What are some Doomer kinos?
What are some Doomer kinos?
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This recent wave of wojak videos on youtube is the definition of leddit
La Haine
Wild Target, 2010
Starring Bill Nighy, Emily Blunt, Rupert Grint, and Martin Freeman
Victor (Nighy) is a ruthless professional killer, who still lives with his mother and has trouble making friends. When he is hired to take out Rose (Blunt), an art thief, he ends up falling for her spontaneous character and decides to try and protect her instead, along the way collecting Tony (Grint), who he takes under his wing as an apprentice when he mistakes him for a private detective. The trio go on the run from Victor's sadistic second in competition Hector Dixon (Freeman), and have to all learn some lessons in life in doing so.
Where did they come from and why are they popping up in my feed? I've never searched for anything like it.
Falling Down
Best to start with the classic
Oslo, August 31st is Doomer kino to a t.
Depression made into an artform
Might as well get used to it. Memes are now as creatively bankrupt as everything else. Nothing but peepees and blojacks from now until Google buys out the real world.
I think it started with these /biz/ meme videos
he's just like me...
someone was butthurt enough to make this, kek
Kubrick, PTA, Welles, and Refn.
its a shame that it got so quickly normified. i actually liked the doomer memes before they got taken, there were some comfy threads before it became a circlejerk about whos more depressed or baits of people who have it good but wanna be doomer
>y-you were just butthurt
Have sex.
fuck being a doomer, post films that make you happy for whatever reason
Im probably more of a doomer personally but I actually enjoy the bloomer videos more.
>have sex
you first
my vlogs desu
>before it became a circlejerk about whos more depressed
That's always what it was faggot. This doomer shit was cringe from the start
damn, he based
Well i just watched Nathan for You and thr final episode is practically a standalone film, though it helps if you watch the rest of the show because its it's actually funny, but the final episode was kinda bittersweet but still made me feel a little cheered up after a bad day
Manchester by the Sea
I'm slipping into doomer status at an alarming rate, I tried to quit drinking alcohol and I made it like three months and my mom came over the other day and found beer in my fridge and beer cans in my room and she started screaming and crying going "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME" and had like a mental break where she just kept yelling RELAPSE!!! RELAPSE!!!! at the top of her lungs and all my neighbors could hear and it was absolutely humiliating. She treats me like a fundamentally broken human being even though my whole family are functional alcoholics, but if I have two or three beers and she finds out its a fucking drama and she's crying and I'm crying and its really starting to bum me out
kill yourself op this boomer zoomer doomer bloomer shit is the most cringe shit of all time
lol ur mom is crazy dude
This is how non-Western moms tend to react in my opinion. They just give a lot more of a shit about you
yeah no shit but bizonacci has talent and heart it was also funny, why is this dreck turning up in my feed
Come in here fren
hahhaha based
>getting this triggered over memes
Damn man arent you le sophisticated above it all man haha
>when you realize that the doomer problem is a city slicker problem
Some of you might be bloomers if you tried living in a small affordable town or at least go camping from time to time. Stop going on /r9k/ young man, start going /out/.
Prince of Zimbabwe has soul too
so this... is the power... of the left-wing meme....
nigger I live in small town and life is even more depressing since there isn't shit to do except look at corn fields and drink
>e-everyone who calls me a faggot is just triggered
zoomer "banter"
>pretending you like living in the sticks
The Machinist
I used to be able to remember things
>19 year olds who have their first bout of depression think that makes them special
>I used to be able to remember things
What do you mean?
Also the best film released last year
Is this because kids are taking adderral and shit nowadays?
>Un homme qui dort
>Super good looking chad is sad because reasons
Only ugly people can be truly sad or depressed
Sigh. Have sex
>unfunny assblasted ms paint scribbles are the absolute height of wit
The absolute state of (you)
nobody ever said that you sensitive zoomer. you literally can't handle people poking fun of your cringe doomer shit lel. they're all just triggered right ;)
I don't have the Haha I replied to all of your posts reaction image but just pretend I posted it
"doomer" posters are all newfags and belong in reddit.
Well yeah, look at how mad you're getting right now lol. And you're calling me a zoomer like its an insult, we're the generation that is going to save this shithole of a planet
You surely mean based, why would anyone get butthurt at this?
I feel guilty for being alive
why haven't you killed me pete?
Was Camille a doomer?
>self harms
>hates her life
>can barely get out of bed
>hates her family
>lives in the past
>y-you're just mad
so this......is the peak........of zoomer "banter"...........damn
>we're the generation that is going to save this shithole of a planet
imagine typing this without a hint of self awareness. the absolute STATE of you mate
Why do Zoomers hate Doomers so much?
>Victor (Nighy) is a ruthless professional killer, who still lives with his mother
Is she 100? haha
>gets so angry he wastes 5 minutes of his short life making an ms paint comic rebuking it
sounds like butthurt to me tbqh
People hate people who self loath and create a culture around it. It’s cool you hate yourself and won’t better yourself but just suffer in quiet
depression isnt a fashion accessory
Calvary (Brendan Gleeson's in it)
I Stand Alone (anything by Gaspar Noe)
Funny Games (anything by Michael Haneke)
Leaving Las Vegas
Pretending to be retarded is still being retarded user
Not any of those guys but it’s just making fun of something here just banter don’t be so defensive and lighten up
>y-you're just baiting
sure why not.
>doomers watch kino at their desk
No wonder you guys are so angsty, your back's all locked up!
The whole doomer meme reeks of self-pity and navel-gazing.
I gotchu
It's zoomers
ITT 16-19 year olds
Death is an understandably desirable alternative to drinking this shit mate.
Laying down on stomach and stretching materace
Thanks senpai
I too love tummies
>we're the generation that is going to save this shithole of a planet
Every liberal millennial onions boy I know in real life is still edgier and more funny than any zoomer
This shit is so gay. Why does everyone have to make a identity out of everything? Oh you're a depressed angsty teen? You're a doomer. You're a positive outgoing guy? You must be a bloomer. Everyone can now find a community that will reaffirm their faggot identity. The internet was a mistake, shut it down.
wow this is literally me! how epic and based
any kinos for that feel bro
yeah that me bro le zoomer boomer zoomer zoomer boomer xddle bros i havent had sex in like month so lonely n horny bros my well paying job i was handed is so hard bros le damn it! bros my parents r talkin about me bros man i get so nervous when i go to those big parties with my friends bros im so depressed bros dude my ex dude bros just saw my oneitis with chad bros the girl im with now just aint her bros lonely n horny sadbois bro just wanna chill n update my memepage bros fuck it i drink n go for night walks... im a doomer bros
boomer/zoomer/doomer/bloomer/ based wojaks moar wokals pink blue red crying siny ninto xbocx moar wojak n pepes bros moar
edit poast moar end le peooe edits le clown n moar *ahem* based lerrermljtrr zooer zoomer boomer xd boomer zoomer bris im a dooomer bros literallt me bros yeah but bro im a gloomer bro ur a cooner voomer roomer eoomer woomer foomer xs now le pepe n cown smug tux ahem clown heh xoom palligacccu tucedo smug pepe edit 99 wojalk xdd
im a doomer bro iwalk ay night bro lonely bro purpelrl zoomer boomer gloomer bloomer bro winner bloomer gloomerzoomer boomer wokal
pepe clown palalcooa le edi
no he doesnt
hes the one who created this soulless low effort trend
>t. zoomer
uh yeah I'm thinking the first two seasons of american dad and small soldiers bro
shitty acting sometimes but depressing
Fresh OC. Thoughts?
I think the -oomer meme is a jewish or maybe a chink psyop.
>needing movies to realize that humans have absolutely no defined purpose
>needing movies to realize youre going to die alone
>needing movies to recognize the rapid denigration of society
just go outside lol
>Memes are now as creatively bankrupt as everything else
Doesn't matter, they're easy enough to take back or just co-opt. All you have to do is associate them with the right wing and/or slap a swastika on it.
You need to remember that Jews got such a group of goys together to disrupt the status quo because, though they didn't believe in the same things necessarily, they were all part of the outsiders. The absolute fucking dregs of society.
But now they're the ones who have the upper hand and they're the ones who are marginalizing people. But we know what happens when you marginalize people and we know what happens when you start using their own logic against them.
Take your defeatist bullshit somewhere else, kike.
that is so me
I improved your OC bro
Speed Racer always makes me happy whenever I watch it. It’s almost like that movie was made for me.
>I Stand Alone
definitely this
Good movie. Never really known an addict, really helped me understand their struggle
Donnie Darko. What a fantastic movie.
us doomers man haha
When/where did Reddit learn about Wojak and doomer/bloomer more specifically? And where the fuck are all these cringe ass videos coming from?
youtube kino
honk honk
>t. goobers