>Worldwide: $990,605,815
But Yea Forums told me it would bomb!
>Worldwide: $990,605,815
But Yea Forums told me it would bomb!
Other urls found in this thread:
drumpf btfo
I'm still not going to watch your shitty movie no matter how many times you post this.
Cool man i'm sure you'll get a bonus for continuing to shill this garbage hre
>the only time anyone talks about this trash is on sunday when they update the box office numbers
but it did, still didn't break even
keep dunking on em
>still didn't break even
but aquachad broke 1 billion already?
Will Shazam?
Greatest movie of the year, dont listen to the haters.
i have no idea but i'm still watching it over captain fungus
No one here actually watched it. That's why we have no memes or people complaining about Fury's eye.
We only get box office results. We'd get RT scores too if they weren't so awful/mediocre
>still hasn't uploaded a picture of his dick
Still doing worse than Rogue One.
Stop making the same fucking thread, you fucking retard.
Disney spent what, 300 million on seats that were never sat?
literally nobody said it would bomb. we said it would be shit but still make marvel money
>literally nobody said it would bomb
that cope
why has this board suddenly become so quiet lmao. I though all the FSW (free speech warriors) were going to boycott this movie and it is going to bomb lmao
thanks for the honesty DC cuck
>Yea Forums is one person
Haven't you heard? The new incel cope is that Disney bought the tickets
Numbers are inflated by Disney dumb shit faggot mouse cucks
i-it need $6b to break even user!
Of course. Shills are too lazy and have to ask their supervisor about the things they post so they can't meme.
The even newer incel cope is "b-b-but nobody I know saw it"
Is this movie really making this much money? Are normies this retarded or are they fudging the numbers?
I watched the available online footage, and I don't see how this is superior to Ant-Man and the Wasp.
>insider here
it would have made around the same as ant-man and the wasp if incels didn't have their incel rage that gave the movie tons of free publicity
I think there are viewers who were afraid they were going to miss something crucial about Endgame if they didn't watch that movie before.
Also the fact that the character is named after the franchise may have given the illusion it was a central character. Don't forget most MCU fans don't know anything about the comics.
What is the budget for Captain Marvel? Disney dont seem like they want to tell? $500 Million+?
/pol/ told me it needs 1.5b to break even.
considering everything Disney did to protect this movie including telling RT to get rid of not interested votes and youtube to hide videos bashing Brie Larson, and making Brie Larson a featured article on Wikipedia on the day of release... they fudged the numbers, at least internationally
This cant be happening. Im literally shaking and dry heaving. It was finally supposed to be our turn.
I watched it. It was good, not great but good. My only problem was “I’m just a girl”.
152 million.
It was 152 million on box office mojo a few weeks before release then out of nowhere they changed it to N/A
tv also told me that it would break 1 billion this weekend, and it didn't. Disney eternally btfo
BOM just doesn’t usually list the budgets for a lot of big blockbusters now for some reason.
150 millions
Probably the same amount in marketing, maybe 200m
they missed the crucial shit by not going to ant-man
quantum realm is the big deal in endgame
Could you ladies stop being so smug about ruining everything? i'd like to se good movies with women or written by them but if alll you're going to do is brag about this mediocre showing riding on the hype of two avengers movies while retconning major parts of their mythos than what should I expect from your tastes? I get it you want to participate then you want to obfuscate than you just obliterate. I just wish you put this much effort in making new things rather than just destroy things men made
Stop posting her, i'm getting a crush
What are the chances that it would be worth it? Plus, who hasn't posted a picture of their dick?
>they fudged the numbers, at least internationally
In China? So the local trades, box office reporting services and theater chains are all in on it... ok sure
Let the corruption flow through you, user
Don't give a shit, I'm still not seeing it.
But I just don't get why these things are mandatory events for people. Why do I know so many people that say
>Oh, *new capeshit* is out. Why don't we go see it?
Every time a new one comes out. Every. Single. Time. It's the same damn thing. Why do so many friends just have to make this a regular event? I should go back to being an estranged loner.
Looks like it's somewhat underperforming domestically but doing great overseas. I think this is the bigger story, disney/brie larson both don't like white guys but for different reasons. Larson because she's caught up in the western SJW self-hatred, disney's being that we are only
Not digging this look so much. Pic related is cuter. Shame she probably hates me because I'm a white male, also right winged weightlifter and think feminism is modernist bullshit.
it happens all the time in 3rd world countries, retard
I watched it with my gf and her mom was an average superhero movie with a decent soundtrack
Only retards thought it would outright bomb. Helps to have Disney buy tickets all over the place though. To this day, I don't know a single person who saw that shitpile of a movie and that means something considering most of my friends eat up Disney garbage like hot cakes
Some numbers, inflation adjusted domestic gross.
Superman (1978) 535 million
Batman (1989) 583 million
Incredibles 2 606 million
The Dark Knight (2008) 680 million
Black Panther 700 million
The Avengers (2012) 712 million
Avengers: Infinity War 678 million
What matters is RETURN on investment in determining a box office bomb. Captain Marvel has made about half the return of these films.
That means the people who put their money into the film got LESS back. You can say it's a success if you want but in reality Disney will be wary of a sequel unless it gets over 1.3 billion.
It would just be better to make Incredibles 3, much cheaper. Much bigger return.
Show proof. Oh right, you can't lil faggot
Honestly, I thought it'd underperform. There was practically zero chance of it bombing though, it being a Marvel film and all.
>Yea Forums thought a fucking Marvel film would somehow fucking bomb
This place is full of fucking retards.
Those are some next level mental gymnastics there, user. Tell me exactly how mad you are that CM is not only a good movie but is widely successful. Scale of 1 - 10
they fucking admitted but said there was nothing wrong with it
I don't know a single person who went to see it and I have a pretty wide social circle of coworkers and friends.
It's bizarre.
This isn't about drumpf you fucking soi boy
This, gbut gve them their precious Alita and they'll be quiet
This, anyone that believes these numbers needs to grow a brain cell
Your example was a bunch of religious wackjobs not a major studio. Where is your proof of Disney manipulating box-office in tightly controlled countries like China (where Capt. Marvel has already earned $146 million) you desperate retard?
Go walk on a freeway
Why not skip all the incel faggotry and just say it made like almost half of what last years Black Panther did?
Its just shocking that international saved its ass so hard because I thought China hated women or something. If intl made = domestic CM would've made less than Wonder Woman.
>tightly controlled countries like China
top kek
>tv also told me that it would break 1 billion this weekend
Yea Forums was saying it would break 1 billion by the second week. Of course one of Disney’s most shilled movies would eventually get there, but the fact that it STILL hasn’t hit it is embarrassing.
Threadly reminder that Disney invested 750 million in MARKETING.
Those empty seats didn't buy themselves.
Will it pass Aquaman?
see: They bought cinema showings in China, too.
They need to earn another 2 billion to break even.
This movie destroyed Yea Forums so bad o genuinely cant distinguish the coping from falseflagging
>not a major studio.
They bought 4 million tickets in advance, which is about 12 million dollars. Captain Marvel opened to 13 million dollars in Brazil.
They wouldn't need to buy that much for a Marvel movie because people would go watch it more than that movie. A third of that would already prop up the numbers without looking obvious.
Do it in a lot of 3rd world countries and voilá.
To those of you who support Captain Marvel, what do you think has been accomplished? It made money because morons like you were suckered with political propaganda.
You're soo fanatical about your ideological dogma that you give Hollywood multi-millionaires even more money for paying lip service to your causes.
You hate white straight men because they're the ones who built modern civilization while women, niggers and faggots bring everything to ruin.
Captain Marvel making money doesn't change anything while you wallow in your own stupidity like pigs in shit!!!FACT!!!
>about to break a billion
>know only two people who've personally seen it
>even the most normal capeshit eaters sat out this time
>past the first weekend no one has mentioned it
Something aint right
Possibly, depends on if it gets a bump in legs from Endgame
It is going to take an extra week to get to ONE BILLION DOLLARS. Something is embarrassing, but I don't think its the movie.
They can't keep doing this for 10 years with Craptain Marvel leading the MCU
Either Black Panther saves their ass or they're fucked.
You keep saying this shit. Where is the documentation?
Tv is filled with contrarians who are generally wrong about everything. The one thing they get correct is that capeshit is shit. It made money; I’d invest in Disney, but I wouldn’t pay to see their products.
no, it will end at 1.050-1.060
even if it performs better than expected from now on it would still need 100 million more than that.
The MCU will become a Brie franchise
>why don't you have the documents that prove Disney commited major fraud?
You made an assertion. You can't back it up. You lose the argument.
>know only two people who've personally seen it
It's Marvel's fault you never leave the house?
Just saw that it made more than Aquaman in my country. No way. That flick was everywhere here.
And all it took was buying tickets and forcing review sites to delete/block negative reviews.
>this level of cope
>it's definitely true because someone on the Internet said it
And we're taking the word of some anonymous guy on Yea Forums pretending to be a movie theater manager?
Hey guys, I worked on Mueller's legal team. Ask me anything.
"Because you know, it just SEEMS like something big bad Disney would do, despite having no evidence."
So, for example, rotten tomaquats deleting OVER 50,000 REVIEWS never happened just because we don't have your libshit MSM news source as a citation?
see:The reports of empty theaters on opening weekend exists. BUT NOT IN LIBTARD LANDO! DRUMPH RUSSION COLLAGEN PROVEN!!!!
gimme some Captain Marvel Memes then if you watched it
Yeah because those were fake reviews from Russian troll bots.
No, not at all. I honestly believe that racist weak leftist basedbois are worthless, just like women do, and they should kill themselves instead of waiting for someone better than them to kill them.
Will dumb iincls and crossposters ever stop getting BTFO? God damn, it must be tiring.
And I don't like Trumptard hypocrites who cry like little bitches when things don't go their way. Be a fucking man you pathetic incel. Stop making excuses when your team loses
There are numerous reports online talking about empty movie theaters and ghost tickets. Do you have anything to refute, say, John Talks' claims? They seem to be well-sourced.
It's basically word against word.
This. It was decent. I liked seeing Caulson or anyone from the Agents show make an appearance, but it felt more like a MCU episode/ad for Avengers than a self-contained movie.
Says the goi that thinks everyone is a Russian bot when they disagree with them.
Oh-no, Mr. Bill! another person has opinions different from the MSM! Send twittar after him! it only takes 50,000 fake accounts to maek him lose his jurb!
I've got the weirdest erection.
You need this don't you? It would absolutely shatter your fragile little world if this specific Marvel movie made a shitload of money... when practically ALL Marvel movies make $$$. So you glom onto any conspiracy theory which provides you with the illusion you've actually won and not been BTFO'd by a girl
>No one here actually watched it.
I am voluntarily celibate. Women stopped bathing, so I stopped fucking..
Retarded fucks on Youtube made videos about her costing Marvel 100 Million+ because she hurt the fragile feelings of white men.
>Yea Forums
/pol/ and their election tourists did. They destroyed this board with their incel spam for months and the cancerous Nazi jannies did like it, since 10 /pol/ shitpost threads at once about their same obcession were tolerated.
Didn’t you hear? It needs $2 billion to break even, it fucking flopped. Disney BTFO
Boardered on "meh" levels for me. But wasn't bad whatsoever.
>brie deleted from endgame, replaced by Daredevil.
if that's true, why did disney make a sequel to ant man?
I agree. It was "meh".
0 replay value. Don'y buy it, pirate it.
On opening weekend, Disney dropped 750 mil. to buy tickets to make it look popular worldwide.
Then another 500 mil. the next weekend.
>You made an assertion. You can't back it up. You lose the argument.
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>Ghost audiences
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever
>be Disney
>in talks with Fox for decades about acquisition
>Captain Marvel due for release in a few months
>get close to striking a deal to acquire Fox
>deal will mostly be paid in shares in Disney stock
>deal will finalize after Captain Marvel release
>can't have Captain Marvel bomb, which would reduce Disney's stock value
>movie is projected to not do too well, especially in China
>can't bomb
>send employees to buy out entire Captain Marvel showings around the nation
>Captain Marvel becomes 6th most profitable release in movie history
>but numerous reports of empty or near empty "sold out" showings for Captain Marvel
>Fox thinks these numbers are legit, finalizes the deal
>movie tanks in China
>Disney shares drop slightly
>Fox gets fucked over
>The Mouse gets away with it
500 million my ass. This board is retarded. It is a hit, period. Disney didn’t buy their own tickets. Of that worked they would buy Dumbo tickets, stupid.
I don't need this, but I think it'd be really funny if it happened. The fact that you people REEEEE so hard every time it's mentioned kinda reinforces this theory in my eyes, but then again this whole scheme sounds a bit too retarded to be true. Then again, modern corporations are packed with clowns, so who knows.
I don't mind strong female characters by the way, I just don't like sloppy writing. And since Marvel movies have no substance and no soul, yes, I would love to see them gone.
Why are betas afraid of makeup?
>but numerous reports of empty or near empty "sold out" showings for Captain Marvel
Never fucking happened.
They spent 170 mil on the studio filming/making costs.
Then they spent a couple billion to stop Fox from demanding +20 billion because Disney stock prices went down.
>a movie with a woman lead will gross over a billion dollars
>If the MSM didn't report it, IT NEBAR HOPPENED!
It happened. Why do you care, you didn't pay money to see the movie, and neither did anyone in the MSM.
I was never saying it would bomb, in fact Disney could have released anything as the precursor to Endgame and it would have grossed at least $800M. Everyone I know who saw this only did so because they knew her character would be important for Endgame, myself included. It was basically a boring 2-hour intro for the credits scene.
Just off the top of my head, there was an article in Business Insider about box office fraud in China written by Tara Francis Chan in November 2018. It's kinda ridiculous to pretend that this never happens.
>It happened. Why do you care, you didn't pay money to see the movie, and neither did anyone in the MSM.
He cares because he thinks his virtue signaling will get him some of that sweet hipster college/university chick pussy when women wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire and would rather be getting railed by Chad who treats them like shit.
Feminazi's and their white guilt numale cuckold SJW lapdogs desperately need their beliefs validated so they attach themselves to popular things (Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, MCU etc...) to get attention and run them into the ground with their political propaganda then scream "INCELS, MANBABIES, RUSSIAN BOTS ETC....!!!" when white straight males don't give them either the money or attention they crave.
M - I - C - K - E - Y M - A - U - S - E!
M - I - C
K - E - Y
M - A - U - S - E!
I thought this shit was supposed to break 1 billion 2 weeks ago.
>sweet hipster college/university chick pussy
BLEH! Don't bother. Women now think "not-bathing" is "female empowerment". We are in hell when men smell better than women do.
This is why teenage sex is stopped happening, even in cities.
That'll make it the 7th Marvel film to get there! And Marvel movie #8 domestically, #7 worldwide.
Clearly a smash hit soaring above the competition and proving to the trolls that misogyny will never win! The records this is breaking is just amazing:
Saying some thing happened before means it can or will happen with every thing without evidence is the pinnacle of dumb-dumb brain.
There are reports of empty sold-out theaters for Captain Marvel(who is supposed to be black, but racist Disney worried more about international sales because everyone hates blacks.)in china in chinese. Can you read Mandarin?
1. It happened before, so it's possible.
2. It was described as a rather common practice.
3. There are reports of this happening with CM.
Now, this isn't enough to prove anything, but it should be enough to make any reasonable person curious. Especially since Marvel drones haven't provided any evidence against such claims, even though they're obviously very invested in this movie and very emotional about it.
I mean fuck, some people were calling this a conspiracy theory here. This isn't a fucking X-Files story, it's about determining whether common corporate fuckery happened with this movie or not.
Disney already bought Fox, so no-one cares anymore.
>empty sold-out theaters
>captain marvel is supposed to be black
What? No.
>Can you read Mandarin?
How would you know? There are many people coming out with those claims, and some of them are putting their reputation on the line.
Why do we care about worldwide numbers again?
>>captain marvel is supposed to be black
>What? No.
She was the first, and the longest-running female Captain Marvel, and she started in 1982. She was also THE BEST DAMN FEMALE CAPTAIN MARVEL EVER!
You racist asshole.
implying there isn't an infinite amount of liberals and women that will go see a shit movie just to pump those numbers, because there is and they will
>FSW (free speech warriors)
Denigrating a basic American and human right.
Literally evil.
You know what? I don't. So you can assume that Disney brought millions of their own tickets just to inflate box office numbers and I'll believe another Marvel movie, in a long line of them, made hundreds of millions of dollars from putting audiences in seats. I don't care anymore, but I obviously think you're wrong. Captain Marvel had the most hype according to Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB, Fandango, etc. prior to release, but people just didn't show up for "reasons." I saw the movie with three friends, but clearly no one else in the theater were real people (including the group of noisy as fuck kids behind us and the dick who kept checking his text messages in front of us).
If you're being serious right now, you're falling into sandy hoax/false actor territory with the level of conspiracy necessary to pull this off.
MFW Yea Forums thinks all of the Endgame reshoots are to add MORE Captain Marvel
And Social Justice Racists don't?
>she was the first
The first Captain Marvel had a dick and Carol Danvers (Ms. Marvel) was created years before 1982.
>racist asshole
Yes, but irrelevant.
>Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB, Fandango
>owned by the same company
how can they throw so much money away buying out tickets to their own movie? why not just stop now it is embarrassing.
She was the first, and the longest-running ~-FEMALE-~ Captain Marvel
Fixed because you had a dumb. What a waste of digits. Also, no-one cares about gay Captain Marvel, including you.
You bigot.
Fox Merger.
2 billion in marketing is cheaper than 20 billion in price for Fox.
>sourcing is skimming through twitter with the "captain marvel empty"
Gone with the Wind hardly counts fairly in domestic box office, it returned to theaters like a dozen times over decades.
>the MSM -NEVER- looks at twitter posts
Oh, but it's okay when WaPo does it, amirite?
> If you're being serious right now, you're falling into sandy hoax/false actor territory with the level of conspiracy necessary to pull this off.
It's as easy as making someone sign an NDA, assigning a budget, and telling the aforementioned person to buy some tickets.
Anyway, I'd dismiss these allegations if they didn't coincide with RT changing its scoring system, YT adjusting the algorithm for Brie, and access journos writing hit pieces on Alita. All this shit makes it rather obvious that the marketing campaign for CM wasn't exactly clean, so I don't understand why using one more corporate trick sounds so impossible to you.
It didn't even have to be big, even a small number of ghost theaters could generate a lot of internet noise. And in all honesty, I think that these marketing strategies are kind of silly. There's no way to check how effective they are, but I guess Disney has a fuckload of money to burn and a big franchise to prop up. And you're right, this movie was going to be popular regardless of what they do. If it really happened, maybe it was about Endgame or the Fox deal, who knows? It's not like this crap is every going to get investigated anyway.
>Amazon,NBC-Univesral, Warner Bros, etc. are the same company
>they all want to help out BFF Disney
I'm out.
Marketing, son, marketing.
Also, 3 of the people who run rotten comequats used to work for the Nazi mause.
>Anyway, I'd dismiss these allegations if they didn't coincide with RT changing its scoring system, YT adjusting the algorithm for Brie
Yes, it was a nice effort, kudos to all involved, but ultimately a complete failure. I'd say "better luck with the next Star Wars" but they'll probably bungle their sabotage of that, too.
Overall it's better listening to the disingenuous claims of conspiracy than all the "WE DID IT" crowing, so there's that.
>$600mill foreign
You guys told me China had good taste
god she's cute!
And you believed them, against the mountain of evidence to the contrary?
But they hated nu-SW because the nigger and female empowerement
The foreign isn't even in for this week on Captain Marvel. The movie is already well past the billion mark, she'll be passing Aquaman on the left globally by next weekend.
I think this could go like that:
> Brie says stupid shit
> there is some internet backlash
> it's hard to judge the impact
> some marketing cunt panics
> underhanded tactics are employed
...how implausible is that after Star Wars basically keeling over? It's pretty fucking funny once you realize this could've been caused by a negative feedback loop that was initiated by Brie failing to keep her whore mouth shut.
They hated it because even the Chinese are intelligent enough to recognize that Star Wars is a dead horse of a franchise, and only mouth-breathing babbys (like you) give a shit about it one way or the other.
>People defend a complete shit movie
>reason is an orange colored president
why do these clowns need to make everything political
Yea Forums tried to wage war with Brie and lost hard. Pretty based if you ask me.
Way more likely that the SJW-Right made sabotaging this film a cause, and trolled sufficiently to irritate Big Media and cause them to take action.
Here, you dropped this
The seething shall not subside for a long, long while.
And you, this.
Yeah, that's the internet backlash part. And that's what's hilarious, I mean it seems that a lot of seemingly serious people had to get off their asses and actually do something about it. It's also funny that their heavy-handed tactics ensured that it's going to be way worse the next time around.
Marketing people are supposed to be good at their jobs, but fuck me, the more I watch the entertainment industry the more certain I am that they're in way over their heads with this whole internet thing.
They really need to learn to ignore outrage mobs.
Is that VTMB?
It's interesting to see this movie shatter 4chans illusions.
They really believed they caused NuGhostbusters to fail, rather than it just dying because no one wanted to see some relatively unfunny bitches doing a female re-enactment of a Murray/Akroyd classic.
Then they convinced themselves they had a hand in Daddy Trump, rather than the disaffected and abandoned rust-belters who swung key States away from awful Hillary.
Maybe they can make the Time Person of the Year poll spell out something amusing again.
>Star Wars" but they'll probably bungle their sabotage of that
We only want the next Star Wars to NOT SUCK DONKEY BALLS.
All hope is dead.
>t's also funny that their heavy-handed tactics ensured that it's going to be way worse the next time around.
The wild West of the internet is winding down, out of necessity. The big media powers have too much at stake in the internet, and they aren't going to tolerate stupid shit any longer.
You make me laugh because you think the RT/Youtube shit is heavy handed. You're in for a shock when you shit around enough that notice is paid and this board is de-platformed.
Disney invested billions into it. Not just the movies, but a theme-park as well. For the trollbucks.
What are you talking about? Both anti-SJWs and SJWs basically convinced corporations to default to trolling as their marketing strategy.
Notice how everything is about "outrage marketing" these days, and the marketers are focusing on the outrage part way too much. It's one thing to get free word of mouth, it's another to really piss people off, especially when they're your customer base.
The internet turned Disney into shitposters, both online and irl. Let that sink in.
Star Wars was a one-trick pony of clever visual effects.
It sucked itself to death when its practical effects were replaced by CGI that wasn't outstanding for it's time.
I'm oldfag enough to have seen the first movie as a 9yr old, and grew up with the OT.
The magic of its overwhelmingly fantastic SFX is what made it special to begin with. Otherwise it's rote storytelling from a modest talent.
It was putrid fanfiction dreck by the time you could walk and talk.
It's cute when you think that more enforcement means more control. At this point the corporate establishment is ceding control when it deplatforms someone, and it's actually wonderful that they haven't realized it yet.
They'd be 10 times more effective if they limited their actions to astroturfing.
I was the same age as you were when my dad took me out to see the first movie.
Huh, that never happened to me before.
Hey, oldfag.
Disney will extract sufficient profits from its bloated corpse, because Anons like will buy into the animation or the comics or something even if they pirate the movies (and I'd bet he still goes to the movies, eyes teary with outrage).
It was never a bad investment, it's just never going to sell in China. The SW theme park shit is looking to be so packed that you have to reserve visits to it within the larger theme parks themselves.
>buy into the animation or the comics or something
Nah. No-one buys into the third trilogy at all. It sucked, and there were no heroes.
>It's cute when you think that more enforcement means more control. At this point the corporate establishment is ceding control
You keep on believing that delusional shit, and that your VPN is going to protect you from repercussions. The West is barely behind China in the surveillance State shit.
You'll soon experience the pleasure of every site you visit knowing exactly who YOU are.
Then your edgy bantz and delinquent fun will follow you around the same as if you got caught defacing a Walmart.
I will call it the Age of Internet Politeness. I don't suspect you will do well in it.
Doesn't matter. They'll do some more Kotor shit or whatever and the third trilogy haters will buy into it. If they weren't willing to come back like battered wives we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
>you have to reserve visits to it within the larger theme parks themselves.
$400 for the day, you need reservations, and there will be no "third trilogy references" in the park! WOO-HOO!
>They'll do some more Kotor shit
Not if EA can jewfangle it.
That makes a grand total of 1.
This makes it acceptable to prejudge all republicans.
- Joe Bernstein
>only problem was "I'm just a girl".
hole thing was shit.
her key sympathetic trait was that she gets along with black people
the skrulls were an allegory for jews, which as soon as she finds out she completely supports them
the fucking cat meme
catscratch fever looking ass n. fury
the list goes on
fuck da movie
Greetings fellow oldster!
The difference between me and you is that I haven't paid a single dollar for anything Star Wars related since I bought a ticket for Episode 1. I'm sorry that shit had to be part of your childhood but you need to move on to better storytelling.
>I will call it the Age of Internet Politeness.
>after the barbarian invasion of Rome came the AGE OF POLITENESS, just like they had in Stalinist Russia.
You know who the communists killed first? The people who put them in power. Who will die first tomorrow? The MSM and the liberals.
I don't suppose you're familiar with the cyclical theory, so I'll just say that the authoritarians are visibly running out of steam. You don't have the social capital to take those huge swings. I don't doubt that you'll try, but it will send the pendulum swinging in the opposite direction with more force. Also, the technology itself isn't really on your side.
As for my own situation, eh, I'll be alright. I don't post anything outrageous, and even if I did, I know how to retain my anonymity. It really has more in common with maintaining some IRL discipline than with using a shitty VPN.
>the skrulls were an allegory for jews
You need to cut back on the /pol/.
The Skrulls had an empire of their own that they lost, were still fighting a guerilla war over, and readily admitted that they had done some black deeds themselves in the course of the War.
Name one similarity between the historical Jews and the Skrulls, you imbecile.
>I know how to retain my anonymity.
For the past 30 years, I've been saying that the web is not secure, and "social internet" is VERY not secure for the last 20.
their storyline in the FILM (not the fucking billion comics) is that their people are facing annihilation at the hands of an evil galactic force. their people are dispersed through the galaxy and they just want a homeland. also they're shapeshifters.
You can maintain a social media presence safely if you use fake personas or throw people off by using your real persona and altering some seemingly insignificant details. If you do that for every profile and fuck around with your activity, getting the complete picture will become impossible.
The problem is this shit takes time, so it's way better to keep away from such platforms.
Kys kike
I don't know what you think my ideology is, but it doesn't matter who's elected.
The internet will become civilized because that's where ALL the money is (and is flowing through).
Peacekeeping has been slow and lazy up to this point because until reasonably recently the internet was small potatoes.
Now it's the central hub of Media of every stripe, International banking, national security, and everybody down to little grannies and hick corn farmers have a stake in it running smoothly and without shenanigans.
Inside of 10 years it will be a totally different landscape. The amount of punitive shit Big Internet will be able to bring to bear on you is practically unlimited, as the SCOTUS is being filled with Friends of Big Corp, and the Euros are already more punitive than the USA is. Not to even mention the big Autocrats like China and Russia.
Best get the last of the cowboy shit out of your system now.
Is it worth the effort? Really?
The Kree aren't the Nazis, they are and always have been the Space Romans.
This is apparent when they make a big fuss about not involving no-Kree/Skrull bystanders. They are simply trying to eliminate a race who absolutely refuse to bend the knee.
>China multiplier for Aquaman: 3.2x
>China multiplier for Venom: 2.53x
>China multiplier for Captain Marvel: 1.69x
>China multiplier for Black Panther: 1.61x
>The foreign isn't even in for this week on Captain Marvel
it is, retard
It really isn't. It's way better to stay off those sites.
You're talking about the motive, but you need the means to commit a crime. The EU is trying to be punitive, but their efforts are honestly laughable. It's not going to get better for them - any crackdown is guaranteed to be counter-productive at this point.
Also, I don't know why you assume I like getting rowdy online. Shitposting on Yea Forums is about as extreme as it gets for me. I just don't see it happening until I grow really, really old.
There are no weekend numbers for CM outside of the US. When there are, Mojo will update the weekend figures. They are still listing the weekend of the 24th.
>I just don't see it happening until I grow really, really old.
I would agree with you, but there's just fantastical amounts of money in establishing order on the internets, and the high courts are now packed with people who put the rights of the corporations (who are people too!) over your puny individual rights.
Very quickly your individual internet "Rights" won't amount to a hill of beans. You can go practice your 1st Amendment out in your yard, but the Internets are owned by someone else.
20 mil the 3rd weekend. 10 mil this weekend.
this is counting the overseas numbers, stupid fuck, they just don't have them detailed
the movie made 33 million domestic since last weekend and 47 million overseas
They've added in the numbers for the week, but not the weekend, I believe. Foreign-wise.
Yeah, but every time they squeeze the population, people simply stop caring about following the law. Unless the government authorizes Google to create its own death squads, you'll still be dealing with your country's police, which has bigger fish to fry - and it's not going to get any better for them, especially in Europe.
We're at a point when enforcement is becoming a serious problem, especially in places like Britain, where the cops basically stopped responding to minor crimes. You can grow the regulations as much as you want, but you can't really grow the enforcement arm, especially since it's already way too bloated.
It's honestly starting to feel like one of my father's stories about distributing anti-commie propaganda on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain. Yeah, the government was really assblasted about it and the police force was fucking cruel, but it's not like they could do shit when most of the population hated them with a passion and wore American jeans.
It's the same shit all over again. The establishment can throw money at this problem as much as it wants, it won't disappear.
>you'll still be dealing with your country's police
You mistakenly believe I'm talking about you being arrested for 1st Degree Trolling.
What will happen is that you will be personally blacklisted off the Internet. The legit VPN's wont touch you, the IPs and carriers won't do business with you.
Nobody has to arrest shit.
>Threadly reminder that Disney invested 750 million in MARKETING.
Threadly reminder you're a unabashed retard if you believe this.
>It's gonna pass the overseas of Black Panther
lol this shit is fake as fuck
I know Black Panther wasn't quite as big overseas but it was a lot bigger than this flick
t. shitholer
Its a narrative that lets them live with a humiliating defeat.
Let them have it. If we are lucky we won't have to roll our eyes at pictures of empty Endgame theaters.
Y’all should feel bad for discussing capeshit, seriously, it’s not reddit, people have standards here.
There are like 7 countries that matter for overseas Box office.
Likely you aren't living in one of them.
>Threadly reminder you're a unabashed retard if you believe this is impossible when Disney is buying Fox.
You are a ignorant asshole if you think Disney could NOT afford 1 billion dollars in trolling to avoid paying Fox an additional 20 billion in stock options.
>paying Fox an additional 20 billion in stock options.
say what? And before you answer, is this going to be so tinfoil that it makes my head hurt? Because my head is already throbbing.
A computer with an internet connection is just a machine. If it ever gets to that, people will start using third party connections to do their dodgy shit. Also, you have to realize that making access harder makes the population more angry. Unpersoning someone doesn't achieve anything beyond making that dude desperate and furious. In the end, it isn't any different from forcing people to become party members in the Soviet Bloc. So even if you fuck with the population in a very roundabout manner, you still need to police them on the streets.
The only way to do it right is to build a country-sized NorK-style prison where every third person is a fucking snitch, but Western societies would revolt way before they get even half-way there.
As I've said, the will is certainly there, but the establishment simply doesn't have the means to execute any such plan. They'll either give up or completely wreck themselves while trying.
Either way, shit's going to start getting better in mid or late 2020s.
I counted the 7 biggest overseas box office numbers
Put together, they are only 50% of the total box office
And I do live in the 4th
Wow user, that sounds like extremely serious securities fraud. I hope you have literally any fucking evidence at all other than the fact that you have a small dick and you're mad about it.
>like extremely serious securities fraud.
Buying your own tickets is no kind of fraud, it's just normally a waste of money that anyone CAN do. DUH!
>If it ever gets to that, people will start using third party connections to do their dodgy shit.
And these 3rd party types will be much easier to police and actually prosecute. Unless they are going to operate out of Best Korea which itself has a lot of problems, and at that point Best Korea might just lose access.
>Also, you have to realize that making access harder makes the population more angry.
No, removing hooligans makes the other 98% VERY happy. They won't mourn the loss of access to people who were up to whatever shit.
>Unpersoning someone doesn't achieve anything beyond making that dude desperate and furious.
There are always a furious few. The main result is that the rest will get the message and modify their behavior to social norms and stop the shit.
And that will happen.
>but the establishment simply doesn't have the means to execute any such plan.
Again, the old people in elected office aren't your problem. They just create an environment where the technical people can exert control without fear of legal reprisal.
>sounds like extremely serious securities fraud.
Citation Needed!
Yaaasss keep spreading the word sis!!!!!
>Buying your own tickets is no kind of fraud
1. almost ANYTHING can be construed as Securities Fraud.
2. Grossly misrepresenting the success of your products is Absolutely definite securities fraud, as Disney is a publicly traded company.
Most people are sheeple who just want to get to the next day without tragedy.
You're right.
Before anyone makes an effort to grayon this out for you, do you even know what Securities Fraud entails?
> Grossly misrepresenting the success of your products
Captain Marvel IS successful. So in the case of buying your own product, you're wrong. The sales happened.
The sales happened, even if no-one was in the seats, the seats were sold.
> And these 3rd party types will be much easier to police and actually prosecute.
You don't understand. I'm talking about shit like using public access connections or even poorly secured private connections on the other side of the town. Policing this kind of stuff is borderline impossible, and the most likely outcome is innocent people getting the unpersonning treatment. This is a surefire recipe for massive social upheaval.
> No, removing hooligans makes the other 98% VERY happy. They won't mourn the loss of access to people who were up to whatever shit.
You can call them hooligans, but it doesn't work when those "hooligans" are a large chunk of the general population. As I've said, it's been tried before and it backfired in a spectacular manner.
> There are always a furious few. The main result is that the rest will get the message and modify their behavior to social norms and stop the shit.
And that will happen.
What really happens in such situations is that resistance becomes the social norm, to the dismay of the establishment. As I've said, the only way to avoid that is to have a fuckload of snitches, but you need to stage a revolution and have a totalitarian government BEFORE you start building that control network.
> Again, the old people in elected office aren't your problem. They just create an environment where the technical people can exert control without fear of legal reprisal.
These technical people are even more helpless without full government support. It's actually more likely that the government will recognize them as a rival power structure and use its real-world power to simply dismantle it.
General Motors cannot buy several billions dollars of cars from dealerships pretending they are legitimate sales to customers.
Because it inflates sales figures for GM cars, and this will cause the stock to trade higher, enriching the GM executives who are paid in shit-tons of stock options (like Disney Execs).
This sort of thing is considered highly illegal Securities Fraud, as you are hoodwinking Wall Street into believing your corporation is doing better than it factually is.
Is that grayon enough for you imbeciles?
I'm not sure I can stupid it down much further.
>removing hooligans makes the other 98% VERY happy.
You mean "the other 45%".
>You don't understand. I'm talking about shit like using public access connections or even poorly secured private connections on the other side of the town.
Once there's penalties to the connection hosting shenanigans, people will take better care of their connection security (or more likely share out to those who will do it for them). This is especially true of hotspots, which will simply demand some sort of authentication/identification from your device (which you will lack at this point).
It's really not a very tough situation.
> but it doesn't work when those "hooligans" are a large chunk of the general population
Ah, the old "Anonymous is Legion" fallacy.
Ticket sales are not dealerships because you don't need a permit to watch a movie, and it wouldn't work with dealerships, anyway.
false analogy.
>Ticket sales are not dealerships because you don't need a permit to watch a movie
You need money and a receipt. Do you need a permit to buy a car in Bongland or something?
The analogy works with any corporation buying it's own product in the guise of legitimate business. It's Securities Fraud if you are publicly traded.
>General Motors cannot buy several billions dollars of cars
Say when it ever happened.
You can, right? No?
then shut the fuck up.
I'm not saying they CAN'T, downie.
I am saying they can't buy up tons of cars and misrepresent it to Wall Street as "wow people are flocking in and buying the shit out of our new trucks!".
Is there anyone fluent in retard who can explain this any dumber for this guy?
U mad incel?
Have sex, quit supporting drumpf
So, you can't point at any time, ever, when that happened.
> Once there's penalties to the connection hosting shenanigans, people will take better care of their connection security (or more likely share out to those who will do it for them). This is especially true of hotspots, which will simply demand some sort of authentication/identification from your device (which you will lack at this point).
It's really not a very tough situation.
In my country, owning a weapon used to be punishable by death. People still have their WW2 rifles hidden in the countryside. You really underestimate how rowdy plebs can get when you fuck with their shit too much and how few people are needed to give the authorities a hard time or make them crack under the pressure.
> Ah, the old "Anonymous is Legion" fallacy.
More like second-hand experience when it comes to living in a totalitarian country. This crap is actual generational knowledge here, but don't worry, it's really easy to acquire when you need to deal with this level of government shenanigans.
The best you can do is sara sanders or poodeepie
YES dumbass, no one does this on this scale because:
A. It inevitably involves a shit-ton of people, which is the #1 way of getting caught, and
B. It is illegal and prosecutable to commit Securities Fraud
So no, I cannot cite examples of people committing this transparent and stupid crime you somehow think Disney Studios committed SPECIFICALLY to hurt your tiny-penis feelings.
Disney doing this, and taking this risk to their sterling rep, would make the Smollet incident look like the genius crime of the century.
Which is why it reeks of stupidity when you push it as a narrative.
I didn't see it. My soul is still pure.
France called out the military for the yellow vest citizens.
Did you overthrow your totalitarian State with your hidden WW2 armory?
Yeah. In 1990.
Last time I checked, this didn't make them stop.
Wow, you got salty quick. Because you know you're wrong. Good for you, that is the fiorst step to healing.
BTW, I'm not gonna ask you to prove a negative, you just need to show how it's impossible for Nazi Mause to buy some tickets online.
>Yeah. In 1990.
Unless you are from Chad, there were no successful coups in 1990.
Which country are you pretending to be from again?
>Last time I checked, this didn't make them stop.
I'm a rando person agreeing with you.
Never said it was impossible for them to do it.
Not once.
Said it was completely implausible because it ends up being a Federal Crime under existing law to commit securities fraud, and as it would involve nationwide sold-out empty theaters, it would be rather easy to find out.
>Bro all I'm saying is Disney committed serious and easily discovered securities fraud because of my feelings
Technically speaking, the country changed its name in 1989, but the most significant reforms happened in 1990, and the first free elections happened in 1991. Take a guess.
I'm sorry that your gaslight is so transparently fake.
Were you one of the people who put work into creating it, or are you just a fan of the effort?
I've pretty much lost interest.
It's not like your stupid question was relevant to the discussion anyway.
It isn't securities fraud AFTER the purchase of Fox.
It's a great success.
You proposed a coup over loss of Internet, and then used your own country as an example, and now it's been ratcheted down to a name change and an election.
It was a rather stupid example.
Get a load of this faggot.
How would you discover it?
Oh, that's right, you can't.
If it's traded by the public, it's securities fraud at any time. Period. That's why nobody does this sort of shit outside of the various scams run in cryptocurrency. Buying all your product and raising your stock so the public buys it and increases the value of your own shares is basically a pump and dump. It's not only extremely easy to verify on the stock market and among publicly traded companies, it's absolutely retarded for a company as old and large as Disney to do.
The Securities Fraud part of it has nothing to do with Fox.
If Disney movies overperform, it has a positive effect on their stock. Making it SEEM as if they are overperforming would also pop their stock value, and would be fraud.
>Enron is an entertainment company.
They committed fraud dummy, its an example.
Internal documents, whistleblowers, tax records/audits, even something as simple as ticket sellers' internet records. There's many, many ways to verify where millions in ticket sales are coming from. I can't even begin to tell you how stupid it would be to pull this shit for the sake of making a movie look good. If they had that sort of power, Solo would not have flopped.
Why the fuck am I even bothering to argue with someone retarded enough to believe this QAnon-level shit? You're too brain dead to even understand how wrong you are.
Jesus Christ, do you even know what happened to the East of the Berlin Wall? It's actually a perfect example, the people were pushed over the edge by constant surveilance, police brutality, and the lack of luxury products and toilet paper.
After the purchase, their value dipped a little then went up because of the Fox acquisition. I don't see the fraud, the stock holders profited.
Not to mention that Disney hadn't done this for the umpteen movies that cratered in the last few years. No, they specifically chose this one because Female Success would shrivel the E-peen of people flooding Rotten Tomatoes.
Not the same thing. Online purchases are not regulated.
Why'd it do so well worldwide?
Also it'll be well short of Black Panther, which was its intended target
And when you own some of the ticket sellers?
Oh no one incel isn’t going to watch my movie boo-hoo
No one is discussing Fox's acquisition except for one willfully obtuse fellow claiming Disney frauded CM tickets.
Go to bed Brie, and don't forget the lamisil.
Yes let's pretend audits, whistle blowers, internal documents, third party contractors, etc, do not exist. Completely air tight circulatory system of cash flow in and out through tickets, not a single fucking leak. Amazing. Disney should get into the fucking spy game.
Put the bong down kid.
Fox was bought by who?
It wasn't airtight. People reported it.
No-one cared.
Wasn't the one on the top right taken like 2 hours before the time shown on the ticket?
And this weaksauce (((evidence))) wouldn't begin to convince you of something you weren't already a believer in.
It's only fraud if the MSM "discovers" it.
No-one cares.
Nobody reported it. Some tweets about empty theaters? An anonymous "theater manager?" Where's the internal documents, the theater ticket purchases compared to occupancy? You don't even need to be a fucking insider to get info that shows a huge conflict in tickets bought versus seats occupied, you know. You don't even need to be a theater manager, you just need to be a supervisor with access to the software.
You have no clue how easy this shit is to prove. It shows. You form all your opinions based on Twatter evidence and eceleb kvetching like an effete child.
But not for based Aquachad right?
>evidence is not evidence
An estrogen latte for Mr. "I will have sex someday if I protect Brie" here.
You might want to pull this one from your Montage of Fake Bullshit.
It's only evidence that you are an inobservant moron
>None of them transparently fake like the ones I'm using for an example!
Just give it up.
Twitter posts about empty theaters aren't reports.
Yang gang
Oh, that's right, the "DRUMPH IS A RUSSIAN COLLAGEN!" media.
Kindly fuck yourself. With a knife.
This dumbass doesn't even know how to count.
>twitter is only in America
Okay, you're a retard.
He can't even read the fucking time on (((evidence))) in his carefully selected from (((thousands))) wall of evidence.
I blame the educational system. And possibly molestation by his uncle.
Yes, thousands.
One picture, and he didn't even make it.
Get fucked, you need it.
>Literally QAnon-tier shit
Brain dead faggot.
I see seven pics.
One of them is from 2pm on a Thurday, when their were no showings. Another is some dumb bitch taking a picture of a theater 2 1/2 hours before the movie starts. The others lack any sort of credible context, literally a picture of an empty theater with no movie on.
This is what gets cherry picked out of (((thousands!!)))?
Goddamn, this wouldn't even sell to retard fans of QAnon.
You should finish that bleach-latte before you try thinking again.
You see one tiny collage that some rando posted, and that is everyone, ever on earth.
You're hilarious. You're decrying the media for promoting a conspiracy "theory," which itself still yielded several indictments and convictions, and promoting your own conspiracy with no real evidence. Just Twitter pictures and your gay little tantrum.
Keep posting. I want more people to see how unhinged and retarded you are.
>indictments and convictions
for unrelated crimes a decade ago. Yeah, REEEE harder, I love your delicious salt.
I've seen that posted repeatedly on Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
I saw the movie Friday and Sunday with two different groups, in theaters that were mostly filled.
But you intend to convince me of a hoax based on pictures of empty theaters that aren't showing the movie. You'll need better proofs to convince me my eyes were lying to me.
Did you see Captain Marvel?
Trump's people decided to lie to the FBI and go to jail because they had nothing to cover up.
Makes perfect sense.
Opening Friday and Sunday, sure did. With two different carloads.
Wasn't "sold out", I think our multiplex has sold out showing maybe 3 times in the last 10 years.
But it was at least 3/4 full, which is a big turnout hereabouts.
>It happened a decade ago so they're innocent lol
>Also I'm too stupid to understand the irony of decrying one conspiracy theory while promoting one with far less evidence
You sound actually upset in real life right now.
Post proof or it didn't happen.
I don't even know who you're talking about, I just remember that Trump didn't deal with them when they were committing their crimes.
I have no reason or desire to prove anything to you. (Hey just like Captain Marvel!)
You're selling a crackpot securities fraud theory, alleging a grand conspiracy. And so far you've used your badly-stung E-peen as the only proofs. So I will just laugh at you for being either 1. A gullible rube or 2. someone really shitty at trolling Disney.
you ask for proof, get some, then you can't reciprocate.
Typical leftard. Demands are a one way street, and they never support the things they virtue-signal for.
>get some
It is clearly and obviously fake
Do you really want me to get you a picture of people sitting in a theater at random? Because it would be a lot more convincing than the "proofs" provided in that pic, which are laughably faked.
Can we get back and do this thread tomorrow? Maybe you can find something more convincing among the (((thousands))) of proofs and this won't be so comical.
>It is clearly and obviously fake
Just like the Captain marvel box office.
Challenge is still there, farquaad: take a shot of an empty theatre whilst the CM movie is visibly playing on the screen. Until that kind of evidence is provided it was just a bunch of incel mongs desperately trying to push their fake talking point. Walk into theatre in between showings; snap photo of empty seats; post it to twitter claiming it's a CM showing... what's even more stupid than doing it is them believing that anyone else could be taken in by this kind of action.
As pointed out one of them was taken two and a half hours before the showing the ticket is for.
Upper left, and that is oine picture in a collage that the poster didn't make.
Drink more kool-aid, conspiracy faggot.
Not him but reading this chain has shown to me that you are quite possibly the dumbest, most deluded idiot I have ever seen on this site.