Disney World thread continued from
Disney World thread continued from >>112182330
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was lucky enough to ride this back when both cars set off simultaneously.
I remember going back few years later and they separated them
For me, it’s Animal Kingdom
*gets destroyed because a guy didnt secure his cellphone before getting on a roller coaster*
Why did they even stop launching them simulatneously? Even Universal stopped that with Dueling Dragons.
Basically the general IQ of society has been on steady decline since the 50s and people realized that if they threw shit at the other train when it crossed it would make a cool red liquid come out of people's heads
>tfw hooked up with some DILF at Art of Animation resort
Best sex of my life
imagine queueing all through that then picking the fire side
>He didn't ride them both multiple times during the quiet season
You are why I dont want to cure aids
I'd tell smilerfag to kill himself but I'm sure his shitty ride will do the job sooner rather than later
Don't worry the true coaster is still here
Can we get the mods to stop fucking deleting these threads?
People actually like discussing this shit and its contained to a single thread. I dont know why they are so autistic about nuking them on sight but allowing 10 Brie Larson and basedwars threads to stay up
Spaceship earth wasn’t that special
i like how they let people use free lockers now before the ride
alton towers has been shit since they compromised about the wooden coaster they constantly hyped got knocked back
wouldve been great though going down the valley low
Until Disney revokes the marvel license with their upkeep opt-out*
Better keep that shit nice and sparkly Universal. Big Mouse is watching and if there is even a speck of dust on Hulks nose the lawsuit cannon is being fired
It meant a lot to ride as a kid, because even if you don't like American exceptionalism, there is something genuinely important about kids hearing that there is a world tomorrow to hope for.
Best Disney YouTuber coming through. His sister is pretty cute too.
Tim Tracker fags need not reply.
/tpg/ fares much better on Yea Forums instead of Yea Forums. less deletes.
I'd say the compromise was worth it. WM is getting great word of mouth.
I remember riding the Indiana Jones ride a couple years ago and there would be 3 RNG paths you would take and we wanted the red one and me and my buddy would ride it then jump the guard rail to cut the line to ride it again till we got the red path. It took like 15 god damn attempts.
>there would be 3 RNG paths you would take
It's the same path just different colors and voice over
Brie Larson and Star Wars are actually Television and Film though. Theme parks belong on
shame disney are so fucking shit with rollercoasters. they would have never made anything like hulkcoaster
seven dwarfs ride took years to make and it was crap
Recommend me some kino jerking off spots
I don't care I wanted the red one
Pretty sure Disney and Universal have an agreement and Universal would kick off if they tried to alter it.
Universal gets the comic book side of marvel, Disney gets the MCU stuff. It's why you don't see ANY MCU at Universal at all.
am i supposed to recognize that guy
Michael Kay.
who tf is this nigga?
Did you know that if you have something happen to you at a Disney park where you might die, that park staff are ordered to rush you to the parking lot because it's easier to defend in a lawsuit you dying in the parking lot then in the actual park? It's why Disney lawyers have such a high K/D ratio for lawsuit victories.
>Pretty sure Disney and Universal have an agreement and Universal would kick off if they tried to alter it.
No, Marvel and Universal have an agreement they forged when IOA was first set up.
In the contract that Universal signed they agreed to an upkeep stipulation that mandates that universal is not allowed to let the marvel rides fall into a state of disrepair that would damage the marvel brand. If they do, Marvel can revoke the contract and sue the shit out of Universal forcing them to re-theme the rides.
Now Disney owns Marvel and therefore Disney owns that end of the contract. The MCU shit with the avengers cannot be built at disney because Universal owns the theme park rights to the avengers, the xmen, and Spiderman. As long as Universal keeps their current marvel rides nice and pretty, Disney cannot build anything related to the avengers, spiderman, or x-men. They can build rides for heroes that are not in those groups, though. Which is why Guardians of the Galaxy got a ride before Captain America did.
I should add that the upkeep stipulation is why the Hulk Coaster was refurbished recently. It was beginning to show its age and Universal heard Disney panting like a dog in heat ready to fuck the living shit out of their money butthole.
Same reason spiderman the ride got upgraded to 3D. Same reason that specific area of the park is damn near pristine at all times.
Does that contract have an end date or is it like every retarded contract Marvel signed when they were failing?
>Which is why Guardians of the Galaxy got a ride before Captain America did.
who wants a captain america ride?
he's no spiderman desu
disney are so spent of ideas its a joke anyway. most they will ever do of using the characters that are worth a damn is a meet and greet
So as long as Universal keeps the rides in good condition Disney can't do shit? They must be pretty pissed about that.
That does explain why the marvel area in IoA seems the cleanest compared to shit like Seuss Landing and the Cartoon area, the rides in those places are fucking disgusting.
>grey mould all over the walls in Ripsaw Falls
>So as long as Universal keeps the rides in good condition Disney can't do shit? They must be pretty pissed about that.
Nothing multiculturalism and Chinese tourists can't fix.
>nothing multiculturalism can’t fix
Holy fuck it all makes sense now
ExCast member here.
Half true. If you die on property there have been situations where they wait until you are off property to announce your death, thus not technically ruining their ratio. They don't move you to the parking lot if something happens to you, both because that's insensitive and causes bad publicity, but also because the parking lot is still technically on property.
It does not end, as far as I recall. I'm 100% sure disney will find a way to merchant them out of it. I think that's why universal is being so aggressive with the harry potter and nintendoland stuff. They know they are likely losing Marvel and Simpsons soon and need replacement IPs.
They just bought enough land to make an entirely new park and the rumor is that the acquisition of replacement IPs will go along with it. Lord of the Rings is one of the names that is floating around at the moment
This image leaked recently so an IP heavy park seems to be the plan. What IPs remains to be seen
Made for
alright, let's settle this. who's got the best videos?
It's disgusting that Walt Disney warned about the Jewish menace and was mocked for it now the people that have been consistently on top of Disney for years have been Jews. I hope there is no afterlife because I would feel bad to have Walt see what happened to his once Jew free empire.
its not the end of the world if they lose marvel and simpsons desu. Hulk is a great coaster by itself. they could easily satisfy the autists and bring back Back To The Future the ride.
Only issue is the spiderman ride which would need a worthy replacement
Only one channel might get people actually riding coasters rather than be scared of them.
best part of Epcot
Universal is trash. They haven't built a single new ride in almost 10 years that hasn't been some variation of sitting in some sort of vehicle watching a 3D movie.
>best part of Epcot
100 percent easily Podcast The Ride.
Super underrated. I recommend them to everyone interested in theme parks.
They arent always the most informed, but they do their research for each discussion and are easily the funniest in the theme park fandom.
Not on youtube, but if anyone here listens to podcasts I can't shill them enough
can you ride in that? Looks pretty comfy
You dont get it. Most of the money in theme parks comes from extra purchases once you are in the park.
Food, merchandise, premium experiences, whatever.
IPs allow you to attract fans of that IP to the park, which is a larger group of people than regular fans of standard roller coasters. The reason they want to do IP heavy shit is because IPs are billion dollar industrys just as brands themselves.
So universal does not want to lose Marvel because their marvel area isnt just rides. You can buy wolverine shirts and Storm action figures and that all adds up to a fuckload of revenue.
IPs are the future of the theme park industry so get used to it
No it's just a tiny little model. Nice to look at though
Why’d they kill GMR lads? It was theme park kino
yes, go try it
>Most of the money in theme parks comes from extra purchases once you are in the park.
yfw the average popcorn cart in Magic Kingdom makes $4000 profit a day
yfw every night Disney spends $50000 on fireworks
I believe it. I never in my life thought I would buy anything in a park then I went to Disney and bought an Indiana Jones fedora. In my defense I have worn that fedora rafting and caving so it has seen shit.
Have you thanked them today?
>Eisner was born to an affluent, secular Jewish family[8][9][10] in Mount Kisco, New York
cant remember last ride I went on without being forced to leave through the gift shop
was it tower of terror that started this trend? the merchandise in that shop was great btw
>Iger was born to a Jewish family in New York City.[3][4][5]
>hated by EVERYONE
>still lasted this long
Yeah... I stand with Israel...
Disney dollars to this day still have a 1-1 parity with the USD and is the only other currency in the world to go toe to toe with the dollar consistently.
hoiw many times have you tipped it
If you bought $1000 in Disney bucks in the 90's it would be worth like $50,000 today
Post underrated kino
>the water tunnel
>the stage drop
>the theme and atmosphere
Makes me sad that universal gutted the lost continent to make room for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Onions
get as many as you can because they will replace the USD eventually
I loved the lost continent. At least this is still there though.
I haven't been on this in years but because of your post I think I'll give it another shot when I go.
>NA theme parks
I was not expecting the stage drop the first time I went in and had a damn panic attack
How about you and your lego land go fuck yourselves out of this thread
>Europeans talking shit again
Remember what happened last time?
wtf is that
today is actually the 20th anniversary of fabio killing a bird with his face on a rollercoaster
a bird hit him
Bush Gardens opened a new ride in 1999. They had world renown model Fabio be the first person to ride it. During the ride a Goose slammed into his face which was a pretty big deal since he is a model. Funny enough, this made the ride more popular and it still is going to this day. Also Fabio just laughed it off and didn't give a fuck.
Shit bros, should I be buying Disney Dollars or Bitcoin?
Montu....now THAT was a coaster!
Fabio getting fucked up in Dixie
Depends when you go. It's true there no "dead" season anymore, but there are still quiet-ish seasons. Go during those times and plan autistically.
What the fuck?
>they compromised about the wooden coaster they constantly hyped got knocked back
What are you babbling about? Was Wicker Man supposed to go underground?
Post em
>Favourite Ride
>Favourite Hotel
>Favourite Park
>Favourite Restaraunt
It's a shame Universal is so fucking shit now. I first went in '95 and all the rides like Jaws, King Kong and Earthquake had some character about them. Now almost every ride is DUDE DARK RIDE WITH 3D GLASSES LMAO. They've got so fucking lazy with it, Transformers even has the exact same carts that Spiderman uses. Also Disney seems a lot fucking busier than it was even just a few years ago, and I went in a quiet time last year. I'm not sure if them fucking about with how they issue fastpasses has fucked things up. Also tour groups of South Americans all wearing the same shirt can go fucking neck themselves.
Nice trips. Show your boypussy.
Im glad, user. I went on it for the first time last year (also my first time at universal) and honestly I'll stand by it til I die.
It also has the added benefit of being a wonderful way to get out of the heat for a while.
Yeah same. If I didnt have people with me to cling to I might have pissed myself.
All amusement parks as a thing died when they replaced this ride
Save your money and do some adulting. Unless you're a person denied a childhood and are desperate to fill that void, there's much better ways to travel and spend your money than Disney.
Regardless, Disney these days is a cancerous experience. Expect the park to be inundated with foreigners and third-world South Americans traveling in large groups. Expect despite the "improvements" to their ride queue system, you will still be waiting hours in line for a ride experience that for the most part lasts < 2 minutes total. You might be able to cut down on the wait times by riding single rider, but likely you're traveling with other people and do not want to split up.
It's not all entirely bad, Disney has some good restaurants and the atmosphere is still alright, but when you're there you get the feeling the entire time that you're just constantly being shilled and coerced to spend, spend spend, endlessly and it gets really frustrating when you just want to sit back and enjoy the experience, and the crowds just make it that much worse. Universal is almost as bad, but the ride experience is slightly better there for the most part. Disney really hasn't changed or innovated all that much in the past decade, though there are new sections (Star Wars land, Avatarland, etc.) opening up. Most of the rides feel really dated and not worth experiencing if you've already rode them before.
tl;dr - save your money and go on a real vacation. There's so many better places you can go for much less money, not that it's impossible to do disney on a budget, but it's just not worth it.
Tower of Terror
Animal Kingdom
theyve been trying to build a wooden coaster for over a decade before WickerMan was even thought up.
It would have spanned from where Corkscrew was to Nemesis going up and down the huge valley. it was knocked back because apparently it meant cutting down too many trees
theres also a huge prick local who tries to reject everything the park put forward
Walt Disney is just as sinister. He had his own branch of Pizzagate-like services and provided resources for Monarch torture.
>waiting more than an hour to do anything at all
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Is there an online resource to know when those are? The worst part of Disney World is always the crowd
I fucking despise this phrase, either you're an adult or you're not. You can't pick and choose which aspects of adulthood you want to do. I don't care if none of this has anything to do with your post, you've triggered me.
Wow what Sega CD game is this?
I know disney-ing got to be a really big thing with the tumblr crowd. People that were 16 and a part of that whole hot topic disney trend a few years ago are now 21 with their own money and ability to do things.
google disney world crowd timetable or something
Still is. Hasnt changed at all.
Egypt kinda sucks now though. They dont even bother staffing all of the carnival games anymore
Say hello to the best rollercoaster of all time
This guy fucking gets it.
Let's talk bud, how about a trip to disney next year together?
TouringPlans is probably the best but they have to pay.
Generally any time kids are in school is quieter. Right after Thanksgiving is usually pretty quiet too. January is fairly quiet since everyone stays for new years and then leaves.
Quietest times I've ever been have been mid
November (after thanksgiving) through 10th December and mid September through early October.
I'm down. What's your email address lets set something up?
>Millenium Force changed its name to capeshit
*blocks your path*
Promise I’m not invested in this site whatsoever. I’m going in like a month and have used this sites resources to help plan. They do charge 15 bucks a year though, so if that is prohibitive then just google Disney crowd calendars and go from there.
>theres also a huge prick local who tries to reject everything the park put forward
Blessing in disguise to be honest. Without that autist REEEING at every turn, we'd never have ended up with Nemesis. I can forgive anything since Nemesis was the end result. It's probably the most Boomer ride in the world, but I don't give a fuck, there's a reason Nemesis still sits around the Top 10 Steelies in the world during the GT Awards.
(Thinking about it, i'd kill for a Nemesis style Boomer Wojack.)
Is this fucking Millenium Force??
Is Trump in the Disney hall of presidents?
I was just in Disney land last weekend. It was fun. The new star wars land looks pretty fucking cool. They have a scale model set up. I did a bunch of the fantasy land rides that I usually skip. They were pretty cool.
Yes and it’s a Hillary body swap and it’s the funniest fucking bit of poor planning
Yes, they actually did a pretty good job of giving him a somewhat inspiring speech too.
>yfw he asked them to include a line saying America invented skyscrapers so he could talk about his business ventures
>they said no
yes but theres a rumour that they just mangled the hillary model they already fabricated.
>go to disney as a kid
>magical place where anything can happen
>everyone is happy
>everything is great
>everything is clean
>everything is amazing
>go a few years ago
>rides smell like wet mexicans
>some attractions dont even work properly
>fat people and brown people lounging every park bench
>insta-thots busy taking selfies with the stupid ass mouse ears
>everything feels old and dirty and cheap
>disney tries to jew you at every step of the way
It's like a microcosm of society
>didnt think youd actually respond
Well shit
[email protected]
>You can buy these again
Ray Kroc had a hate boner for Disney so bad that it almost destroyed him and McDonalds. Because they refused to serve McDonalds in their park at the time he vowed to destroy Disney and started set up of building a competing amusement park called "Western World" right next door which would have been a wild west themed park. Thankfully he didn't go with this bland as fuck idea and Disney eventually agreed to sell his fries in the park.
Roger Ebert is president?
That wasn't me. I usually go with family, I'm sorry.
6 Flags New England?
>[email protected]
Also former CM here. This is largely an urban legend today. Disney does take precautions to hide emergencies (e.g. CMs refer to ambulances as "Alphas" and fires as "Signal 25" so guests don't overhear and freak out) but moving bodies definitely doesn't happen anymore.
This. I've already listened to all their episodes and I'm desperately trying to find something similar.
>tfw you will never spend a day in the parks with the good boys
They're also still accepted in the parks, but your change will just be in USD.
+1 to those saying touring plans. If you're a cheapass you can torrent their books
I booked a trip to DLR in June and I'm beyond stoked. Praying I get a reservation for Galaxy's Edge.
looks like Cedar Point to me.
The single rider line on Everest is excellent.
How many theme parks have you guys been to in your lives? My resume goes something like:
Busch Gardens Tampa
Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Islands of Adventure
Six Flags San Antonio
MGM Studios (Hollywood Studios)
Animal Kingdom
Lotte World, South Korea
Everland, South Korea
Universal Studios
Kings Dominion
Seaworld Orlando
Magic Kingdom
I really want to go to Cedar Point because people gas it up like the ultimate park.
Maybe it's a clone. Bizzaro is definitely 6flags
Do you know where this picture was taken? Found it a while ago and I've been curious. There's a roller coaster in the background, but I've never seen girls running around an amusement park in bikinis.
Based and fuck the mods
Tip to anyone going some time soon.
You can stay in the Magic Kingdom until like an hour past closing time and get Pictures off Cast members with no one there.
It's a really nice to be able to just sit and take it in with no one around to ruin your photos.
wouldn't surprise me. 6Flags loves getting coasters already designed. Even putting them on the car park
Bruh look at this dood
Mine is just
>SeaWorld Orlando
>Kings Island Ohio
>Coney Island (the shitty ohio one)
Shit. My resume is a bit longer than I thought.
I'm still boring though. Wish I could go to more places.
Busch Gardens Tampa. Just a guess tho, and I only say this because I've seen girls with bikini tops and they have red coaster called Sheikra
Cedar Point
Disney Magic Kingdom
Disney MGM Studios (I’m old)
Kings Dominion
Kings Island
Bush Gardens (Williamsburg and Tampa)
Boardwalk and Baseball
Disney Animal Kingdom
The Pavilion in Myrtle Beach
>I've never seen girls running around an amusement park in bikinis.
What? Like 90 percent of theme parks I have been to have a water park section
>circular spine track
Who here /Galactic hero/?
Is it true that most of the cast in the costumes are like hot chicks?
I rode Horizons as a kid and you can't believe how kino it is.
I've been to Dollywood that also has Dollywood Splash Country, but that's a separate park. Maybe you see children in swimsuits splashing in fountains but that's it.
y-you too
Pretty much. Anyone who wants to be a face character HAS to be a costumed character for a certain period of time first.
How come Disney still refuses to acknowledge the existence of Kingdom Hearts in their fucking parks? Sell fucking foam keyblades you dumb fucks.
>I have never and will never meet another human being who has been to Six Flags Great Escape
do you mean water rides or water park
because I've only seen actual water parks attached to themeparks, not inside them
what cast member is that?
gotta be goofy
Nice. I am going to attempt to grope mickey mouse next time I go
Water park section within a larger park.
Can I ask you guys something?
I have seen posters and stuff for it backstage in meeting rooms and shit.
I know that doesn't count, but it's still kinda cool
We're all friends here, user
Fuck. Forgot about:
Six Flags America
SeaWorld Orlando
I'm here for you.
They'd been talking about a valley coaster for decades, a huge scale woodie that gets around Alton Tower's tree-line restriction by having the big drops go into a valley.
It would have never gotten planning permission because of the number of trees it would have needed to cut down and it would have ruined a big portion of the gardens.
Sure go for it
My idea for a themepark: Like Disneyland, but only white people can go in there. And you can't be fat either.
That's me last time I went. I erased myself because I'm not gonna post pictures of myself online.
Staying in the parks past closing time is the best part of a trip. It's quiet enough that cast members can just chill and have conversations with you. Learned some pretty neat stuff last time I had a chat with them.
I thought they were getting rid of them but you could pay to have it shipped to you.
What happened to this guy or what do you think happened to him and do you think there was a nigger under the costume?
are you a minecraft character
People are going to have my head for this but I wouldn't want to see the trees go. It'd ruin the queue line aesthetic for Th13teen.
Fucking beautiful.
>Learned some pretty neat stuff last time I had a chat with them.
stop being a faggot and tell us the shit we care about
Definitely fired on the spot and no because black people don't work at Disney. Definitely an autistic kid
I remember seeing a disney show where Mickey was dancing on a stage and he vanished and seconds later he was on top of the castle and that shit blew my mind
Do you guys go to halloween events or no? Like Busch Gardens has Howl-o-scream and Universal has Halloween Horror Nights.
I think HHN has some great production values but damn does it get packed
Mostly design stuff for the parks. It was Halloween so she was telling me about how they decorate the Magic Kingdom for the holidays and how all the pumpkins above the stores are carved with items that they would sell.
This will be the future if we don't solve pizzagate
apparently a kid kicked him according to youtube comments
Alton Towers
Thorpe Park
Drayton Manor
Blackpool Pleasure Beach
Margate Dreamland
Legoland Windsor
Flamingo Land
American Adventure
Lightwater Valley
Port Aventura
Terra Mitica
Disney Studios
Paramount Great America
Knotts Berry Farm
Busch Gardens Tampa
Seaworld Florida and San Diego
California Adventure
Universal Hollywood
Universal Orlando
Island of Adventure
Magic Kingdom
Animal Kingdom
Disney Hollywood Studios
I think there's too much real-estate for them to crack down on Simpsons.
>kids trying to run to avoid being raped by Goofy
what a world
I will always do Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party if I go during that time.
>Everyone dressed up as characters
>Best parade Disney has ever made
>Park is quieter
it didn't change. you did.
Best in America?
Best in the world?
You just need better boomers, Boomer
>Flamingo Land
Fuckin' hell, lad. You're brave. Some of those rides are glorified death traps.
I really wish to have seen Pluto got that little piece of shit. Would be hilarious to have a video of Pluto straight up whacking that kid in the mouth
Alton Towers is a beautiful location, the tree line rules are bullshit but I have absolutely no problem with them having to justify hard every single tree they need to chop down.
Heck, for years Merlin underspent on the grounds upkeep and it took the council stepping in for them to actually fufil their obligations and restore the towers and gardens.
I went to Disneyland cosplaying as Sora and they refused to let me in. Like I knew the keyblade would be an issue so I left mine home but the guy at the ticket booth saw me, walkie talkied someone and said I wasn't allowed in. Why was this?
Disneyland Japan has a KH themed Hotel Room
People who try to cosplay at disney are fucking autistic anyways.
I hear they dont let cosplayers in bc of possible confusion with the actual character actors and it might tarnish their reputation.
Disney has a strict policy against guests wearing costumes of any type. The only time this rule is waived is during MNSSHP.
>I went to Disneyland cosplaying as Sora
Can't really give an objective 'best' as there are so many parks which are good for certain things and a lot of parks have changed massively. Heck Dreamland closed, burnt down and re-opened since I visited it. and American Adventure no longer exists
I'd say American park is tied Epcot and Islands of Adventure (not saying these have the best rides, just that I get the best overall enjoyment).
Alton Towers is my world favourite park although this could change as Merlin are running it into the ground.
I'm pretty sure they only let you wear costumes if you're under the age of 4 or something, except at Halloween. Way to go, manchild.
Disney are very strict on costumes. If you're not a little kid or have some sort of severe learning disability, you're not going to be allowed in.
Only takes one person to be mistaken for a Disney cast member and to touch up a kid to cause all sorts of harm for Disney.
>Epcot and Islands of Adventure (not saying these have the best rides
Of course not, Epcot has like three actual rides lol
The best ride in Disney World is the Peoplemover. Discuss.
That reminds me of when I went to Granada studios (doesn't really count as a theme park) and they had this weird flying coaster that wasn't working, at least 5-6 years before Air opening.
There's a neat mini documentary about it. Was one of these one of a kind things made by companies that don't really do coasters.
It has five YOU stupid motherfucker
>that pic
more like niggermover
yeah I remember that
How weird would it be to go to universal orlando by myself? My friends don't like to travel at all and theres some shit there I'd like to see
I remain surprised they've never really tried to do anything with this. Wouldn't take much to turn it into a proper dark ride.
Like Autopia it takes up a shit ton of room too.
its certainly one of the comfiest
the one in the ball
test track
the one with Gary Sinise in space
Comfiest is Living with the Land.
it would be weird but if you bring a camera and take a bunch of pics like a photographer you will look less weird
Not at all, the rides there are like "group" rides where you basically get herded like cattle into simulators.
Shout-out to the Twister ride, that was pretty based
Going alone is one of the best ways to go.
>No one to tell you where to go
>Single rider queues
Another thing I remember is that they had a set for the houses of parliament where they did this mini show thing where they did a mock debate and the debate was whether we should be in or out of Europe (this was probably around 1993).
No fucking way anyone would do something like that nowadays.
i really want to go to disney world again but it just wouldn't be the same without my dad
The only time of the year that universal is worth visiting
Yeah Merlin aren't giving Towers the love and care it deserves. Duel is just a travesty with its lightgun shenanigans and botched repaint. They only just trimmed the manors greenery last year for the first time in decades. Nemesis got its first paint job after 25 years. Sub-Terra has been SBNO for nearly 5 years at this point.
I want to say things are getting better, Sub-Terra was repurposed for Scarefest as Project 43, and Wicker Man was a good addition (even if its another horror ride made for families.) I want to believe that the Alton Dungeon will be used to funnel funds into the restoration of the Park, but i'm not that naive. It'll just be another thing that Merlin wasted money on (like Galactica VR that they've just removed) that they'll leave SBNO after three seasons. I'm amazed that Wicker Man still has its fire this season. Thought for sure they'd have cut back on that after it's debut season.
(Smiler > Nemesis > Wicker Man > Th13teen > Oblivion > Galactica > Rita)
Not weird. There’s no Robert there to enforce a no singles policy. In fact, you get preferential treatment as a single as you have your own line.
Seriously though, don’t ever fret doing things by yourself. Think of all of your heroes from movies and tv. Probably lone wolfs comfortable with themselves.
>Closes half your park and makes it nothing but Star Wars and Toy Story
Hope you're ready for Tower of Terror and Aerosmith to be re-themed once they're done with Star Wars land.
i work there and there are old dudes who come every day alone because theyre retired and bored
youre probably fine
That takes me back. Remember the giant oversized couch you could sit on? Remember that room where the Cheshire Cat descended from above? I was a kid sat on my Dad's shoulders and the damn thing came down right on top of me, I screamed like a little bitch.
Tower of Terror is a lost but fuck the Rock n Rollercoaster. I got a headache from the chairs blasting music into your ears
What's there to do as an adult as Disney World?
I am 34 and I never used to get sick on super awesome rides as a kid I actually do now. So rides are out of the question. I think I read about it being an inner ear thing in adults or smth a long time ago that kids don't have.
Anyway to the first question again, what is there for adults other than overpriced shit?
>tfw went to Disney Tokyo and it's 100% full of qt trad asians
>fuck the Rock n Rollercoaster. I got a headache from the chairs blasting music into your ears
fucking hell Grandad
A lot, actually. I feel like Animal Kingdom and Epcot are more appreciated by adults than children.
Magic Kingdom is only enjoyed by actual children and adults with arrested development issues.
Honestly, if Disney got rid of all of their rides I'd still go because their atmosphere is 10/10. They are really, really good at themeing their parks to be as immersive as possible.
Hell, two of their parks barely have focus on rides. Animal Kingdom is basically a zoo and Epcot is all about eating/drinking around the world. Not to mention all the shows/parades.
There's tons to do at Disney even if you don't do rides.
Daily reminder that Disneyland, despite being FAR smaller, actually has almost as many attractions as Disney World. Yes, Disneyland simply is that dense and packed with rides.
Time to play smash or pass, lads. Click the link below. It'll show you a random coaster. Post what you get and tell us if you'd smash that coaster, or pass on riding it.
Eat mushrooms and lose yourself in the theming.
Theme parks are for shitskins and poor trailer trash. Go on real vacations you plebs.
Ultimately it's a place to entertain kids. If you're going there as an adult without kids then you have unresolved childhood issues.
>tfw ganja not yet legal in florida so can't smoke cannabis and blow rings at animals in the kingdom
why even visit
too bad it’s in the worst state in the us
You're the degenerate trash that's ruining Disney experiences for people.
I don't want to go to Disney to see some fuck tripping on mushrooms. Go home.
>tfw ate too much weed brownie and had a panic attack in Tomorrowland
Good times
>disneyland simply is that dense and packed with rides
and mexicans
I got some absolute shithole of a coaster in Armenia. It literally just says "Random Roller Coaster".
Hard pass
sucks to know that from this day forward if i ever go there again i'll go alone
>Used to go to Disney World all the time as a kid
>Parents get divorced
>Don't go much for a few years
>Both of them miss it
>Can't afford to go on a single parents salary
>They decide to put their shit aside so they can go to Disney World again with their kids
>While they still obviously hate each other, they put it aside to enjoy the vacation
>Their relationship is better now
>Still don't like each other much, but are on friendly terms
>We go every other year as a "family"
Thank you Disney, every few years my family is whole again.
I've been to 30 countries and lived in 5, there is nothing wrong with going to a theme park.
Yeah. Someone by themselves enjoying themselves quietly is what’s ruining Disney for everyone. Disney Moms on my 4Channel? Can’t believe it.
i wish my family could do this
crey everytiem
>On drugs
>Enjoying yourself quietly
Just because you're a degenerate high off your mind doesn't mean everyone there can't tell
>mfw you live in a third world country
>mfw poor af
>mfw never be a kid and go to Disney World
Based depressed lonelyposter
UKfag here, only ever been to Thorpe park and it was a blast. Is it worth it going to Paris for a day or two at Disneyland?
You really have no idea what you’re talking about
Defunctland is my jam
>finally get nice salary job
>haven't been on vacation on years
>only major parks I went to as a kid were Six Flags Great America and all the shit in the Dells because they're close
>think I'll finally have the money to make a trip to one of the major studio parks
>realize it would take like my entire savings and I would most likely be overwhelmed by the crowds anyway and just drink $10 beers all day
a-at least the hungarian lifeguards at the Dells will always be there for me
ok faggot, post feet
>tfw no bear bf who also loves Disney as much as I do and plan vacations together and cuddle in the hotel room and ride everything together
It hurts bros
justin scarred is based
It's worth it, it's Disney World lite, but worth it.
You can get there dirt cheap if you take one of those coaches or find cheap flights.
That said, for an extra grand or two you could visit Disney World proper, I'd always do that personally.
My nigga. This plus Test Track and Soarin are worth admission itself.
Jellyrolls on the Boardwalk is fun as hell too, best live entertainment in WDW
i might be your bf, post soles
disneyland paris has french people there.
theyre particularly rude and obnoxious when I visited.
I was with you until this part. I never understood the hype for soarin'.
>Sit on this uncomfortable seat watching a video while walt squirts scents at you from beyond the grave.
Only thing worth it about that ride is watching Patrick Warburton be the narrator.
Paris is the worst Disney but they've done a lot of restoration work over the last couple of years and it's looking great.
I wouldn't go until they do the Hollywood Studios expansion if possible though, it's doubling the size of the park.
Oh I plan on doing that someday, hell it's the only reason I want to go to America.
What the fuck is this? It's just gives you random third world shit.
I really want to go to the Disney in Shanghai, the Tron ride looks sick
B-but I’m shy
>Test Track
>Beach Club
>Monseiur Paul
it's ok, remember, you're anonymous. now let's see them.
M8, get yourself to BPB. ICON is worth the trip Norf if you're down Souf.
Used to work a job in a shit area with tons of tweakers.
We used to sit around and pick people who were tripping balls out of the crowd for laughs.
She's such a shill for Disney its kind of hard to watch her vids. This one especially since you could feel the hatred she has for Backdoor Disney exposing the parks.
I'm not a disney mom, I'm just someone that doesn't want to be reminded of the decay of western society everywhere I turn.
The fact that you need to substance abuse at somewhere that's already dripping with brain stimulating stuff points at deeper rooted
problems in your life.
Not even colorful roads and roller coasters are enough to entertain and occupy your mind.
Hell, Disney can't do Black Panther or Captain America rides because Black Panther has a wall cutout as theming at IOA and the cafeteria is themed to Captain America.
Pinfag here, are there any good websites to purchase Disney Tokyo pins (besides Ebay)?
I saw some really good looking pins online from Disney Tokyo but they aren't available in the States.
Planning my first trip to Disney World this November with a buddy of mine. Currently deciding whether to just stay at one of the resorts or just go for a premium pass for a year (i live in georgia), get a rental car and stay at some cheapo hotel. Any other advice anons? We'll be there for about a week (Meal Plan, Rides, Food)
Jellyrolls is great. Drunken boomers and college thots all singing badly with two really talented piano players dueling each other. So much fun.
I'd personally recommend staying on property. You get free bus service everywhere, can book your fastpasses/restaraunts earlier.
All Star Sports/Music are pretty much their cheapest hotels, have a look at what it'll run you to go.
i was checking the prices and its looking like i'd save more money if I just went ahead and bought a premium pass even if I did have to pay for parking. However i still don't know the first thing about doing fastpass or choosing a meal plan so you might be right.
>looked up what Jellyrolls is
>Saw the logo
Booking Fastpasses/Restaraunts is pretty easy.
You can either use their website or the My Disney Experience app.
You'll definitely want the app while you're there since you can add additonal fastpasses once you've used up your daily 3.
How far is the drive from Georgia?
Personally, (especially for a first time) I would go the full experience.
Stay on resort, the bus service and hotels make it a full immersion into the themes. With the meal plan that you said you got (I think) on resort allows you better access at the end of a trip to use any spare credits you have left, like snacks and buy food that has a longer shelf life to bring back home with you, to attempt to get your moneys worth out of the plan.
If you're on a budget the All Star resorts are still very nice. If you have a little more to spend the moderate resorts are really nice as well, I personally like Caribbean and Polynesian.
I don't recommend any park hoppers. The parks are big enough, especially for a first time stay, to spend an entire day at each park without needing to jump around.
Plan your fast passes around the busiest rides, should be obvious but some people plan them around rides they really want to try, and many of those rides may only have a 5-10 minute wait. There are lots of resources and websites online to show average wait times depending on time of year and time of day to try and make the best out of your fast passes.
I live in Orlando. A lot of the hotels around Disney have shuttles that travel to and from Disney. I don't know if it's added cost though. When leaving the parks near closing time, you're guaranteed to stay in traffic for at least a half hour. It took me 45 minutes to leave Epcot when I went a few months ago.
Personally I'd stay at the resorts if you have the cash. It will eliminate most of the inconveniences of going and leaving the parks.
> their atmosphere is 10/10
Have you gone recently? All the niggers, muslims, chinks, and pajeets completely ruin the environment.
I can remember when EPCOT Center used to be fun. Now it's just another fucking amusement park.
Drive's about 4 hours. Don't own a car but renting one for a week is about 220, for a day 20.
And no I haven't done anything with the meal plan yet. Unsure which one I should choose or whether or not to even do it.
I love the Nemo section, its so fucking comfy.
When you buy a ticket you link it to a Disney account that lets you book fast passes (open 30 days in advance, the more popular attractions sell out fast) and look at your memory maker photos.
With hotels it's all about how much you care about hotel quality. If you're driving anyway the Disney trasportation is a minimal perk (especially now they charge for parking at the hotels, the cunts).
If you're just after clean beds there are some budget hotels around that can be 1/3rd the price of a Disney Hotel. I stayed at Maingate lakeside resort that's right on the border of Disney property and was cheap as fuck. It looks like it's been 20 years since they last renovated but the rooms were clean and the air conditioning managed to keep the room plenty cool.
She doesn't hate him for "exposing the parks". 99 percent of the parks "secrets" are already public knowledge. It's not like backdoor Disney posting a picture of the utilidoors is anything Earth shattering.
She hates him because he's a ripe cunt who does it all out of maliciousness and has to accompany every post with some smartass remark about how he's taking down the mouse or some shit. Not to mention he acts like some self important ninja who everyone relies on to expose Disneys (again, already widely known) deep dark secrets.
It's like if some 14 year old Yea Forums poster was backstage at Disney for the first time.
Basically I'm sure if he did what he did as a way to preserve Disney and document now defunct attractions or costumes, she and many other Disney fans would be much more on board. Instead everything has to be some big made-up war with a corporation who doent give a shit
If you have access to an RV do Fort Wilderness
Wait this one doesn't exist anymore? That's crazy.
There's nothing to do now that GMR is dead. They basically try and huddle everyone into where Pixar Place used to be and try and impress them with Incredibles shit
>mr and mrs incredible
>Edna Mode fashion gallery
>the show with people that have talents like rolling around in the steel hoop
I mean I get why since its like an 85 minute wait for literally any ride, but you could have at least waited until Toy Story and Star Wars were open to close down GMR, that would have lightened the load
I go every year and would definitely recommend the meal plan. We get the one that gives you 1 quick service, 1 table service and 2 snacks. It's generally the best value.
It's worth it if you intend to go to a restaurant every day or do some of the fancier 2 credit restaraunts.
Just make sure you book 180 days in advance or you might not get reservations for some of the more popular ones.
You can find another symbol on the It's A Small World ride. Walt Disney is just another member of the Saturn cult, contrary to how the brainwashed faggots in this thread believe.
>fell far short of its vision
>founder died before it opened
>no mountain
>themeing is just a commercial for Disney Vacation Club
>four "rides"
>can't have marvel aside from pedofile Guardians of the Galaxy
>too big can't see everything in one day
>biggest ride is a loop on a highway
>Perfectly executed tribute to the golden state
>Founder opens it uncompromising of his vision
>Chad bear mountain grrr it's mad
>theming is carefully considered as it must have a place in California heritage
>Is gonna get a spider-man ride and whole marvel land
>Sorin over California instead of just "Basedin"
>perfect size park, fits you like a comfy blanket.
>biggest ride is a record setting rollercoaster.
It's now Hagrid's bike coaster. A family coaster using the same ride system as Thirteen (albeit with a bunch of launches and heavily themed)
For a first time experience then, I still recommend going full immersion experience with on resort stay, and a meal plan to take any financial thoughts out of your meals.
Even All Star resorts, which are cheaper is an amazing experience utilizing the transport and themed rooms/resorts.
The thing I love about Disney is easily the atmosphere, if you stay on resort its full immersion atmosphere with that feeling and it can't be replicated with off site stay.
With parking fees at the parks, and the Orlando rates at decent hotels, its almost a wash so the extra fee I personally find worth the cost. On top of the parking fees, its just an overall stress increase with finding spots, waiting in traffic, and returning to your vehicle. I prefer the Disney transport 100%.
After your first experience, I would then decide if you want to do the Annual Pass and do weekend trips or whichever you want to work with, but at least once in your life do the fill immersion, and I recommend the first time.
The meal plans can be a lot of fun too, when planning your trip. With my wife we spent an entire day planning which parks we were going to stay at on which days, and when/where we were going to eat based on the menus available. We bought planner books, looked at all the menus online for each park/vendor/restaurant, and even did some YouTube browsing toward atmosphere and meal selection, it was a lot of fun before we even got to the park. Once again, it can be a bit more expensive on the budget, but it did add for us a new experience to try restaurants we were otherwise afraid to go to due to expensive dishes, and with the meal plan it opens the entire selection.
>Founder opens it uncompromising of his vision
Bitch did you ever actually ride Superstar Limo?
Friendly reminder that you can get free cups of water at any restaurant/food stand at Disney (or any theme park for that matter) that serves fountain drinks. Saved over a hundred bucks doing this since water bottles are so fucking overpriced.
Epcot isn't that big, you can absolutely see everything in one day, hell you could probably lap it if you go early enough.
>tfw was a HUGE pinfag when I went to wow back in 2007. 10yo me literally couldnt get enough.
If i find my old lanyard i might post some
Bring a waterbottle and they will fill them too.
the incredibles show at DW was really weird. the entire time they were just dancing with the crowd. it could have been any characters
Lapping the world showcase would completely destroy me.
i miss being young and my family, has been over 20 years since i went to disney for the first and only time
imagine having this shit of an opinion
> some of the fancier 2 credit restaurants.
Dollar for dollar don't do this unless you absolutely want the experience of whatever show they provide. 2 credit restaurants are not cost effective at all. Some sit downs you can get a $70 plate for a singe credit, those 2 credit restaurants at most cost $80 out of pocket. Its better to use every sit down credit for a single credit use restaurants and enjoy the meals you have.
I feel your feels bro.
Haven't been to Disney since I was young, but cherish the memories I had there with my family.
Had a pedometer at Epcot last time I went and it clocked something stupid like 6-7 miles.
> Fastpassing Spaceship Earth
Yeah all of the Florida are unnecessarily spread out. I lost several pounds during a 4 day trip and I ate nothing but cheeseburgers and wild turkey n coke. Didn’t help that it was a humid 80 something
>going on Spaceship Earth in the morning
I don't know why people never leave it until the evening when it's walk on and you're thankful for being able to sit down in the cool for 20 minutes.
People complain about the annoying Brazilians and Chinese tourists (and rightfully so), but these things are the true scourge of Disney World. Nothing is worse than trying to navigate a crowd only to have some obese fuck in their beetus scooter cut you off at every turn while hogging half the damn pathway.
Disney just place restrictions on stroller sizes, but they are doing nothing about the mammoths running down small children.
Found it.
Fuckit, I'm gonna post some of my favorite pins
>$400/night to stay in the Animal Kingdom, not including meals.
What the fuck anons.
i miss my old goofy poncho for those stormy afternoons in disney world
top comfy waiting for them to pass
> That feeling of exiting Spaceship Earth to a dark starry night sky with a cool evening breeze blowing through you.
Disney parks are a poor person filter. Poors literally can't afford it.
they should have days where landwhale scooters and strollers arent allowed
>tfw literally cried inline for space mountain because I was terrified of indoor rides. Almost didnt go on it.
I like the clapperboard one from MGM studios. Very aesthetic
This guy fucks.
Thanks user, I like it too. Even if MGM is the park that I remember the least of.
It should be every day. If my 80 year old Grandpa can walk around the entirety of EPCOT, these fucks can as well. I know it won't happen, but fuck I can't stand all these fucking fatties everywhere now adays. They make everything worse for themselves and everyone around them. I'd rather smoking be allowed in the parks than obesity.
>seeing Hulk Hogan zoom by on a ride at Islands of Adventure
good times
> That Epcot pin
It's bad enough with some mid-earner wagies being there, but can you imagine having poor uneducated people running around? Would literally become a zoo.
These images just reminded me of the stuffed astronaut and director Mickey I got years ago... and the stuffed Maleficent dragon my sister had that I'd always steal
>The meal plans can be a lot of fun too, when planning your trip. With my wife we spent an entire day planning which parks we were going to stay at on which days, and when/where we were going to eat based on the menus available. We bought planner books, looked at all the menus online for each park/vendor/restaurant, and even did some YouTube browsing toward atmosphere and meal selection, it was a lot of fun before we even got to the park. Once again, it can be a bit more expensive on the budget, but it did add for us a new experience to try restaurants we were otherwise afraid to go to due to expensive dishes, and with the meal plan it opens the entire selection.
user, science/studies have shown that half the relaxation of a vacation is the planning/anticipation aspect. This is true regardless of whether you pick a $3000-5000 vacation like Disney World or a $500 vacation like Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
>pink lanyard
pls be in london
I envy you
>eating at a Hard Rock Cafe in Tampa
>only like 4 or 5
>waiter tells me Hulk Hogan is here and signing autographs if I'd like to meet him
>scared out of my absolute fucking mind
>end up saying no
>parents still bring up that I had the opportunity to meet him
2050 Disney should create a Detroit park that literally observes the residents like a zoo desu
The outer wheel actually spins. Wish I could demonstrate
The year I had passes for Legoland was the best year of my life.
We can't have nice things because of that ONE category Nazi.
Animal Kingdom was by far the park I enjoyed the most even though I didn't spend a ton of time there.
Nice, whose your favorite pin character?
Epcot has really good pins, this one is no exception.
Lord, the Summit Plummet water slide was insane. Oddly enough I'm really adverse to water parks as an adult
I believe it. I planned out about 20 vacations this past year because my family and friends keep changing their minds about where they want to go. Shit's comfy as fuck.
Tim Tracker gets promoted by Youtube which means he's a lib.
If you mean my favorite pin, I was saving this for last, but to hell with it.
The little doors open and close, and it's so charming in general
Can we have a moment of silence for Disney Quest?
How cool would it be to intern for the Disney College Program?
Because we were invaded by spics is why the average iq went down.
I've got a bunch of Kawaii Star Wars and Marvel pins I really like, I think I have them all.
I don't have a picture of mine at the moment, but these are the same.
Did they tear down Port Orleans or change the name or some shit? I literally never hear anybody talking about it.
Also fun fact, we had to replace this pin like 3 times because the little fishing line bit kept falling out. I'm honestly shocked this one has lasted 12 years.
user stop you're making me contemplative of my lack of romantic life
Fuck man. I gotta watch this road trip video I made in 05 from my vhs camera. Huge nostalgic feels. Went down to Miami, Islands of Adventire(met some bitches) Wet n Wild, Busch Gardens ( with said bitches) and up through the panhandle. 05 was a great summer (just graduated high school) didn’t loose V Card until Oct that year. If you watched the video you could nevwr tell.
The was true kino and I'm so pissed at then for taking this away. Motion simulators for the rest of our lives from now on.
>>Go to Disney on my Senior class trip.
>Me and my buddies decide we'll each scream out something stupid as we go down Summit Plummit.
>None of us are physically capable of doing so.
I think that's about it for my big showy park/ride pins. If theres anything else anybody wants a close up look at feel free to ask.
I don't even go to Disneyland anymore because of the fat Mexicans. And I'm only 20 min away.
That ride shook me so hard I bought a beach towel to commemorate it. If I can find it I'll post that too
This shit makes me want to scream. I might as well just hang out at some carnival in Mexico. They fucking breed and pollute everything.
Busch Gardens is the only theme park my Dad loves. He gives me shit about dragging him to ANY other park which sucks because I'm a theme park junkie.
>tfw will never experience Epcot for the first time ever again