Angelina Jolie is the most admired actress in the world. Jackie Chan is the most admired actor

Angelina Jolie is the most admired actress in the world. Jackie Chan is the most admired actor.

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no, theyre the highest ranked actors on world's most admired men and women lists

>Chinese dictator is 12 places above the Pope
Westcucks BTFO

God I hate China so fucking much

Where the fuck is Keanu? This list invalidated itself, not even worth the digital paper it was printed on.

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why did I read that as "YouGoy"?

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>Xi Jinping


where is muh beyonce?

>Fan Bingbing
What a name

i don't care RETARD

>barrack obongo

Honest question: what is the reason for Michelle Obama’s reverence? I don’t think she had a successful career before marrying Obama, but I could be wrong. And iirc as the First Lady, her main project that they usually do was fighting childhood obesity. Obviously that made zero impact and all I remember from that was pics of kids cafeteria food which looked like prison food or something.

Dude the entire list is fucking pointless. Considering is a subjective attribute that is impossible to measure.

>michelle obama
>taylor swift
>gal gadot
these don't deserve to be on the list

Because you are a seething cuck

Is this the full list? How do you even get so godlike as Obama or Gates? Almost TWO Jackie Chans?

I hope Pope Francis gets a serious reality check from this and stops being such a faggot all the time, can barely be above Trump.

This list is truly pleb tier.

You have a problem with those, but not Obama?

Being the woman of first black president. Obamas biggest achievement is that he is first black president and considering who he ran against it isn't as big of an achievement as some would think it would be 20 years ago. It makes me angry that subpar president is considered as great as Reagan just because the skin of his color. And it makes me even angrier that his wife is also scoring massive points from the most uneventful and least impacting american presidency in the last century

>fan bingbing
what racist put that name in there

man the world is fucked up

>most uneventful and least impactful
In a positive sense yes but Obomber has that nickname for a reason

>merkel at 8
genuenly interested in the rate of germans vs non-germans that place her so goddamn high

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i blame madagascar

yes i am extremely seething

it's not admiration if you have to do it or get executed