Hey user, want a bite?
Hey user, want a bite?
>Making the ecstasy face before taking the bite
>no McChickens
Hard pass
>american level boss
We do thots keep doing that dopey cross eye thing
It's an anime thing. I forget what the name of it is but there's a word for that cross-eyed orgasm face.
It's called ahegao and only disgusting sluts like the coalburner in OP do it. I wonder how used up and stretched out her disgusting cunt is.
That’s fucking disgusting who wants to see some stupid skank eating dead cow and processed cheese? Kill yourselves all of you
Ironic weebs
which television series or film is this from
Do these sluts have no awareness or self worth? Disgusting
>You will never be a girl
>You will never rake in money from incels doing silly stuff
Dead cow is based though
beware pandering to Yea Forumsedditors too much, janitor
you don't want to suffer a fate worse than ej
she looks like she fucks asian men
everyone above you is saying the same as you (without the vegan angle). Who're you telling to kill themselves?
what's up with women who whore themselves out for a living, like camgirls and such?
how do they explain their resumes when they hit the wall and have to find a regular job?
It's funny how stuff like this became normalfag shit and it's hated on Yea Forums
>these girls actually hitting the wall
>not being killed by their boyfriends or drug abuse
They know they can find a "man" beta enough to provide for them. It's just the way of the world
would be curious what she looks like naturally
They all marry niggers and turn into either trailer trash or ghetto trash depending on which state they have to crash land in.
They don't find regular jobs. They just get a beta husband and cuck him on the side.
Why is this NSFW thread still up? The archive shows the janitor/mod is here
should we report them to hiro?