Boomer movies

Boomer movies

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heres an actual boomer movie

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Look up the definition of boomer 1st, fookin scum

Easy rider

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one time i had to sleep over at a friend of my dad's and his son told me this long scary story and years later i came to realize it was just the plot synopsis of this movie

lol how old were you

literally a millenial movie

preteen. couldn't've been more than a year or two after the movie had come out.

More like "le 90s kid movies"

millennials were being born when this came out user

This is a Gen X movie retard.

Any Tom Hanks vehicle
Tarantino's shit is getting this way too

I saw this in the theater when I was a kid. I’m GenX.

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Boomers love this one

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Only 2 in this thread so far


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>tfw got hyped for this and was immensely disappointed

Not as much as when I watched Evil Dead though. What absolute fucking garbage.

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This is a Gen X movie
Holy shit do they ever

the original DUDE WEED bros

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Holy shit.

>tfw first time you took an grill to the kinoplex was to see this

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Get the fuck off Yea Forums

Boomer movies are everything 1985+ to 2000-2005.

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contribute or shut the fuck up

gee gramps, did you also stop at Doc's Pharmacy store to grab a malt with her?

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>Millennials, also known as Generation Y or Gen Y, are the demographic cohort following Generation X and preceding Generation Z. Demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years.

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Gen Y
I'm failing to understand where I'm wrong

it's boomer kino user calm down

More like boner movies

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Isn't he actually older than a boomer?

So Gen X it hurts.

what the hell is a "boomer"? baby boomer ?
then post every spaghetti western you know, often made by Sergio Leone.

>he doesn't know the difference between boomer movies and boomer kino

Leone, Kurosawa, and Kubrick are boomerkino.

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new hollywood was the best age of american film and it's not even close, I envy boomers


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then stop posting 90's movies, boomers don't like this, those ones are generation X tier.

get out of here gramps

None of you faggots even know what a "boomer" is, like all buzzwords you lot regurgitate every other month

>tfw you didn't see a real life black until you were like 13

This must seem completely alien to the zoomers.

It's like porn, you know it when you see it

Boomer is a state of mind, it's sort of a unique blend of being a grug brain but also sort of narcissistic, overly confident, and materialistic at the same time. The grug brain will only dominate when you're trying to tell a boomer about the horrors their generation birthed into the world, otherwise they can be incredibly shrewd and manipulative.

I fell in love with JLH right away watching that movie. I think it was even the first movie I rented.