I get the annoying archetype she's supposed to play but she's insufferable. I want her to die a horrible death. The writer's must've like her.
Why was this dumb bitch written into the show?
What a stupid question. You expect every character written to be likable?
Livias actress died so they had to rewrite the whole show as a result and janice took liviad place as the unlikable scheming cunt of the show
likeable != good character
Not OP its not really a question as being unlikable its just that shes not fun at all to watch and is usually a drag on whatever episode shes in. Her arc of fucking onw of tonys crew and then hopping to a new one got old after a while, if they kept her screentime for each season short like in season 6b she wouldnt have been so tiresome and repetitive to watch.
Because if you only left in the entertaining segments of sopranos each episode would be 7 minutes long.
I think Chase actually realized this which is why Carmela, Janice and Meadow are non-characters in the later seasons.
Her and Artemis do it for me sexually.
I hated her on my first go around but she's grown on me on rewatches. Also she calms down a lot after marrying Bobby
That's subjective, I don't have to like her to know that she, same as Tony, is a product of her upbringing. Her conniving self-serving nature is to be expected, her dating members of Tony's crew is clearly because she wants power. I don't understand singling her out as being awful when the show does a roundabout job of presenting them all as being no different.
This is my main problem. She gets way too much screentime and takes it down a tier. I just don't give a shit. It would help if she was punished more for her bratty behavior.
Explain what non- character means, zoomer
To show you what life is like when a female wants to act like tony soprano.
Their roles especially meadows were greatly reduced compared to earlier seasons my slow in the mind friend
>tfw watching the series for the first time over the past month
>tfw about to finish season 5
I don't want it to end lads, it's like being back in the comfy late 90s
i know mayne i hated her the most on the show. she's an eyesore
I understand the point of her character and actions it still doesnt make it any less repetitive and unentertaining to watch not to mention a complete hog for screentime to tell a not st all intriguing story arc.
Not to mention Dr. Melfis role completely dropping off as well, going from multiple visits per episode to one visit every few episodes.
But as the seasons went on, the viewer got to see more and more of Carmela's spitefulness and resignation to her state of affairs. And Meadow, despite what Tony would have wanted still gravitated to the mob world in the end
So that the viewer can see that a growing up in a dysfunctional family where your dad is a psychopathic gangster and your mother is a neurotic bitch affect women too, and making them just as fucked up as it does with men. I think they nailed her character pretty well. The female characters are so well written in this show, Carmela, Lydia, Janice..all different kind of bads.
Yes they dont completely disappear but have to have noticed how reduced their screen time was compared to the prior seasons. Meadow and Janice were only in a handful of season 5-6 episodes especially 6b where theyre both practically cameos.
>I want her to die a horrible death
and this is exactly what chase wants you to think
because he knows he will never kill her and she will survive, further pissing you off. viewer never gets what he wants while watching the sopranos. not on chase watch.
>annoying character is annoying and never once pays for it
Imagine being so fucking basic that you think an unlikable character is a bad character.
If you want to like every character, sopranos is not your jam.
Do you think people would hate her as much if she looked like Barb? I think being physically repulsed by her makes her seem like an even worse person
By season 5 Tony had become an insufferable character, this is par for the course
Everyone became insufferable by season 5
Take that back
I think the hate level would be the same, except they'd just want to hatefuck her instead. Men are disgusting
Based retard. Some of the funniest scenes in the series features her.
>All the shittiest characters are women
It's potterty
The whole show is basically chase working out his mommy issues.
>hating on based Jan
The only times she might be considered funny is when shes with ralph and thats all because of ralphie not janice
the fight at the soccer game
the absolutely most realistic and best written character in the series
she is absolutely revolting and I grew up with countless insufferable women like her
wildly underrated post
And the show takes a dramatic turn for the better once theyre reduced to a few showings per season
>The only times she might be considered funny is when shes with ralph
false & retarded opinion, have sex
Isn't it nice how some minority isn't sprinkled in every single scene?
>being an absolute bitch is considered humorous in any way
Just admit you have a dom fetish and enjoy a bitchy dominating women
Walter White was straight evil by the end but you still love watching him. Tony as well.
Don't even begin to compare BB to The Sopranos.
shut up gayboy