good animation wasted on terrible writing: the show
Good animation wasted on terrible writing: the show
>Experimental show for amateurs
No way
Aquila Rift
Alternate Histories
>Nicest Looking
Zima Blue and The Witness
>Could be a fun game
>Wasted Potential
Three Robots and Good Hunting
Zima Blue was the best one
Some were only good to just ok
the rest were dog shit.
Best story was the space fungus.
Frustrating thing is, the idea is pretty good: Get different but competent animation studios to animate hand-picked short stories.But whoever was on the charge of choosing the stories should be skinned alive and crucified.
Wtf, i thought it was super retarded. And all that forced diversity....
The only one i liked was the russian one (secret war) because the other stuff wasnt ruined by the stale plot. The reveal they were father and son, the last stand battle, the whole plot of ww2 soldiers fighting demon creatures, and the little clues how the demons will eventual win hit all the right snares. Every other animation was made great but too plot heavy, and the problem was all the plots were done a thousand times before.
Imagine The Outer Limits with this animation...
I liked the Fish Night the best. Gorgeous, simple and an interesting message to it too.
Aquila Rift second best.
>too plot heavy
You've gotta be kidding me
>Problem was all the plots were done a thousand times before
Same with the Russian vs demon short. There's a similar plot right there in the series called Suits.
Agreed. I've been begging for more Western animation. Netflix choosing the stories killed it though.
The first episode being the best example maybe. Beautiful animation combined with the most cliche strong womyn story I've seen in a while.
>Come on user, let's get drunk and fuck some more
Yes, thats what i said. They were all done before so many times. 0 original plot. But it didnt bother me with secret war.
Good lord was Good Hunting wasted potential, I’m deeply disappointed at how it dropped the ball the moment she revealed she was INDUSTRIALIZED. The worst part? It worked - I didn’t like the story direction, but it worked for getting Yan her fox form back.
Ah, I got you. What about Zima Blue had forced diversity?
I like that one. Good Hunting could work as a film.
It was kind of a weird metaphor since her people were being slain by the Chinese regardless of the colonial aspects.
Are there any worth checking out?
Not even joking, I'd tap that
>implying I want to fuck a spider
>implying we're fucking and I'm not just being slowly eaten away as paralyzed prey in it's web
There were so many episodes that were flat out cringe. Like I felt completely embarrassed watching them.
But some were good hard sci-fi, and there's just not enough of that. So it gets a pass.
Secret War - Feels like a game trailer, in a fun way
Aquila Rift - Short and satisfying
Fish Night - Nice animation
Suits - A 90 min action flick compressed into 15 mins
Ok. But drop the simulation.
>you're now aware of the bubbling liquid oozing out of the spoder's body
>you're now aware that Greta spills "champagne" all over herself and Thom laps that shit up like a thirsty dog
Totally would.
Thom's daddy as fuck, you can't blame a girl for trying to get some
Zima Blue
>thom is an anagram for moth
lucky 13 was sick
lol hes not actually fucking the alien
its all in his mind you dopes
I bet the writers are women
If we don't kick women out of writing, movies and videogames are gonna be shit forever
That's actually vile
Lucky 13 was boring.
>t. incel
hav sexorz
you're boring
lucky 13 made me want to explore that world and the war and shit
plus it looked great
Try playing Halo.
Not even close
nope, 80% are written by the same dude
there were only 3 or 4 good episodes. the rest was autistic animu shit with zoomer tier writing
halo gay
halo is for boomers
Quid. Pro. Quo. Clarice.
>The absolute state of everything
What where they thinking on Alternate Histories? Jesus Christ
I thought 13 was going to go in a different direction. I thought it was going to be a haunted ship kind of story, like the crew of old missions still are around. Maybe the pilot gets shot down, and she's all by herself, but suddenly the enemy soldiers are all getting shot up by sudden reinforcements. Then when the battle is over, the pilot is all by herself...BOO! Something like that. Instead it was just oh the AI is alive or whatever.
It's the first 18 episodes what do you want man? This would be right at home if it came out 15 years ago on late night HBO or MTV liquid TV. I hope they keep doing it
>get off my ship
>*ai intelligently waiting for the perfect time to blow up*
>*blows up*
No no go back go back! I've made a mistake
Wish we would get more space horror storys like beyond aquila rift that aren't DUDE ALIEN ON BOARD KILLING US ONE BY ONE
pretty accurate
that sounds gay and boring
glad you thought wrong
yea same
maybe something like space ghosts coast to coast!
"I'm so embarrassed to be a white male, reddit." the person
>I hope they keep doing it
Yeah. It's a much more interesting thing to spend money on than what they usually make.
Sucker of Souls, Good Hunting and Aquila Rift would make good mini series 2bh.
hopefully they make sequels to every possible episode
>good animation
I love PlayStation games too
This. Even though half of it was pure shit, at least it was entertaining. I can't think of a single other netflix original I made more than an episode through.
So was thom old as fuck after redoing the simulation over and over or was he starving/getting sucked to death?
In the book Greta is sincere. He's in the pod the whole time, Suzy and Roy are dead. There's a whole hive of these creatures (You see Greta with two guards at the beginning), but she's a sort of matriarch. Her kind was the first to get lost in this place, so she set up shop.
There some objectively beautifully animated eps.
Three Robots the best despite its wasted potential.
Also has the biggest potential for a long form spin-off. They just need to retcon its absurd and altogether unfunny ending.
>wasted potential
No, it was just trash. Simply the worst episode because Alternative History is only 8 min long
yeah, I was really diggin it until the ending stuff. If it refined it's humor bit, removed the ending, and went for a more comfy, robots-on-vacationy feel I would put it up at the top
This explains why only 20% of the episodes were actually well written. Fucking private pyle
Alternate Histories was written by someone who never got over their "lulz im so random XD" phase
Ah that's good to know. Wasn't too sure but wanted to believe that they weren't getting sucked. It doesn't look like they were moved at all but it just makes you wonder what the spoders live on in that giant web if not other humans.
Leave Hitler alone guys he was a good man
Your episode is bad if the entire punchline is LOL HITLER.
jello cannon? but look, LOL HITLER