was I suppose to sympathize with this fucking psychopath?
Ken Burns Vietnam
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>gleefully clearing out american imperialist pigs and their south vietnamese dogs on leashes
sounded pretty based to me
I've only seen the first half but didn't a bunch of his family get killed
destroying the invading army that's challenging the sovereignty of your country is pretty hero status my dude.
Think about how much Americans justify putting babies in concentration camps to "stop the invasion" of Brown immigrants.
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Yeah, it is just like Germans during WW2 who were putting jews into concentration camps, when Jews were trying to desperately get into Germany. Fucking Drumpf white male.
Stop being butthurt. How do you expect him to act towards invaders? I would expect every white man to do the same to foreign invaders.
How the FUCK did Americans lose to a bunch of rice farming gooks?
>Wah, Mexicans are invading us!!
>Wah, how dare this gook defend his homeland from invaders!
Wh*tes are weak
because its an underdog revenge story
>they killed his family
>they burned his village
>now hes out for blood
>*cuts to him with a huge smile chopping up dudes with a machete*
real life is the best kino
it's much easier to convince poor people to die to defend their homeland than it is to convince rich people to die to conquer a land they know nothing about and have seemingly no interest in
Kind of hard to pretend you're the underdog when you're backed by both the USSR and China AND have home field + defender + morale advantage but w/e shitskins just gotta cope after having their country destroyed I guess
Based VietKang
reminder the french started all this shit
Whoa, how dare those Soviet fighters shoot down American bombers pouring napalm and chemical weapons on villages. It's unfair when we have an equal opponent!
have people unironically watched the whole documentary? can't you just read a book on it for all that time?
is that where this song come from
how does he not have a biopic
>defends his country from foreign murderers and rapists
North Vietnam was the invader, senpai
a thorough book on the vietnam war and history of the region would take much more time to read than a docuseries. each episode is only 1hr long or so.
Depends on which side of the war you were.
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I'm not defending meddling Americans, but it was the commies who started the war, and like all commies, deserve death
Back to /pol/, seething shart
Charlie here. Thanks for the Vietcong Victory Monument, American Pigdog.
>"What's this I hear about vietnam fucking shits?"
Unironically the media turned the civilians against the war.
How the FUCK did Bongs lose to a bunch of tobacco farming mutts?
Fighting against an imperialist power is always based
>t. Jose Francisco Fausto Garcia Benitez Chimichanga
It was a civil war, beaner. The south Vietnamese requested military assistance from the US.
Nobody asked you to come here, beaner. You are the invader. You have to go back.
I mean, china and the soviet union were literally inside vietnam supporting with men and material. They were supported by two of the largest non american states in the world.
seeing people's faces as they talk about their experiences adds a lot
the episodes range from 1hr 22 min to 1 hr 54 min. the whole thing is about 18 hours
South vietnam never existed it was some whitepig invention with a puppet dictator directly appointed by Kissinger.
Stay mad hypocrite fatass.
The best parts aren't the parts explaining the history of the conflict, they're the interviews with the vets. The history needs to be there to provide context for the veterans' stories. Seeing a guy get emotional talking about the guys he fought with is fucking kino and it wouldn't be the same translated into written word.
>mfw seeing the American soldiers cry and act like beta bitchs
>mfw seeing the Vietnamese soldiers act like killing the Americans was a Sunday walk in the park
>Fighting against an imperialist power
>For your imperialist chink master
Top kek.
Because the French intervened. They got fuck all from it and Americans have acted like ungrateful swine ever since.
>Wah, I wanted to kill more jungle gooks cause they killed my best friend Johnny who I had just met 2 weeks before in bootcamp but I got PTSD
The US Army Virgin vs. The VietChad
All weaker nations are slaves if I was Asian in Vietnamese I would rather be fighting for a similar race with a political ideology just like America fights for Israel and pornography and materialism
Vietnam is doing pretty well these days isn't it? Also they stopped that whole Khmer Rouge thing happening in Cambodia so I guess they aren't all bad.
>guns down Americans and traps them in terrible pits
>goes home to his wife and oxen and makes another kid while eating delicious food
>highly trained equip American dogs dying in the jungle
communism will never ever work
imagine thinking losing a war because of the french somehow makes it less embarrassing.
Dude was fucking unhinged.
Does having brown skin and a 90 iq suck?
That goblino got BTFOd so hard
The only reason the US lost that war was due to it being the first war with the military being racially integrated. For the first time, white men had to fight alongside niggers and some beaners.
Not coincidentally, the military at this time was suffering from rampant drug abuse, criminal behavior, and a poor morale. Niggers and beaners are pure poison and no doubt contributed to the loss of the war.
>Americans getting gunned down and severe mental illness from a group of Asian girls
There were lots of Hispanics in WW2 though, are you retarded?
>it’s the niggers and beaners fault