We should cancel Brexit because our side didn’t understand online marketing

>we should cancel Brexit because our side didn’t understand online marketing

So much seething in this movie lmao. Left wing ‘people’ are losers.

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Other urls found in this thread:


They shouldn't cancel anything. But it would help if they hurried a little. It has been 2 years already

its all a ploy to make plebs have shittier working conditions in the name of patriotism

Brexit's a scam.

>dude right wing means bad

>cancel Brexit
lmao, too late, you already volunteered to show the world what economic isolationism will do to a country in the 21st century

Imagine not wanting to leave pic related (official EU poster spotted by a Lithuanian MEP)

Attached: 4C6D639C-8C58-44A4-8F7D-E3004319FA79.jpg (738x986, 111K)

The Remain side spent more money than Leave and got foreign politicians to interfere (Obama). They also had control of the state broadcaster.

And they STILL lost lmao

Left wing FREAKS can’t do anything right

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>communism is a religion

they won tho. brexit is cancelled

leaving isn't a right wing thing retard, anybody on the political compass could want to leave.


Where’s the swastika then? C’mon, Europe4All amirite?

Hell to the no. To the no no no.

Plenty of scientific studies that linked Brexit will probably cause a 7% GDP growth next year, yet Eurocucks like you keep spreading their lies all over the internet, probably paid by EU bureaucrats and Labour wankers.
Who cares, The US desperately wants to be our first market, guess why? Because within the EU we will be again the ones that rule over the world.
Pity that for such a long time our spineless politicians listened to the lies of Germans and French. Goodbye eurocucks, you will not be missed!

Attached: N93rAoaU_400x400.jpg (400x400, 28K)

>"The poster is not a European Commission poster. It was part of a series of posters hanging in a corridor which were made by artists in the context of a competition by the Czech Council on Foreign Relations. This competition was not funded by the EU," Giedrius Sudikas, spokesman for the commission's office in Lithuania, told AFP.

>"As soon as the controversial symbol was pointed out, the poster was immediately removed. The building managers of all the Commission's buildings have now been asked to check if this poster is being displayed anywhere else on Commission property and remove it."

This, actually. Loads of the people in the North voted to leave despite it being a Labour holdout, and loads of Tories campaigned to stay.

>dude systematically selling extreme lies to stupid disenfranchised people in order to win petty political victories for posh boys is definitely fun and cool and won't have any bad lasting ramifications for a country.

>In several countries in the former Eastern Bloc, there are laws that define the hammer and sickle as the symbol of a "totalitarian and criminal ideology" and the public display of the hammer and sickle and other Communist symbols such as the red star is considered a criminal offence. Georgia,[8] Hungary,[9] Latvia,[10] Lithuania,[11] Moldova (1 October 2012 – 4 June 2013)[12] and Ukraine[13][14][15] have banned communist symbols including this one.

Why do Europeans oppose freedom of speech?

>Plenty of scientific studies that linked Brexit will probably cause a 7% GDP growth next year
Name one, and discredited bullshitters like Patrick Minford don't count.

there have been over 50 threads with this poster and nobody has ever attempted to discuss the movie

this proves that
>biopics are worthless
>Yea Forums needs a better moderation. this isn't /pol/ when you discuss politics

How would you improve moderation? We already tried doubling the janitor's salary

What lies?

Remainers literally denied the existence of plans for an EU army. Then the EU announces an EU army lmao

But that’s the thing with Remainers. They aren’t even proEU. They just don’t believe the EU does half the dumb shit that they do. They also think it’s capable of reform when it isn’t.

Double it again then

>scientific study

Low-IQ alert

Discuss the movie, then.

The Reddit le epic Sherlock writing on walls schtick was cringe. We’ve seen Cumberbatch do the same thing in 4 films now.

>systematically selling extreme lies
>muh NHS bus


>IMF and our own chancellor of the exchequer lie to us that a vote for brexit will trigger an immediate recession, crash the house market and lead to record unemployment (the opposite of everything happened and they quickly revised their forecats right after the vote)


The vote wasn't for economic isolation, it was just to leave the Brussels bureaucrats that unilaterally enforce laws on people that didn't get a say in it.

Just because the EU is trying to blackmail the UK by starving them doesn't mean that's what the brexit vote was on, and it's sad that so many people buy into this shit. Protip, there was trade before EU.

Because the movie in question is a propaganda piece. Not made for the sake of art.

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And immigration helps them how? All the browns are on welfare.The whole thing is a pyramid scheme.

kinos for this feel?

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racist EU > independent UK > tolerant EU

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God this movie looks so fucking stupid.

I was on /r/worldnews today and everyone said that pro-Brexiters were stupid and physically incapable of walking.

>it rains a little in London on brexit vote
>leave wins because onions-fed cucks were so cocksure of remain winning so everyone who was deterimined to actually fucking vote went out and voted leave
Too bad democracy is a fucking sham so it doesn't even matter. UK will stay in EU whether 51% of the country likes it or not. Majority vote my ass.

Attached: ow my balls.jpg (800x800, 163K)

Children of Men.

>economic isolationism will do to a country in the 21st century

im kinda interested in the result. It might prove what lairs the wealthy elite and their media puppets are. Or maybe globalism and federalism are good for poor people , I dunno.

Retake UK seat on the World Trade Organisation
Desirable to have Free-Trade agreement with the EU along the same lines as today, although trading on WTO terms ‘may be an economically sound choice’
Do not strike a Free-Trade deal involving a huge ‘divorce’ settlement or free movement arrangement
With WTO terms, the Treasury will receive a tax windfall of £11 billion from import tariffs
WTO tariff windfall could be used to fund a VAT cut to compensate consumers for slightly higher prices
If the EU were seen to be punishing Britain start a Buy British campaign
Cut unnecessary EU regulation from the 88% of economy not linked to trade with EU countries
Work with President Trump to strike a US trade deal
End the EU’s trade tariff regime which harms the developing world
Strike Free Trade deals with developing countries whilst reducing foreign aid
Strike trade deals with countries all around the world
Establish the UK as a low-tax, low regulation economy
Oppose the establishment and continuance of protectionist customs unions like the EU

Based EU shill poster

BRexiteers are the real villans

Ya the EU is totalitarian. Fuck them. Brexit was def the way to go. Lmao at all these idiots buying into the globalist fear-mongering
Complete bullshit. Only msm watching retards buy into that.

That's what the left does all the time. Sell the idea that they will give people free stuff, but they never mention how that will collapse everything in the future. The right has a much harder fight because the win on realistic promises

Wait a minute

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>yfw Brits are literally retarded and easily influenced by their tabloids


Attached: 154710093328.png (645x773, 11K)

>use r3ddit
>surprised when you see NPCs incapable of critical thought

And the financial markets.

>made to vote again
Nigger they changed the agreement after discusion and then the new agreement was voted on. You retard


Why is everyone so triggered?
The film didn't say that in the slightest. It just pointed out that vote leave was able to win by capitalising on a strategy that remain didn't consider.
Everything beyond that is literally projection. Fucking christ

BREXIT turned me away from socialism.
Fuck Corbyn and Fuck Labour. Cannot believe I used to admire him.

What was that strategy? Plain faced lies? So bold that nobody else dared say them?

>people think we care about economics

Kek. We don’t want to be ruled by foreigners we can’t vote out and Merkel let 3 million rapefugees into Europe. Everything else is just fluff.

Besides, the same people said our economy would tank if we didn’t join the Euro. Turned out it’s the best thing we’ve done since kicking Argentina’s arse in the Falklands.

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>Plain faced lies? So bold that nobody else dared say them
That would be the old globalist controlled left. The right arent a bunch tech illiterate retards so they used the internet. They are also younger.

But then how can we easily frame it into a based vs libcuck issue?

mfw when bongs will need a visa to go on vacation to Spain or Greece

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Nah you made that clear.
The thing is that your leaders go on national TV and pretend that their motivations are otherwise.

No? Just using new technology to appeal to new voters. This isn't even good b8

>The right arent a bunch tech illiterate retards
Look up leave/remain votes by age and education level. Thats literally what leave voters are.

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March for Brexit, not a single faggot or faggotess under 35.
that's just what I said, you can lie on the Internet without repercussions, not like the papers or telly

let's all work together for the betterment of human beings as a whole and not be cunts :) this is my political philosophy

>british people dont want to be ruled by foreigners

the ironing is delicious

why did he obliterate his hairline?

i do not trust people with this hairline

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The entire media is leftist. Anti Brexit propaganda was being thrown at the British public 24/7 and you still lost and put the blame on a bus sign. Its time for a bit of self reflection

Why do they even have elections?

Wait until you...

Westminster is full of Remainers. Literally only about 20% support Brexit. ‘Leaders’ they are not.

How does Britain leaving highlight the effects ofthe EU's economic isolationism? You know the single market is a essentially a protection racket, right? The high tarrifs on goods outside the EU make it the most expensive place to live and smothers trade with the outside world. That's why Europe is the only economic block not experiencing growth right now.

that's literally a lie. And you know that.

oh the horror of having to spend 15mins filling out a form online

>we were too smart to win

Lmfao you scumbags are as deluded as the Hildawgs

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>mfw brexit wins again

Could you imagine the embarrassment?

Again, for the retarded people here (you)
>Vote put forward
>Country rejects vote
>EU and country negotiate on changes to the vote
>New vote put forward
>Passes the second time after the changes
Now fuck off

Being euroskeptic was actually originally a left wing thing. Corbyn and old school labour are very much pro brexit.

>Just using new technology to appeal to new voters.
You meanm creating racist maymays to get all the undesirables to vote for you. Let's talk plainly. We are anons on Yea Forums.

Which part?

Just because we conquered some faggots deosn't mean we should take it up the ass from bloody foreign cunts

Which part isn’t true?

The prole cope

I meant Farage and UKIP

It's certainly possible, lots of people have gotten pissed off with the way the EU has been handling the whole thing.
It would certainly be close again. If Remain wins by 52% on a second referendum then Leavers would be fully justified in complaining just as much as Remain has been these last two years.

Dont even bother. He's probably the type of person who would be fine with unchecked immigrants coming into his country as long as he can keep having his fancy asian restaurants around.

The privelege of voting should only be granted to those above a certain IQ. Democracy of intelligence, not mob rule.

did you know that sometimes actors use special makeup/prosthetics to appear differently?

You’re not getting a second referendum you delusional leftist cunt

Even if you did you’d lose again. Go out. Have sex. People look at the likes of Eddie Izzard and Lineker with bemusement. You think they’re intellectuals lmfao

/pol/ helped make brexit happen. chew on that cud

UK got fucking played lmao

Attached: farage.png (639x668, 527K)

Despite all the racist and neonazis gloating at their winning, they wouldn't be winning if it wasn't for Labour Euroskeptics.
The only reason Brexit is happening is because Labour has a big Brexit faction, including Corbyn and he is such a man of principle that even though he is in opposition, he is still pro-Brexit.

This. Only white men should be allowed to vote.

>You’re not getting a second referendum you delusional leftist cunt
I'm not talking about a referendum, he is implying that the EU made countries vote again on the Lisbon Treaty etc. until the EU got a yes vote. Thats literally not what happened.

Personally i'm more in favor of only getting the vote once you have worked for 5 years. That way you have at least payed into the system you now get a say in.

>7% GDP growth
is this before or after the Irish start killing each other on the NI border?

That's fair enough too, tax-payers only.

This was the main factor desu. There were thunderstorms over London, and up here in Scotland no one bothered even campaigning since it was assumed everyone would vote remain. Most people didn't bother going out to vote.
Same with Trump winning. People can blame muh russians all they want, all you need to do is look at the voter turnout, especially of blacks in states like Michigan. It's not that they voted republican, they just didn't vote at all.

They should have a random facts test. Like 3 multiple choice questions regarding whatever the vote is about.
You fill them out as you are voting. If you fill them out wrong the vote is discarded.

Leave, no deal
Behead Theresa May in front of Trafalgar Square
Try Jacob Reese-Moggs next to her

Americans, imagine if a bunch of spics in Mexico made laws for the US an you couldn’t vote them out. That’s literally what the EU is.

Anyone who defends it is either a globalist or a German who doesn’t know any better thanks to 24/7 war guilt brainwashing

>have gotten pissed off with the way the EU has been handling the whole thing.
The British government being retarded has nothing to do with the EU.
This is hilarious.

>The right arent a bunch tech illiterate retards
If you're only talking about the campaigners/leaders and not the voters.

>bunch of spics in Mexico made laws for the US an you couldn’t vote them out
more worried about Puerto Ricans getting state status and doing this, but yeah it sucks

thankfully hispanics are still westerners and don't care too much for fags

It's the reason why only democrats and Hollywood promote
>your vote matters
>go out and vote
type propaganda. Its literally designated at low IQ lazy people aka non-whites

>We don’t want to be ruled by foreigners
It's going to be so fucking funny watching little England be utterly transformed into the bottom bitch of the US and China

Imagine willingly joining the Tower of Babel.

Attached: europe-tower_of_babel.jpg (379x522, 66K)

What a disappointment Mogg has been. I was suspicious of him as soon as he said Shamina Begum should come back. What is it with catholics?

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>We don’t want to be ruled by foreigners
>If you figure a way to live without serving a master, any master, then let the rest of us know, will you? For you'd be the first person in the history of the world.
good luck being the slave of US/China then, there is no freedom, ask scotland

>thankfully hispanics are still westerners
Maybe the ones who are 90% white and tend to run their countries. Visit Los Angeles, there is nothing Western about that city anymore.



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as if immigration is going to slow
now just lest eastern european cuties

Except the EU is rich as fuck and the biggest trading market, and the UK will pretty much get raped by the US now that they are outside of the EU. Good luck to them.

but most of all

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Yeah who would have thought that a parliament who were about 75% in favour of remain would try to sabotage it.

>not realising the salad you eat is chlorinated

I’d rather be ruled by fellow Anglos than Eur*pean scum. Enjoy drowning in Merkel’s rapefugees you garlic smelling cunt

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It will be epic.
Primarily because they are so fucking arrogant and full of themselves.
>muh empire
Even India will rape them raw.

still more western than the middle east.

>not realising that American meat uses 15 - 20 times the amount of antibiotics and hormones as allowed by the EU

Of course it's propaganda. Every movie that tackles politics is propaganda for something

>not realising we breed our own chickens and wont have to import us nuggets

>muh economy
>muh GDP
>muh numbers on a screen
In case you've noticed there's more important things happening in white countries

Thanks happy to take our chances. Things probably will be tough for the first 10 years or so but in the long run i think it will be beneficial. I certainly don’t want my country just to become a state in the United States of Europe.

When Britain leaves there’s a huge gaping hole in the EU’s budget. I can’t wait to see Germany collapse (again) under the weight of Slav gibsmedats.

>fellow Anglos
wait 50 years fellow "Anglo"

>Because the movie in question is a propaganda piece.
It's literally the least politically advocating film about a subject that political in the last 20 years

>wont have to import us nuggets
You are going to lmao


>petty political victories for posh boys

This is the part I never understood

>Cameron didn't want it
>May didn't want it
>Corbyn didn't want it (but did in private)
>Practically all of the Tories didn't want it
>Practically all of Labour didn't want it
>100% of Plaid Cymru didn't want it
>100% of the SNP didn't want it
>JP Morgan didn't want it
>The CEOs of every business didn't want it
>Obama didn't want it
>Merkel didn't want it
>Hollande didn't want it
>The banks didn't want it
>Every major celebrity didn't want it

So other than those, it was the establishment who wanted it, right? They're the posh boys you're talking about despite the shittiest areas voting overwhelmingly to leave?
Why are you all so brain dead?


Yeah, I can't understand why people rejected that. Not when in order to have that you have to pack the entire country out with darkies. And then you want to bring up "bad lasting ramifications for the country."
Surely even in your retard mind, you bootlickers have to know that you're in a no win situation.

With regards to the claims of bullshit by both sides of the campaign. I would like to see some sort of unbiased information regulated source. It's purpose would be, in the event of such things as the referendum, to present factual information with no bias or agenda. Because even the media has a bias, by choosing to show certain things or omit to show other things, they can present a false view of the situation. It's hard to know what is right and what is bullshit anymore.

Here you are with the numbers that are currently putting UK above european countries in terms of GDP growth, and the Brexit didn't even started yet LMAO.
Keep whining and losing eurocucks

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unless your government is NSDAP and NK Juche, they wont implement pro white policies, they will just do what they did up until now but in shittier economy, you will get same if not more paki immigrants so your capitalist overlords can profit, you are fucked

No one gives a shit about the Empire the average person knows fuck all about it. It isn’t even taught in schools, instead we have useless shit like the American civil rights movement.

I voted leave and got a german passport so i can enjoy the best of both worlds

Just look at all the seething Europeans in this thread lmao

Imagine not having your own currency or a border. The epitome of being a slave state. Is there excess oestrogen in continental water or something? You pussies have been nothing since we rekt your shit in both world wars.

Attached: 2F19071F-E069-42FE-B49B-2E81ACC1F530.jpg (737x487, 57K)

maybe the trillions of dollars leaving britain will help sustain the slav gibs :)

It's impossible to present any issue completely objectively. Even the order you present facts can cause bias, nevermind what count as "facts".

>W-We actually wanted to become a slave nation the entire time!

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Based, I also had a EU passport sorted as soon a leave won

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nibba did you read the document

>making clear that each Party canset for itself the level of protection it believes to be appropriate to protect food safety and plant and animal health in a manner consistent with its internationalobligations.


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Remainers are just thick university students. No, that is not an oxymoron. Students today are thick as shit.

Or maybe maybe, they are unable to obtain a decent deal.

Did you?

>Establish a mechanism to remove expeditiously unwarranted barriers that block the exportofU.S. food and agricultural products

aka current EU regulations regarding antibiotic use etc.

That's called the BBC.
Not even being ironic.
Although the problem with the BBC is that their
>all sides approach
gives validity to nutjobs that would otherwise not get any attention.

I prefer this film

Attached: HB.jpg (650x365, 95K)

Good. Let the people starve and let the people hang Jewish bankers in the streets

Bloody students

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All the Brit grannies that live on southern European coasts also voted leave for whatever fucking reason.

>we shouldn't have a no deal Brexit because Theresa Mays doesn't understand British politics
>Britain still tied to ECHR and ECtHR even if Brexit happens

The absolute state of Britain. Short the pound, boys.

delete this

Why are rightists foaming at the mouth like this all the time

I'd rather they boil the frog fast and he jumps out than boil him slowly and he dies

I’m a history graduate and this is true. My ex who had a masters was honestly thick as shit when it came to things like politics and current affairs.
Just because you are good at psychology or “the arts” doesn’t make you smart in other subjects.

>aka current EU regulations regarding antibiotic use etc.

We wont be in the EU will we?

We do have our own food regulations outside the EU you know?


Brexit will serve as a reminder to all the other EU members just how much they benefit from this union.

It's the only emotion they can express.

I’m perfectly happy without a deal, we voted to leave, not stay on as some weird vassal.

>the level of protection it believes to be appropriate
The most non-committal shit ever. You're an absolute plank if you think a Tory government won't immediately sacrifice EU-level standards on the altar of being "competitive"

>We wont be in the EU will we?
No, exactly so those rules wont apply
>We do have our own food regulations outside the EU you know?
Yes and the US will pressure to ''remove expeditiously unwarranted barriers that block the export of U.S. food and agricultural products''

>bRitun ShOuld staY in Eu coz me lektuRa says inNit

- Alisha (preferred pronoun Xer), BA Dance Studies, Metropolitan University of Tamworth

>we're pro democracy until the other side wins a vote

It's a blessing in disguise.
>no more Brits bitching
>union stronger than ever
Even fucking Salvini does not want to leave anymore.

>implying we will have a tory government by then and not labour

Putin's looking a bit taller than usual

can't wait to see the UK split up before the EU lmao

cry more you inbred working class council estate jeremy kyle watching scum that actually voted brexit

there's nothing that was promised pre referendum that still stands being true

unlike farage/bojo/rees mogg, you poor shitters aren't earning anything from brexit. poor you!

This, UK is about to get assfucked by America. I hope you guys have your popcorn ready

Yeah, it's insane than a 21 year old that hasn't worked a day in their life and has done nothing but take up state funds in education has the same rights to future determination than somebody that has been paying taxes for 15 years.

pic related could be a physics genius, but by asking for another Brexit referendum its clear he doesnt understand the very basic concept of democracy, so how can i trust him? Dont let people fool you into thinking they are always right, even if they're Einstein

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Is UKIP still a party?

>left is everything i don't agree with
Fucking mutts.

>standards of living for ethnic brits have stagnated or gone down in pretty much every metric since the UK joined the EU AND the country has been heavily settled by generally resentful hostile immigrants leading to a host of new divisions and problems for the ethnic Brits with little to no benefits and certainly no effects the Ethnics Brits couldn't have done for themselves.

b-b-b-but your economy grew why aren't you greatful for the last 30 years of EU membership Britain y-y-y-you jerks!!!! Diversity makes our country stronger reeeeeeeeeee!!!!!


This but unironically

Yes but they are full of epic youtubers now

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Some remainers are average IQ. All brexiters are stupid.
Is this what you are trying to say?

>imagine not having a currency, culture or flag in 10 years

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Brexit won. Trump won. Keep seething you Marxist tranny

Attached: C88DFCB3-990A-4D31-8705-71D07CFB97D0.jpg (737x652, 133K)

>mfw Scotland will leave UK and rejoin EU
>mfw Northern Ireland will leave UK and rejoin Ireland
>mfw the British Empire will die in my lifetime

Attached: 1435841861079.jpg (400x388, 70K)

students think they are going to travel and have an early midlife at 30 when they realise they could never afford it without a package holiday that they will still think they are too good for

facts of life
1.you are not going to chill and relax at a cafe in a European town after uni
2.you are going on a package holiday with chav family's who are going to get drunk and naked
3.make friends with locals your age because they are trying to fuck off after uni and will experience the same thing

Attached: 22.jpg (400x300, 30K)

>be dominating global power
>gradually lose influence
>shitskins that you used to rule now colonize your cities en masse
>heh, u deserve it cuz u did it first
you know what, I actually agree with you. cant wait to genocide everything brown in the next 10 years, since retaliation is always fair given enough time no?

This picture makes Europeans froth at the mouth lmao

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Based. I'm glad UK leaves, virtually all they ever did was whine and represent US interests.

scotland want independence, yet want to stay in the EU

God I fucking hope so. The idea that the UK voting for ''sovereignty'' from the EU only to cause its own union to break up also is just too funny

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there are more people in london alone than the entire region of scotland

your only exports are salmon and whisky

Does that poof on the left have those degenerate earings?

what about wales?


Speaking of that...

Steve sound pretty based

Yes and they haven't even been in style with anyone in a few years now too

They voted against independence.

absoulute con man as well.

>lectures in manchester university
>only teaches like 2 hours a week

Marxists trannies are pro-brexit.

It's complicated.
It's the liberals that are pro-remain.

The UK can likely survive going it alone, but can Germany continue to buy out the rest of EU and hold them to their debts. Something's gonna give eventually if you keep letting more and more poor EU nations in that give no value.
EU could shoot themselves in the foot. The UK has a lot of buying power of it's own. It's in a good position being an island with easy air and sea access. If it's a no deal the UK is likely going to be looking immediately for good deals worldwide and I'm sure US and China will be first in line for a juicy agreement. The UK already turns half a blind-eye to Chinese imports.
France and Spain may eventually want to pull out too. Germany is desperate to make the UK an example. But might have to give-in because a lot of other EU nations rely on the UK for import for fresh goods, especially Spain.

What do you mean by "yet"? They can basically kill 2 birds with one stone now

No lecturers actually teach full time though, its entirely normal.

how is brexit going? how are you even benefitting from it?

you're a working class, low income, uneducated guy from up north

you're literally the first to feel the pain lol

I wish we could see flags on Yea Forums. You just know all the bitter replies are seething Germans (who have never won a war lmao so weak) and French (30% African)

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I know but the SNP and sturgeon want another referendum for scotland


>Mfw Both Ireland and Scotland are both barely finished bragging about being independent from Westminster and England before their governments bend over for international Business AND flood their nations with immigrants from shitholes riuining literally everything their ancestors were fighting for in the first place

You know it will happen Celt. I'm all for proper nationalist countries but neither Dublin nor Holyrood has a sitting government that is nationalist for the people. They're globalist "i don't see race" shills through and through and they will sell you down the river first chance they get. This is what happens when your nationalism is based on nothing more than misplaced revaunchism against your good pals the English

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I work in the city and live in London

Volatility is good for me :^)

It was inevitable from the moment they gave them devolved parliaments

>Being euroskeptic was actually originally a left wing thing
It was that all over Europe. Until being a EU skeptic meant less niggers and muslims. The all of a sudden EU is the best thing ever in the lefts eyes.

>le anarchist meme
How is school user

They aren't called Chavs anymore user, it's Deano, they are gentrified Chavs.


Tony Blair MUST hang

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I didn't vote the first time because I didn't care so much either way.

Now, WHEN they have the second one (you KNOW they will) I am going to go and vote fucking Leave. I'm irritated by the fact that I've had to hear about it for so fucking long when they defined the rules as "The majority makes the decision that will be taken" and spent this long obviously dawdling.

Krauts and frogs are a bunch of surrender monkeys. Why would you want to be in a union with those fucking losers?


what the actual fuck are you talking about


Yeah Irish reunification is bound to happen eventually

based post

Jej they honestly think they're smart claiming "muh brexit is just an excuse for the people to get fucked over by the big sharks" while they do exactly the same with their independence movements

Reminder that only 37% of the electorate actually wanted to leave

>Something's gonna give eventually if you keep letting more and more poor EU nations in that give no value.
Not sure what you mean, Germany benefits greatly from smaller EU nations since they're export-focused and all

I don’t get it either. Germany and France have done nothing for the white race. I wouldn’t even consider them white. The only whites are Anglos, hence we created the largest empire and still rule the world through finance.

One thing that Brexit has shown the UK is that the EU are far better negotiators than them lmao.

The UK thought that the EU was weak and ineffectual but nope

Attached: corbyn.png (152x254, 41K)

The day when it happens, you will find me on /int/, shitposting as if there's no tomorrow

b-b-b-but we have to grow our economies to compete with Englands somehow..........

You're fucked either way without the mighty Anglo Saxon to protect and guide you you stupid Celtic dog!

Attached: download (2).jpg (223x226, 8K)

>Anglos running finance

Nigel Farage:
>a 52-48 Remain win would mean unfinished business
Leftist media:
>Nigel Farage demands second referendum if Leave loses

You people never cease to amaze me

Scottish flags when

nigel never said that nice lies lmao

Attached: lefty.jpg (647x960, 44K)

>there are more people in london alone than the entire region of scotland
Isn't london filled with mostly immigrants?

What else did he mean by this? Explain, and be specific.

The UK had zero leverage.
That is why BREXIT makes not sense. Beggars cannot be choosers.

>can't wait to see the UK split up before the EU lmao
Unironically I want this to, Scotland, N.Ireland and Wales give nothing to England and just are moneysinks. England is the economy, history and culture of the UK. All the money we send the lesser countries could be spent actually rebuilding the north.

Sure they export, but they also loan money like crazy, and these countries are terrible, terrible at managing their own finances and rely almost solely on tourism to make any scratch.
So even if they can buy Germany's exports with Germany's own money, eventually they're going to fuck that up too and fold like Greece did.

one thing Brexit has shown is what a travesty the once mighty organ of Parliament has become while it was able to coat along in the EU's wake. Imagine what a pathetic rubber stamp it would have been in another 30 years

cringe. enjoy the balkanization

Yes but also they UK liked to think of the EU as fractured and ready to split up but in fact Brexit has unified the EU countries even more lol

No. That is just hyperbole, you know?

You don't need to be the best negotiator in the world to see that the EU holds all the cards in this negotiation.
I think noone except some Brits thought the UK would have the upper hand in this

That he would continue fighting? I don't fucking know, I just know he never said a second referendum

>le Brexit is for le greedy capitalist Tories!
The majority of Tory MPs are Remainers as is Golman Sachs and other banks
>Brexiteers are le establishment!
Westminster is majority Remain as is the state broadcaster
Your inability to read doesn’t make the slogan a lie. It literally says ‘we spend X amount on Y, let’s spend more money on Z instead’. Nowhere does it promise to spend X on Z. It’s called marketing you stupid crybaby cunts.

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This. brexit is a long overdue wake up call.

The problem is that it's two parts of democracy fighting against each other.

The referendum said leave.

The government wanted to stay.

So now the government has to do something they don't want to do, and they've dragged their heels so hard that it's all caught up at once. And they're trying to extend it indefinitely, so that they never have to leave the EU while claiming that they're totally leaving guys. Plus, nobody in government actually wants to deal with the Brexit issue any more. Which is why May was almost politically bulletproof, she was holding the bag of flaming dog shit but nobody else wanted it, so nobody else tried to take her down (and she was incredibly weak politically).

But now people are clamoring for a second referendum. Which is also terrible, because it sets the precedent, if they do it, that if you don't like the results of one referendum, you just keep holding them until you get the one you want. And that references a political ideology that is not at all accepted by the "free west". They don't like the results of a vote, so they want to throw the vote out and do it again. What does THAT remind you of?

It's a ridiculous, yet hilarious, comedy of errors.

Every single Irish and Scotsman is quickly scrolling past this post and desperately averting his eyes

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Scotland doesn't want to leave the UK.
In 2014, when EU membership was 100%, they voted to stay in the UK.
In 2017, the SNPs seats fell massively as people gave up on the idea of scottish nationalism. Leaving the UK now also doesn't mean Scotland will be in the EU. So they'll be truly independent, without England or the EU for a money source. No nation would vote for suicide like that.

London is the financial capital of the world

>these countries are terrible, terrible at managing their own finances and rely almost solely on tourism to make any scratch.
I guess I haven't paid enough attention to Eastern Europe, but I thought those countries were doing alright for themselves and Greece was the exception?

Friend of mine was in Tallinn a few years ago and I was in disbelief at the photos, they really cleaned themselves up since the 90s. Everything looks so modern.


why are all the far right cunts who claim to want to respect democracy so scared of a rerun

if they respect democracy there should be one because of the leave campaign breaking all kinds of laws

>Leaving the UK now also doesn't mean Scotland will be in the EU.
I was under the impression they got clarification from the EU that they could join as an independant Scotland

NI and Wales are insignificant economically, but Scotland is quietly a huge asset to the union. The true cost of losing Scotland will be known across the land but never admitted by a single soul.

Because the first vote hasn’t been implemented yet you stupid virgin

where was the rerun when we had the referendum to join the EU in the first place? (yes i know it was the EEC)

The UK actually pays around £250 million a week. We also get some money back from the EU.

>join the EU as an independent nation

How are you independent if you are ruled by Brussels? Are Europeans just thick or do they have a different understanding of words?

>What does THAT remind you of?
The times Germany got really good.

They use Germany's money to improve their standards of living in an effort to promote tourism, but rarely anything towards actually self-sufficiency. If the UK can't afford to go on holiday they will suffer for it because British Tourism is pretty big money.
And knowing Germany, that's what they'll try to hold hostage.

And it ain't Englishmen running it, whether you're talking about the actual London or the "City" of London

Brussels has already signalled that in case Scotland leaves the UK and wants to rejoin the EU, they'll make it as easy as possible for them to do so.

1: Scotland leaving the UK would be even harder than Brexit, both ideas share the same problems but Scotland is even more integrated into the UK than the UK was into the EU.
2: Scotland would not be able to rejoin the EU instantly, these things take time and negotiations, Scotland will have to take on the Euro for example
3: A few EU leaders saying one thing is different to it being done, Scotland joining the EU will never pass a vote. Spain would not allow it.

Not a single comeback to this is there? Scotland and Ireland ye shll know why Brexit happened when you experience what we have.

>6th biggest economy in the world


How does joint union equate submission?

>Spain would not allow it.

Attached: spain.png (631x704, 360K)

>hammer and sickle

Wheres the swastica??

why are you getting caught up in the semantics?

a scotland inside the uk is different from outside the uk

would you prefer a different phrase? divorced? newly single?

how else will they flood them with refugees to build an entirely rootless non-nationalist voting bloc within their body politic?

1. Speculation
2. Speculation
3. Speculation


He's been throwing around low effort b8 ever since the threads started

Pay him no attention user

>Politicians telling the truth
Yeah, it's all well and good to say "we support anything" in regards to hypotheticals to maintain good relations, but when things actually start happening and spain's own country is threatened, the true colours will come on.

"I will not step down as Prime Minister if leave wins." - David Cameron

Because that's how the EU works. It's not a supranational co-op any more, joining the EU means being subsumed by it and governed by the European parliament, commission and court of justice.

spain and Scotland share a lot in common apart from weather

1.there is nothing there
2.they sleep all the time

Can a legit, actual Britbong help me understand your country?

>Literal blasphemy laws, on the books.
>You can be arrested for misgendering someone.
>Your police not only don't carry weapons, but they are cut so thin funding-wise that they're now saying if you're white they won't visit you
>These same police officers hide in their cars while terrorist stabbings happen in broad daylight, but you are literally legally not allowed to arrest Muslims
>You voted for Brexit, to leave the shitty, crumbling EU, and your politicians promised to abide by the vote, only to promptly spend 2 years failing to negotiate a deal because literally none of them want to leave, so they have to pretend to be negotiating while they run the clock until they can manage to secure a second vote in hopes the answer will be to stay this time
>Your state-controlled media is literal propaganda
>And you literally have a terrorist attack once a week, on top of pedophile gangs of hundreds who rape and murder thousands, not a single case of which ever made the news on any newspaper or station in your entire country for over 8 years

But free healthcare, right?

There are very specific economic criteria you have to reach to get into the EU which Scotland has no hope whatsoever of meeting.

for now and its only gonna go down

Threads about politics on Yea Forums are 100 times better than on /pol/ desu lads, why is this?

>haha scotland you voted to stay
>haha scotland we voted to leave
>haha scotland you voted to stay
>haha scotland you would never survive alone
>haha scotland you want to be abused by europe
>haha scotland you're a fucking loser

anyone else think england has a secret hard-on for scotland but doesnt know how to say it?

maybe stop believing /pol/ shitposting as fact

That's what foreign occupation looks like.

you're wrong reeeeeee it grew from a BENELUX Coal and Steel trade commission into a political Union but Federalisation will never happen! It's already sending out military expeditionary forces and accumulating even more powers to itself but we've got to stay inside it for some reason!

Fuck off I don't care if i'm eating bread and water for the next two decades Britain has to get out now or it will be consumed. We wait and it will be too late

A king from Scotland and a King from England once had a gay love affair way way back, not even joking

I don't visit /pol/. I can pull up real news about every single thing I mentioned.

Feel free to tell me I'm wrong, and Britain is actually a paradise that isn't slowly killing itself.

>The UK is currently importing over 50% of its food and feed, whereas 70% and 64% of the associated cropland and greenhouse gas impacts, respectively, are located abroad.

I give you britcucks ~2 years before you start eating one another

Attached: 28mlmbotw.jpg (828x552, 71K)

Why would anyone want to distance themselves from letting in millions of unskilled shitskins that ruin neighbourhoods?!

Attached: Migrants - fuck.webm (722x406, 1.97M)

There's lots of really good reasons for leaving the EU but most of the ones used as justifications for Brexit missed the important points by leagues
Right now Britain's INTERNAL government is fucking it hard through a combination of neoliberalism and fiscal conservatism that is doing even more damage while Brexit's dangled in front of the masses

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basically the British system on paper has never worked properly and by rights should have always led to a very heavy handed over bearing dysfunctional government BUT it was a case of a bad system being worked by some very good minded and competent people so it worked pretty damn good. However those people are gone

>I don't visit /pol/

Scotland’s a bad smell that won’t leave

If they want to leave the U.K. they should give the English a vote. They’d be kicked out in a heartbeat. Take Blair and Brown with you, you worthless Marxist cunts

>But now people are clamoring for a second referendum.

A minority of remainers are, As they always have.

and Likewise More than one Scot noted the finest thing a Scotsman can ever see is the high road to England.


Attached: Literal migrant invasion.webm (854x480, 2.77M)

They'd have to extricate from the UK first. Which would be a nightmare to make Brexit look tame.

>I give you britcucks ~2 years before you start eating one another
I've already started lol shhh

Britain is tsundere for all its former colonies desu

Lol this
I hope they get on with it, I'd love to see the UK crash and burn

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I've never actually spent time on /pol/ because I get the joke already, I don't need to watch people pretend to be from different countries and arguing over which are "el goblino" and which are really white.

But I do have access to news, and I gotta say Britain ain't making a good case for itself.

In what ways?

leaving an economic union which prohibits its members from forming trade agreements is economig isolationism

no i trust the EU (who began this crisis) to handle the situation for some reason!

The whole EU is going down, so that's gonna be the case eventually anyway.

I cannot imagine a more cucked group than a confederation of countries that voted to take as much brown cock as possible all while not actually having enough tax revenue to pay for their own infrastructure, much less trade and military.


Attached: Migrants help unload in France.webm (180x320, 1.79M)

So since Scotland will leave the UK what are some Scotland kino? I can only think of The Wicker Man, Trainspotting and Shallow Grave

>Hannan, D. (2016) Why vote leave. United Kingdom: Head of Zeus.

The same reason threads about any topic are never any good unless they're on a board that isn't the intended one.

Option 1: complain about the meta
Option 2: be the change you wish to see in the world

Since you're a faggot, I see why you default to option 1

You really think the media in 2019 is a good way to gauge reality?

Try visiting the UK, it's one of the world's most popular visitor destinations for a reason. It's got a lot going for it.

England doesn't, in large part, share much of a common culture with the EU. They're close in proximity, but their governments and cultures aren't basically joined at the hip.

England, Ireland, and Scotland are.



Attached: sad african migrants.webm (526x526, 374K)

this is fine you racists! this was always a normal part of living in wonderful europe!

We have so much money we're literally giving it away to poorer countries, stay mad bong


>Not made for the sake of art.
So just like everything that comes out of Holywood then?

Housing market did crash mate. I rent two properties and had to take significant cut in rent to get them rented. Value dropped too much to be worth selling them too.

inb4 leech - yes, I admit that. Better me owning it than the government or a faceless management company, which are your other two options.

this guy bloody LOVED the movie

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>thinks his country giving his money away makes him superior


Well that's not really what I mean. I'm saying specifically, in what ways would Scotland separating from England be harder and more complicated than Brexit?

It's a genuine question, because I haven't really seen much talk about how that would actually work.

From what I understand, Scotland already has it's own Legal system, education bodies, police, NHS etc., so what would be the sticking points?


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>All the browns are on welfare
Apart from those that own the corner shop and caused every other shop to have to open on Sundays and stay open late because the people wanted it once Indians offered it.

I don't trust any one news source, which is why I use tools to make sure I read things covered broadly by multiple sources.

But if you're suggesting that any of them are exaggerating the state of the UK, a place where an entire county literally refused to prosecute and covered up a decade-long Muslim pedophile rape gang that trafficked thousands of white suburban kids, or where even RIGHT NOW Muslims are forcing schools they've taken over to ban LGBT education and kids from the schools, while the white native population can do nothing to stop it, then you're gonna have to do more than just "Just go visit it man, have some fish and chips, you'll see it's fine."

Yep you're a poorfag, I didn't expect you to be able to relate.

There is an awful smell of /pol/ ITT now

>Don't notice things happening
>If you notice real things that happen in the world, you're from /pol/
>Us normies just ignore it and watch movies

I remember when the vote happened and the TV news celebrities the next day was suggesting that the sudden spike "what is brexit" type of searches was from people who voted for Brexit, not even knowing what they voted for.
We were expected to believe the media analysis that a portion of the electorate who were apparently mostly working class people and 60+ y/o boomers, were searching the web at 2am on a Thursday.
There was no possible way this was all the student-age people who simultaneously can stay up to 2am because they don't have jobs and had the lowest turnout, displaying that in spite of being in higher-education were utter retards who had simply assumed Remain would win.
It had to be uneducated, working-class "racist" "gammon" who didn't know what Brexit was until after the fact, while simultaneously having been manipulated by 20+ years of right-wing, Euro-sceptic propaganda from the Daily Mail and a further couple of years of manipulation on facebook (which like all social media platforms, has a user-base of pensioners...) by Russian agents.

>join as an independant Scotland
>join the EU

The actual state of jockposting

Remain campaign broke spending rules and actually spent more than Leave overall as well. Not to mention having most of the establishment media behind them.

Yup, the /pol/ bong itt is losing it

I'm not talking about inaccuracy of reporting mate, I'm saying a nation of people can't be understood by reading articles about it.

What do you want me to say, I live in the UK and I've never seen anyone get stabbed, or acid attacked, or bombed.

>I'm proud i'm giving away my surplus taxes to fund a surplus population in another country that my government will import to displace and disenfranchise my people; it makes me better than you


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>There's an awful amount of things i am unwilling and uncomfortable to deal with or even contemplate ITT so i'll call it /pol/

You don't want no /pol/ then you now where to go faggotron

>I'm saying a nation of people can't be understood by reading articles about it.

Hence my encouragement; Britbongs, help me understand why you're like this. Why do you do this to yourself? Why are you so weak and pathetic? Why do you get off on seeing your country die? Why do you brag about it so much? Tell me why your country should be respected.

>I live in the UK and I've never seen anyone get stabbed, or acid attacked, or bombed.
I'm gonna guess you don't have windows.

Just fucking leave already. What the fuck do you want? You won't take the deal even though you will NOT get a better one. You don't want hard brexit. But you also don't want to stay. Just fucking get on with it, I want to see the shitstorm.

>he doesn't know what it feels like to be literally drowning in cash
Stay mad, welfare queen.

kinky song too

>Establish the UK as a low-tax, low regulation economy
We had that before, the people didn't like it and created the Labour Party.

Rent free in your head.

Attached: Obsessed.jpg (375x500, 29K)

>>I'm proud i'm giving away my surplus taxes to fund a surplus population in another country

SPOILER: It's not surplus taxes.

Weather britain leaves or not doesnt matter.You have no choice btw.


I've been very politely trying to tell you that you're a fucking mouth-breathing troglodyte who couldn't comprehend how ignorant you are if I gave you slap round the chops and said it to your stupid cunt face.

Now fuck off.


>Burger larping as Yuro

Every time

Attached: LOLing Mel.jpg (634x815, 120K)

Nigga, literally 1 is a crisis. And you replaced entire cities.

This'll be shouted down by the a.i. or ignored by the plebs that frequent this site, but the reality is liberals and conservatives produce retards at roughly the same rate and if you believe differently then you are part of the cancer killing the world today.

continentals like money more than their children rofl

nothing to see here

>i want to see the shitstorm

Dont count on one,the IMF said the UK would in a recession by now with a house price crash and soaring unemployment just for voting Leave. The forecasts of doom are mostly manipulation.

Attached: euterror.jpg (1463x875, 81K)

You mean like America has been doing with China for the past 1.5 decades.

>d conservatives produce retards at roughly the same rate and if you believe differently then you are part of the cancer killing the world today.
howso leftists want your children totake hormones


the whole thing would go a lot smoother if everyone was just admit that they don't actually know anything about how any of this works

I think the poor of the UK just got fed up that a huge chunk of their tax money goes to the EU who make up rules we didn't even get a chance to agree on and force politicians to enforce under a quiet passive vote, and all they get for it is migrants that sap of the benefits system, outcompete them for work because they are willing to borderline starve themselves to send as much money as possible back home to improve their own country and live in hovels.
Though if I was a migrant in the UK right now I'd be very worried about getting stuck in the UK. Some migrants already can't afford to actually go back and are stuck in the same shit as us but worse because they can barely speak a fucking word of English and if they want to eat their food from home then it's going to get more expensive. They better like potatoes.

Hahahaha fucking Americans

Goddamn you.

>Instead of putting it in a bank for a rainy day or my descendants i'm funding an artificially inflated population size in another country that will inevitably have economic difficulties due to the unnatural and uneven growth i'm fuelling and have to move to where I live to become radicalised or simply resentful towards me and just generally drag down my living standards and the civic cohesion of my people and thus i am the man of the future......

Never heard the phrase more money than sense? Anyway use some of that money to build a rocket for me so i can fetch my poor old sides from fucking orbit where i launched them after cackling so hard at your idiocy.....

>inb4 "heh i have so much money i can use some of it to doom myself so take that"

Attached: LIfq5NV.jpg (480x270, 48K)

>Vote leave CHEATED
>It wasnt FAIR

Attached: spending.jpg (577x254, 19K)

Well that was disappointing. I expected better from you, but that's what I get for expecting fucking Brits to be thinking human beings I guess.

Am I wrong? Do leftists not want trangender kids taking hormones?

under British rule naturally

>implying there are rainy days in my country
Stay mad.

Attached: 1474047341774.png (2000x2006, 1.89M)

Spend a second of your life questioning yourself you stupid prick. You're a fucking idiot. A ten pen mongoloid. Do everyone a favour and shut the fuck up.

Eat shit.

Are you genuinely mad? I was serious.

Sorry I don't understand you. Can you try speaking Arabic like a real Englishman?

Do rightists fly Swastika flags and call for a white ethnostate?

That's like saying that right-wingers want all teachers to open carry in classrooms.
Some extremists don't equal everyone

>huge chunk
this huge chunk will is a drop in the bucket of what they HAVE and WILL lose after brexit

you're literally seeding the rainclouds with your donations abroad you jizz for brains

Attached: Making+brainlet+memes+is+one+of+my+favorite+things+to+_53612452fb4093c1aa7a97647adc9b08.jpg (555x555, 53K)

>Do rightists fly Swastika flags and call for a white ethnostate?

No literally none of them do. But leftists actually do want every single child to be transgender or in drag.

Eat shit.

Is that why so many leftists are so outraged by?

Attached: 15481587755418.jpg (856x642, 36K)

> scary flags are as bad as child abuse
leftists lul

do you find it strange some people are willing to have less money if it means less rapefugees?