ITT:Chads of their respective franchises

I'll start

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the only chad in that franchise is Palpatine

wrong, i’d suck obi wans dick no hesitation

>still sheeving


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haha epic palpy meme


No joke Obi-Wan was a gigachad

Fucking fucked a Duchess, a Sith, Cucked Anakin and fucked a bunch of Bounty Hunters


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Daily reminder that Ewan has a massive shlong

Thor MCU
Aquachad DC
Boromir LOTR
Wolverine X Men
Ardeth Bay The Mummy franchise
Daryl Dixon The Walking Dead
The Hound GoT

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only true answer coming through

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so? I have one too, doesn't make me any less of an incel

prime chad

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Yes, but he is a famous actor, traveller, gearhead, handsome af AND has a massive cawk

Dean Winchester, Supernatural

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I downloaded like 13 seasons, but after Felica Day appeared wanted to shoot myself.

Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel

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Did he really fuck Ventress?

that was your mistake you should have downloaded only the first 3 maybe first 5

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He has some impressive bodies of work

it's all fucking retarded

never seen a single episode of Rome but since Consul is so shilled on/tv/ I guess he's the chad of his franchise. well Yea Forums? is he?

Yes, dont listen to

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The ot actor for kenobi was chad, told kids to not obsess over star wars and thought fantasy was gay

prove it.
Show pics or story or fuck off.

I believe you, don't worry man

why do you need to believe obiwan was slaying baldy cartoon puss?
what difference does it make?

The one and only

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It makes a difference to the hardness of my dick you dumb fag

well, he likely also sucked space cock judging by the crew responsible for this shitshow of a franchis.


chads don't die so stupidly

Ventress probably had a space cock

>EU shit

checked for space cock.
gobble gobble gobble.
ob1 went for space traps


Trips of LIES

Trips beat dubs you little shit cunt, Ventress is a confirmed trap

fuck your dubs, it's confirmed

cucked Jack three times..based

>only getting Buffy after everyone else has had her
Please. Riley and Giles are the true Chads in that series

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And they were a good friend

>Luke, did I ever tell you about the Sith Assassin Asajj Ventress?, She was the apprentice to Count Dooku (Who was a Good Friend) and was this Sexy Bald Dathomirian Lady who Dual Wielded Lightsabers. We used to fight all the time during the Clone Wars, and every time we did, Flirting would follow. She even saved my life from Darth Maul (who was ANOTHER Good Friend) and His Brother, Anyway, After she Rescued me, she suggested we let this flirting come to light and fuck, right then and there, after all Sex isnt forbidden for a Jedi, and the council wouldnt miss me for another evening. Ill tell you this Luke, she certainly knew her way around the bed, after all, Nightsister Culture is about Dominating Males, and ill tell you this, she certainly did. She even put on her Nightsister Leathers for me! Made me nut in seconds seeing her in that, She rubbed it all over her Smooth Head!. She was a Good Friend

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Go back to bed Sheev, I know you're irritable after Obi-Wan kept you up all night reminding you of the Splicers special at Dex's Diner.


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post the other version

dnt have it please post i would like my collection to grow w

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step aside fags

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Holy shit yeah
He's definitely more chad in the books

Obi Wan's actions ultimately destroyed Sheev in the end.

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No contest.

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Oz was the true Alpha Wolf

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True. Beneke also lived a better life than any of the other characters overall.

Oz was cool. But he wasn’t Randy Giles cool

>Needing Super Natural Powers to seduce women
Sounds pretty beta to me

have you actually seen the show? Spike has no magic spells nor trinkets to seduce women wtf

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Vampires are naturally seductive. Did you see what he was like b4 he turned into a vamp? Artsy, Crybaby, Beta

I’ll take character evolution and development for 500, Alex

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Regardless of his development after his transformation, he still needed his powers to become a Chad. If he wasnt turned into a vamp, and have the seductive force that comes with it, he would've died a virgin LMAO.
I.E. he didnt earn his Chadness. It's like having sex with a hooker to lose your virginity. Doesn't count

>more chad than Sugimoto
Get real

you sound like a nerd

I never realized until I watched Scooby-Doo as an adult.

Daphne was the Chad and Fred was the bimbo. Well played Hannah-Barbera.

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The Chad Archie and virgin jughead

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based af

Pro-Tip: If a character has Ginger Fever, then he's Best Boy and a Patrician.

does Velma count as a redhead

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Of course not. She's a brunette, you mong.


>Most widely known for being a dishonorable oath breaker
>Tales of his skill are revealed to be exaggerated fanfic he was retarded enough to believe when he is beaten 1v1 by a woman
>Gets mutilated by a northman and becomes depressed
>Only ever fucked 1 woman who is also his twin
>Fails to save westeros from foreign invader, gets cucked out of an honourable death by the true Chad of GOT

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What in God's name are you even trying to say? Christ man, I just wanted to Gingerpost but you had to ruin it with your Velmautism.

no. he fucks Ventress and those other characters in canon Clone Wars.

in the EU he's celibate. this is the future you chose mousecuck.


that hair coloring is atrocious

>whipped by Drusilla
>cuck for Buffy
>running joke for a lot of the series
>shit poetry

The true chad was punished Wesley.

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>thinking Obi-Wan being a chad and the best ladies man in the outer rim is a bad thing

Plus Ventress X Obi is pretty fucking hot

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I would also accept Angelus or the chad half of Xander when he got split in two.

>waifu got cucked by literal BBC
you have no room to talk head boy. Sit down

Wesley was a running joke in ALL of his appearance in Buffy. He never even got to score with Fred. COPE HARDER

Here have this

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Wooooot, someone took his time to do this haha, thanks for sharing

itt: roasties

can we vote you roastie president?

have sex

ya it's pretty good


these were as alpha as it gets

No, Palp and Obi were the dueling chads. They played a grand chessboard across decades, and Obi ultimately Wan

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>Obi ultimately Wan

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Nothing will ever trigger a zoomer as hard as the scene Rocky invites Adrian to his apartment.

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We all know Dean is the chad of the entire franchise, user.
Hell, he could be the most chad paranormal hunter ever filmed.

what the fuck am I watching, an adult crossover of Scooby Doo with Supernatural?


Yes, there was a Scooby-Doo episode of Supernatural awhile back.

isildur was a massive fanny the true chad of the franchise is teh witch king
>b..but he got killed by a woman
yeah that was pretty gay desu but he was still the character that gave me chills as a kid

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Checked and confirmed

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dubs of truth

the best character in the whole series. Should've been the main character instead of those fucking hippies

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>hol up!

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gay show for gay people

He was always the best character in the original and every shitshow sequel.

unironically this is how i had sex the first time
>lil sister brings friends
>one of them stays for the night
>i kept chasing her and saying how cute she was
>was playing games and sister fell asleep
>only we were awake i tried to kiss her and she backed out
>keep pushing forward until she was the one who was getting sexual
>came inside that pusy and the next day sister told us that the bed smelt weird
>she was all redfaced and i was a bit embarassed

>tried this and worked 2 times more
zoomers will never know this feel

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Gone way too soon

>bunch of priests
>bunch of little boys

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The thing is some hesitant women actually do want to have sex, but are nervous about it. They'll try to back out because they're afraid for one reason or another, but not necessarily because they don't want to.
Adrian's situation was clearly intended to be that, and considering she was all over him and they had a healthy relationship afterward suggested the hell out of this.
My first time was pretty much the same thing. It's just how it works sometimes.


You’ve never seen trainspotting?

You are jealous of poutine, admit it. Alergic to Sikhs?

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>this entire fucking article
I want to kill the author, the owner of galore, and myself.