Just watched this, what did Yea Forums think of this movie?

Just watched this, what did Yea Forums think of this movie?

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Wish fulfillment kino.

why the nigga on the left look like a tranny lol

I recently watched it, it was alright. Nothing special, but not awful or anything.

it looks like shit but I’ve never seen it

guy on the right is cute
that one on the left is clearly a transexual meant to push an agenda
my bet is that this movie is for adolescent rich girls going through a love crisis at school because chad is dating a better looking stacy

I preferred Submarine.

Attached: Submarine.jpg (600x400, 37K)

perks of being a

Pretentious garbage but Ezra Miller looked hot in that Frank-N-Furter costume

i like the parody version

It wasn't a great movie per-say and pretentious like some have already said but I really liked it, probably because I related to it so much


Attached: perks rocky horror.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

that guy is such a fucking freak

You love it

Attached: perks rocky horror2.webm (1280x720, 2.28M)

>Just watched this, what did Yea Forums think of this movie?

It was shit.

i remember reading the book in high school, never seen the kino though

damn he’s so hot

>our little secret user... hee hee

Attached: 026+The+Perks+Of+Being+A+Wallflower+%25282012%2529[1].jpg (1024x576, 36K)

this movie is what normies think being an outcast is like
they dont have a clue

idk why he complaining yo his aunt is a baddie


it's pretty accurate desu

no it isnt
according to this movie outcasts just do the exact same shit normies do except listen to slightly more obscure music
its retarded bullshit

you're not an outcast because you browse /r9k/, make lousy comments badmouthing shit nobody cares at the end of the day on Yea Forums, and stay in your room all day
well, technically you are if you do the last one, but you're still lame

I think he means having a small group of well-liked friends and a cutie means you're not an outcast. The Perks group is just another clique in the school ecosystem.

>boo-hoo my hot aunt sucked my dick when I was little and now i'm sad

fucking pussy

You dont understand what i'm saying because you are the braindead normie this movie is aimed at.
>waah im such an outcast i have a close circle of friends and we go to parties and perform in front of the school we're so misunderstood because we listen to the smiths and david bowie
fuck off with this dumb shit

His legs are incredible

Attached: perks on set.jpg (1608x2396, 1M)

they put that in because normies literally cannot understand why somebody can be weird or fucked up unless some major event happens to them like their family dying or being molested as a child

>normies literally cannot understand why somebody can be weird or fucked up unless some major event happens to them like their family dying or being molested as a child


unlike you, I didn't grow any interest in this movie to the point of hearing about it, even worse, watching it

>u watched movie i h8, haha, why u watch movie i h8


Ok, you're an outcast because you wereb orn ugly and your facial features didn't get any beter growing up
are normies supposed to feel empathy for this? nobody likes old people. stay in your room until your death or neck yourself. stop forcing others to care and waste time with ugly people, that's just vile

i watched this movie in high school and was forced to by the teacher, retard
nice way to completely ignore what i just said too, you don't know shit

C'mon bruh, this is the worst bait i've ever seen.

how can I hate a movie I never heard about, dumbass
stop taking part into other people's conversation you failure of a faggot

>Ugly people problems
omg I am saddened and deeply touched pls com'ere so I can tell you to believe in your dreams

>how can I hate a movie I never heard about, dumbass
You tell me, because you're acting like you've seen it

A girl told me I was like Charlie from this movie/book. I'm guessing he's a lovable autist?

>what did Yea Forums think of this movie?
a fucking awesome movie. coming of age kino, I liked the twist, I loved the feeling of youthfulness the movie conveyed. 10/10

Obviously wasn't an outcast at that point though. Having said that, I think his clique was different because it was that one clique, you probably had one at school, that the least popular people belong to.

haha imagine licking and sucking his dick through those panties wouldn’t that be weird lol

He was raped, I guess the girl thought you acted like a rape victim

The least popular people didn't have a clique. They were barely noticed and didn't have close friends. When you exist outside the food chain, you can say you're an outcast

i like logan luhrman, i enjoyed it even with emma watson there.

The perks of having your balls lathered

omg that is so queirkeey :) the girl said you were autist but extremely cute
she LITERALLY told you to be her dorkybf that is so epic I envy you muchies

>I loved the feeling of youthfulness the movie conveyed
This, even if you felt the portrayal of "outcasts" or "cliques" was dishonest it did give a great vibe of what it was like to be young and in high school

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be my gf?

This board is gay

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Loved the scene with Logan Lerman in a tiny gold speedo

Attached: logan lerman speedo.webm (1920x1080, 1.81M)

wtf happened you

Quite possibly one of the worst movies ever made. There was no plot or story. It could have been salvaged if there were any type of character development, but rather than creating characters with any type of personality or character traits, they just heap all these different problems on them.

>he’s gay
>she was abused
>he was raped
>he has a drug problem

Everyone in this movie was a victim, and the script gave no reason for the audience to have any sort of sympathy. It’s actually a pretty accurate reflection of today’s society - you are defined by your misfortunes and failings and eventually everything becomes a dick measuring contest of who has it the hardest.

>“Who was your first kiss?”
>“My dads boss.”
>never expands or asks about it again

What a fucking terrible script/movie

are you at all familiar with bildungsroman fiction?

I love this

Based Chad keeping the geeks in line.

I liked it and think it well done, but I might over-identify with the main character.

I thought it was a comedy so I decided to watch it to cheer me up after a really bad MDMA comedown with my ex-gf. well didn't cheer me up and I'm pretty sure i was crying too. Good times

>pause immediately at 0:03
boys are too perfect

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It was complete shit. Overrated as hell

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Do you wish this was you too

Attached: lovers quarrel.webm (1000x563, 2.49M)

Imagine bullying him!

Attached: what tv wants to do to ezra miller.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

how does this work, did the jocks designate who hits and who holds beforehand? do they do this so often they already have it figured out? has anyone in real life ever actually witnessed two cronies holding the victim while a big guy punches him?

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Imagine getting typecasted as a faggot

I was bullied quite a bit in high school and while I never witnessed or experienced something quite like that there was definitely the one guy who did all the shit-talking, one guy backed him up, one guy just stood there, etc.

Imagine being Zack Snyder and watching this movie and thinking, "Yep - that's our Barry Allen/The Flash"

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Zack is so cute

He's not the brightest but his eagerness/enthusiasm for film-making trumps that in my opinion, passion cannot be manufactured like that

Attached: zack's boys.png (684x708, 686K)

Best taste itt

>constantly banging on about how they like "good music"
>can't recognise heroes by David fucking Bowie


But the movie is set at the start of the nineties

Honest to God one of the absolute shittiest movies I have ever seen.

The "WAH I'M A HIGH SCHOOL SOCIAL OUTCAST" genre is so fucking whack.

is there a single person in Hollywood gayer than ezra miller?

quads confirm

No - and that's a good thing!

Attached: perks of being a wallflower.webm (1280x720, 2.61M)

i think the lead dude was unconvincing, although he had a terrible script. i dont really 'get' what made him likeable, or an outcast. we were just told he was.

that goes for emma watson as well - ezra was a more interesting character, although even muh gayness didnt really seem to explain why he was an 'outcast'

also as an incel find it p offensive that being lonely is potrayed as having a lot of cool different friends when it's actually not having any

basically as far as i can recall it's another one of those gay movies where nothing actually happens or develops or really makes consistant sense. why did that kid like emma watson, was it warranted, did they even have a scene where they connected beyond her being welcoming and him admiring her from afar? why was he unable to say anything to her, ever, about it - that's so repressed which could be interesting but it never is shown in any other aspect of this person

also that one weird scene where emma watson dances in that car and the boy stares at him? idk that's pretty cringe.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting zilch. Incels have no fucking right to air their opinion on absolutely anything. Fuck off before we send you to a labor camp.

Fucking incel garbage, the worst kind of human there is.

this is incel territory

stay mad, chad

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Because she bond burgered him

It was nauseatingly earnest and manipulative.