Villain quote's Trump

>villain quote's Trump

so is this going to become a usual practice in Hollywood?

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Other urls found in this thread:

what did he say?

>build the wall


>reeee leave my lord emperor alone
migacucks on suicide watch. ofcourse your orangutan is a villain you retards. the man is caging kids for fucks sake

something about "what a shithole" clearly referencing Trump

If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor

>the man is caging kids for fucks sake
thats why i love him user. Get with times old man

Back to leftypol you retard
Yea no one has called a place a shithole before

well of course

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you mean like obama and clinton also caged kids? hmm...

>Trump says silly things that sound like they came out of a comicbook villains mouth
>people make fun of it

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>the man is caging kids

This is about Trump, not Obama...Trump is the guy who STOPPED caging kids when the Democrats said, "Hey, not-Black-Jesus...we're not into caging kids anymore! That's evil when a Republican does it!"

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Yeah and he’s letting run free at the border. Obummer was literally better at keeping illegals out.

DC would NEVER give in to the cucks!!!!!

He calls a washed-up stripper "horseface" and grabs her by the pussy.

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Calling Philly a shithole isn't a Trump reference any more than Aquaman calling Gotham one was.

Trump is destroying degeneracy and making America great again. Women will eventually learn their place and guys like me will finally be able to find a non-degenerate wife. Even the girls at my church are fucking tons of guys out of wedlock. It's just not sustainable in the slightest and Trump is going to make them all see what sort of a catch a guy like me is, but I'll be too busy with my white virgin wife and white family to ever give them the time of day. THEN we'll see who is an incel.

>couldn't give a fuck about caring about politics
>go to watch a movie about comics
>random political reference pops up

>"AAAY u mad they make fun of DRUMPF LMAOO.."

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>blaming Trump because the illegals are zerg-rushing the border as hard as they can until it's sealed with a barrier
>because the courts upheld catch-and-release as opposed to automatic deportation

So, you're in favor of the wall?

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Well, you have to understand that the current border issue is basically being "managed" by his administration so he gets to build the wall yet isn't actually doing anything to stop the caravans from coming. Yes Obama deported illegal aliens as well, but not a single border crisis of this magnitude came to happen.

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never seen such easier bait as mocking trump.
migicucks never fucking learn

both nixon and reagan politics have influenced the movies in the 70s and 80s. it's nothing new. but /pol/ spergs out because majority of them don't even remember the bush presidency.

>alt-right make fun of libtards
>literally no one minds
>anyone makes fun of Trump
>*twitter rant*

>Billy Batson looked disgusting--crotch protruding--in his red muscle suit before the cameras. Very very disrespectful.

He literally wasn't, his administration manipulated what constituted things like 'deported', refugee, etc.

>yet isn't actually doing anything to stop the caravans from coming

Should he send A-10 Warthogs or drones after them? What's the solution, tinfoil-hat?

Once they're on American soil, they're due their day in court if they claim asylum. That's the federal courts, not Trump. It's overloading the system.

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Calling everyone who realizes that the left has gone extremely left alt right only fuels the alt right

why cant trump fans handle a bit of banter, lads?

>alt right
hi r*ddit


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>you think I have weak-ass arguments
>I wuz jest trollin lol

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>replies again

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samefag cope

Fuck off you whiny bitch

Jeb is a mess


Because most of the mentally stable ones have already moved on and never took it that seriously to begin with. Trump was always a party where retards were invited over to entertain everyone. They were encouraged and hyped up to act even more retarded and when everyone was laughing they thought they were being laughed with rather than laughed at for the first time in their lives. It was such a good feeling that they doubled down, tripled down, and quadrupled down on their shit, and each time the laughter grew. Then it just sort of got old and cringey and people started moving on. Now the party once filled with laughter and entertainment is nothing but a human garbage dump of the worst the human race has to offer and it's getting worse as more and more outcasts arrive looking for acceptance where they all they have to do is put on a red hat and say "he muh president."

Troll away the tears, user.

Six more years. Then it's eight years of Mike "Jumper Cables" Pence.

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>DC fags pretend to be conservative and twist their shitty movies into being conservative even though they're all made by the same liberals who run hollywood
>DC fags now pretend to not be conservatives and tell you to "stop whining" because their own movie actually calls out Trump

DC fans are the most pathetic shits on existence

So what did he actually say? Or is this just bait

when you gonna see the irony mate?

nice blog post

keep replying lol
>still on the trump train
lol I can only assume youre a midwest boomer

Are you late to this?
In Venom, the bad pajeet boss says “Thats fake news” to Eddie
In JW2, the bad Auctioneer boss is a Trump impersonation.
And not a Trump quote, but member the apes in War of the Apes were forced to build a shitty wall?
Its funny tho, whether you like him or hate him, hes the most popular prez of all time. People who hate him want to remind everyone about him in their works. When people look back at the entertainment made in this era they will notice that Trump is referenced (and so on the nose its embarassing) in everything.

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You tried

get rid of this thread. Trump was not the first to call a place a shithole

>lol I can only assume youre a midwest boomer
Or people really enjoy triggering you spastic little shits.

fuck off

Thought that was a steam logo and got curious.

>Villain tries to kill a child
clearly a Trump reference

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>post bait
>receive death threats
>"n-no youre the triggered one"

something stupid probably

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Go back to Mexico, Pedro

Yep and it's just proof positive that Trump lives rent free in every single one of their heads. Apparently, it also proves he is not a quiet tenant in their minds.

What with cucks fantasizing about their SJW polyamorous 'girlfriends' fucking Trump supporters, getting pregnant and forcing the cuck to raise the kid.

And SJW bitches fantasizing about fucking Trump supporters left and right, while having sex dreams about the man himself on a daily basis.


>word salad
Take Meds

>rent free
What does this mean exactly? It seems like any time you think about anything it's "rent free" in your head

Obama collapse Honduras' democratically-elected semi-leftist government which led to the illegal immigration into the US nearly doubling and it has not gone down since

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Israel is our greatest ally

well that explains why it has such a high rating on rt

You're better off just not acknowledging posts made by buzzword spewing memeautists

Trump supporters are incels. Women don't even go near them

Making fun of or attacking trump is idiotic.

people are going to be making fun of Trump for the rest of your life. They're going to making fun of you being a cuck the rest of your life.

why? He's fucking retarded. Literally can barely read. And he's a piece of shit. Unambiguously the worst President in history.

Is it actually "idiotic" to make fun of him or does it just hurt your feelings that you got bamboozled into shilling for some fat old new york faggot?

I can make fun of everyone and anyone

I remember that. Can you guess why?

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probably something that hitler said, because drumpf is hitler so drumpf would say something racist or antisemitic or sexist like put women into death camps, fuck drumpf and white people

Jurassic World: Lost Kingdom did this nunerous times with more than one villain its so pathetic desu

Trump's supporters wish he was Hitler.
unfortunately for them he's not even Mussolini.

u fascist drumpf is the worse person he is hitler x100 giga super hitler racist blumpfy poo poo

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>u fascist drumpf is the worse person
yeah he unironically is.
>hitler x100 giga super hitler
no hitler knew how to read and write and give speeches and stuff. Had some ability to think ahead, reflect on past mistakes, etc. Trump isn't capable enough to be x100 anything.

Why don't you just explain it to him instead, it's obvious for everyone itt to see that you're the kind of person the OP is talking about.

Not everything is a personal attack on your beloved Daddy Emperor you whiny faggots

>not posting the best one

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