>"Have sex."
"Have sex."
based volcel
Why didn’t Elrond just have sex with Isildur? I mean he was right there.
>Cast your V card into the fire!
>Destroy it!
>takes it out and turns invisible to women
volcels are more pathetic than incels. FACT
Not really a choice, is it?
have kids
the glass is empty
Yeah, that's a based from me OP
It's full of laughter you faggot
>tfw unironically a volcel
four women this year so far have shown interest in me but i rejected all of them
This is mostly due to women pursuing careers though. Then they end up unhappy and blame it on men.
What was Aragorn‘s sex policy?
>tfw a third of men 20-30 havent had sex this year but the majority of women have
Something doesnt add up....
am I a resetranny if I unironically believe that it's right?
attractive women?
The truth of the matter is that pussy is overvalued in today's sexual market.
Women are poorly allocating this service thanks to advances in birth control, abortion, and the government subsidizing single parent households. The compounding effect of these "progressions" is that the majority of women will default to sleeping with the same men, regardless of how many partners he already has, and/or children he has conceived - because it gives them a perceived higher social status and they don't need to be held accountable for anything that may happen afterwards. This results in service scarcity and artificially inflated demand. They've been absolved of all responsibility, and society suffers as a result.
This is where sneed comes into play
>a third of men havent had sex this year
And here I was thinking I was a loser for dating a woman 6 years older than me
i'd rate two of them as out of my league
Why are lefties obsessed with sex/with people having sex/with making sex out to be some kind of class or status symbol?
>it's a good thing that more people are unhappy
>it's a good thing that fighting-age men have nothing to live for
What the fuck goes through these people's minds? That civilization is past massive violence? Let the good times roll and fuck Nazis! Haha!
>and society suffers as a result
does it? Women sleep with the men they want, "chads" get even more women, and the "betas" aren't used as tools by the women. Just need some changes in education to make it clear to the betas that they're undesirable but that it's okay.
Happiness and confidence is oppressive, as a side note bureaucrats ARE entitled to your tax money
what went wrong with Yea Forums?
love me some self-righteous cunt like this
>my deer in headlights stupid fucking face a day before my wife cheated on me for the 30th time with Tyrone McChaddington
>act like feral animals because we aren't any better than that
Wow such insight. Humans got where we are by going against basic instincts, instead of hunting animals we though about it and tamed them instead and selectively breed them to suit our needs. We are at our hight when we go against primal urges and strive for something better. It's why great inventors/geniuses were weirdos and why hedonists end up as suicidal wrecks.
what? Why do you think the virgin-shaming thing is for? That's the way to a perfect, balanced society.
This gif is the only mark Boardwalk Empire left on this board
You are not entitled to money simply because you have a vagina
You are not entitled to money simply because your ovaries are good at catching sperm & the sole decision whether or not to have it is yours
You are not entitled to change your mind after the fact because you were either weak willed or didn't get what you wanted and claim your at the time unforced consent is no longer valid
You are not entitled to an opinion on whether or not we have foreskins if you consider our opinions on whether or not you should have massive flaps of meat around your vag invalid
You are not entitled to bitch about "hiring inequality" in only comfy industries when shit jobs are 99% male
that virgin-shaming thing ain't really gonna work out like they want lol
it just makes people angrier and more detached
they're not entitled to any of this, it's just betas granting them all those things
There intentional, you can make people more demoralized (and controlled) with violence.
An incel will never shoot up the wealthy. No, he’ll kill you or me.
>17 women per man
nigger, if this was true then we'd look like fukken walruses or some other tournament species since this extreme level of competition would drive equally extreme sexual dimorphism
should be noted that obviously this is still true today, so 'going back' to more uneven reproductive trends would result in more "toxic masculinity", not less.
I suppose ironically, accepting this guy's premise for the sake of argument, that means nothing has worked harder to achieve gender egalitarianism and sexual equality than the patriarchy
which means they'll snap eventually and be taken out of society
>more detached
which is exactly what they want
Found the incel
At least the beta's actions I can sympathize with somewhat.
The roastie's I can not.
God i wish a woman would try to fuck me so i could reject her and officially be a volcel. the closest ive gotten is when i rejected a girl who asked for my number in 9th grade
Use your other words to express your point you fucking brainlet, pointless faggot.
All I hear from this is "if I had a counterargument I'd have typed that instead of this"
Society suffers because single parenthood has high causal relationships with poverty, undereducation, and crime. Sexual liberation in conjunction with the overreaching safety net our society provides gives them economic incentive to marry the government instead of focusing on a stable relationship (which would mean lowering their standards to its actual value instead of the subsequent artificially inflated levels of today's social structure)
women like toxic masculanity when it's coming from attractive men
>that means nothing has worked harder to achieve gender egalitarianism and sexual equality than the patriarchy
of course; you shouldn't take that gender equality bullshit at face value, that's not what they really want
What is even your source?
This is why it will all come apart, the alpha has more respect for his pack than his mates. A “beta uprising” won’t be lead by them
How are women getting laid all the time and a good chunk of men arent?
Are Chads just banging tons of chicks?
>An incel will never shoot up the wealthy.
I think he would, with enough direction. What we need is a movement to drive anger towards the wealthy. It would benefit us all.We could call it communalism or something.
fucking based blackpill quints
and yet the beta is the one at the origin of the roastie since he's the one who enabled her roastie behavior
again, all that is solved by the beta's thirst for pussy
This growing virginity is going to fuel the birth of a new god I can feel it. The memetic potential is buzzing in the noosphere.
good job, Dr. Watson.
>fucking incel
>shooting occurs
>WOOoAAOOhh jesus we were just joking calm down just banter bro
Those numbers don't lie
people don't stay demoralized if they're presented with an alternative to get excited about
you can't take 1/3rd of men out of society, it would crash the economy and require more cells than have
I don't think you guys really understand how dangerous this situation is, long-term. I'm just hoping waifu bots come in time. It's even worse in China. You can't just remove the foundation of modern civilization and replace it with nothing but shame and anger.
Thousands of years ago we also reproduced primarily through rape. Someone should ask this retard if he thinks that's a good idea too.
underrated post
He's only partly right. One men per 17 women did happen during the advent of agriculture. But since then most humans have been largely monogamous. Or practiced serial monogamy.
>One men per 17 women did happen during the advent of agriculture.
prove it
>you can't take 1/3rd of men out of society
Yes you can. You kill them. Have them fight in meaningless globalist war #57 South American boogaloo
These are the same people who will argue that fucking a man in his ass is beautiful and natural because some animals do it. They literally hate humanity. Their idea of "progress" is deconstructing everything. They are insane and normal people should start quarantining them from society. Remember, the overwhelming majority of the world is still devoutly religious. They are smug for absolutely no reason, they are such an incredible small (albeit loud and whiney) minority.
You guys need to lift and get money.
Like seriously women wouldn't even treat me like a human being when I was a broke lanklet. Now they are friendly to me and willing to help with shit even if Im not dating them/.
Literal 30-year-old boomer
Not really because every family is better off with the genetic parents raising the children. Single parenthood in black communities has increased from 20% to 70% since the 1960s, and white from 5% to 40% (of which the majority are female-led households) - all coinciding with the timeline of "progression" in sexual liberty and extensive welfare programs. You make the children worse off by absolving women of consequences.