiction is tied to mental illness, most people can deal with alocohol fine but alcoholics have pre-existing problems in their brains that make them unable to.
Cold sweat and really vivid nightmares the first week, nothing really after except the irritating emptiness of spending a Friday night without a big glass of whiskey in your hand, steadily refilling it over and over until you're literally emptying the glass as soon as you fill it.
It's not a good feeling or a particularly bad one, my head feels as muddled as it ever did when I was drinking but this is better for my body, I don't get the chest pains or awful shits I used to get.
Based, obviously. He doesn't buy into the whole, "Alcoholism is a disease," bullshit and learned some self control. Fair play to him.
reminder that zoomers only know kelsey grammer from this
he will never recover from this video.
I see. Seems like the same things I get when i get off weed after ive been on it for some weeks. I dont mind anymore desu, but the sweating and waking up at night isnt ideal.
anyone who drinks more than 1-2 drinks a week is JUST
it's fucking science, you lower your life expectancy by at least a year
I hope he really savors his last dementia-free years, because they aren't many left for him
you sound like you're fun at parties
have fun living out your happy years in a retirement home, you boring fuck
>it's fucking science, you lower your life expectancy by at least a year
lol meme for youngfags
don't get me wrong, I drink a lot anyway, but it's nothing to be proud of
you're in denial if you think that drinking isn't extremely harmful
It's pleasurable, serves as a social lubricant, and is a staple of many cultures worldwide
So it takes a few years of your life? So what?
>needing to consume copious amounts of alcohol every week in order to be fulfilled/have fun
It's really pathetic that you have dependent on alcohol to interact with others.
I drank up to four litres of vodka a week, couldn't do it any more
Makes me feel sick to think of what damage I must have done to my body, and all that money wasted
>not needing to drink enormous quantities of alcohol to distract yourself from the everpresent thought of the inevitability of death but failing to do so while hastening the very same
Yikes and cringepilled desu
I do drugs because they’re fun I do them with people and my gf some people just like the experience
old age is worse for people who don't take care of themselves throughout their life
quit drinking and you'll feel better for longer overall
Look up his life history and you'll understand that if there's anyone that is allowed to drink everyday, it's Kelsey fuckin Grammer.
Some people are "pre-disposed" to inherited holocaust trauma too supposedly. How about taking some responsibility for your actions in life though?
>dude nihilism
peak underage
imagine UNIRONICALLY having an addiction to any substance. TOP KEK.
>chimps out with muhjooz non sequitur
there is no creature more pathetic than the altrightist
>stares at black mirror all day every day
looks like I hit the nail in the head
Just plain delusional.
Poor guy.
>t. alcoholic
dude reminds me so much of my father
>I used to drink every single day. I decided to not drink this year, it's April now and I'm fine
Then you don't need AA.
>can't tell the difference between nilhism and psychologically crippling dread
Based autist
>lmao dude life is sad we're all gonna die wah wah
woah dude that's so deep, let me pour another whiskey to that thought
I drink 2-3 light beers a day what will happen to me?
What possible reason could you have for referencing a study on inherited trauma (that had nothing specifically to do with holocaust survivors, but was merely using them as a very effective sample for the study of inherited trauma) other than that you are a pathetic shit puddle of a human being obsessed with JOOOOOOZ
>needs drugs to enjoy being around people and calls someone else boring
I agree with them that alcoholics need to quit drinking forever. They just can't handle it, for whatever reason. They're totally a cult though, with all the shit about submitting to a higher power and all the weird lingo and traditions. it's a shame there's no real alternative program as far as I know.
I was completely dependant on alcohol in the late 90s and early 2000s. Drank every day as soon as I got up. Tried to quit, had seizures and heart problems. Went to detox. Didn't drink at all for about 3 years. Now I can drink whenever I want with no problems.
>(that had nothing specifically to do with holocaust survivors, but was merely using them as a very effective sample for the study of inherited trauma)
On a scale from 1-10, how Jewish are you user? My gut says 7-8 or so.
>AA treats it like it has some mystical power to dominate your brai
That's the point, it's literally (literally) a religious organization. They recruit you by catching you at the lowest point in your life, breaking you down, and building you back up in their image.
Being an alcoholic is genuinely based.
I mean that.
your genes will decide
>being able to read means you're jewish
i see "shit puddle" was giving you too much credit
I used to get shit faced every day of the week. Then I got a good job that starts early in the morning so I dont drink during the week. I still get trashed on the weekends and just don’t drink on days I have responsibilities. It’s not hard.
Weed> Alcohol
yeah, they kill themselves off so we don't have to look at them
>money wasted
nigga be glad it wasn’t a coke or gambling problem
>Weed> Alcohol
Only if you have absolutely nothing to live for except drugs and alcohol.
After you have real shit going on it really gets tedious.
So it was actually a 9 or 10, sorry user
Sherry, Niles?
>holocaust trauma
it’s called guilt from exaggeration or outright lying
Ultra Based
This. This, forever.
When I was in AA they told me to just give the program and sobriety a chance for 90 days. I gave it 90 days, and when I was done I went back to drinking but this time I moderated myself, so I keep it to one or twobeers a night instead of the 24-30 I used to drink on a daily basis. I've lost like 80 lbs too, once I stopped drinking the weight just melted off.
Ummmm no you racist
>24-30 I used to drink on a daily basis
BASED, that's actually somewhat impressive
lol sounds like you need to smoke a spliff and chill out, brah
All of the people I work with mention booze on a daily basis. Sometimes they'll have 4-5 beers at lunch break.
Alcoholics only beat their wives. Weed addicts beat their collective soul of society.
what kind of beer was it usually?
That's what I told them, but they were all like no user you're actually an alcoholic and drinking at 8 am is not the sign of a functioning human being
I wish I could hang out with them
came here to post this.
also, extensive time sober heals the liver massively. he's older and wiser, hopefully he has some more self-control in his limelight years. he may just need a couple,of high-quality glasses of whatever to unwind.
1-2 drinks a week, that's it, that's the maximum healthy amount
Lol boomers
Usually either yuengling or PBR, I like craft beer too but I used to get cases of beer for 17.99 and its hard to beat prices like that
how the fuck do you misspell 'inherited' when it's written in your own shill image. /pol/ virgins are hilarious
Well I'm sure your intervention episode would have been cool. I had to get pissed when the one bitch was an "alcoholic" and was drinking a 250ml bottle of Black Velvet. If you were a real alcoholic you'd have more than that. Though I was addicted to benzos and opiates in that past so I can appreciate the bullshit. I wish I wasn't such a piece because benzos are kino but I just can't use them responsibly, especially with all the people I know online from the past 15 years or so.
It's actually incredibly based, in fact one of the most based things you can possibly do as long as he doesn't go off the rails.
it's a boomer thing to think otherwise lol, it's a relatively recent study, in the last year
Friendly reminder that AA has literally the same success rate as people who just stop drinking without joining a cult. (About 5%)
No boomers believe in the self moderation and all that if you’re young 19-29 you should be out drinking and picking up women every weak and heal iwhen you’re older you can also eat healthy and workout while at this age too
This (I’d explain why I think you’re right but I’m a bit pissed and stoned).
Yeah benzos are bad news, I used to have a script for xannies and one time I took too many and blacked out and forgot that I had taken my daily dose and I did that like 5 times until I passed out. Woke up the next afternoon and half the bottle was done, I could have easily killed myself
If you need help quitting booze or just like funny stories, watch this:
it doesn't really matter, fuck boomers
the science is quite clear
True I hate boomers and you’re probably right but you gotta let lose when you’re young
I can kind of understand. I'm an alcoholic but only for very specific things. I get no enjoyment from any alcohol that isn't wine or brandy. I would go through two bottles of wine a day and brandy on the weekends.
>I could have easily killed myself
It's actually pretty hard to die from benzos alone unless you combine them with other things, otherwise it's usually just blackout city for a while
Imagine being this much of a cuck. I'm not even supporting drinking every day, not even close, but holy shit dude.
your brain doesn't stop developing until you're 25 so not really
Honestly who cares most people aren’t even going to use it might as well spend it fucking and hooking up
What kind of brandy is decent but not super expensive? Other than Henny anyway.
Jeez, alkys might as well just off themselves with these success rates.
Never had a sober night for 5 years, half a fifth or more a day. A big ulcer caused by drinking with a smaller ulcer threw medical bills my way along with shitting blood. No cancer after full screening which wasn't fully covered by insurance so the bills pissed me off about my choices and I chose to go cold Turkey. First I went for a day which sucked because of how out of habit it was. I didnt sleep much, 4 hours compared to the 8-10 i needed. Found a lot more time on my hands and I was always bored. Found a hobby which turned into a passion with photography. I'm not straight edge at all, I went 2 years sober til I realized I'm using sobriety as much as a crutch as boozing. I learned to moderate and I still drink every big event like football games or birthday parties.
I realized booze was my easy way to have fun and be entertained, where in fact the passion I got replaced it entirely. alcoholism for some is just a fast bandaid for boredom.
The ones that get anxiety from cold turkey and all the symptoms from it are just weak fags. AA included.
just dont get a name brand kind
>Thinks substance dependence is a myth
>Too lit to coherently explain why he believes this
Are you completely devoid of self awareness? This has to be bait
Weakness or will power or whatever nonsense you're spouting has nothing to do with the severity of someone's withdrawal, you uneducated imbecile
I only get laid when I drink, and all the girls who sleep with me smoke. so these are the reasons I cant ever see being sober or not smoking
I used to see it all the time in AA, guy walks in and he's all proud because he's a year sober or 5 years sober and a week later he gets complacent and has a beer and before you know it he's off the rails completely, drinking mouthwash and living under a bridge.
The only reason most homeless are homeless is because of drugs and alcohol, you can always find a bed at a sober living facility or a shelter but they kick you out if you show up drunk or high and a lot of them get blacklisted as a result
>just dont get a name brand kind
I usually drink bottom shelf Canadian trash and hope I die every night so that works. Maybe I'll give Jacquin's a shot. 750ml is $13 or so.
Iktf I’m boisterous, social and extremely charismatic while drunk but sober I don’t even go talk to anyone
canadian black velvet gets the job done
I quit drinking one month a year and then plunge back in. I will go longer this year. Thanks for inspiration. No more distilled jew for me.
Oh great, the normie squad are here to normie up a perfectly good thread. Pack it up lads, it was fun while it lasted
>mfw i stopped drinking and haven't had sex in almost two years even though i'm in much better shape than i was when i drank
Sorry I go out and try to fuck girls instead of watching kino all day
Canadian trash is best for mixing and for cheap alcoholism. This applies to whiskey too.
. Brandy has ridiculous diminishing returns for price point. Good brandy is REALLY good but you need to pay out the ass for it. It has a definite taste floor though which is why brandy is pretty cost effective on the cheap and medium end
that sounds like me in highschool
Do I need a PHD to make sense of this graph or what?
yes I drink and go to bars most weekends. but Im also chronically depressed and have almost no friends so Im really not a ""normie""
>tfw I have the same alcoholic stare as him
Sounds similar to scotch tbqh though I've never got anything more than Glenfiddich 21 at a bar. Still would never buy a bottle for the price though.
The joke
- - - - - - - - - - - -
You’re head
You’re just ugly
The video is pretty kino
some people just struggle user and respond well to AA's method. I'm recovering from substance abuse by going it alone too and i'm managing but it's been tough and i won't look down on anyone getting out of it in any way
Bowel movements we're a genuine motivator for me. I was actually joyous when I got my first log after a year of pencils, fluff or liquid.
he looks so painfully depressed
this video is more kino
don't let anyone bullshit you user I'm currently going clean after smoking weed heavily for the last 9 years and it's been quite a ride. I'm definitely displaying the symptoms of withdrawal even if its not major but thank fuck im living with my family cos i never would have been able to work the state i was in the first 3 or so week.s No sleep and essentially one long panic attack to the point i almost fainted a couple of times. Anything in moderation is fine but abusing anything has consequences and there are toooo many weed evangelicals out there who will bullshit you into thinking constant use it a good thing
If you go out most weekends, to bars no less, you're a normie.
what if you go to the bar alone just for beer on tap
so If I go to a shitty dive bar by myself around the corner and get black out drunk, that makes me a normie?
Only if you go with friends
Based. He's enjoying himself and that's the way it should be.
I drink most every day and there's no issue. I'm drunk now at work, with a bottle of gin. No problems.
Of you can't hold your liquor, if you get crazy and start fights, don't do it.
If you can drink and be functional, more power to you
Why would you go to a bar to drink by yourself
Getting drunk in your room alone is more fun and safer
I bet you masturbate daily.
because Im bored at my house? also theres a small chance I could hook up
if you want to feel better about life just look at his channel tbqh
You could be drinking a couple of 14%abv beers vs dozens or some 3% light beer trash
Same but with vodka
>tfw 50 proof Smirnoff root beer vodka nips mixed with vanilla seltzer
>alcohol lowers your life expectancy
>Research literally says that wine or small amounts of alcohol will improve your heart
Do I trust the random redditard on Yea Forums or the actual results of a proven doctor?
>I realized I'm using sobriety as much as a crutch as boozing.
They actually switch their opinions on this over and over and over and over again.
That’s mostly just red wine and the benefits are about as moderate as taking vitamins
Why not just excercise everyday if your actually concerned with cardio health
The whole alcohol causes dementia is from research done on nutritionally deficient alcoholics.
If you're getting your B vitamins and Omega 3s you'll be fine so just eat some steak and fish
Wrong. Zoomers know him for this:
You don’t absorb the nutrients nearly as well if you’re drinking a lot, you just piss them out.
the only reason /pol/ doesn't have censorship is that the inmates don't run the asylum and they aren't allowed to ban people they disagree with. /pol/ spinoffs like 8/pol/ and r/the_donald are strictly moderated hugboxes.
>4channer loves big things in his colon
no kiddin'
redpill: your life expectancy is determined by your genetics.
/pol/ hates plebbit and T_D though, and have relative indifference for infinity other than the recent Tarrant shit for the most part and shitting on "Q" faggots
Alcoholism is only a problem if you're successful and have a family who will notice. You could be the most angry drunk in your own home but it won't be the same if you had a wife who talks about your problem to soccer moms and have friends who get annoyed by how many parties you ruin. Its a normalfag problem.
i have to be drunk to even start shitposting
the in moderation chad
the virgin extremist
I raise the glass of gin I am currently quaffing to this based and alcoholpilled patrician
What about drinking?
What about it?
I hang out my friends once a month if I'm lucky. My family isn't even fun to be around.
>goals achieved
Seconding guessing if the path I'm on is the right one
>Pet who is happy to see you
I'm sick of my pet
>Tea and cookies
I only have tea
>Someone who loves you
>tfw no gf
Sometimes itnworks. Sometimes it is the wrong path. Maybe some people need a cold turkey aproach with a heap of spiritualism about turning to a higher power.
>quits AA
>gets himself together
>starts his own beer company and names the beer after his young daughter
You know Donald Trump is a teetoaler who never drinks because his brother died from being an acaholic and addict, roght?
Good thing I always hated the smell of weed.
>no longer believes he's an alcoholic
>drinks every day
Those rummy eyes
that's obviously cola you brainlet
no but you should never have danced with mary jane, you poor degenerate fool
Mushroom>all other shitty drugs
>Based or JUST?
I just recently got out of a 90 day inpatient rehab and I can confirm AA is a fucking cult.
Only degenerates drink.
Only incels say this. Incel.
Shut up. Both you guys are autistic teenagers
Can you please poast an picture of Kavanaugh drinking beer?
t. loser who sits in his dorm all weekend getting mad at 'chads' for being loud, drinking and fucking stacies
I need you to poast pictures of Kavanaugh drinking beer.
what did he mean by this?
Real alcoholic who a C-35 on him AMA
Please keep poasting pictures of Kavanaugh drinking beer.
Is this saying I fried my brain smoking weed religiously for like 6 years
I bet you go on Yea Forums everyday.
If you can't rationally defend your ideals and beliefs then you are slapped down on /pol/. That isn't censorship.
if you drink every day, even one drink, you are a fucking alcoholic. jesus christ just put the glass down
>tfw quit smoking weed and got shit together, got degree and moving soon for "real job" that piss tests
>smoked a fat joint and played vidya, watched classic anime and kinos all weekend just because I won't be able to anymore
>had a great time, now wondering if I wouldn't be happier if I hadn't "got my shit together" and just been content with being a simple stoner
i don't want this feel anymore
this desu. he might be having no problems with it and that's great, more power to him. but if you drink every single day you're an alcoholic. period.
We're all hurdling towards death. Each and every one of us will die. Your children will die, your pets will die, some poor fuck in timbuktu will die. With every passing second this certainty becomes closer.
Yet none of us truly believe it. None of us internalize it.
You can say alcohol addict this, murderer that, genius economist the other thing. It doesn't matter. Reality is unapologetic, unforgiving, unoriginally unpoetic. There is no JUST. It just is.
>tested 132 as a child
>even if i fry my brain for 15 years i'll still be higher than sobercucks
The reality of mortality is one of the many reasons not to drink in excess. Stick to regional banter because your philosophy needs some work.
Drugs just help you keep it together when you get older.
A guy like Grammer has been through so much shit in his life I'm surprised he's not dead from suicide.
As long as he's smart enough to use drugs away from the public and not kill anybody... I say enjoy your time buddy. Get some hookers.
Not that user but I think you're both making different points.
He's saying we all die and most people don't deal with it. Which is true, most people compartmentalize things to stay sane.
You're saying that life is best when you're not drugged and living it to the fullest. It's true - drugs can shorten your life and make it worse.
I say moderation and hookers.
You're a fucking retard
Borderline alchy here, this is the main reason I have no interest in attempting meetings. Ive gone cold turkey a few times, have tried moderating, but usually just end up binging every few weeks or something. But the AA mindset is fucked.
>I'm sick of my pet
You absolute piece of shit
I do NA. I have been clean for 10 years. I could see why people would think it's a cult but I don't. Has some crossover but not really. I know people who are I legitimately cults like Gratitude Training and Landmark. In NA and AA the meetings are only an hour and people come and go, are kn their phones, it's whatever. Cults keep you emotionally and physically exhausted by keeping you in some place for like 8 to 20 hours. Also you cant leave and you can't have you phone. Also people really dont care if you stop going. You may get a phone call or two lole "hey it's probably a bad idea to shoot up again" but after a few tries people stop contacting you. Idk for me it's the only thing that worked to get off crack.
Sobriety as a crutch? Haha holy shit how much denial are you in you fucking drunk. That's some top tier mental gymnastics there
You type like a crackhead
Haha fair enough
do u smoke crank cocaine?
It was a really great show
I did for a bit. Like I said, I have been clean for 10 years
It is a bit culty but you get over it. There really is no pressure, its anonymous element is very serious and nobody can make you go, and the social element is really helpful for most people. Going it alone is very difficult for most
If its an disease, tell that to the police when you get pulled over for drinking. "SORRY OFFICER! ITS JUST AN DISEASE!"
>n=7 sample has less deviation than n=874