What did Yea Forums think of this?

Attached: nancy_drew_and_the_hidden_staircase.jpg (510x755, 121K)

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did this even get a theatrical release?


Too bad she's not cast in the upcoming tv series. Chick isn't nearly as cute as Lillis

She cute

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I would impregnate and marry this girl desu honest with you.

Does she get naked?

Attached: me on the right.png (800x800, 739K)

>tfw no more Amy&Sophia kino cause of that bitch Chastain

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the fuck kind of bra is that

essentially hallmark tier for teen girls - which is what my gf likes

>t. 52 year old man

Does she have a dick?

What? I'd watch that.

I want to french kiss her as hard and crazy as humanly possible

I'm in love with Sophia Lillis

I'd explore her hidden staircase if you know what I mean

>tfw you don't carry the redhead gene so you can never have a qt ginger daughter like Sophia

this hurts more than some things

I have a red beard, can I spawn a qt redhead daughter?

Are you talking about her fudge factory?

This fucking poster looks like fanfic

It really was one step away from a lifetime movie

the director of the movie also directed Poison Ivy
she also's a former actress and did nude scenes. I don't know who the fuck thought the director of Poison Ivy is a god idea for a nancy drew movie. I guess nobody wanted the job


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Kys pedo spammer

she's 17 WTF??

*hits pipe*


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I don't think anybody has ever seen this

That's not true. I saw it AMA

Richie has got wonderful legs


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I'd tell you but I don't want to be called pedo

You'll just have to wait 11 more months

what kinda pose is this?

the director of poison ivy did this after not making a film for 18 years

Is it worth watching?

It's alright

It's a good approximation of the books -- bland, forgettable, low-stakes, comfy if you're a pre-teen girl, I imagine. If you like that, this is okay; if not, don't bother.

Cute pic, user. Maybe it's the smirk, but I'm getting some young Carey Mulligan vibes from it.