Star Wars Celebration is giving 50% off John Boyega's autographs. are you gonna buy it Yea Forums?
NuWars Actors Autographs Go on Discount
that was fast
I wouldn’t even if it was 100% off
Hahaha 50% off. He must know that his toy sales also tanked? No one wants a nigger Male lead.
>Boyega 50% off
Kek, this.
Do people really pay for autographs?
>we decided to compromise at 3/5th
I can't understand the kind of person that would want an autograph. Why? It means nothing to them, it should mean nothing to you. It'd be more significant if Harrison Ford bought you a Pepsi out of the machine.
>it's less than 3/5
>paying for someones autograph
the fuck?
I actually liked him in Pacific Rim 2.
Keep in mind, this is suppose to be the one of the REPLACEMENTS for Luke Skywalker and Han Solo that Disney is pushing.
can't you just find their autograph from the internet?
Only when it's a fuck ugly African bred one. Good looking mixes would sell well enough, even in China.
I don't understand the mentality around autographs, and Boyega's fanclub even less.
>Paying for someone's signature
What did Burgerclaps mean by this?
yep. I know someone who paid $200 for Hayden's.
>buying an autograph
what's the point? an autograph is already useless, but it at least shows you've met the person
but if you're buying it, it's not something special
paid autographs? wtf?
Yeah, it's 2 layers of stupid. Possibly for people that can SAY they met the actor? Dunno.
Harrison can't even stomach being in movies anymore, how did they get him to go to a convention and interact with fans?
they even dressed him in Han Solo vest in IX. That's gonna help the boxoffice in China.
They gave him lots of money. Disney/Kathleen are trying to make people think they love and respect Star Wars and are respecting the past (and not that they are rats that destroyed the legacy of a beloved franchise and it’s characters).
Basically Damage Control.
probably doesnt talk about star wars at all
Isn’t he in a flashback in the movie?
>I don't understand the mentality around autographs,
They have special actors signings when they get fans who paid for autograph to meet actors who then sign their photos or whatever fans want signed
>and Boyega's fanclub even less.
now that's something nobody understands
are you implying that the Chinese think all americans look alike?
either money or straight up blackmail
no, I'm implying that China isn't stupid unlike Americans that fall for nostalgia shit even when they dress a chimp like an iconic hero.
>Keep in mind, this is suppose to be the one of the REPLACEMENTS for Luke Skywalker and Han Solo that Disney is pushing.
Honestly that's what was teased in the trailer. But then you realize it was all fake and Finn is just a space nigger made for comic relief. Jew jew cucked him hard
kek katie maxwell
I've seen Finn toys given out for free when my Toy'R'Us closed and still nobody wanted them
Giv Katie's mom gf
>buying Harrison Ford autographed Star Wars merch knowing he was feeling absolutely disgusted and irritated doing so
Is Boyega stroke posting or is this supposed to mean something?
that tweet didn't get him any new fans so no wonder his autograph is getting the biggest discount.
I think it means "bitch".
it's just slang for calling someone a bitch in the most obnoxious way possible
it's always both with him. the tweet came after he took a dump on GoT and LOTR for having no black people in it. GoT actually has Misandei,Grey Worm and Unsullied but he wouldn't know cause he only repeats twitter memes like a parrot.
he's just too ugly to have as a poster on the bed wall or as a toy. I don't know what they were thinking when they cast him.
And as far as I'm concerned, hung a name on him that's racist as fuck.
>black Stormtrooper
>named FN-2187
>"Finta 187"
It's the funniest one because it's not coming from a troll
and the most accurate. there's no way that anyone didn't think holy shit is he ugly when his sweaty mug popped up. what was JJ thinking?
but but Bodegacucks think JJ loves him and will make him the jedi
>Star Wars: The Black Series
and then he cucked such character by casting the most offputting actor he could possibly find that predictably couldn't sell toys and got his autograph 50% off. but but racist fanboys. we see you, JJ.
that figure is unironically hideous. there's absolutely zero agenda in abstaining from buying it. it's just what it is.
He was fine as an actor but his creative decisions behind the scenes as an executive producer helped ruin that movie.
that tends to happen when an actors thinks only about propping himself. ooga Booga thought he was Tom cruise in Mission Impossible franchise, that eevrything had to revolve around propping him. so he abused his position as the producer, meddled in script-writing and shat the bed. cruise he ain't.
>Ape Escape 4
Jesus Christ that made me laugh too hard.
despite being almost 13% of the cast
I remember Boyega starting to speak up about TLJ sucking, does this mean he dies in IX?
imagine wasting money on some illiterate negro's chickenscratch ""writing"". kek
they cna't kill him cause that would be enforcing negative racial stereotype.:(
They cant even hide it
i can understand it if like your favorite musician signed your guitar or an album cover or something like that
but the star wars thing seems like they're presigned, which sounds fucking stupid
yes they are presigned. you pay and they ship you the signed photo.
oh no no no, it's already 30% off. not as bad as boyega's 50% off but still.
Will he sign a copy of Bloodborne? I can't wait for his Netflix adaptation
is gonna be kino like his watershit down adaptiation?