Who should play her "diverse" love interest in the new Ghostbusters movie? She's been cast in the starring role, but the casting info says the older male lead will be "likely diverse".
Who should play her "diverse" love interest in the new Ghostbusters movie? She's been cast in the starring role...
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Casting info
who cares the film will be a shitty flop just like the last one no one outside of 30 to 40 something manchilds care about Ghostbusters. But go ahead Yea Forums make yourselves look like idiots and allow movie studios to trick you again into promoting their regurgitated garbage for free you’re no better than the tranny jannies FUCK YOU
Why call it diverse why not just be honest and say we're looking for a 13 year old nigger
that may be tough as niggers that age usually don't look youthful like whites do
she's gonna end up the same way as Mackenzie Foy
Mackenzie Foy was once an innocent white girl...but then she tasted the black penis. It's over. She's fucking tainted.
She is unbelievably adorable.
>This role is the true lead of the movie
Looks like MacKinno is back on the menu, lads!
that's why the jews must corrupt her
lol diverse just means "colored"
>literally using "diverse" to mean non-white
Wasn't there like a sequel cartoon series to the original live action movies, but it had college students in the cartoon series, with the female of the group being a goth woman? I thought it was okay, the few episodes I caught of it. It also had a hispanic male student, an African-American student who I think was the geek or nerd of the group. Oh and the Goth woman was into like the occult and witchcraft, which is why she was goth, I think. I almost forgot that there was a student with physical disabilities in that he does not have use of his legs and gets around in a wheelchair, but he pulls his own weight and contributes just as much as his teammates does. Also one of the original members of the Ghostbusters was their professor, I think the Goth woman wanted to join the class because she really was interested in the realm of the supernatural, but I think the Hispanic guy was just taking the class because he thought it would be easy. I forgot the reasons for the other two students, I don't remember why they joined the class. I remember they showed the cartoon series early in the morning along with shows like the CG Starship Troopers cartoon about the Roughneck Chronicles, Robotech and the Ronin Warriors. Probably it was on UPN or SciFi.
Idris Elba
Why is it so fucking difficult to make a new Ghostbusters movie?
>Wasn't there like a sequel cartoon series to the original live action movies, but it had college students in the cartoon series, with the female of the group being a goth woman?
Yeah, it was called Extreme Ghostbusters
>Dress covered in Eyes
wonder what that means
Piss off.
Man that dude was a total bitch with a fag voice
>Why is it so fucking difficult to make a new Ghostbusters movie?
How can a single individual be diverse? It makes zero sense.
I want to impregnate and marry that goth
I love Kenna
the movie better feature a really long scene with her naked and on her knees sucking a bbc. it would be—dare I say it—kino
>likely diverse
How can one person be diverse? Is he some sort of multiethnic pieces-parts Frankenstein?
>How can one person be diverse?
They become diverse when they get BLACKED.
>90% of anons itt talking about black, blacked and sucking black dick
fucking homos and don't give me none of that it's just a meme excuse
i'm not homo user. i just want to see McKenna Grace suck a bbc like a good little white whore. but if she asked me to i would help her do it desu
nice tranny
Is anyone having issues with /pol/? For some reason I can't access /pol/.
You need a Yea Forums Pass.
you're probably blocked to extreme levels of shitposting
>older male lead
fuck this, men can't bust ghosts.
The characters from the Paul Feig reboot will not be returning.
um no sweaty, the Paul Feig film is the original. this malewashed trash is the reboot.
Sounds hot.
it's only 1 year older, the story is focusing on teens, 2 older teens and 2 young ones
It's a warning to the other groups. "If you try to utilize this one there will be severe consequences".
>That's right sweetie, show a little leg for the casting director. Put on these bunny ears and get into this side-cut dress. It's okay, you can change in front of me.
>Now show me how you've been practicing.
>le based autistic genius
So sick of this casting meme. Every autist is exactly the same in these fucking movies
Nobody wants to watch a kid with poor hygiene snap pencils for 90 minutes while he tells you about padlocks.
I wish I had a cute little daughter to take to the zoo and baseball games.
tfw no cute autistic daughterfu
Personally I think a more realistic portrayal of autists would make for an interesting film. But beyond that, I don't get why every character that's portrayed as intelligent has the exact same personality. Not every intelligent person has to be an autist, and not every autist has the exact same personality.
>I don't get why every character that's portrayed as intelligent has the exact same personality
It's because these movies are for stupid people, so they have to portray what a stupid person believes a smart person is like.
"Smart" people talk like robots, don't understand basic human interaction, and use overly-complicated phrasing and terminology when "simple English" would be adequate.
Here's my theory: BOY might be related to Ray in some fashion (likes fantasy and conspiracy theories), and TEEN BOY and GIRL might be related to Egon (TEEN BOY has a passion for auto mechanics, GIRL speaks in a flat tone and likes science, big ringers for Egon).
>It's because these movies are for stupid people
Fair enough.
Please tell me this is fake. This looks like a bigger disaster than the Feig movie.
You anons really do sound autistic. These are comedy movies about capturing ghosts and trapping them in a little box. What else do you want, a realistic portrayal of "ghosts" and demons?
Who you gonna call?
The white mens lips are only indicated by a line.
The black mans lips are even bigger than the womans and coloured a dark red.
What a time.
Why are they trying to make another ghostbusters movie so soon after the last shitfest, anyway? Did someone just acquire the rights or something?
>dude it’s fantasy the characters don’t need to be act like people
It's not a matter of being "realistic," it's about having good characterization. Pumping out the same lazy "autistic genius" stereotype isn't good characterization. Ghosts aren't real but I would expect there to be consistent internal logic for how they behave within the film's world.
Sony is a sinking ship and they have already run all their other good IPs into the ground.
Like Venom?
Do you think she's an outie or an innie, Yea Forums?
I'm talking about her belly button
has to be an innie
I'm not talking about her belly button
>55 replies
>8 images
every day you disappoint me more Yea Forums
Why is my peepee hard?
because you're a sicko, she's only a kid
I don't know why, I kind of imagine blonde girls with her body type to have puffy ones. I think we need better pictures to say either way though
I never expected her to have such a lewd pic, this makes it even hotter.
Puffy can be innie still though.
her mom rules her ig acc with an iron fist, so there's not a lot of lewdable content
there are other accounts but they are private
Autistic characters should be side characters and not the centre of attention, maybe they'll have a scene where they can enlighten the protag and get his/her hopes up like they talk about their dreams and fantasies and shit, but it should be kept like that. If they're going to be remotely "smart" maybe they should point out a couple of obscure details that the protag and the audience probably didn't notice, when they pick it up then the protag already puts the pieces together and moves on to the next part of the story. Putting autistic characters in the spotlight is an unnecessary meme and should fuck off for good.
They'll have to get through Rob first
imagine working with mckenna
One of us handsome hunks needs to break into the seduce the mother. Take one for the team, lads. Break into the inner circle. Leak the pics.
She's got such a cute butt, goddam.
please tell me she'll age like moner
what the heck is wrong with you psycos
I don't like sjw bullshit any more than the next guy, but crying about it before it has even happened is kinda pathetic, don't you think?
Mom has let a few hardcore fans in, I made a fan account but I guess I tried getting in too early. She denied me. Though if you wanna try to seduce mom this is your competition.
That's what they said with feigbusters and it was worse than expected.
its a nice cute little tush
It was bad because of the script, not because of the women. With teenagers as the leads and a good script, this might actually be comfy.
Umm, no sweetie.
all of you should go to jail
Is that Amon Amarth?
based viking c*nnyphiles
God this was so hot
is this the same girl as pic related
Sneed Feeders!
(Formerly Chuck's Suck n Fuckers
It's the latest model.
>captain marvel actress
I saw captain marvel and she wasn't in the movie, there was only a black girl
they just look alike
That was Brie as a little kid
Kiki was cuter at the age Kenna is now tbqh.
I thought they were the same person for the longest time
God I get so hard thinking about smol white girls getting impaled on strong, powerful BLACK cocks.
I think she was hotter, but not cuter.
Same clone batch
She was the only good thing about that movie.
she played a young Carol in the flashbacks
same, Kiki had a great little bod at 12 but Kenna is cuter
Not a pedo but this is one sexy little girl.
Based and redpilled
dat footwear
what the fuck
cringe and bluepilled
How come this girl is literally perfect?
Unbelievably BASED
she's pure love
Is the movie any good, though?
Does this cunt have dwarfism. Why does she never age. She's been like this for the past 5 years.
how are you fuckers not in jail yet?
You know the hollywood elite we always talk about that rapes little girls?
These are them
Same, I'd pay good money to see this girl and that Maisie bitch people post in cunny threads choke on some big black cock.
Not really, the only reason to watch is to see her.
>The bad [[[SEEED]]]
W-what did they mean by this!?!?!
Feld and Mckenna are almost the same age, crazy how nature goes sideways sometimes
I went with relatively low expectations and got exactly what I expected. If you have absolutely nothing to do, it's entertaining enough but it's not something I would recommend unless you're a fan of Mckenna.
Formerly a good harvest
The bad sneed
imagine if she accidentally stepped all over you with them haha
I happen to be a fan of McKenna, so I guess I'll check it out then.