>James Gunn: What if a superhero, was bad?
>Movie exec: Holy shit back up the money truck, you're blowin' my mind
James Gunn: What if a superhero, was bad?
Don't give him so much credit. This isn't "what if a superhero was bad." This is "what if a superhero was evil."
Death Note is "what if a superhero was bad."
We already had this exact thread yesterday.
user, we have the same threads everyday
>what if Kick Ass was good
>so no more fampai
cast him
Brendan Fraser
>deceiving marketing wants to make you think gunn directing this shit
>a literal who and gunn's brother probably
critics are gonna tear this one apart and normies are feeling so smart because "bro i think this is superman but bad omg"
I thought at first that this would be like a dark origin story where the super human grows "bad" because human abuse and then grows up to be a villian that uses his might to bend society to his will.
Instead we got generic monster killing and terrorising people because of reasons.
>visionary filmmaker behind [capeshit]
>Literally the guy from Akira, same cape, powers and all
Bravo Gunn!
Boy's not wearing spandex, user. You're some kind of Shota faggot seeing children in spandex to reveal their curves and bulges?
Because of Reasons? Trailer showed those reasons clearly. Maybe these pictures ain't for you. Maybe Captain Fungal toe is right up your alley; brain dead entertainment for the walking dead.
>muh bulling baww
>I'm gonna kill random people nao ;)
Fucking stupid
Didn't see the boy morph into a walking barf ball nowhere in that picture. But maybe you did, faggot.
>people are mean to me so I have to slaughter them
Fuck you and your capeshit motherfucker.
American kids will relate to him
Guys... James Bum is here!!
If I wanted to see a creepy little white kid kill people I'd turn on the news
More like "What if Tetsuo from Akira was a little kid living in America"
You're those type of people who'd see people running away screaming and instead of running away you'd stand there befuddled asking loudly, "What's going on?"
You and that other guy obviously share some kind of common shit for brains itis, that has mainly progressives all dumb and retarded. You're a mosquito's dick away from npc.
Weebs should get the pike
Hey, little Jamie Bum Bum! Your movies fucking suck and you're a pedophile! I'm gonna shit on my hands and rub it all over your lesbian looking haircut! Fuck You you piece of SHIT!
>that fucking redaction
>doesn't argue against anything only insults
>in defense of one of the most used, boring and stupid reasons to create a villian
Lmao, what a fucking idiot.
Read the annotated version of Lolita. Many faps were had.
We've seen children over react at the slightest infractions time and time again. And by "we've" I of course am referring to everyone but you and that other shit for brains fella.
Did he molest him?
why are pedos called visionary filmmakers nowadays
What's in the barn?
Been that way since Polanski
>dude what if we took that one Miracle Man story and REALLY dumbed it down? Haha
>We've seen children over react at the slightest infractions time and time again
Nobody here has said that it doesn't happen, fucking learn to read nigger.
We are calling boring, repetitive at nauseum in Hollywood and pretty fucking stupid, because the monster that's impervious to harm could be slighted that much by a girl.
The only people that buy the premise are idiots like you, eat that piece of shit retard, I know you'll love it and ask for seconds like the obedient little pig you are.
Looks lame.
Wouldn't be surprised if there was a second superkid who ends up saving the day.
Glowing eyes are stupid. Having them reflect like a cat's eye is much better. Scarier too.
So a child learns he's nearly a god around the very same time he was teased incessantly and was ostracized repetitively and treated like the pariah continually and him acting out is too unrealistic?
Again fucking NIGGER, learn to read, none here says it's unrealistic, we are saying it's BORING and uninspiring.
And it shows where Gunn and people like you come from where this movie instead of portraying something interesting like an evil ruler shaping society, instead goes for a power fantasy where the poor monster wants to slaughter people because some children where mean to him.
It appeals to the lower common denominator pretending to be more than it is, it's right up your alley user, enjoy!
Then this isn't your movie. Others want it and you don't. Point made. Now leave.
Oh, so we are only allowed to discuss positively things and not criticize it?
Do you know where the fuck are you? Unironically nigger go to fucking reddit, there you can have your fucking hugbox with the other pigs where you can talk how much you love rolling around your own filth.
thanks for bumping my thread personality disorder anons
Yup, You're allowed to do what you like. But what you're on about is tantamount to a guy going off about just how much he hates chicken in a Popeye's eatery.
It's not a mindblowing idea, but it is original in movies. It's been done in the comics before.
Not that guy but I'm just here to lurk and make fun of complete fucking faggots and losers who are excited for this flick. Seriously you are a fucking moron.
Just me being able to say that to you made this shitty thread worth it.
No you fucking idiot, I made a valid critic to a shitty premise.You like the fucking brainlet you are the first thing that came to you was ad hominem the person who didn't agree with you.
>Maybe these pictures ain't for you. Maybe Captain Fungal toe is right up your alley; brain dead entertainment for the walking dead.
And then you complain when you get replied in kind.
Seriously even if you are a troll, you shouldn't be this stupid.
There's nothing original about it.
>What if Batman was the world's first super villain
It's not fair bros, been 4 years and still no update about the movie
is this good?
thats brutal
You’re all fucking retards for watching this horseshit