How come the French can do this but Americans and Brits can't?
How come the French can do this but Americans and Brits can't?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Being this degenerate
and that's why you're overrun with muslims and we're not
I know, right.
White/white romance is so disgusting
Anglo morality sees sexuality as something that is at best a necessary evil.
>missed out on teenage love
>missing out on 20s love
>will probably miss out on 30s love
>You will never kiss a girl
yeah that spic and nigger thing seems to really work out for you
Yep sure buddy, how the wall is working for you ... oh wait
Keep posting on Yea Forums. That'll fix everything.
this is pure and innocent
there is no love past early 20s, its just material planning from that point on
Lol fuck you
This has been normal among Continentals since the 60s. Only the Anglophone world has a whole complex about it.
because were civilised
Delete the Yea Forums app off your cancerphone and leave the house. You'll thank me.
>spics and nigs
Nice try retard
>t. yuropoor that has to listen to a call to prayer every single day
>th-this is normal for second worlders!
More like 25, but yeah your income and social status needs to be high enough for a woman to choose you for her first husband.
eplain i think he is correct
I know people who are in their 60s and are still very much in love.
Thats nice i don't think it's the same with modern women, I am so jaded and cynical it hurts.
pakis then, muslims too
Because Euros' reaction to this is
>heh, how cute
but Anglos' and mutts' is
things arent exactly all that much better over in frogtopia
this seeming innocent romance is only the seed of decay: not the blossom of love
Is this why France has so many muslims?
Because they think having sex with pre teens is normal?
That's because they're swingers or low IQ.
These two things usually overlap
they're both teens user, what's wrong about a boy and girl sharing a timid summer vacation kiss?
Nah, low IQ folks are the ones who view monogamy as the only option.
They both have higher education degrees
That's a nice aphorism, you should write for a living.
I do go out, I work and go gym.
I guess we know the answer then.
The French are all horny fucks that do films under the veil of artistic creativity.
You should watch French films from the 80s. A lot of them feature statutory rape or minors having sex
WhatsApp strange about It?
You're an ugly low status manlet who had to go poly in order to touch a woman.
Ha awesome
Had a nice teenage life, kissing grills and touching teenage butts.
Now in my late 20's and I will never relive that.
It has been 7 years the last time I kissed a girl
Why are you so mad?
Earlier ones two. Le Souffle au Cœur was released in 1971 and is about an incestuous relationship between a 15ish year old boy and his mom. It also shows his bare butt and package.
Moonrise Kingdom is a popular American movie about two 12 year olds in a romantic relationship and that movie didn’t drum up a huge amount of controversy.
I think euros are just gaslighting and projecting to make America look like some puritanical hellhole when in reality we are more free and liberated than you disarmed, bootlicking fags ever will be.
lol how is this more kino than 99% of hollywood kiss scenes
Americans can do this depending on the director.
pretty sure the girl on that wasn't underage tho.
Don't talk about things you haven't seen, OK? Be white.
> i think they're gonna grow more
she has big milkers now
They literally said she’s 12.
Watch the movie.
Different culture.
That's what some americans don't understand when they talk about 'The West'.
There is no 'West', french, italian, spanish culture are totally different than anglo-germanic protestant culture.
Someone hasn't seen Moonrise Kingdom
Do girls really masturbate in that way? Do girls really experience orgasms?
I bet you love that you pedo sick fucks.
The Southern Europeans take it to the extreme though. I've seen families at the beach in the south of France where the mom or even the daughter sometimes goes topless right in front of the whole family. That's fucked. Hot but fucked.
i meant, the actress wasn't 12yo. Unlike americans are too cucked to use little gir.
How is this legal?
How's it fucked, you incel?
>people who live closer to arabs are more likely to parade their nude children around like fuck toys
It all makes sense
No, the female orgasm was a lie invented by the Jews to trick white women into thinking their husbands weren't pleasuring them enough.
yes, girls absolutely love riding dick - just not your dick
because normal people do no immediately sexualize this stuff, they see it as innocent.
You're the one who's fucked.
Nudity is not sexuality. And we respect people's bodies more than you do, it's not even on the same scale.
>i meant, the actress wasn't 12yo.
The actress in Moonrise Kingdom was 14 years old, which is underage in civilized countries.
>Nudity is not sexuality
Maybe in low test countries.
that's nothing, they suck their little boys off too
the darker the skin the more sexual they are, and they think nothing of involving their children
Have sex you'll think less about naked kids
Sure thing incel
>never having a girl orgasm so hard and her vagina clench you so tight that semen couldn't even come out of your dick to squirt inside her
>right in front of the whole family
What's the family gotta do with it? You are not ashamed in front of your own closest relatives, are you?
Not in everyday life, but depicting it in kids on film, yeah.
You ‘respect’ the human body in the same way a greasy Moroccan spice merchant ‘respects’ his 11 year old bride’s body.
Southern muttoids are a mistake. You fucks are a hairs breath away from being bog standard mudslimes.
Well you could always enjoy 40s love.
I couldn't even type that without laughing.
apparently they eventually they move onto hairbrushes though
This shit was way more common in the 70s when western nations were 90% white and can fucking mutts stop critisizing europe when we are still 80% white while america is 50% mexican nowadays
It's not that great DESU. I personally never got anything out of kissing. Always felt forgein to me. Rather kiss a girls butthole
that's the jews you're talking about
I'm not. Why are you talking like someone on black Twitter? Can I do that too?
Who hurt u?
love is reddit. you fucking soft faggots disgust me.
Kissing is goat. I was quite surprised how enjoyable it was because nobody ever seems to talk about it
says the amerijew who sexually mutilate his own son at birth!
>Article 13 passes
>go to jail for memeing
>but we’re totally more free than burgerland amirite reddit?
>first comment proves my point
>america is 50% mexican nowadays
Mexicans are the only good people living in the US.
It's about time they replace the morally bankrupt wasp "people".
Except that's not how article 13 works at all you jewbook slave mutt
>I'm not.
You seem to be, since you started calling me unfounded names. I can only assume it's because you're either low IQ or devoted to monogamy and took offense because you thought you were getting personally attacked. That wasn't my intention, but now that you're acting like a femme brain and trying to play le question game, I can only assume that you're a closeted homosexual.
Women shouldn't have the right to vote.
Shut the fuck up, boomer.
Mexicans are literal cancer, and unlike blacks, they don’t off their kids in the womb nearly enough to keep our demographics stable.
>Believing what women say
Meanwhile they will worship a cock
Oi! You have loicence to make that comment, bruv?
first of all mexicans aren't people
nobody should
I do
based incel
NOTHING makes me happier than to see white cucks bitching while losing, you ARE losing and you know it right? Whine some more you queenies, come on. Whine for daddy
>unironically sucking Zuckerberg's, Google and American tech comapnies' cock
>that tiny bump in his trunks
In real life no girl would settle for a dicklet like that. By the time I was his age I could satisfy I blue whale with what I was packing. I guess these movies help the average loser who watches them feel like they actually stand a chance of actually competing though.
me on the left
French are a different kind of degenerate.
ITT: butthurt towelheads seething at the fact that adolescents can feel attraction to each other
Why does this makes my peepee feel funny?
He's like 13.
The only sane people living in California are Mexicans, period.
They are the one doing the hardest jobs, they are the one smiling back at you in a genuine way, not in a creepy NPC way.
American wasps are a failed experience, they are empty inside.
How the fuck do you get to adulthood without having sex or even getting a kiss.
My first kiss was in kindergarten when a girl pulled me aside, laid one on me, and told me I was her boyfriend now.
My first BJ was at 13 as was the first time I went down on a girl.
I got laid at 17.
I am also not that great looking, maybe a 6 or 7/10, but I was good at sports, so I guess that helped.
As slutty as girls are nowadays, none of you should be having trouble getting laid.
towelheads are the ones who rape kids though
unless youre calling purtians towelheads because of the funny hats they wear but thats a pretty far stretch of the term
>never did anything sexual until I was 16
>still lost my virginity before you
pathetic mate
found your problem.
Anyone working an office job in California is dead inside, no matter how wealthy they are.
Child abuse happens in all modern cultures. Why do you write like a black kid? Aren't trailertards supposed to be about white superiority? Why don't you act superior?
I sucked off my cousin when we were both 13 and he had an eeny peeny while I had the real thing, it was surprisingly satisfying to be BMIB (big man in bed)
anyway people hit puberty at different times
Sand roodypoos diddle kids but they get butthurt at the slightest hint of consensual relationships or nakedness
cope harder dicklet
I rather think this is the most depressing thread Ive read on 4channel for quite a while.
Nice reddit spacing, normie. What are you even doing on my site?
lol I remember being his age. boys his age don't usually have very big packages
bongs are nigger of europe. the genes passed to muricans
The editing is off. The hairstyle changes...
>writes like a black kid
>Why do you write like a black kid?
im not sure what youre referring to
do you mean the lack of punctuation? the use of line breaks instead of periods?
youre awfully presumptuous about me - perhaps I am black
Why do normies and incels think about sex and intimacy all the time?
Anybody can smash their genitals against each other and create life. Look no further than your local supermarket and see all the obese, inbred animals that have spawned offspring.
I think there’s a certain power in being a male or female virgin. There’s a purity there. Something incorruptible.
>writes like a black kid
Surely, if this were the case, then brits and americans would be more open to sexual proclivities since niggers certainly are.
>10 mins into Cartoon Network and chill and she gives you this look
Is that trevor?
have sex
>Something incorruptible.
But its very much corruptible and very easily so. Simply, having sex corrupts it
Is this pasta?
lol, good one
>posts maymays on an anime website
>isn't the effeminate one
Funny joke, zoomer.
You're acting like a femme brain and trying to play le question game, I can only assume that you're a closeted homosexual.
It's too specific. Any other stupid questions, dunce?
>about to post >tfw missed out on teen love
>remember I kissed 4 different girls from age 11-13
>one of them was in love with me since we were 5
>another one wrote me love letters and wanted to hold hands all the time
>I thought it was lame and never did
>our "relationship" lasted two weeks until she said her friends didn't find me cute and broke it off
>her sister told me she had already set up to kiss another kid in some event she was going to
>I didn't care really care
>rest of adolescence was spent playing vidya and not doing anything about girls who were obviously interested in me
>become a doomer robot loser for a few years
>start chasing girls at 20
>success is euphoric at first, but it gets boring soon
>hooking up is shit
>too removed from normality to be with anyone without feigning interest
>it amazes me how quick people are to commit and say love words
fuck this thread made me reevaluate my whole life. I might just be actually autistic. I still want a wife though but I know after 25 you have to settle for single moms and cock carousel riders.
If you miss out on teenage love then it's already over for you.
>How come the French can do this but Americans and Brits can't?
I'm pretty sure a scene similar to this happened in Moonlight Kingdom.
What blows my mind is that that's still a real 9yo and she's acting.
sounds like you have ADHD
>after 25
As a man you can still find a ~20 year old woman well into your 20s. Age is less important as a man than social status or wealth.
It may well be worse where you are than here though. There're plenty of late 20s who still hang around my university's union trying to bang students and many manage incognito mode.
There is nothing with this you damn Anglos. Greek here, women going topless is perfectly normal. Kids go nude here too, wanna come and police our beaches?
not him but explain
Shhh, don’t tell them. They’d all rather wallow in their own self pity and misery, chasing after yet another meaningless sexual encounter with someone who doesn’t love them or masturbating to pornography whilst crying about how alone they are. Just imagine if all these people took all these hedonistic urges they have and actually made an effort in bettering themselves and the people around them in this world.
lmao @ all these people outing themselves as anglo-pedophiles that wouldn't be able to resist sexually assaulting a women without a shirt on at the beach
>agreeing with someone posting from an iPhaggot device
You realize that you're subhuman, right queer? We're gonna murder droves of you when WWIII hits.
Sup, niglet zoomer.
>Grecistan here
Pay your debts, you mythical demigod!
have these posters never seen a perfect innie pussy?
>t. Dicklet chink
>resist sexually assaulting a women
what arab country are you from?
>whiteknighting for another man
You're next against the wall, son of single mommy.
>redditor posts r3ddit screencaps and calls people virgin
Go back you massive faggot
>i think they're going to grow more
how did Wes know???
>Doesnt deny being a dicklet chink
>"how dare you point out how much of a faggot i am!"
hon hon hon
>y-you're supposed to get mad at me or acknowledge my fail insults!
>that's how i know i finally have power over someone else!
what's with the frogs jumping?
Actually, those two posts make a lot of sense. When I think about it, sex (along with plain old gossip) is really all people talk about. This site is no different. Every thread is a discussion that turns into lowly degenerate topics. It feels like people are regressing.
I don't get this.
Do you fags really just get a boner from minimal interaction with the FEMALES?
Like it just fucking pops up immediately at their sight?
it's a french movie
careful now
you can get cp ban for posting this for some reason
>that learning disability space
Why would anyone bother reading your post when you can't even format like you belong here?
I think he intended to make them the thumbnail.
fuck are you talking about?
plenty of stuff like that in murrican movies
no but that's a great idea
>thread is like a magnet for /pol/ incels
sure explains alot.
13 year old boys get boners really easily
It's almost like the entire site has always been populated by edgy virgins or something...
Wow that sounds bad, would you mind giving me the names of some of those films so I can warn others not to watch them?
You’re the one that is having trouble communicating. Imagine being so petty and dull that you criticize some anonymous user for the phone they use or the way they type/format a post. Your lack of meaningful contribution to discussing is much worse than reddit spacing or someone posting on a certain device.
They called it playing frogs.
I unironically used to think this when I was a kid. Are women kids mentally?
>that one not even liking feet
never thought this
Yes, just talking with a girl gives me a semi.
Yes, acting like the youngest sibling is definitely the way to show everyone you're not brainless, zoomer chimp. Did your dad abandon you or was he just really terrible at raising men?
>that redditor who thinks Yea Forums is for meaningful discussion
You seem really intellectually insecure.
how can the french get away with being such perverted pedos?
Those were better times.
>tfw I had two gfs before the age of 9
>tfw I discovered the internet and vidya at that age
>tfw I started to get bad acne and allergies ever since
>tfw no gf anymore ever
>tfw 24 year old virgin
>That kid grows up to become Adam Sandler
Is he hung?
Why are Europeans such evil demons?
This can't be allowed.
Your entire society is built on gay pedos
French being French.
It's not a close up view, but his equipment appears sizable.
>As slutty as girls are nowadays, none of you should be having trouble getting laid.
Are you fucking kidding me? Somehow its more hard, and fucking flipped upside down! I've been trying to get hooked up with no effect, yet some fucking onions t. boy with the typical neckbeard and below average looks gets the girl. Then again, rather than socialize with others, I became addicted to the internet and weed and chose to remain asocial and hermit-like. Can't hookup without it seeming like I'm too thirsty now, that or I have to get drunk. Either way, the way women are these days, I've got no fucking clue how to get with them for even a fucking platonic date without giving off a creep vibe. So fuck it, gonna be forever alone or hire prostitutes when I feel the need.
It would be the same if she was a teenage like him.
Why were a lot of posts deleted?
The one who works for free finished his hot pocket.
okay Muhammed
wtf, I wonder, what was the conversation between "director" and the child actors, while they were filming this scene
You don’t have to worry about that modesty shit in American universities.
I haven't seen this happen in a class, but at the end of the year a lot of the seniors go streaking across campus.
Pretend that you are playing with your cunny like I showed you last night, sweetie.
"just do what you do best, sweetie"
what's the movie??
>France is between England and Spain
>Closer to a dozen euro countries than an Arab one
>are women like children
Most act that way and those that don't act that way are incredibly impulsive unless they were a do nothing as a child. If they were moderate and do nothing then as adults they'll be moderate and do nothing.
I hope you are just being dishonest because if not you are heavily lacking in the reading comprehension department. These are comments regarding the visual appeal of cocks, not the sexual enjoyability of them.
Europe is obsessed with their own inadequacy and make completely fictitious facts out of correlations for their benefit. I've lost count of how many times some pathetic eurocuck claimed some recreation of a certain dish wasn't accurate because it wasn't cooked for precisely 3 hours as is the "traditional version of this dish" as if relationships between pressure, humidity, thermal conductivity and proportion size weren't variable.
99% of eurocucks are delusional bottom class nobodies that have convinced themselves their ancestors weren't uneducated serfs serving the elite. They honestly will go as far as to claim that a certain product isn't genuine, and therefore "inferior" because it wasn't physically made in a certain location in europe. My favorite laugh is when they claim that food is about "remembering" and not about chemistry or taste as a method to further their claim of "ownership" over food. The British in the past few decades actually have published "scientific papers" claiming that they have better teeth than Americans(once the difference in rate of dentistry practice is accounted for) due to the British habit of consuming hard biscuit, that when consumed helps scrape the teeth.
Olive oil is a vegetable oil and chemically it's barely different, and they taste barely different. Period. Preconceptions about what a person is consuming is more than enough to explain the claimed percepted difference in taste. You can relabel any other vegetable as Olive Oil and these bullshitters will never call you on it.
Hoity-toity butthurt disclaims will follow.
a distant neighbourhood
>They must be real because they said so on the internet!
jesus christ what a faggot
This, but 12 years.
>drinking from a bird bath
They're going to get salmonella and die
>a distant neighbourhood
thank you!
Thanks for reminding me, i really needed this thread.
Hahaha but that's wrong you pleb.
>A grown man wakes up to discover he is a teenager again.
This is your brain on america
Settle down, VF, you fag.
Sexual pleasure for attractive people = good, and sexual pleasure for ugly people = bad, is the moral norm for the entire world. You only think America is prudish because you’re an american and you’re ugly.
Can I get some sauce, guys?
you literally can't post anything in this thread
mods just delete the thread lmao what the fuck are you doing
That's almost 100 posts that've been deleted. What's going on?
What's incognito mode?
lol wut from?
Powertripping, the only reason to take a position on 4chin.
>Olive oil is a vegetable oil and chemically it's barely different, and they taste barely different. Period.
These are your taste buds on american "cuisine"
This movie was unbelievably lame, he doesn't even entertain the idea of smashing prime pussy the entire time he's 17 again.
maybe the janny just want us to post cts in this thread
This is such an underated kino
I was rooting for him the whole time
would nut all over those braces hnnghhh
Not enough niggers for my american taste. That's all I really wanna see and that's what my fellow americans want to see too, more blackies
>t. Satan
Janny hasn't deleted that yet. Maybe he just doesn't like guys.
Von Trier is 100% a pedo.
>be me
>fuck around with girls between the ages of 13 and 17 all throughout my teens
>painfully remember exactly what that feels like
>too old to legally do anything about that
Fat incels who were kissless virgins throughout their teens should count themselves lucky 2bh
Blending in with the male college-age population, hanging out at parties n sheeit
>Nudity is not sexuality. And we respect people's bodies more than you do, it's not even on the same scale.
Is that why so many french movies are about adults having sex with young teens or why you guys are always fucking each other earlier than everyone else?
I've seen a vid of a much younger girl doing that.
Haha that's fucked up man
Sounds like french are based.
Do french incels even exists?
You aren't alone. Had all kinds of "girlfriends" at my early teens. Pointless school shit. I was awkward as all hell in my late teens, and didn't bloom until I got out of basic training, then gained my confidence and started getting laid as I needed it. Had many partners until I deployed to Afghanistan. Came back and my sex drive is non existent. I still jack it to milfs mainly, but I feel so removed from love and disinterested, that I'm can't see the draw of getting married, having kids. It sometimes feels like I'm an alien. I'm 36 now, and people are starting to not ask me about starting a family. I think it's just awkward for them. They probably assume I'm gay or some shit. Which is probably preferable to them knowing that I may be incapable of feeling love.
Maybe the army drugged me lol.
lewd I totally wouldn't want to see that user. my pp didn't get hard thinking about that at all
intentionally be creepy. it's weird but this somehow works
It's no too late for some of you
I touched virgin girls boobs for the first time at 22, she was 19 and never was tuched by a man.
I remeber asking her if I can tuch her boobs and she said yes, it's felt soft and we where hugging a lot.
(it was first time for both of us)
later we had sex and we were a couple.
Now I'm almost 24 and no gf though.
Bongland pls
Don't get what you are talking about, mate.
Southern Europe is more prudish than places in the North.
Maybe you ended up on a topless beach or something.
wow how great for you
did you pick her up at a retirement home?
Why do people react so strongly to this, it's not bad at all
I know, she looked like she wasn't even 11, that's messed up, haha
19 is still teen. Nineteen
>Olive oil is a vegetable oil and chemically it's barely different, and they taste barely different. Period. Preconceptions about what a person is consuming is more than enough to explain the claimed percepted difference in taste. You can relabel any other vegetable as Olive Oil and these bullshitters will never call you on it.
That's why you are so fucking fat, burger
Fucking god damn so much fucking this FUCK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
When most media show a cutesy first kiss between kids, it's usually a peck on the cheek. That's a full on wet snog.
Sleep Tight
It makes their peepee feel funny and they are confused by that.
>mfw a girl kissed me when I was 18 or 19 but I can't for the life of me remember what it felt like
>Sleep Tight
I kissed the first girl on 21, the second on 22, the third on 23. If you are under 21 you still have the chance to be better than me.
I fucking cried from laughter when I first saw this on the Simpsons.
My PP is hard now! I have to cum inside one of the children tied up in my basement. thanks a lot faggut.
I live in the south of Spain and most of the people doing topless are north-european. Same in the nudist beaches, for every spaniard you'll see two blue eyed blondes.
Alright I'll be that guy.
Why did they take off their panties?
If you could direct a film, how would you convince a kids parents to film a scene like this?
show them money
by 2019 rules that's sexual assault. She didn't ask for and receive verbal consent. Good thing it was filmed in a different time.
Heres a bag of money. No I don't need to actually fuck your kid, but thanks for the offer.
Well I'm French and I never touched any girl; I don't know how it is in the rest of the world but here the girls find me repelling and don't mind telling me so.
I mean, some of what you're saying is reasonable, but olive oil tastes different to vegetable oil so it devalues your point a bit to say otherwise.
Here's the true redpill
Most european directors are perverts and pedophiles
>Most people are perverts and pedophiles
>Olive oil is a vegetable oil and chemically it's barely different, and they taste barely different. Period. Preconceptions about what a person is consuming is more than enough to explain the claimed percepted difference in taste. You can relabel any other vegetable as Olive Oil and these bullshitters will never call you on it.
Probably the dumbest thing I've read in quite some time. Congratulations.
yes technically this is the ultimate redpill
A lot of people who put their children in the movies won't care about the content so much as the money they'll make from exploiting their kid both off and on-camera. There's no "convincing" to be done beyond showing them the money.
Because Americans are terrified of sex when it's literally as natural as taking a shit. Fuck this country.
>taking a shit
do americans really do this? in my country we leave ours.
It's sad that your post is so accurate when it was clearly meant to be satire.
I didn’t fucking need this right now. Fuck off.
Knowing there are people in the business here is all that keeps me coming back.
leave it in your intestines? doesn't it get uncomfortable?
Imagine it! Someone who is honest with themselves making a film!
I had my first kiss with a prostitute
That iMac add
>Because Americans are terrified of sex
then how come America has such a renowned porn industry?
check mate.
kissed one a few hours ago
was pretty nice. she's cute
Is her age on the clock?
Why do all European movies have a hardcore sex scene? I’m Eastern European btw.
I masturbated
t. Raised in a sexually repressive environment
Some recent french pedophilia bait kinò with famous french actors in it:
>last time I kissed a girl was 6 years ago
Because most European film industry are dead as fuck unless you're a literal genius that can export his talent to the US. So you're left with doing shitty comedies for their pleb audiences or some artsy porn film that may get you some awards at film festivals.
>natural as taking a shit.
they don't show people shitting in movies either. I cant remember the last shit scene I saw.
eyes wide shit
You can't portrait sexuality as something natural in america because the empire needs young, fustrated men to fill the army.
You won't recruit people for pathetic amounts of money to fight in shit-holes if they can get their dicks wet in teen pussy. It's not possible in the numbers needed.
Same in uk except they're even more retarded because they're not an empire anymore.
calm it, tino
>Incels are taking over
About time we rise up
Do French girls really do this?
now this is a thread that wouldn't have been left up during night Yea Forums
>now this is a thread that wouldn't have been left up during night Yea Forums
why? how would you know about this?
certainly not with me
Moi jeune et jolie
it's a very normal thing now
Based Cuaron delivering absolute kino. Most beautiful girl I ever saw. Too bad the rest of the movie was kinda mediocre.
>statuatory rape
is usually not rape
This, it's an idiotic term used to make something sound much worse than it is.
The female orgasm is a myth. There's no biological reason for women to orgasm. Pay attention to the statistics over the years regarding the percentage of women that are incapable of orgasm. As people get more information and are more open to discussing it, higher and higher percentages will be revealed.
>t. shit in bed or virgin
Because the French are hipersexualized degenerates with inclination towards being pedophiles.
Women fake it to make their potential provider feel good about himself. Women report anywhere from 30-50% them being unable to achieve orgasm.
>when you got outed as a virgin/fucklet but pretend that talking more is the answer
Come back when you become a real adult.
Why can't you guys just go on a dating app and go on a date?
>you're not a real man unless you're giving a woman your resources
Lol okay
>you missed out on teen love
>conflates fucking with monogamy because completely inexperienced and a zoomer
Nice learning disability formatting.
When did I ever mention monogamy, my dude?
the female orgasm is a vestige of the male orgasm. females can stimulate their clitoris and experience contractions similar to the male ejaculation but the contractions serve no purpose and many women have sex without ever orgasming.
>giving a woman your resources
"my dude" confirms you're a brainless zoomer kid.
>only missing out on teen love
>when you get btfo and start playing the questions game for prolonged attention you couldn't otherwise earn
wtf people actually think that's wierd?
>reddit women
Okay, the picture is becoming more clear by the second. You're an older man who is obviously insecure. You assumed monogamy despite me never bringing it up so I'm assuming you are in a monogamous relationship but maybe not a strong one or maybe not by choice.
Think about your life for a second. You're okay with giving your shit to another human being because they rub your pee pee and fake having a seizure for a few seconds.
If you genuinely ask this you don't belong here.
>even the dog is fat
gets me everytime
imagine being this cucked lmao
What a feminine way to start a post. Again with the assumption that sex involves an exchange of goods or money. Are you completely autistic? You must be if you're a virgin at your age.
I've only ever kissed boys. I'm a guy.
I keep meaning to try girls but keep drifting back to boys.
single =/= virgin
hookup culture
You need Jesus.
When you meet Him, try not to kiss Him though.
I guess lack of confidence and unattractiveness doesn't help much
Saying okay is a feminine way to post but calling someone a virgin in place of any kind of argument isn't? Okay, my dude.
that's all unattractiveness. If you're attractive then you can be confident about it.
>coming to Yea Forums for arguments because you're completely insecure
No wonder no woman will touch you. They want confidence, kid. When you grow up, you'll realize this site is only good for calling retards what they are as a form of catharsis.
>Mexicans are literal cancer
You means blacks, right? Otherwise you're ignorant of the shit that goes around you.
I mean I've been called handsome but I don't revel in it I just try to self improve.
>283 posts
>No one has posted it yet
Nothing portrays "CONFIDENCE" better than having to brag to anonymous strangers about having more sex than them.
Posted what?
Underrated masterpiece
Shut up retard
There's a difference between claiming to have had more sex and claiming to have had sex at all. Keep in mind that I'm not arguing with you here, I'm pointing out what a retard you must be to fail at engaging in literally the only reason you exist as a life form on this planet. What an absolute horror show of a retarded bungler you have to be to still be talking to me instead of fixing the swaths of personal failings you must have to still be a virgin at your age.
Now you're getting the hang of it, Corky. All it took was an older, smarter boy to tell you how things are supposed to work.
Kill yourself you humblebragging normalfaggot.
>There's a difference between claiming to have had more sex and claiming to have had sex at all
Yes, the latter is decidedly less impressive and therefore sad.
>Keep in mind that I'm not arguing with you here
That's readily apparent.
based and fagpilled
Fix your formatting and maybe I'll read it, dunce. :^)
file name
>shy girl with cute frog eyes asked me out when i was in 3rd grade
>i shrugged and ran away to argue with my best friend instead
Aw he's embarrassed about his boner
When are we going to get /ll/ kino
>N-Now you're getting the hang of it
What a thot
No thanks I'll keep on living to spite you
The Argentinian one?
This isn't even hot, it's just sad.
In terms of attractiveness rankings:
1. Top 2% of whites (non-Yea Forums users)
2. Top 2% of mexicans (non-Yea Forums users)
3. Top 2% of asians (non-Yea Forums users)
4. Top 2% of middle easterners (non-Yea Forums users)
5. Top 2% of black people (non-Yea Forums users)
Do it
I want to FUCK that underage girl.
Brought to you by Netflix™
> Not playing Doctor and House in Elementary.
If you haven't seen putty up close by third grade, you're kinda a fag.
>Do girls really masturbate in that way?
Boys too at the onset of certain feelings.
>all his examples are about food
top amerikka :DD fancy food is a thing for feminine cultures anyway, masculine cultures are about survival where there is no leisure time to invent more pleasures
>tfw didn't masturbate until I was 19
>now 30 and still a virgin
Imagine an alternate universe were you can have cp streamed on your tv. Oh wait we're living in it.
How is this not child pornography by any legal definition?
It's "art"
To not like this means you're an anti-Semite goyim.
And you're probably a white male.
t. not a jew
Great now I have to go fap.
Holy shit this thread
god bless the french
Ask a woman
The French have always been a bunch of degenerates.
She's just acting.
i use to do this too
To not like this means you're gay.
I mean, you don't HAVE to.
It's not just the French.
french are 100% based
deal with it fag
asshurt protestant subhumans
SHe looks pretty old
can we have this thread again?
make the next thread then