Was it kino?

Was it kino?

Attached: 220px-Suspiria.png (220x339, 152K)

Of course

>the mirror scene

some good part,s some bad parts....definitely interesting

oh boy

One of the few kinos of last year.


shitty pesudo intellectual hipster bait

Go back to your capeshit, you pencil dick faggot.


>tfw german bd remux without hardcoded subs is out

Some parts are good, some parts are bad, overall, it's a movie

No. It was dishonest filmmaking

>take classic stylish horror flick
>turn it into a vapid, meandering "art film" that doesn't succeed in anything and lasts 1 hour too long
Guadagnino is a hack.
Motherfucking Dario is ashamed of him.

Attached: dario-argento.jpg (738x462, 96K)

>his mind instantly goes to capeshit and sucking dicks
Nice projecting, hipster-kun

argento is a dipshit filmmaker who got extremely lucky with his collaborators

Argento is a genius. His first 5 films are masterclasses in filmmaking and enormously influential.
Guadagnino is a retard who thinks he's smarter than he actually is and can only manage to trick pseuds impressed by the pompous but meaningless mise-en-scene and by the pointless and unfocused subtext.

>His first 5 films are masterclasses in filmmaking
his only truly solid film is crystal plumage, the others just coast by on separate qualities (soundtrack, cinematography, gore effects, etc.)

is there a genius at the helm of the card player and dracula 3D as well?

Like all the dance academy scenes pertaining to the dance itself and Tilda was great, but it did not really capture the fairy tale kind of feel the original had going for it and the doctor-s whole arc was unnecessary and brought nothing of worth to the film.

Good thing that Inferno is too weird to ever get a shitty remake.

it's shitty enough as it is

Suspiria is his masterpiece, it isn't even up for debate. The rest goes Profondo Rosso > Uccello > Mosche > Gatto, but they're all fantastic films. Many of his later films are also very interesting, like Inferno, Opera and Tenebre, then he just stopped caring, like every other italian giallo/western/horror/poliziottesco director.

I loved it, the spring dance was sexy, Dakota is perfect and the ending was crazy

Ending killed it for me. Did not like the pointless twist. The Mother in the original was actually some horrifying enigma, not a female empowerment.

Attached: suspirirorum.gif (250x289, 778K)

What twist? if you didn't get it halfway through the movie you are a pleb.
Also, the mother in the original literaly got btfo by a fucking prick in the neck.
Bitch was lame af.

Liked it as horror flick, but it ain’t “Suspiria”.

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>pseudo intellectual

But its not trying to be intellectual. Its a pretty straightforward horror movie. If a stylish one

>But its not trying to be intellectual.
>Its a pretty straightforward horror movie. If a stylish one
You're talking about the original, right? The remake isn't even a horror movie.

>it's a That Horror Movie isn't Horror episode

No thanks Yea Forums

>The remake isn't even a horror movie.
Do elaborate.

does the soundtrack work well in the film? i like thom yorke but when i heard that the vocals are included in the film i was a bit put off, seems like it would just feel out of place

Have you seen it? If not, why are you here? But yeah, the score does work and fits quite well.

haven't seen it and i joined the thread to ask that question

It's just a boring drama with shitty characters that do nothing but talking (about nothing), that doesn't go anywhere and doesn't know what to do with all the crap added to the script, from the terrorism to the memory of the holocaust passing from the amish (lol) back at home and Freudian and Jungian subtexts thrown into the mix just to not leave anything pseuds could latch onto out. Where's even supposed to be the horror? The only scene that seems to be trying to be scary is the one in the corridor with the mutilated girls roaming, but it comes and leaves out of nowhere without having any effect.

>Yea Forums hate nu-suspiria
>rlm make a video praising it
>Yea Forums now says it's a masterpiece
like clockwork.

oh shut up, reception's been pretty much 50/50 since the start

Sure it has.
>muh shoed in holocaust
>get rid of the doctor
>why is there a black woman in german in the 70's
That's all you heard.

First half= boring
Second half = kino
That cameo is really great