Despite Twitter ban, media blackout and an R-rating, ‘Unplanned' cleans up at the box office
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twitter ban?
you don't have to be religious to be against murder
I'm a liberal who watches these movies ironically ama
edit: wow this blew up
Damn, twitter and a huge conglomerate of cable channels blocked them from advertising and they still defeated the devil worshipers.. Basado
I do the same thing with tranny movies. we all have our guilty pleasures
>Fifth place
>Behind Us, Captain Marvel, and absolutely nothing else
>"Cleans up at box office"
Yeah, okay.
they will never stop making christian movies
it's the same like with horror movies
easy trash...you make it with small budget. you market it high. normies see it in droves. rinse and repeat. every year. it always works. hilarious shit
Meanwhile a movie like Silence flops....and people fucking wonder why scorsese has to go to Netflix to make films. This is even more hilarious.
Going to need more than screen caps, fag
I never understood Pascal's Wager, can't God tell that you're faking it?
what if you believe in the wrong god?
$6 mil weekend on a budget of $6 mil with little advertising and being an indie movie is pretty good.
What the fuck is the plot of this movie? She gets an abortion and feels bad about it?
You're a Muslim
I'm god and I don't really care what you believe over how you act. You will go to hell if you donate less than half your income to your local church, though.
>“We are very happy for the success of this film,” said Pure Flix CEO Michael Scott, who noted that the unexpected audience turnout shows the significance of abortion as a cultural topic.
Funny how a movie with such an "important message" is being sold as a product, theme song included
Really does make one think, huh?
Is any of the box office gross going to help children or women in need?
>girl has 2 abortions then lies about having a change of heart
>christcucks write her a check
It's not murder though, murder is unlawful.
You know a big chunk of it box office comes from private buyouts on previews and opening day, and its BO intake crashed after those were done. I don't see anybody making a big fuzz out of that as they did with Disney's bullshit "benefit" screenings.
Real-life Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson changes her mind on abortion after seeing one late-term abortion
Cue the theme song
is there anything more pathetic than Yea Forums posters pretending to be devout christians?
>normies see it in droves
Now that's a stretch.
Obviously this is some weak attempt at satire but it doesn't work because you haven't a clue what you're talking about. God requires 10%. Also, how you act is secondary to what you believe. Don't be bitter because your shitty parents dragged you to apostate churches.
In reality the calvanists are right and who gets into heaven is already predetermined.
Probably Yea Forums posters pretending to be annoying SJWs. That's way worse.
So it's a violent pro-life movie? Like those it show what happens during a late term abortion or is there like a crazy racist right winger who murders pro-choice people, tries to blow up an abortion clinic and is put down by heroic civilians and that is why the film has an r-rating? Or are there really scary scenes in it like it is some kind of horror movie?
What did he mean by this?
we've got a live one
>God requires 10%
>how you act is secondary to what you believe
The state of Christianity
I love hearing you worthless faggots refer to abortion as murder but rant how you would revel in the wholesale slaughter of each minority you despise. You are all faggot hypocrites just like the liberals you constantly rant about. You all literally should suicide.
>believing catholicuck lies
Maybe Martin shouldn't have flunked out of seminary school
>captain marvel, 500+ million in production and advertising costs
It's an indy movie that made its money back opening weekend, brainlet. That's huge.
>I love hearing you worthless faggots refer to abortion as murder but rant how you would revel in the wholesale slaughter of each minority you despise.
What in the fuck. Who are you refering to?
No, I require 50%. Why would you trust the exact details of the watered down cult you subscribe to?
>Also, how you act is secondary to what you believe.
Again that's not true though admittedly you don't have a good way to be sure of the details. You should probably do both just to be safe.
>God requires 10%
So, is God basically a Jewish talent agent?
So deep
Really makes you think
Those xstians just got served. lol everyone knows all the profits from socially conscious movies go to the group or cause shown in that film
I'm not racist you dummy.
>tfw bouoght tix for this movie just to spite the libs
>500+ million in production and advertising costs
[citation needed]
Is Calvinism essentially Autism?
Independent Christian film is just like Disney. Good point faggot
Tithe is 10% by definition. The church should be self-sufficient. Salvation is by faith alone. Of course, Christians should behave a certain way but that's because their behaviour is a natural consequence of what they believe.
See above.
Inane post.
christians have literally something called "born again virgin"....they are the biggest cucks on the planet and responsible for most of the problems right now.
I'm pretty sure there's a very obvious reason.
>wide release
>6m premiere weekend
>cleans up at the box office
what did they mean by this?
What the fuck. They seriously need to be regulated. Leftist cunts.
pascal's wager is obviously begging the question when you look at it with modern eyes, but the notion that if god exists then he is the christian god was just accepted as a prima facie truth at the time
You're an idiot
Reminder Abortion is fine as it's an early release from the suffering of life. Christians will disagree because they follow the demiurge.
Except me know that’s murder it’s you guys who lie to yourselfs and get upset when someone reminds you that it too is murder
If we are good to rationalize one then there is nothing morally wrong with wanting the other
based mypillow guy
libtards literally are ok with killing live babies and selling the parts
I'm not a christcuck but you gotta draw the line somewhere
pascal, as well as every other religion person has no answer for the fate of the unlearned
Can't be thinking those radical thoughts about wanting babies to live now goyim. Gotta keep the animals in check.
based christians
Ethnic Murder is fine becuase is released shit skins from a life of oppression and being inferior
I've tried watching Silence 3 times and it's just so fucking boring. God damn Scorsese.
Sneaky sneaky Jew.
you can get a morning after pill in that case dumb roastie
What are you talking about ? Go see a psychiatrist
God raped Mary technically.
Have you met god? He's an asshat, remember the everything from the old testaments?
Tough luck.
abortion and black on black crime are the only forms of black population control we'll ever have and I'll be damned if I lose the one that doesnt involve stray bullets
Your still getting replaced by spice my dude
What if you believe in the right god but in the wrong way?
Gods against those too.
That one guy he saw on a twitter screenshot of a facebook screenshot of a myspace page which he extrapolated to everyone he doesn't like.
hehe i have no idea what you're talking about hehe
catladies are seething so hard about this movie
>thinking the guy who said "yeah let me come down and murder all the 1st born sons" has an issue with rape
Depends on if the Catholics or Protestants are right.
Not including the millions spent on empty seats. Or the threats to show only captain marvel in all available rooms. Or Google YouTube and rotten tomatoes all deleting bad reviews and only allowing positive reviews.
The line begins at 18 when they move out, before then they are your property to murder or sell as you please.
The pope.
Nothing>Eternal joy
Eternal joy seems like artificial happines
>It's only wrong when they do it
What a waste of quads.
if god is all knowing why does he bother testing people?
this is like the most glaring fucking hole that is never addressed in any religion with an omnipotent god.
Maybe someone needs to late late term abort you.
Gonna need some actual proof of all that, since I actually see plenty of negative reviews on Youtube and RT.
The reviews deleted in RT were bullshit and you know it.
So you're now admitting that Disney buys it's own tickets?
>liberals defend the lives of baby sea turtles but not baby humans!
this sounds good until you turn it around
>conservatives defend the lives of babies but advocate for a pull yourself up by your boot straps mentality that dictates once you're 18, fuck you go die I dont care about you
Lmao, expecting any movie to be factually accurate
what if that rape baby goes on to cure cancer? or goes on to have a kid who cures cancer? or influences a person in such a way that they go on to cure cancer? etc
it's all part of "God's plan"
better spics than blacks, also spics can have the iq to sort of run a place. There will probably be more disentary and cartel beheadings but thats better than becoming zimbabwe
Abortions due to rape (actual rape not whoops I drank too much and fucked Tyrone last night) are like 0.1% of all abortions.
But what of gods plan was to have the baby die?
>conservatives don't want people to be murdered but also don't want the government to point a gun at them to extract taxes to fund social programs.
Where's the contradiction?
>Several music labels denied the film rights to use their music in the movie. These included The Fray's "How to Save a Life", "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper, One Direction's "Story of My Life", Oingo Boingo's "Dead Man's Party", and "The Guardian Suite" by Trevor Rabin.[11]
according to this graph which belief has the best statistical outcome?
>playing in two theaters in NYC
>wide release
Well that's because if it's a legitimate rape the female body has ways of shutting that down.
>whatever side of the fence you are on (ahem especially if you are for abortion) i urge you to go see this because it will make you realize that it involves a level of trauma
clearly not aimed at both sides of the fence despite this retards attempt to be neutral
drunkenness is artificial happiness but that shit's still fun
You're borderline diabolical. Just because I won't let twenty hobos live in my house doesn't mean I want to execute them in the streets.
>>conservatives defend the lives of babies but advocate for a pull yourself up by your boot straps mentality that dictates once you're 18, fuck you go die I dont care about you
you just described boomers, not conservatives. congratulations for being a mental dwarf.
>a serial killer that believes in god goes to heaven
>an atheist that hasn't killed anyone goes to hell
really makes you think
Are you doing anything to support children?
If God planned everything, didn't he also plan abortions?
There's proof aplenty. Google it or better yet YouTube it.
Still got a better score than Dumbo
>not wanting to murder babies is the same as telling an adult to be responsible
lemme help you bro
No, those benefits for CM were even worse than if they bought them themselves because they were actually asking regular people to buy tickets for girls that couldn't afford it. Only a retard would defend Disney's business practices.
This movie is still shit and people claiming it's "success" as some sort of victory are stupid. Even those shitty Tyler Perry movies make about 5 times what this is gonna make.
>you will never get to enjoy "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" playing in the middle of anti-abortion kino
If you support abortion for literally any reason besides eugenics you are a despicable piece of shit.
Where does it say God plans everything.
You mean it will be Brazil cause the nuggers still mix with them
>but dont care about their fellow man
it kinda tells you something that we find the government necessary to enforce helping unprivileged people. if you cut all gibs to black communities they'd just devolve into further crime and starvation
and at that point why didnt you just abort all of those unwanted people to begin with?
>Five Feet Apart
Literally what?
I really want this to be real
If there's plenty of proof, could you provide some since you were the one who brought it up?
>less than half as many theaters as the film above it
>"Girls Just Want to Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper
more like "Girls Just Want to Kill Babies", amirite?
The nature of being all knowing would mean he already knows the outcome.
ad hominen strawman, bro. You can be an anti-abortion socialist.
Yes it does, if anybody is ever having any trouble and you don't personally save their lives and suck their dicks then you are literally advocating that somebody sever their brain stem and tear them into multiple pieces
These are identical things
another hallmark channel movie, double screens but third weekend and still manages to smash this "miracle of a movie"
it doesnt fit their narrow view of the world?
isis is cool tho
cutting social programs (something countless conservatives are for) IS executing them in the streets
when you're born to a crack mother who didnt want you in the first place and no father, you've given a child a completely fucked start and no amount of "hurr be responsible pull yourself up by your bootstraps" solves that and by cutting their social programs and just screaming at them to get their shit together, they'd probably just die
its so bizzare because the end result is just survival of the fittest/actually wanted, why not make that process take 18 years less? because of the 1 in every 10,000 jamals who becomes a doctor? fuck off
>and at that point why didnt you just abort all of those unwanted people to begin with?
By that logic, why don't we just round up all niggers and execute them.
Twitter bans accounts for no reason every day you fucking faggot
film above it opened in the middle of March
I'll be damned. Nigga, YouTube that.
Hey whatever happened to that bill that wanted to allow women to kill babies after birth? In one of the states? Did it pass? I'm out of the loop.
So you are for or against rounding up all non-white people, including Jews, and executing them?
if doesnt, then why call him god?
>cutting social programs (something countless conservatives are for) IS executing them in the streets
But it quite literally isn't.
user I won't side with you. Ever. You're a murderer.
>Some shitty YA adaptation on basically the same budget makes more on its third weekend than this on opening weekend.
>It's a smash hit guys!
against. I'm for abortion and letting non whites do it to themselves, and on top of this, propping up cultures that are conducive to human well being.
The movies theme song posits that "there's no such thing as unplanned" to combat the term "unplanned pregnancy"
They're right in that God, an omniscient being, knows who will go to heaven and who won't. But you don't know and can't know. If you choose to live according to the articles of the Christian faith you will get in. If you use this 'predestination' as an excuse to live a life of unrepentant sin, you won't.
God knows what you will choose, but you still get the choice.
I guessed so.
do you believe all people are completely equal in potential?
So god only plans the stuff you want to happen okay guess it just works out great for you doesn't it
>cutting social programs (something countless conservatives are for) IS executing them in the streets
You take them in, then.
>god knows what you will choose but you still get the choice
if he knew from the start, why bother testing anyone? seems like an awfully cruel experiment. And what of the fate of the unlearned? you have no answers for this
Yeah, multiple bills have been passed in liberal states allowing everything from until-birth abortion to post-birth abortions.
the desire and pure intention to seek god are what matters
the means of doing it doesn't
Major cable networks refused to air promotional ads for “Unplanned,” including Lifetime, Hallmark, HGTV and other, according to a Hollywood Reporter tally. The movie also was given a surprise R-rated by MPAA last month.
DAMN!!! so leftist are for freedom of speech until it is something they stand against and then it is all blackout and trying to ban it
Evolution isn't real though.
Because He made us
God sees all that had to do with restoring mankind to Him. Other than that He doesn't see anything. And that's because love is involved.
no thanks ill just keep abortion legal and they'll take care of themselves.
>I'm a liberal who watches these movies
That's what we liberals are supposed to do, dummy. Its the conservatives who usually refuse to see something unless it caters to them. Being a liberal used to mean being tolerant and trying to at least listen to the other side. What the fuck happened?
So you are for judging and executing a life before it's even lived, but you are against executing actual criminals?
This would only be true if he weren't omnipotent, dumbass.
No matter which way you slice it, starvation due to being to lazy to work to afford food is not the same thing as chopping somebody's head off.
I am not even in favor of cutting social programs, we should care for the poor, but "let them starve if they won't work" and "execute them immediately lol" are not the same.
even Christians get into heated debates with each other about whether God has chosen who is going to hell from birth.
More than that. God has decided who will go to heaven and who won't. He is a cruel God and we are helpless before him.
Loving god hits you with an eternal banhammer
this but unironically and unconditionally
Yeah, atheists.
Even if could be accurately determined I still wouldn't want to murder innocent babies.
There's love. God is love. You're not predetermined.
>supporting the First Amendment means you have to accept money from a company to market a product that you don't believe in
People who advocate infanticide.
No, he's correct.
How does xenu feel about abortion?
God gave us free will, even if God knows our actions before hand we have been given free will to chose our destinies!!!! even though God knows he did not force us into our decisions, we have the power to chose them.
God also has a sweet sense of humor, he fucked this guy so hard!!! God, the angels and the saints must have been laughing when they saw the wheelchair and the steps to get into heaven
he does not know "from the start", he exists independent of time
i'm just here to check this GET
But that's not how business works. You're not allowed to choose a side when you're selling service.
>Evolution isn't real though.
Can you at least give me my wasted tax dollars back? Clearly public education failed you, and you failed the rest of us
Old testament is not God, it's a jewish Demon called Moloch.
>see christians talking about something
>interrupt their meaningless lives to inform them that god isn't real
>they immediately drop to their knees and start apologizing for going to church then begging me to forgive them
>I simply state, "No!"
>I backhand the simpletons and bask in my own euphoria
like if you're atheist, dislike if you're A DUMB CHRISTIAN
Yup, if there is an insanely high likelihood they will end up in a fucked environment, do away with em in the womb provided the person hosting that being does not wish to continue giving them nutrients lol should have worked if you wanted to eat
its not just "if you want to eat, work". Do you realize ghettos are full of people who do not understand this mentality? they would rather fucking steal. Then what? just arrest all of them when they become criminals? okay cool now you're back to paying for them again. god religion and policy do not fucking mix at all, your moral and ethical obligations completely fly in the face of utility for actually good and hard working people
libshits were always the baddies you dumb cuck
Lawful is what's righteous. Man's law is inconsequential and should be smashed with the enablers of it.
Bake me the cake faggot
nice sidestep, william lane craig. Let's try this again. What of the fate of the unlearned? this one is always hilarious because you actually cannot answer it.
lol bbq you when the end times come
nah thats black population control, which is based you fucking fag
Who fucking says, the government?
>hurr u wanted them to bake the cake 4 the gay couple tho right????
Gtfo, they had no legal obligation to do that. If you're selling a service you absolutely have the right to decide who gets to buy your product. And if it ends up being immoral, then a moral population has an obligation to boycott
End your fucking beliefs
Let me guess, it's a conservative movie with no bm/wf couple?
>using corporate power to silence messages you dislike is promoting freedom of speech because technically the law says only the government isn't allowed to use its power to silence political dissent
Freedom of speech =/= the first amendment. The first amendment is one protection we have for that freedom. You have down's syndrome if you can't tell the difference between the phrases "freedom of speech" and "1st amendment to the United States Constitution", or the difference between "a law which prevents a government from interfering with x" and "x" in general.
>SJW now just means people who aren't white nationalists or christian
what a ride it's been
You right, I can't answer those questions. So what.
The fate of the ignorant pagan is a very old and understood Christian doctrine: purgatory, with the suffering there proportional to the works of their lives.
Not sure you know what "omnipotent" means.
Such debates are stupid and presumptuous.
He's not cruel but you are helpless before Him. God has given you a path to salvation and it's not terribly onerous. In also leads to happiness in this life too.
It is. God gave you free will AND he knows what choices you will make. This seems like a contradiction to you because you're not an infinite being.
how about a version of this picture called
"imagine religion" and it is filled with the inquisition, burning of people, beheadings, etc?
The proof is in twenty years when you’re lined up against the wall for being a corporate dog
You're not arguing in good faith.
Your image is retarded, literally all of those things happened in a world with religion.
Imagine having IQ low enough to think this is worth reposting
>If we stop reading le magic book men will dress as fags and uhm COMMUNISM!
>so what
not every day you see a religious person admit their beliefs have massive holes in them, good on you.
Because we have free will? I see what your saying, what's the point of creating anything at all if you already know what's going to happen. However God is not like an all knowing AI, he has human characteristics like love and joy and anger that can't really be expressed if you are just chilling in space with angels
Take that, evil!
You understand how the message in your gif is contradictory to your brainlet "pro-life" beliefs, don't you?
Captain Marvel was one of the cheapest Marvel movies: $152 million production budget. No way in hell they spent $348 million in marketing. user is full of shit and badly needs to have sex. variety.com
This but unironically.
>worship me or ill burn you in hell forever
ummmm... no?
>this seems like a contradiction to you because you're not an infinite being, unlike me who knows exactly how an infinite being thinks and that their contradictions magically dont count
but then you proved my point my dude ahah
>just arrest all of them when they become criminals?
>okay cool now you're back to paying for them again.
That is how criminal justice works. Preventive execution is not something most people endorse, but execution after the fact is something that can and has been voted on numerous times.
I don't have a goddamn obligation to accept money from some fucking propagandist shilling an anti-abortion movie. You don't have an obligation to watch HGTV. Nobody has to do a fucking thing but let that pos sink at the box office. Don't like it? Go buy 200 tickets
even worse, he knew since infinity started which we cant even comprehend. once again, why bother testing people if you are omnipotent
I literally just asked a commonly asked theological question, there is nothing in bad faith here.
I'm going to ask this in the most neutral good faithed way possible. Why would god enable circumstances for the creation of people who will never have the ability to learn of him?
>tfw your get is checked in a thread you already posted in
surreal, thanks for the extra (you)
Say what you will about the church being funded by tithing, but the local church has helped me quite a lot. Through food/clothing/shelter etc. People seem to forget they are there for the community ( at least should be) and are filled with people who generally care.
I am not against abortions but you're kidding yourself if you don't accept it as murder. Life is literally a thing ince fertalisation takes place. Which is why you get charged with double homicide if you kill a pregnant woman.
Abortion is evil, yeah but I dislike it less than black people. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I noticed that everyone who down-voted this trailer has already been born...
*burns you in hell forever*
You sure won that one, kiddo. Proved him he wasn't omnibenevolent.
check mate libtardthiests
Has anyone actually seen the movie though? I want a laugh
Abortion not being murder is the epitome of the comfortable lie over harsh truth
>why bother testing people if you are omnipotent
ever played the sims?
God gave you the choice to not worship him and face the consequences.....Just like there are laws that you can chose not to follow and then you end up in jail with black dudes raping you
unless youre rich
of course! its funny when athiests say stuff like "what if a murdered just SAYS hes sorry?"
god knows whats in your heart, it has to be genuine.
Do so provide us with as it happened evidence of the big bang, you Hypocrite! And that's as it happened evidence of the first instantiation of evolution a Purported billion years ago in all Purported life that existed from a billion years ago until our selfsame day. And that's Scientific Evidence of each instantiation of Evolution in all Purported ancient life in each organisms eventuality which means you'd have to take what you Hypocrites believe is evolution (the normal changes that occur in life ) and scientifically compare it to the Purported first instantiation of all life through each organisms becoming its successor species up until our selfsame day.
the most important takeaway is that religious conservatives will see an R-rated movie
the bible thumpers are going to save us from the PG-13 cancer
We can imagine a universe that we would have created. We may believe it would be better. But in the end we didn't create a universe. We can't even comprehend what that would entail, or what the result of our vague ideas would be.
Bitching about perceived flaws in the plan is like a ten year old being angry his father won't let him smoke.
>unlike me who knows exactly how an infinite being thinks and that their contradictions magically dont count
I don't presume to know at all. I just understand that from God's perspective there is no contradiction.
Our perspective allows us the choice between willful disobedience or righteous behavior.
Monopolist and pseudo-monopolist power over thought publication does have an obligation desu, if you believe in freedom of speech.
God has never changed. Don't compare what was the law leading to Christ and that which came after Christ covenant.
It isn't love to see where you're going and then treat you as such.
This, when I was young and they always told us to donate in sunday school. The premise, was that after god uses your money, he returns it to you.
When i was young, I would tithe a lot, and every time I did, some opportunity to make money would happen eventually.
>used to be atheist in my teens arguing with "christfags" on the internet
>had spiritual awakening when I got older
>now I'm a devout christian
>but can't stop coming to Yea Forums because I've spent so many years here
>now I'm on the other side of the retarded arguments
it's been a trip
That's unironically preferable.
When it's inconvenient look how quickly you progressives sings a different tune. HYPOCRITE!!!!
>Teen Vogue: "Consent is about consenting or giving permission to someone for something," Lindsay says. But in her explanation, Lindsay proves that there's really no reason for anyone not to understand consent, since it's something that we even practiced it as toddlers.
>/pol/: LiBeRaLs SaY ToDdLeRs CaN cOnSeNt To SeX!!!
are you "people" even capable of honesty?
Used to be an atheist but then someone said that playing the Sims is basically the same deal so now I know just what it's like to be the guy who invented the fuckin universe
>God has never changed. Don't compare what was the law leading to Christ and that which came after Christ covenant.
He talks on and on about being a jealous little bitch in the old testament. That's not a creature worthy of worship lmao. If you are a Christfag you need to distance yourself from the OT as much as possible.
There's no scientific theory or even argument in general that would require that level of impossibly incontrovertible evidence. All you need to prove is that evolution is the most likely and most appropriate explanation for how life has come about on Earth. Which scientists have, time and time again. There's literally no other explanation that makes as much sense.
Good to hear
Here you go my guy. An absolutely comprehensive rundown of different, robust proofs for evolution.
And check this out, you can even watch evolution happen in front of your eyes! Isn't that neat?
Yeah I remember when I argued with you a few years back about this cake business, look how much I've changed my tune since then!
Oh wait I always believed this and you're just intellectually dishonest
>God requires 10%
Oh no it's a brainwashed protestant.
No, God doesn't "require 10%". That was a specific case for a priesthood order in the Old Testament. They had no homes and that village was helping them out by tithing.
Protestants just recycled that into a new money-grubbing doctrine.
HOWEVER, I'm not saying that you shouldn't tithe. You should. Even more than 10%. You should give all your hoarded riches to the needy. This is something that you ought to desire to do after you're saved. A good branch and its fruits etc.
It's fine to leave some for your kids though, according to the Book of Proverbs.
Believing in the big bang is the same as believing in god in terms of believably.
>Used to be edgy christian who tried to argue with atheists and 'lead them to christ' in my teens
>Realized that there was no god in my 20s
>Some kind of agnostic atheist now
Wew lad. How'd we end up like this?
Hypocrite!!! SCIENTIFICALLY, and that's with observation and testing and where applicable recreate-able, Provide for us As It Happened Evidence of Your Never to be Proven Fantasy or recant all the trash you'd have us believe is at all real.
>if you blow up a building enough times the rubble will take the shape of a grandfather clock
I love how the leftist shills have turned this into a discussion about religion so people don't think about how killing a baby is wrong.
It's not about religion.
Leftists think it's ok to literally kill a newborn
yet weep like babies if a dog or a pig is abused.
We are living in evil times.
If you e.g. think killing even a 3 month old fetus is ok, yet animal abuse is wrong, you have severe mental issues.
So you are in favor of government censorship? Or do you think Google has never received massive taxpayer subsidies? Facebook is literally a CIA operation. These are public utilities.
who is pretending and how can you tell
time takes its toll
>I don't presume to know, I just presume to know the mind of God
I'll give you one more chance, think before you type this chance. Argue with what is actually knowable or accept that you base your beliefs on fleeting delusions.
Why, yes, I DO expect more of fully functional human beings capable of reproducing, marrying, enlisting, working full time, and owning homes than I do a literal newborn incapable of movement, speech, feeding itself, or sleeping on its stomach without dying.
Meanwhile, you (as I assume you're a liberal since you're making this fucktarded argument in the first place), seem to think people should be sent to jail for making jokes about the Holocaust while people who have actually committed violent crimes should be released back onto the streets if they possess a specific skin color that you seem to think is better than others.
Have a great rest of your Sunday, friend!
Have you seen dressed to kill?
>if it sounds right, then it must be true
No wonder science has failed to make any major advancements in the last 50 years.
If god is just then people would not get to heaven if they believe in him just because of fear of punishment/desire for paradise, and people would not go to hell if they choose atheism based on principle but still lead a good life.
If god is unjust, then we're probably all fucked either way so who cares?
Garbage! Provide for Us As It Happened Evidence of Evolution! You see, you contemptible lying piece of human excrement, You disgusting creatures Has Never And can Never Ever Prove Evolution! So say it, Say That You're As Faithful As theist are! Say it, Hypocrite!
Big bang is different from evolution you tard. Evolution is the development of species over time. You're thinking of abiogenesis, which is a different branch of science.
Did you watch the video? It's not even two minutes long. You literally can watch bacteria mutate and evolve right in front of you.
>solving your rape PTSD with first degree murder
we elder scrolls now?
Miss me with that new-age shit lmao
Why do you feel ashamed to admit you just hatewatch these and feel the need to mask it behind "irony"?
t. Christian who has never felt the need to watch these kinds of movies
Who else used to be an edgy atheist when they were in high school, but now is either religious or believes in god in some shape or form? Pantheist here
why is god a terrorist
Man are you off your pills? I just showed you evidence. It's been tested over and over and over and over and over again. Click one of the links or something, or watch a less-than-two-minute video for a simple demonstration of evolution.
You sound very schizophrenic. I'll share the links again just in case you missed them:
Going back to Gen X there has been indoctrination in schools that "fetuses" are not human. You are looking at three generations now of this conditioning.
It's the same fucking thing as hospice care you hypocritical piece of shit. If there's no chance of the baby being able to be viable the parents have the option of making it as comfortable as it can before the inevitable.
>lol we're all god expressing itself we are the universe!
gay hippy shit
Lol I dont care about evolution. Im not that user, but when people talk about evolution, i always have to ask, where did everything come from then? to make evolution possible?
Billions of proteins over billions of years have the chance of combining into something self-sustaining and self-replicating, yes. We know this from looking at vents at the bottom of the ocean.
Based, libcucks BTFO
uhhhh he's a terrorist that created you or something so that makes him a good terrorist or something he loves u lol
99% of abortions are done for convenience, as you know, rabbi.
its not hippy shit though
cant tell if the last one is based on bionicle lore or not but I will assume it is
God is based and redpilled
>if it makes me feel good, it must be true!
Lmaoing at your life
Insecurity, where most of human behavior comes from. He just wants something to make him feel good about himself
"haha I may not have a happy life, BUT at least Im not as stupid as these people who believe in God. Im so above them!"
You fucking retard.
>redefining god to be our collective morals and experiences
hippy new age gay shit as fuck
Christian movies would unironically be more successful if they were better at hiding their message.
Christian filmmakers (and Christians in general) are too self-absorbed to do that, however
Look at Life of Pi and then contrast that with The Shack
It absolutely is word for word and you're duped if you think otherwise.
All this worrying about "why" will not make hell any more temperate
Nice argument, shitter
Jesus was the Toa of Jews
worrying about hell will not make it real lmao
if anyone is anti-abortion i encourage you to go out and have a child
Different from hgtv don't move the goalposts bitch
jesus is god and god fucked up the jews pretty bad after they forsook him
so not really a hero to them or anything
More Lies!!! ABIOGENESIS can never be proven. To be real youd have to show us nothing for no reason choosing solely left handed molecules trillions of times and even writing complex chemical structures! And that's in a world of equal left and Right molecules. Show us nothing for no reason correctly choosing left handed amino acid molecules.
THAT'S NOT SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE!! YOU'RE A LIAR! Provide for us as it happened Evidence of All purported former life. Show us an unbreakable chain that's Scientific with genetic observation and test of each creature becoming less the former and more of its successor species over the entirety of a purported billion years. And That's All Life! Even the purported dead ends. So use Science! Or admit you're a believer! Scientific Evidence or you're a believer. Hurry up hypocrite, the sheep are waking up and they're seeing how naked you truly are.
>all of these larping "religious" posters
god christianity is the new fedora
>This politically-charged, advertising-shutout indie film didn't make as much as the movie equivalent of McDonalds therefore it failed
I hope you enjoy this (You)
or if they were working with instead of against the currently reigning hegemonic cultural paradigm, as Jews are now
>Hey this movie is really important u guys abortion is murder we need to get the message out at all costs
>for profit movie that is deleted where uploaded like every hollywood jew movie every
lol ok
What kind of retard would pay to see propaganda? The truth that abortion is murder aside, if you pay to watch this you are a cuck.
>how he narrowed it down to Christianity
Sneaky sneaky
>Aryan master race baby vs some shitskin that tries to blow you up and believes in another deity
doesn't even compare, cuck
Unless we have been looking at those vents for billions of years, you are full of shit.
>n-no! no! don't encourage it! don't support it! don't let it grow and spread!
Sneaky sneaky.
Where does it say both god and evolution cant be real
No I don't.
Jihadists and White supremacists are the two sides of the same coin.
"dude we gotta stop the muslims from killing innocent women and children"
"Dude hell yeah that guy killed innocent children, based and redpilled!"
you people are so dumb
The book of genesis.
>inb4 'it was just a prank' cope
atheists will always outdo anyone in a cringe contest
So? Speaking within the parameters of Christian theology, as in accepting that God exists and there's a heaven and hell, it is retarded and gay to nitpick "is he truly omnibenevolent?"
I have just always thought that is the dumbest controversy regarding Christianity. Why worry about the consistency of Africans starving with supposed omnibenevolence? The pressing matter is your soul goes to hell if you don't praise the guy.
Don't talk shit about Kim Jong-Un in North Korea, don't talk shit about God if you think he's real.
God is Real! You wrote your response. Imagine an idiot saying your responses self created out of thin air.
Abortion is murder.
>Age of the earth/planets around us
>CMB (cosmic microwave background radiation)
>Distance of stars/galaxies
>Abundance of primitive elements
>Radiometric dating
>Primordial gas clouds
CMB is still the most compelling, but take your pick. It's incredibly likely the universe came into existence 14 billion years ago.
I'm LITERALLY showing you evidence you schizo. Here, I can do no more for you:
That pastebin is a body of evidence, of strong, peer reviewed academic studies that help to prove the veracity of abiogenesis.
Here is the link (AGAIN) that shows the actual process of evolution
And again, the talkorigins link
I don't know what else I can do for you but to ask that you take your pills and be well. You don't sound healthy. Are you threatened by being wrong?
I never understood this retarded projection as if somehow being on Yea Forums makes you not a Christian. Do you just see Christians as better socially-adjusted than you and feel the need to pretend they're not real rather than believe that supposed normies are hypothetically encroaching on your degenerate safe space?
>Sneaky sneaky.
Why do you type like a woman-child?
>"...You win everything if you bet on God, and you've everything to lose if you're wrong. Well what does this involve, if it's correct? It involves a very cynical god, and a rather stupid one, who will say, 'Ah, I noticed you make a profession of faith just there, and I also (because I'm God) I know why you did, because it was in the name of winning favor with Me.' Well that's fine, you'll therefore get it.
>"That seems to me a rather contemptible thing, and necessarily therefore to entail a rather contemptible human being, who says 'I don't really believe this, I have no faith, but what can I lose by pretending to God that I do? I might get a break.' I mean this is pretty low, isn't it? If I'm surprised to find when I pass on from the state of tears that I'm facing a tribunal ... I would say, 'I hope you noticed that I didn't try and curry favor, that I was honestly unable to believe in the claims made by your human spokespersons.' Now do I get any understanding? And if that doesn't work, then I don't know what would. But I'm not gonna try anything servile. I'm resolved on that point." --Christopher Hitchens on Pascal's Wager
God Isn't Dead But This Baby Is
>I'll give you one more chance
And what will happen if I fail your test? You'll make another bitchy post? Chances aren't really yours to give.
I'm just telling you what the doctrine is. God is omniscient, and transcends time. He knows every facet of emergent creation, from the big bang to judgement day. His transcendence obviates the contradiction. We who are trapped in time can no more comprehend that than we can concretely conceive of an infinite number.
The Christian faith is full of mysteries. This is a mystery: an unknowable or an imponderable. Beyond this I have no answer for you. You make your own choices.
or maybe god just weeds out retards who blindly suck up to an actual terrorist that gives no clear evidence whether or not he's real, and sends people who use the free will he granted them to defy him to heaven
No Christian has ever done anything even slightly degenerate, that's why 90% of the fucking religions whole fuckin thing isn't "forgiveness" and "faith" and "repentance" and "admitting you're a sinner"
>I never understood this retarded projection as if somehow being on Yea Forums makes you not a Christian.
those are triggered trannys projecting that, they hate themselves and thus everyone else
Why do people act like abortion ISN'T barbaric and disgusting? I'm pro choice, but I think people need to be realistic with what it means. We are going against what nature intended by destroying something that our bodies were designed to produce. The entire point of mankind is procreation. That's the point of ALL animals. Abortion IS murder, there's no way around it. The "clump of cells" argument is borderline psychotic. With this being said, the government still shouldn't be allowed to force you to have a baby.
i didnt say god wasnt real
what if god let evolution happen
Which iterations of humans did god put in the garden?
Were they old enough to have developed complex moral reasoning?
How old was the supposed garden and where was it and can we find evidence for it?
Two humans cannot spawn 7 billion children without severe inbreeding.
Christianity doesn't do that, only the goatfucker religion does
Why the fuck would anyone go out on the weekend to see a movie about abortion? What the FUCK is wrong with these people?
>no reason
Hallmark blocking ads is surprising.
THey obviously try to cater to the Midwest conservative audience with some of their programming.
>killing jews
>not based
ok cuck
Roasties mad af
i don't believe in the bible but i do believe in god
Don't argue with him, he's a schizo.
Then don't try to mesh evolution and the bible together. They're not really compatible.
Well that'd be a twist, but why would you, an enlightened faggot, want to be rewarded by said terrorist?
The VAST majority of Yea Forums are closet atheist or agnostic, but a large clique of them like to larp as christians because it seems like a more tasteful team and "on the right side" than smug fedora atheists and sexual deviants who lack a moral code.
Hint: the founding fathers were the same way
it's almost pathetic how you're completely oblivious to how cringey your post is
you are avoiding the question, but HOW was CMB created? You can make fun of people for believing in god all you want, but everything 'just being' there is as much as a fairy tale as god.
Really dismantling that 'Christians just don't understand biology' stereotype, keep it up!
this is the stupidest poster I've ever seen on Yea Forums
They have to show everyone how heartbroken they are by all the fetuses in medical waste dumpsters.
oops by Yea Forums I meant all of Yea Forums :^)
Free will exists cause god imbued within us godly powers that is why we can rewrite the paths he lays out
>Miss me with that
The "it's not murder" debate only exists so women don't feel bad about killing the life that their body was designed to produce. Nothing else to it. You have to fucking brainwash yourself extensively in order to think that a fetus is not a life.
i beleive in god, but I know for damn sure, if jesus were here rn, he would be telling me to get off Yea Forums for good.
People are going to say the Bible because genesis was written thousands of years ago and some denominations are too retardedly stubborn to accept that the Bible is a historical artifact and not a literal history book. For fuck sake the whole genesis story of creation is ripped off of Gilgamesh. It’s been long accepted in my denomination that so long as you believe god set everything in motion, aka the Big Bang or created matter or created whatever created matter etc etc then that’s all the matters.
Who the fuck watches a fictional movie to learn about a real political issue? why are Americans like this?
$6 million and fifth place isn't "cleaning up" at the box office. It's just not bombing. That awful Slender Man movie opened up to nearly twice as much and no one praised how great it was doing at the box office.
Twitter explained what happened. The Unplanned account made a tweet, and some reply way down the thread got reported. Because of the way Twitter's moderation works, EVERY account in that thread was automatically suspended.
Twitter's moderation suspends accounts all the time. The way it's meant to work is the moderator (or it might even be an AI, idk) errs on the side of caution and suspends the account ASAP just to ensure whatever the post was gets taken down quickly. Then the owner of that account has the option to appeal the suspension and have it reviewed. It's kind of a "shoot first, ask questions later" approach. Or like if how cops break up a fight, they arrest everyone involved, then try to figure out who was at fault.
It's far from liberal bias, but white "christian" conservatives love to claim persecution for the slightest inconvenience to their extremely privileged lives.
>because it seems like a more tasteful team and "on the right side" than smug fedora atheists and sexual deviants who lack a moral code.
You don't have to be religious to have morals, and there are a shitload of religious degenerates running around.
>waste dumpsters
That's 100% their fault. They'd be harvested for stem cells otherwise.
Based pr*testant heretic
See you in hell
Ok kike
Im shitposting during the Homily and the priest is starts shilling this movie as I'm in the thread lol
Hallmark shows Christian movies all the time. Not sure I believe that one.
The formal term is "propaganda" I'm sure you know all about that.
>shouldn’t be allowed to force you to have a baby
Then why can’t I murder my 5 year old?
that's not how it works dumbass
hellooooooooooo reddit!
Ah, so they're just fucking incompetent then?
Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.
Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheist
Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.
Daily reminder religious people are less educated
Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human
If I get dubs you have to pretend to be possessed.
Because a 5yo is already fully conceived with memories but I've had this argument 1000 times so I don't care. It's your 5yo, kill it.
It really has little to do with biology and more with epistemology and the notion of infinite regress but I realize this is way above your pay grade.
Implying it's 50-50 instead of a split between every religion that has ever existed before yours lmao.
It's a PureFlix movie. Of course the audience reviews are full of obnoxious christians that will pretend an terrible movie is actually good just because it's propaganda for something they believe in.
Critics are giving it bad reviews because it's poorly acted, poorly written, and just for being a downright cheap, shitty movie.
abortion is pretty based because it gets niggers killed.
>You don't have to be religious to have morals
This is technically true. However, there is a very strong relationship between outward atheism and a distinct lack of morals at the moment. Sadly the "great atheist thinkers" of the past few decades greatly overestimated the average human's ability to cope with losing their theological compass. The optimist atheist sees the future as a Star Trek utopia where religion has been quietly swept away to the history wing of the library, they refused to accept the fact that 80 (90?) percent of people are functionally incapable of taking care of themselves or living like decent people without an extremely strong authoritarian voice hovering just over their shoulder. It just so happens Christianity managed to evolve over the years (with some difficulty) into one that isn't quiet so bad, in many parts of the world. Certainly much better than the leftist God=The State alternative.
u r a tranny REEEEEEEEEE!!!
Twitter? Basically. I don't know all the details about how their moderation works, but they have a very itchy trigger finger, so to speak. I had a friend get his whole account banned because he replied "lol im gonna kill you dude" to a friend as a joke.
Intriguing point.
Counterpoint: an abortion is just a delayed period.
they are all retarded morons
literally my life
That's a weak correlation with many other factors at play user, please be mindful of your language when you seek to convince others.
All the other stuff you said was true though.
>dude what about this irrelevant shit
A deflection with big boy words is still a deflection. Nice try though.
We have overpopulation as it is and you want to bring more people in are you a fucking retard? Abortion is a woman's choice and not yours to begin with shut your fucking mouth and mind your own business and don't bring your Jesus shit into it.
Different laws for the unborn and the born. Also has to do with the child being a citizen of the country when they're 5 years old. Once they're a citizen of the country they were born in, they are protected by the laws of that country, including punishment for murder. If you kill your 5 year old in land that doesn't punish for murder or land that hasn't been conquered by a government, then you won't get arrested for killing that child. In short, it has to do with citizenship and if a fetus should also be considered a citizen. It gets sticky when you start talking about pregnant mother that are killed, and the killer being charged with double homicide. Also gets tricky when you talk about an illegal immigrant killing their illegal immigrant child.
But you are already admitting it’s murder so there’s no difference. Your logic is more retarded than either person on one side of the fence.
>dude what about this irrelevant shit
A deflection with big boy words is still a deflection. Nice try though.
was meant for
take your pills schizo
Evidence is Scientific. Conjecture and Rhetoric is not evidence. Evidence of the big bang would be you providing us with the plateau of the purported whatever there was and then you'd have to show us scientific evidence of the incoming singularity that self created. And then the 32 trillion times faster than light expansion. Don't lie to me, Hypocrite, I've studied your gospels for years. You're liars. You use lies and jargon to hide your dishonesty.
>implying niggers abort their welfare checks and food stamps
>inb4 durr overpopulation is a myth and resources are endless!!
>angsty teenage atheists.
Your counterpoint is insufficient, a delayed period doesn't require a lack of murder
>But you are already admitting it’s murder
He never said that.
Abiogenesis does not contradict Christian doctrine.
People who take Genesis as literal truth are engaging in a fallacy, possibly a heresy.
In any case, that's not what user was arguing.
We both know you've seen stupider.
>seething teenage christcuck
Evolution needs as it happened Evidence.
We're onto you, hypocrite! We will silence you and send you back to obscurity. You've been found out. We know you're naked, emperor of lies.
no you really are the most deluded and incompetent mental gymnast who's ever been here
God told me so
>People who take Genesis as literal truth
Nice try, but the book of Genesis wasn't a parable or a vision. It most certainly was supposed to have literally occurred. Massive levels of cope on your part.
Life occurs at conception. It’s not choosing to have a period. It’s choosing to have a doctor commit murder.
but guess what? theres no god so nothing matters ;)
>arrogant tripfagging
>1) Proportion of elements in the universe are consistent with the fusion from stars.
>2) Cosmic microwave background is literally seeing back to when our universe was young hot opaque plasma.
>3) Uniformity of heat and content hints at the rapid expansion of the of the big bang.
>4) Velocity-distance relationship of galaxies (red shift).
Keep in mind literally all of these things can be proven empirically. You sound unwell, but since we're at this point, provide some evidence for your theory?
If genesis isn't literal doesn't that mean mankind has no inherit sin and that jesus died for actually nothing? Christfags ITT are going to mob you. Good luck. Look how they eat their own
Please quote the verse declaring Genesis literal truth.
>reading tripfag posts
>replying to tripfags
The point of testing you isn't to reveal the answer to God(who already knows), it's to reveal the answer to *you*. You don't know what you'll do until tested. God knew what Abraham would do. But Abraham didn't know.
Life occurs at conception. Regardless of citizenship we have the human right to life. Abortion is choosing to take a life.
>If genesis isn't literal doesn't that mean mankind has no inherit sin and that jesus died for actually nothing?
>dude this book all christians took as the literal indisputable truth of the universe for literally over a thousand years and put countless people to death for questioning was actually just a prank now that most of it was disproved lmao
Maximum cope.
You're not allowed to say the factory was self created because you were not there when it was made. The universe is an automated factory. We make them too. It's nothing special.
Evidence of self creation would call for you to provide for us as it happened evidence in especially as to why another singularity hasn't happened yet.
>Abortion IS murder, there's no way around it.
He literally fucking did. Go to bed.
Talking about the nature of knowledge and the validity of empirical proof for a concept (life being created out of inanimate matter) impossible to witness in our day is far from irrelevant, but I can understand that you're afraid of big words.
You got me there.
Christins, including many saints, have been disputing the meaning of scripture since the faith began.
>I'm smart because I start talking about irrelevant garbage when I don't have an argument
ok retard, I'm sure this argument worked well when you were in high school
Tell me how you exercise your free will.
You'll see when you get there.
>dialate more freak
>Evolution needs as it happened Evidence.
Here's a few cool examples.
We can literally observe the big bang theory now because planets and galaxies are still moving away from one another and spreading out from the center of the universe. Ask a 7th grade science teacher about red shift, or just look into it on your own.
Ultimately I have no idea what you even mean when you say "as it happened evidence." I've looked up the term and can't find it anywhere. I think whatever I share you're going to reject on some weird basis without asserting any counter evidence as-per the scientific process. Again, I would encourage you to seek mental help. You sound unwell.
>Talking about the nature of knowledge
Here's a big word for you: epistemology.
Now you can make this statement more concisely.
I agree with you that life occurs at conception. I'm just saying that citizenship and being protected under laws as a citizen plays an important role in this debate. That's also why I think it's a muddy subject because of the way the government itself decides what is considered a life. If the government said that as soon as the child is conceived in the country, it is automatically a citizen, then it would make more sense for abortion to be illegal, since the fetus would be protected by the same rights as a born child. Currently, they are not protected under the same rights.
He's been spamming you with evidence since the start. Fucking read a book, god damn.
Read the full conversation bud
>4channel religious debates
That's a big yikes from me fellas
Sucks that I have to have 200 IQ to understand all these apologetics and get into that Heavenly realm where the streets are paved with atomic element number 79.
You're not observing the big bang. To observe the big bang you'd have to show us the nothingness that was and then you'd have to pinpoint as it happened evidence of the self creating singularity. Then you'd have to show us the 32 trillion times faster than light and your liars don't get to decide what's evidence of evolution.
Scientific Evidence, if you please.
Debate is a strong word, it's more just putting down the loud minority of christfags who are too young to have witnessed the 2 years of nonstop atheist garbage being done to death on youtube. The debate is over but it doesn't stop boomer christcucks raising new delusional kids. It's a never ending battle to bring kids up to speed.
Read a thesaurus.
No he hasn't. Scientific Evidence, you horribly deceived baboon, would be as it happened observations and test.
>le fence sitting above it all poster
we're very impressed, believe it
>1) Proportion of elements in the universe are consistent with the fusion from stars.
>2) Cosmic microwave background is literally seeing back to when our universe was young hot opaque plasma.
>3) Uniformity of heat and content hints at the rapid expansion of the of the big bang.
>4) Velocity-distance relationship of galaxies (red shift).
All very much proven and consistent with the big bang theory.
Counter evidence to fucking cosmic microwave background radiation and redshift, if you please?
The only reason abortion isn’t illegal is because of how split the public is on the topic so Democrats took the platform of “my body my choice” and are thinly veiling murder to be a choice we can make when it isn’t convenient to have a baby. It’s disgusting that it’s all for votes.
>as it happened observations and test
What does this even mean?
No you haven't. Provide for us as it happened Arrival of the Singularity and Scientific Evidence as to why another Singularity hasn't Self created. And that's as it happened Evidence.
who the fuck would bother even trying to give this idiot what he's pretending to be asking for?
you got tragically suckered by him, user
thank G*d the thread's almost finished