Is the golden age over for South Park?

Is South Park ever gonna recover and be how good of a show it used to be? Or is it over, and has it turned into another Simpsons?

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South Park has been shit for years now.

I doubt it, the show has been kinda weak for the past 5 years at least. Ever since Chef died it was never the same.

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Who fucking cares?

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Golden age ended in 2010

It ended immediately when they started to try and grab emmys away from the Simpsons.

So the Imaginationland three parter.

It's never gonna be as bas as the new simpsons. The new south park may not be as funny but at least matt and trey are trying. creator of the simpsons clearly gives no fucks about his show I hope he burns in hell.

23 is the last season anyway

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tvs shows are dead and all the good material is used in the videogame. like the whole show is just a setup for the game. the content of the fractured but whole would have been an excellent 3 part show but what we got was 2 shitty seasons leading up to it.

Goin' down to Sneed's
Gonna feed myself some seed

what i was going to say

trump derangement syndrome ruined them both

It was over around season 9 or so. Can’t remember. It peaked with the movie imo. That was one of the best things I ever seen. Seasons 1-6 or so were based. Then it slowly started turning to shit. Sadly because SP is one of my fav shows ever.

it was dead five years ago

>Is South Park ever gonna recover
if they keep doubling down on the shitty season-long storylines, I hope they never recover.

i haven't watched much since the first one they did of those where randy was lorde, and a bit of the next season with PC principal. interesting that they're still doing them, i guess they enjoy making them more than self-contained episodes.

Is it 2007?

it's just incredibly annoying since every episode spends 3/4 of its time setting up for the next episode and ends with a "cliffhanger".

chyeah doy it was already shit before they started doing overarching seasons or whatever. PC Principle is fucking annoying. I don't get the reference. I've never come across Oakley's wearing dudebros that are super concerned about political correctness. And then they made him some constant character in every episode. And they fucked themselves with Garrison as Trump, and that shit was all eh.

It's been shit for a long time now. Them taking pride in being procrastinators that produce shows at the last minute was stupid. They started just filling episodes with the same gag being repeated over and over, and then they started filling seasons with the same gag being repeated over and over.

They could just reset everything by having Kenny die.

It's still great, you just got older.

Formerly Sneed’s

no its objectively crap now. Last season was the first where i couldnt even finish some episodes.

They were both ruined before TDS was a thing.

>This is cum.
How does he know what cum tastes like? Unless he's a fag?

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Pretty much
The last good season was in 2010 I guess
It peaked with the KFC episode, in my opinion

Its been over

He could probably smell it

ur mom told him hehe

I hate what they did to Randy in the last few seasons
It was better when he was slightly crazy, now he's a caricature of himself

Some seasons were great, others were hit and miss. You migght just be older now and a little more or less politically aware, which would turn you off current SP. Not that is hasn't always been pretty topical, but it also used to be less so than it is now.
School shooting episode was still 10/10

>he doesn't remember the hot tub
Fuck outta here zoomer.

I've accidentally cum in mine own mouth before. I also tasted it on porpoise when I first started jerking off, just to see what it was all about.

There are 2 types of people. People that know what cum tastes like, and liars.

Lost its touch around 12 13 14, it is now so far gone... It's still funny sometimes but it's not the same

That's really just them adapting to what's currently popular.

That one episode when they blocked the internet and they moved to California, he was looking for fetish porn and blew gallons everywhere, it got on his face too

south park has been dogshit since season 9 you zoomer

no that was a spooky ghost

Dude the movie was like right after season 3 or 4, it definitely didnt peak then. But yea it died around s10

why hasn't the left eaten them yet? they taught an entire generation of kids how to bully. I put up with so much bullshit growing up because of that fucking show. seriously if I could get away with it I would kill both of the creators

Pretty much this, season 1-6 are prime, seasons 7 and 8 are when shitty episodes started getting mixed in, season 9+ is just pure garbage.

>it was always shit you just got older

>t. never ate his own cum
wtf is wrong with you?

Full retard m8, seasons 3 to 6 are all pure gold, as good as tv has ever been

>why hasn't the left eaten them yet?
because "the left" is mostly just a spoopy boogieman that your handlers prop up to abuse you with, to keep people cucking for "the right." The dichotomy is a lie.
>they taught an entire generation of kids how to bully.
no they didn't. kid's naturally know how to bully.

Although I would say that saying "jew" was probably WAY bigger of a thing in muh childhood than it would have been had it not been for SP.

Yea I feel like the redit audience is the only one that still likes randy. He was funny as the retarded dad that did stupid shit but he got flanderized hard. I started watching TV again and saw some of the most recent amazon episodes with the bike parade and weed stuff and didn't laugh at all. Nevermind that I barely understood what was going on there were no jokes.

They made fun of gamers in season 10 it was impossible to recover after that.

>The dichotomy is a lie.
based mouthbreathing centrist

they were just masturbating together

kids don't just wake up one morning and decide to pick on jews, that shit is taught to you

t. brainlet extremist

>It was better when he was slightly crazy, now he's a caricature of himself

Yeah, i miss the subtlety of the first seasons…

Take off your nostalgia goggles, that's South Park you're talking about.

kids are cruel and attack things that are different. Making fun of jews and fags and stuff is just what chidrens kinda do.

But yeah saying jew in the cartman voice was in hindsight probably pretty shitty. They did turn making fun of fatties and jews into a meme for every edgy 5th grader.

Book of mormon is pretty kino, worth a watch. similar to early SP humour

you're the extremist if you believe there are only extremists one each side.
don't @ me, your post that I'm replying too is concession of your defeat.

Jimmy eps are always kino.

where do you draw the line? i never felt the need to taste my shit / piss. looks like the porn jew got you my poor user. you want to become a girl? because this is how autogynephilia starts.

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>and if you don't like it, you can pass the blunt to the nigga on your..l-left.


I think Season 18 was the last good season. Past the golden age but still good, specifically Grounded Vindaloop and Cock Magic.

The Denmark troll season was the lowest low the show ever had, worst than Orphah's vag.

>, worst than Orphah's vag.
that was kino though

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Matt and Tray could legit be professional songwriters. They're so fucking good at it.

>implying Matt does anything

I started getting hopeful after they had a couple great episodes a couple seasons ago but man is it bad. I can't even remember a single episode from last season.

south park has been unwatchable zince its seasons hit double digits and peaked around season 7

Good one, you people tend to look worse though.

What does porpoise cum taste like?

I've grown to fucking HATE south park because no matter what the fuck I do any time I watch fucking anything on hulu, if there's no more episodes it ALWAYS goes to like s22 south park episodes. And because I keep NOT watching them, it always keeps them in the "continue watching" queue and it's just an endless cycle. Even took fucking South Park out "my things" or whatever and it STILL autoplays after fucking everything.

Show is dead to me because of hulu.

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You have no soul ginger.

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The show (and Trey and Matt) are just too old. Also the culture has moved on: what was edgy in 2000 is just quaint and the whole "enlightened centrist" thing has been done to death.

>fractured but whole
>fractured butthole

I only got this just now.

hello, it was ended 10 years ago

And they are terrible at it. All the other shows plan shit out long term and don't wait until the night before to write each episode

It's almost like those other shows have a different writing/production style or something

South park has always done topical stuff but the difference is that older episodes were about more broad themes like cursing on TV or big corporations. Now it's literally "the tonight show with south park" and if you dont know what SJW current event thing happened you dont understand the entire show arc

south park is dead since early 2010s and im being so fucking nice at saying that.

but the show will drag, trey just divorce his wife - nigger called boogie LOL who already had a black son LOL - so the guy will lost a shit load of money.

i hope she let him keep the legos.

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>seasons 7 and 8 are when shitty episodes started getting mixed in
what the fuck are you talking about? The 8 season was the best season of all, just watch the episodes list in it

I only got it a few months ago but I felt just as silly. I like that you admit it, even anonymously. Have an Internet.

Why did I laugh at this?

S19 was the last kino season

The show went to shit when Stan had the episode were he lost enthusiasm and everybody thought the show was ending (for good)

Trey Parker is an old man now and it shows. Once you become an old man you can't do edgy humor anymore.He's just not with it. Also the whole self serving aspect of south park worked back in the early 00's but now Parker and Stone are the richest tv animators in history so it definitely falls flat.


It wasn't great. The SoDoSoPa joke was ran into the ground after one episode but it just kept going. Same with the ad plotline.
The ISIS ninja episode was funny except they kept tying in the unfunny sodosopa shit.

Although it was always a pop culture centered show, somewhere around the late 00's they go into overdrive and the show suffered for it.

Tweek x Craig is episode kino

Yeah, so South Park should either adapt their writing style, or stop forcing pointless arcs they can't finish in satisfying ways.
Sure. It used to be a one off jokes that referenced a current event, now entire seasons.

The episode in the last season where the manbearpig fought satan was pretty damn kino.

SP made my entire elementary and highschool experience torturous because of those fucking ginger jokes.

It did set up the opportunity for me to beat the everlasting shit out of the school bully and get away with it though. So for that I'm grateful to SP.

Let's Fighting Love and Make Love Not Warcraft are kino.

The sad thing is the first game was actually entertaining story wise while the second game is paint by numbers generic and bland.

the show production method is fucking insane, very interesting.

but just like you said, it turn the whole thing into a mess, its always "topical" commentary and the most nit picking one.

you stop taking the guy seriously when they do a musical. what kind of faggot does a musical? why? and the musical give hus that fat jew that does the snowman from frozen. thats negative karma. fuck them.

What if next season they reboot after every episode but each episode is a "What if" scenario where Cartman's mother got married to a different character in each one?

this this this. i can remember one or two seasons where the ran into problem of pop/internet culture moving so fast that their entire season felt dated and instead of just dropping that stuff, they decided to try to follow it as quickly as they can. Problem is now their recent seasons are as dated as the old j-lo jokes they used.

They made fun of Trump so fuck them

>tfw millennial
>boomer dad loves SP to the core
>get tired of these run on episode seasons filled with political gayness
>don't watch current season cause of this
>dad and I can't really bond through south park this year

I'm a faggot but fuck these current writers, they're shit

I want more episodes like "Super Fun Time" & "Tweek x Craig" or "City Sushi"
Just mindless witty humor that doesn't have to have a "OMG CURRENT POLITICS" arc fucking forced in (that then ties the episode to that season and only that season)

fire your jewish staff please

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everyone makes fun of trump. In a few years you will be making fun of trump too. Just because you're a asspained cuck for a kid-diddling retard now doesn't mean you always will be.

Good, atleast you fuck up ur bully

This. Trey and Matt are old and out of touch. What is considered edgy has changed, and while they were part of pushing back the boundary of what is considered edgy, they haven't been able to keep up with it.
Ironically, the last episode should have been You're Getting Old.

the irony is that trumpfags and conservatives/Republican voters are like the only people I know still watching it.

Production cost of a single episode is less than 6 digits. That's part of why it's such a monster when it comes to ads and all the other shit. It'll never be unprofitable the only way it's ever going to end is on M&T's say so.

I barely laughed at the show ever since the transition to a serialized format.

I kind of enjoyed Cock Magic. It was cute.

I went and checked out the all the episodes and I’m gonna say quality took a major dive around season 14. Although from seasons 14-18, with 18 being the worst of those seasons, they still had a couple gem episodes in each one. Then from S19 on it was the season long storylines which I don’t think would’ve been a problem if the jokes they dragged out were actually funny. but when each episode brings up a joke that wasn’t even that funny in the episode before it, it’s just laborsome.


yes, they make cheaper animation than if it was from asia.

i remember like... ten years ago, on their website, south park studios, there was the art of some of the people who worked there.

the irony: fucking well done pieces, ultra realistic and shit, and they use this know how and talent to do... south park.

anyway, its not funny for a long time, its profitable, but its comedy central, easy to be the huge star of such a shit channel. its like rick and morty at adult swim.

Things were different in 2005 but the seeds were there

forgot pic

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It was kind of funny how they used real fanart for that.

>South Park ending
They probably get paid millions for only 3 months of work, it's an easy gig.

Everyone made fun of Bush too, South Park didn't because they thought it was boring to hear the same jokes. How times change

Yes. Shows can't good for ever eventually they stretch it for too long or change the writers and it's garbage

It's all yuppie humor now, I don't see the point of having the kids around anymore. Can't remember which one of the two creators actually works on the show but he might as well retire it and just make a new one with Randy-tier characters, that's obviously their self-insert at this point.

It went from a small redneck town in South Park Colorado to South Park becoming gentrified and this is how Trey and Matt respond to it. It has been shit but its pretty much relevant

It stopped being funny in 2000 and was overshadowed by its spiritual successor That's My Bush!

I feel like That's My Bush doesn't get talked about enough.

There are people who can now vote who weren't even alive when the golen age ended for SP

They stopped doing the season long stuff last season actually. The season sucked though I can remember the idea of one episode and that's about it.

Yes, about a decade ago.

member when this was a thing?

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Trey Parker is a die hard fan of musicals and a musical genius. He's been doing traditional musicals since forever. The goddamn South Park movie was a musical. Parts of it were directly lifted from Les Miserables for fuck's sake. His first film was Alferd Packer/Cannibal! The Musical.

Holy shit do you know anything about these guys? Have you seen Mormon? It's fucking fantastic

The golden age was over a very long time ago, it had a renaissance and that ended like 6 years ago

Bill Hader is the Charles Krauthammer of South Park. Thank you.

The joke is that super strict coaches who are also administrators dress like PC Principal, not that guys who dress like that are actually super PC

They're getting better at animation when the scene actually calls for it but there's still something really charming about the first season's look. So much more texture and shadows on everything. When they forego that it's technically better but looks soulless in comparison.

It wasn't all that bad either. There was an ep where he does a Dr. Kevorkian for his sickly cat and it was cute.

i know trey was married to a mulatto woman who already had a black son and like to play with legos.

the dream of every man.

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Man song is never not funny.

This picture always get a laugh from me. Fucking hell that dog knows what’s up. Please tell me that the biggest mistake this guy made was getting donated sperm from a nigger.

Didn't know conservatives were so sensitive.

>each sentence is a paragraph

Show hasn't been consistently good since season 10, and has been unwatchable since season 13

They could've adopted a baby from africa. Really says something when everyone immediately thinks it was a cuck situation. Especially when that baby is dark as fuck when a mixed baby would be lighter

it happened when they moved from 2 half season 7 episodes each to one big 10 episode season. Its simply too much and they shit out some real bad ones. Like last season where they sucked al gores dick for an hour and then had man bear pig kill satan. Now i still love the show its just i think the current format is burning them out and they should go back to 2 half seasons of 7 episodes or even 5 episodes.

I didn't get it until you said it. How dumb am I

Musicals are pretty cool. Most of them aren't, but as a genre I feel like they have potential. Of course the majority are gay shit, but Trey and Matt have made some of the best ones. I saw Book of Mormon live and it was great.

the intuition power of the dog is fucking awesome, he just knows whats up and he is sad for his master.

i dont think he thinks this guy is his master anymore, desu.

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happens to every show
the writers get old and rich and their views on the world stop coming from a place of hunger and want to a place of complacency and pandering

Orgazmo doesn't get enough praise.

It's a parody that turns into full blown genre by the end of it and looks spot on like the 90s 'modernized' treatment given to capeshit. It's pretty fucking brilliant.

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PC principle is satire of the SJW movement in one person. He represents the SJWs.

Infant skin color is pretty meaningless. Darkies are born super light all the time.

>obama becomes president
>starts funding ISIS terrorists in Libya and Syria who enslave children
>n-nevermind haha the Axis of Evil wars are good actually!

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>allisters madness

One of my favorite comedies. The one thing that made all of the overdramatic South Park style comedy so much funnier was making the characters puppets.

Yeah but a mixed baby wouldn't be that dark regardless

I fucking love Jimmy especially how his legs are drawn. He's the epitome of one of those eagle scout after school program latchkey kids.

Remember when a terrorist attack in Paris was just a crazy parody that would never ever happen?

Bff is an islander who has two kids and they had to explain to him during the labor to not flip out because apparently black babies are pretty palish.

They used to be heavily influenced by monty python in humor and animation. I miss when they still did the cut out look. Also people give m&t too much credit for the overall production of the show. At one point they had a while different team of writers, animators and music production that knew how to make a funny show.

I like the panthers especially.

Their writing team is turning into an SNL cast and they don’t care because they are getting paid.

He's still married to her. They have a daughter of their own now, named Betty.

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I don't think they really started to get into the groove until 4th grade. Before that it's basically the Cartman show.

/thread for me. I was exactly 18 when it aired, and I couldn't tell if I had grown out of it, or if it'd just gotten bad. Very low-effort, exploitative humor and "callbacks" that episode.

>They probably get paid millions for only 3 months of work, it's an easy gig.
And they both endlessly bitch about how hard it is to do the show despite working maybe a quarter of the year. Fuck them.

just got this tattoo of Trey a couple months ago

the man is based, and a genius

Attached: trey tattoo.png (396x574, 460K)

based af

Died when Vernon Chatman of PFFR left as a writer

>the constantly moving chair

so like late aughts? that makes scents.

Man I know the feeling though. Maybe not to that degree but I got paid 250 an hour for 14 hours on a private security detail. Required me to basically stand in place all day with 20lbs of gear including my ballistic vest. In the middle of blistering fucking August. 4 dollars a minute and by hour like 6 I was thinking about how it might not be worth it. But it always is before and afterwards.

Orgazmo is a fucking great movie. Always will be one of my watch at least once a year movies.

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cool blogpost

You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you... but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get.

Idk if it peaked with the LOTR episode but that's still my favorite.

>Chucks fuck and tuck

Making fun of Trump was retarded, they should've known that all Trump parodies end up being less fun to watch than Trump himself.