What type of autism does he have
What type of autism does he have
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white people disease
I have an obsession with some local bars in my town, it’s like this warm synesthesia when I go there. I imagine he feels something like that when he climbs
pic related is superior
Exponentially superior. Meru is also superior.
Based chadism.
Every kind
everyone has their own.
the brain is complicated.
This. It takes a special kind of privilege to go out looking to do things that could kill you because your cushy white privileged life is so comfy and boring that you don't even feel alive.
Watching this as we speak...are they really showing this dude buying a house with his gf? Climb the fucking mountain already.
Let's not get crazy now, it was great and Caldwell obviously put in a lot of work and I'm not trying to take anything away from it but Adam ondra already repeated the route. NO ONE will ever repeat what honnold did which makes free solo the superior film for the rest of time.
I actually knew a couple of people with near identical personalities at my old climbing club. It was a marked contrast from my assholey autism
>warrior culture
Bruh this was the WHITEST thing I've ever seen. Movie is cringe af.
Just stfu, get off your phone and watch.
God zoomers are all insufferable shits.
>NO ONE will ever repeat what honnold did
This is the most arbitrary definition of "repeat". It's like saying "no one will ever do the same route putting their hands and feet in the exact same position". It's meaningless. The skill involved in what Honnold did is no more than anyone who's ever climbed the route clean before. And it has happened several times before Alex did it
>t. seething minority who thinks privilege is the reason why he's a useless nigger
the absolute fucking state of white people
Not without a rope idiot. Did you even watch the movie? Maybe you should just go back in the kitchen.
Meru was based af. Free solo not so much.
>I haven't seen the film
The point
Your head
Be honest, you didn't graduate high school did you?
He eats out of a pan with a spatula...He's a high-functioning autist. Prove me wrong
that was the scene in the movie where his autism revealed itself with the least disguise.
I did and college. I could ask you the same question, there's no way your iq is higher than 100 after saying the stupid shit you just said. Why even say anything if you're going to make it that obvious you don't know shit. It's ok, you're going back to school tomorrow and it's clear you need it.
Based post tbqh
assburgers, the tastiest form o' 'tism.
He lives in a van lol should he have got dishes out, forks, knives and put everything in the dishwasher when he's done.
>this much seething just to avoid admitting he has no clue what's going on
Yeah we get it, you're a triggered magapede. Don't you have a twitter death threat to send out? Or some russians to collude with in bot spamming?
The kind you get from the retarded IB program from Mira Loma High School.
Anyone else think he did the climb on aderral?
>nothing political said
Enjoy having /pol/ live rent free in your head
I think he mentioned that he's essentially straight-edge but that could be bullshit.
Do you have a learning problem or something? I won't even discuss the film at this point because you already showed that's a waste of time. This is what happens when a kid doesn't have a real dad.
>free solo
>uses chalk
I hope he doesn't fall!
>can't argue
>resorts to tried and tired insults in the hopes no one will notice
you sound pretty mad
He does. It's really gruesome. There's a 20 minute continuous shot of the crew running over and examining his mangled corpse. Then the director says that he knew what he was getting himself into and he would've wanted his last moments to be captured on video.
i went caving on a school trip once as a child.
i was tiny so it should have been easy for me but i was shitting it the entire time.
fuck caving
>accomplishes something no one ever has before
>"I'm so delighted"
What's their to argue about? Some dumbshit just said free soloing a route is the same as a clean route with a rope that has hardly been done more than a few times ever. There never was an argument with someone who says something so stupid. Seriously, the real question is who raised this idiot zoomer and are they still in prison.
I don't think he's autistic, I think he's a prick. He is focused and talented. And also a prick.
>There never was an argument with someone who says something so stupid.
Not an argument
skip the first 90 minutes, the climb is only for the last 30.
Is el capitan truly the world's hardest climb?
Don't listen to this faggot. Watch the whole movie or don't turn it on because you have a vagina anyways and should just be making food in the kitchen instead of watching Chads climb a rock.
>watching over an hour of pointless filler that reveals nothing.
based retard.
>making the ascent using anything other than latent telekinetic powers
No, that's why he free climbs it. It's beneath his skill level
Would never expect a woman to understand.
Hey its been fun chatting with you guys, going to go to bed now-Goodnight :)
sweet dreams fren!
Have sex
Not remotely close. Maybe the most iconic though
Climbing the Everest, I understand, but in what way does that advance humankind? It's just a vanity project. The most worthless effort.
*blocks your path
Imagine if that really happened and the doc was directed, and narrated, by Werner Herzog.
There's different climbs on el capitan depending on which route you take - which way you go up. You can make a climb hard by routing it hard. So you could technically make something that's harder to climb in a gym which would require insane holds. But the worlds hardest current climb is a cave in norway.
Are you sure? Because the nose spent 40 years before anyone freed it and only like 4 people have done it since. Obviously there's a couple pitches that have been made in recent years that have massive grades but no one cares about repeating them.
>claims to be natty
>uses chalk
The dramatisation of this with Joey was actually pretty good. Not amazing, but worth a watch
So why does this stupid movie keep saying it's the hardest climb!?
What the absolute fuck? This is horror.
What movies have a claustrophobic feel? Buried comes to mind which was also hard to watch for me.
It's 3000 ft almost straight up with multiple crux points. No one will ever be able to do the hardest climbs without a rope. That is for sure certain death.
But it's not the hardest right?
It's not the hardest one when talking about technique and strength, but it might be the hardest mentally.
idk dude there are a lot of fucking mountains in the world
The descent perhaps.
Just imagining this makes me want to vomit, I hate reality
As Above, So Below is claustrophobic as fuck, and also a pretty kino horror movie
What is harder: A route graded 5.14 and 32 feet high or a route graded 5.13a and 1000 feet high? Apples and Oranges.
Naw, like someone already said it's a pitch in Norway that's located in a cave and it's called silence. Pretty much only 1 person on the planet is physically capable of doing it. Some 20 year old phenom from the Czech republic.
I free solo climbed El Cap two years ago but didn't tell anyone because I'm not a massive attention whore. It's really not that difficult if you've been climbing for at least a few months.
Based af desu.
I free soloed your mom last night
Height doesnt matter unless it's free solo. The higher grades destroy anything on el cap. What's the highest grade? I assume it's the double traverse pitch 15 on the dawn wall which is like a 5.14d so el cap doesn't have a 5.15 pitch.
The dude is crazy af. Imagine climbing for 4 hours that fucking wall.
Wtf are you dudes saying? In no way is el cap the hardest wall to climb...Americans really are retarded.
Definitely easier considering he was in aderral lol
He did it in just over 3 hours you dingus. The first people to do this climb with ropes took 16 fucking days to climb this rock. I think it's pretty safe to say, nobody will be breaking this record any time soon.
No one believes this. China alone has 5 harder climbs and let's not even get into Norway.
>Height doesnt matter unless it's free solo'
Which is what we're talking about I thought. 5.14 and 32 feet is the hardest free solo I could find and 5.13a 3000 feet was Hannolds.
You obviously can't possibly do something like silence free solo. It doesn't seem possible. They're pretty much different disciplines. Ondra probably couldn't easily replicate his 5.15d climb without falling a great many times.
I think it was 3 hours 50 something minutes, but still incredible
This is the BROWNEST comment I've ever read.
He's speculated he's "somewhere on the spectrum" and/or has a personality disorder. The only thing we know for sure is he has drastically decreased activity in the amygdala, the part of the brain (IIRC) responsible for fear response.
Sounds like autism
Yeah definitely man. I agree, missed the part about the free solo 32 feet 5.14. Who did that one?
>skip the first 90 minutes
God forbid you actually learn about the guy's life, right? Zoomies are fucking hopeless.
What is so admirable about this feat? I get that climbing that mountain is impressive but what’s the point of doing it without ropes? Just so it’s more dangerous? Seems pretty stupid to me. You wouldn’t congratulate someone for speeding down the highway on their motorcycle with no helmet and no shirt on. People would say he’s a dumbass with a death wish. But for some reason this guy is praised
What's there to learn?
>no father figure (explains most of his complexes)
>gets a gf he doesn't even like (doesn't seem to have the receptors in his brain to show love)
>lives in a van
>is vegan
>eats out of a pan with a spatula
>gets injured a couple times (boohoo)
>puts his fucking barefoot on the dinner table while with his mom...(Yuck)
>buys a house with gf
>le el cap le hardest climb
>I'm so delighted.
Movie only appeals to autists and those with inferiority complexes.
With that said the climb is cool. So skip the first 90' and enjoy.
Fucking this. Was dragged into seeing this movie a few months ago and thought the exact same thing. This guy literally just wants to die. He's the worst kind of nihilistic autist I've ever seen.
You really compare speeding a cycle on a speedway blaablaa with climbing a huge wall without a ropes?
Alexander Huber
I think this is it: climbing.com
Wtf, how stupid does a person have to be to believe what this idiot just said. So many zoomers chiming itt that should just be putting away laundry and doing dishes for mommy.
>wants to die
>yet somehow magically completes all his free solos without dying.
Yeah man totally, makes sense lol. Fuck this thread. OP next time do it when the spring break kids aren't around.
Not him, and it's a bad analogy. But I do agree that if this was already climbed perfectly then what he accomplished isn't a physical feat but a mental one.
He also mentioned that nobody in his household ever hugged or said "I love you," throughout the entirety of his childhood.
It's pretty physical to climb for four hours, even with ropes. You must be trolling.
>watches the recording
>doesn't show it
>You muse destroy this utterly terrible recording, for it is not for mortal man to see such a gruesome and cruel payoff to the ultimate human gambit.
>no one loves me better climb mountains!
Literally this is the movie.
You can't see the achievement part in it? Not arguing with your implication.
have sex
I see it man I definitely see it. Doesn't change the fact tho.
Didn't enjoy it. He wasn't likeable at all.
I preferred this tbqh.
Good. I got the same impression from it, and I have first hand experience with bad parenting.
based free solo hipster
actually yeah you do. Skateboarding is all about who has got the most balls to try some crazy insane shit. And people die doing that shit all the time.
Just think of this more in an extreme sports mindset.
What was her problem?
Being too cute
She hasn't married Honnold so if he dies she doesn't get any of his shit. As a turbo-thot, she's hit the proverbial goldmine when Alex was too autistic to realise she was a pump-n-dump sort of girl. She's doesn't want to lose her meal ticket
People who do this need to be genetically wiped out