I really liked this movie, any other dark Russian films like this?

I really liked this movie, any other dark Russian films like this?

Attached: lilya_four_ever.jpg (535x713, 59K)

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its swedish

Try Leviathan


it's actually a swedish/danish movie not russian. but dancer in the dark (2000), the fool (2014), the hope factory (2014)

It feels Russian and sounds Russian to me buddy.

Attached: 1553038297831.jpg (1520x1080, 109K)


a masterpiece, required viewing for russian intellectuals

I remember watching Dancer in the Dark as a kid, definitely an interesting movie. I'll check out the others, thanks.
Will also check this out

does she get a happy ending

Attached: 3c11825aea1e144878dffcca5adc23ebfe052f12ca01f9a1830640a9f4a9f411.png (430x373, 3K)

Yes, everything works out for her in the end and she escapes her life.

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the anime avatar make it hard to believe

Attached: 1548886454894.jpg (480x480, 20K)

>darude starts playing


This. Great film.

This isn't even dark. It's pleb filter dark. Like before anyone has become jaded by years of channeling the 4channel.

Now Threads, that's a dark movie that makes you question existence.

yeah being sold into a sexual trafficking ring isn't dark at all dude. it's a gas, frankly. alarmist, comic book-tier renditions of nuclear apocalypse are dark af tho

I feel it's dark without being overly edgy and stupid. I guess depressing would be a better word for it.

>being this upset
Sex trafficking has been done time and again, look at fucking The Wire (Season 2) and Taken. Threads is unique as fuck, however.

ok now you're just baiting

>Now Threads, that's a dark movie that makes you question existence.

Attached: file.png (250x229, 46K)

the tribe (2014)

She dies.

No she doesn't

Attached: 21321451241.png (540x515, 309K)


4 months, 3 weeks, 2 days is Romanian illegal abortion kino

The movie is set in Russia, I don't care.

It's depressing as fuck, stayed with me for days, not many films do that.

Attached: come-and-see-1200-1200-675-675-crop-000000.jpg (1200x675, 116K)

It's set in Estonia.

>burger education


Attached: 089ed657411a03c36ffe499ad53e894c.png (983x63, 6K)

key word: set

The Selfish Giant (British film but has the same feel)

>former republic
IE not Russia
They use Estonian money in the film.

>filming took place in Paldiski, RUSSIA
>soviet union
Are you guys trolling?

Citing other people's opinions proves nothing.

Attached: lilya4ever estonia.jpg (622x147, 20K)

dark and bleak? these come to mind - various degrees of dark and bleak

Maestro With A Needle
Taxi Blues
A Railway Station For Two
The Inner Circle
Ivan's Childhood
Our Own
Burnt By The Sun
Hard To Be A God


Attached: lilya4ever not russia.jpg (641x193, 22K)

key word: set

Stop editing the picture

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This movie is actually really good from what I saw of it, if you like Lilya 4-ever I recommend giving this a chance.

Attached: MV5BYjYxNzdkYmQtNzdiZi00ODUwLTk0ZTUtNjFiMmVjZjY3M2IzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDkzNTM2ODg@._V1_.jpg (2090x3000, 1.33M)

antiloop, actually

Wow, this dude is so hardcore that sex slavery isn't dark for him, what a badass.

Big this. Then watch loveless

>yfw MEIN HERZ starts playing

Attached: 8a3f65066bd42f867d5bd524e36bf9e2.jpg (1024x768, 404K)

Christiane F., not slav but has the same aesthetic

Its ukranian
Inb4 same thing


Real life in Russia is as dark as Lilya, so you can just watch any real footage.

Attached: 1wldb32us4k01.jpg (2000x1333, 600K)

That picture is Swedish not Russian

It's Kazakh.

Great film

War (2002 film)

During the bloody war in Chechnya, a British couple and two Russian soldiers are taken hostage by Chechen rebels. Two of the hostages are then released to bring the money for the British woman who is forced to wait for the ransom.


It literally has the Swedish flag on the rocket ship

Noi the Albino (2003)
Icelandic but pretty dark and depressing.

This movie sucked.

Good movie but she would never had to go through all that shit in estonia

Child services would have taken her in

>good movie but they would never had to go through all that shit in the UK
>Child services would have taken them in

Attached: Rotherham.jpg (1200x630, 92K)

pretty sure it was made in St. Petersburg bucko

She and the boy were Russian minorities living in estonia left over from the recently collapsed soviet union.


Estonia = Russia = Soviet Union
