There has been too much violence, too much pain. None here are without sin. But I have an honorable compromise...

There has been too much violence, too much pain. None here are without sin. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Give me the pump, the oil, the gasoline, and the whole compound, and I’ll spare your lives. Just walk away; I will give you safe passage in the wasteland Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror.

Attached: lord_humungus.jpg (561x480, 101K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why didn't they just walk away?

They did and scorched earth the refinery compound before they left.

Because they didn't believe the his obvious bullshit.

There has been too much grumbling tummies, too much starvation. None here are without hunger. But I have an honorable compromise. Just stay here. Give me the money, the gold, the cash, and the whole compound, and I’ll sell you ice cream. Just stay; I will give you delicious desserts in the fields. Just stay here and there will be a selection of many flavours of ice cream, crepes, frogurts and gelato.

Attached: But I have an honorable compromise. Just stay here.jpg (400x400, 47K)

>Give me the pump

Attached: MM2_Humungus_jump_done_800.jpg (800x540, 76K)


> Why didn't the people who had built a society out of nothing in a godforsaken inhospitable desert just abandon everything they had struggled for to wander in the dirt before dying of thirst one by one over the course of a few days?

I'm not really sure

The buggy escape attempt had just been raped and murdered by his gang. Add to that he was speaking from atop a vehicle with some prisoners tied to the front.
The fact that he immediately flipped and put on a torture show when they declined shows how empty his deal was.

>Humongus was originally to be Max's old partner, hence the police uniforms among his crew
>big guy chained to his car was also actor in the first movie
>autogyro pilot appears as different characters in 2 and 3
>Fury Road has references to all the previous films, eg old lady with shotgun, Blaster etc
>Toecutter actor returned as Immortan Joe
>V8 Interceptor returns having been destroyed in 2
>general timeline not quite adding up
I really dig the mythical story angle of the series where tropes keep cropping up

What movie?

fallout new vegas

How the hell did he get so ripped in the post-apocalyptic wasteland, where was he getting the food to maintain that physique

Mad Max 2

Just assume that all Mad Max stories are tales being told many years in the future, so the details are hazy and/or made up. Basically Max is Paul Bunyan.

Alternatey I like the theory that Max in Fury Road is actually the feral kid from the second movie as an adult.

good movie

but it could also work with Ramsay, so..

I liked the first one better. this was Aliens and the first one was Alien

no we're talking about mad max

was mel in the mask telling the robbers to walk away from the gold in dragged across concrete a reference to this?

Attached: dragged.jpg (1920x792, 128K)

Being a warlord has its perks.

ikr? I'm a skelly but I have no excuse (well I have several) since I live in the most prosperous time relative to my ancestors.