What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
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He was an incel
He was a good boy, he didn't do nothin
he had the forrest gump condition but in a more realistic movie
browsed too much Yea Forums
he couldn't help it
Why didn’t the eagles just fly him out of boot camp?
he couldnt haul his fat ass, slowing the team down.
this shit gets you killed in battle.
needed a smaller doughnut.
"he climbed obstacles like old people fuck" - sargeant hartman
Hes the same guy from daredevil. good actor
he was hungry
also Edgar in MIB
Vietnam got the US army to become very lax with their recruiting/draft standards and allowed in retards who never would have passed before.
I'm prediabetic and my metabolism literally doesn't process calories as fast as a typical human and obviously I'm overweight as a result of that, dude just lose the weight lmao is one of the most moronic mantras I've ever heard and is actually counterproductive because failure just makes people like me want to eat
A shit bag who cant follow easy simple instructions and gave up.
He couldn't hack it.
Wouldn't a guy like Pyle just get sent home? I'm not complaining at all about the movie, I'm just asking how it would go irl. I thought they let you go if you fuck up too much.
Not during actual wartime with draft going on, otherwise everyone would convieniently fuck up and there would be no need to shoot yourself in the foor accidentally.
He was a millennial born too soon
I wonder why you're prediabetic you fatass.
They get dropped and administratively separated for failure to adapt.
Stop eating so much
he couldn't even do one lousy pull up
Didn't eat the doughnut with a smirk on his face like a true alpha such as I would.
What happens when you try to make a man out of incel NEET trash.
>Edgar in MIB
Holy shit
in world war II the average age of the combat soldier was 26. In vietnam, he was 19
Get a therapist and/or a personal trainer. Losing weight is sort of like quitting drugs. In theory, it’s retardedly simple, but just because something it simple doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Then you have to adjust your caloric intake.
if you're young, the only at fault party at this point should be you. Some people do have legitimate thyroid problem, or had seemingly acceptable eating habits then suffered some radical metabolism change, or whatever, but that only accounts for so much of their weight. I know people with thyroid conditions, and they're not that fat. If you're 50-100+ pounds overweight, it's because you're not properly balancing your caloric intake and exercise. That's not even speaking of good nutrition.
order speed off of the darknet and have a snort every time you feel hungry for several weeks. Take melatonin to sleep. Simple as
he just wasn't marine material
>my metabolism literally doesn't process calories as fast as a typical human
>I'm overweight as a result of that
It doesn't make sense at all dude.
Just eat more pizza. Stop crying to Yea Forums.
>What is McNamara's Morons
Basically getting in low IQ, over weight, or people with mental or health deficiencies to make up for a shortage in manpower.
the first thing the vietnam soldier bought? a warm meal
>Obesity Associated With a Decline in Intelligence Quotient During the First Half of the Life Course
>failure just makes people like me want to eat
You fat piece of shit.
Watch the cell he’s in it with Vince Vaughn he’s one of the best actors atm
when I saw this as a kid I just couldn't sympathize with the soldiers anymore. they drove their comrade to suicide. then in vietnam they're just shooting ricefarmers from their choppers. are you supposed to feel bad when they get sniped?
Everyone here claims he was a complete failure but how comes he became a pretty good shooter in the end and managed to finish training?
It was crushing his soul that killed him not him being a failure
>Everyone here claims he was a complete failure
Not me, he killed 2 imperialist dogs, he was a good man.
Based and VCpilled
Vietnnnnnnnnnnnnn he was 19
I laughed a lot at this post and I feel like in exchange I should acknowledge it.
ya no, just eat less