I don't get it.
I don't get it
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mating press
In this episode, Phoebe has a dream about Jack, Ross and Monica's dad, and it's sexual. Eventually she gets over it. Then the scene in the picture happens.
tl;dr, you're a faggot
I still don't get it.
I've never seen a singe episode of this show.
that's the reason you have never had sex
Why are you posting in this thread?
Monica is best girl, as well as the funniest on the show. Ross is second.
Go ahead, try to prove me wrong.
literally and unironically: have sex
But I don't get it. Is she attracted to the fatness?
I assume you're memeing, but I legit don't get it.
she's attracted to the dadness
Does a big belt make her dadder?
Didn't we already have this exact thread yesterday?
I won't. you're right.
that's pretty much all of Yea Forums
Chandler > Joey > Ross > Monica > Rachel > Phoebe
It's actually
that's the joke, she finds even his repulsive/retarded traits hot because of the dream
Monica is best girl but the funniest friend is chandler, ross is the largest
Not very funny desu.
Wht didn't Ross just eat the other friends?
His [Red Ross] transformation only duplicate his strength by two, Phoebe and Joey were still stronger than him in their base forms.
Maybe he could defeat Chandler but he was at Monica protection and Ross was no match against her ~Cleaning Maniac~ ability.
He was eating Rachel, just in a different way. 298 times to be exact.
But Ross had Ultra Unagi and mastery of Karate, surely that counts for something.
and Joey didn't even had to use [ITALIAN MADNESS]
Chandler dodge a base punch from joey.
We know that Chandler is < to Monica
and we know that Monica has the same strengt than Rachel and both of them were easily defeated by Phoebe.
Ross is the weakest friend, it's a fact
>Monica is best girl
>as well as the funniest on the show
chandler is funnier
>Ross is second
he is 3rd funniest after chandler and monica, but he is number 1 when he is the butt of the joke
Chandler>Monica>Ross>power gap>Joey>Rachel>power gap>power gap>power gap>Phoebe
Joey is the funniest.
not to an autist, no
never watched Friends, but Phoebe is clearly the hottest, would probably be the wildest in the sack
Friends was without a doubt the most overrated show of it's era. Friends was and always will be pure trash.
Lisa Kudrow is indeed hottest, but character Phoebe is so replant it drops her to last place
Good. It's shit.
>those baggy slacks
the 90s were a mistake
Took me 14 minutes but I just got this. Just wanted to let you fellas know
I can kinda understand preferring Aniston over Cox even though it's a wrong opinion but you have to be fucking retarded to think that Kudrow is hotter than either of them. She's like the 20th hottest woman in the show.
You can tell she's a bit older than the others. She looks pretty good early on, but after season 3/4 she's done.
You must be gay
>be fucking retarded to think that Kudrow is hotter than either of them
it's the vibe she gives off.
virgins, incels, and low IQ brainlets can't pick up on it.
i dont get it
Only fags and women seem to love it. It’s true
It's called a Dad body. Some women like that probably due to daddy issues.
Friends is unironically one of my favorite shows of all time and I don’t care about the haters
yass queen slayyyy
>Could I BE NOTICING that scrotum any more?
Haha classic Chandler
For some reason I always found Ursula much more attractive than Phoebe. Whatever happened to her actress? I assume she's Lisa Kudrow's real-life twin sister but I never hear about her
>Rachel and Monica are having their typical verbal bouts inside the apartment
>"What do you mean I'm loose?" Rachel questions in a furious tone.
>"You're trying to bed everything that moves, honestly, I can't think what Ross saw in you, as you couldn't never make him truly happy, unlike m-" she cuts the sentence, but it's too late.
>Rachel is aghast, "Does Monica harbor romantic feelings towards her brother?" she thinks to herself.
>"I-I never knew you liked Ross like that, now that I think about it, you compliment each other perfectly."
>Monica looks down in embarrassment, "You don't mind?"
>"I mean, it's a little weird, but not the craziest thing, hell Phoebe gave birth to her brothers kids"
>Monica gives a nervous laugh, feeling her pumping heart calm a little
>"You know what? I'll help you confront Ross with your feelings, tomorrow morning, Central Perk"
>Monica screams devils at Rachel, implying that these feelings will not advance further than a cheeky rub at night
>"No, I will not stand at the sidelines when I see a chance of creating a beautiful pair"
>Monica looks at Rachel quizzically, "You think he's really going to be okay with it?"
>"To tell you the truth, I think I've seen him watch you with a little more passion than is proper for a brother"
>Monica walks to hug Rachel and gives a peck below her ear.
>Monica and Rachel are standing at the alley, opposite of the Central Perk
>It's 7AM and it's freezing
>"Oh geez, when is he going to show up? We've been waiting here forever!"
>Rachel rubs Monica's shoulders and reassures her, "Relax, I'm sure he just stopped to examine some prehistoric dogbone"
>Monica lets out a wheezing laugh, "Let's just hope no dogs bite him while excav-"
>"There he is!" Monica squeezes Rachel's arm so tight she lets out a yelp
>"Oh shi-, think he saw us?"
>Rachel peers around the corner, "No, he's looking around though"
>She straightens Monica's scarf and frizzles her hair, "What are you waiting for?"
if you didn't care about haters you wouldn't have to state it, whore
>Monica takes a sharp breath of air and sets out to confront Ross with her feelings
>"H-hey Ross, wait a second!" she stammers a bit, her heart is pounding like a locomotive
>Just in the process of entering the cafe, Ross looks back and sees his sister briskly walking towards
>"Monnie! Hehey, what are you doing here?" he gives a more pronounced smile, only reserved for her
>"Uhh, it's my day off, but I still wanted to grab some coffee"
>Ross looks at her in an amused manner, "Don't you have a coffeemaker in your house? Last I checked, Gunther doesn't brew coffee better than you", he pinches her cheek
>Her already rosy cheeks turn fiery red, "W-well I don't know about that, but I like sitting in the cafe, it's nice and cozy"
>Ross frizzles her unkempt hair while opening the door, "It's nice you showed up, I'm starting to get tired of Gunther always interrogating me about Rachel"
>Monica unconsciously clings to Ross' arm while the two walk to the sofa, Ross doesn't mind
>"Gunther! A black coffee for me and another with cream and vanilla", he winks at Monica
>Monica begins taking off her shoes while Ross takes both their coats to the hangar
>Both collapse on the sofa, sharing a mutual satisfied laugh
>Still feeling the bitter cold, Monica drives herself against Ross, partially snuggling and partially taking over the whole sofa
>"Whoa, even after you lost weight, you still take the same amount of space on the sofa", he pokes at her while being wedged against the armrest
>Monica pushes him even more against the corner while looking at him mischievously
>"Ouch, okay you win, you small little fairy"
>Monica looks at Ross for a second and then eases a little while letting out a satisfied sigh
>Ross scratches her temple a little, relaxing Monica even more so
>Monica's arm resting on Ross' thigh begins massaging his leg
>"You all right? You seemed a little tense back there"
>"Yeah, I'm okay now" she rests her head on Ross' chest while he massages her earlobe
Every G-d damn character in FRIENDS is unfunny.
Rachel: Stupid blonde bimbo interested only in fashion.
Monica: Annoying bitch with OCD who thinks she knows what is best for everyone.
Phoeby: Le quirky artist :DD
Joey: His naivety is always overplayed and lots of his "humor" is based on his silly catchphrase. One of the shallowest main characters in the history of television and film.
Chandler: Most generic dude bro you could ever imagine. There is nothing wrong with being a dude bro but he is almost as shallow as Joey.
Ross: Wise but not street smart scientist. Is there a more common trope in televion?`
In general it is easy to say that television is still not a serious art form and will probably never be one. When you considering how many people see FRIENDS as gold standard for sitcoms even 15 years after it ended it really makes you think what kind of cretins actually watch television. FRIENDS was not even particularly good 90's show. Compared to Frasier and Seinfield that are witty, exciting and full of rich and interesting characters FRIENDS truly is nothing more than white noise that is turned on in broken homes when families sit to eat and don't want to deal with awkward lack of conversation.
Friends is Seinfeld for people who have foreskins.
>In an interview with the Jewish Telegraph, Kauffman confirmed that Rachel is Jewish.
>In terms of ethnicity, Crane confirmed that both Monica and Ross are half-Jewish, with their father being Jewish and their mother being of non-Jewish European ancestry.
>Lisa Kudrow is a Jew
>David Schwimmer is a Jew
>Courtney Cox is married to a jew
Sure seems kosher to me...
Kino we need more of these kind of stories
Frasier is much better than fri*nds
Is phoebe a lesbo?
No, she marries a man dingus
I forgot to add homos and frogposters, but now I'm being redundant.