Uh-oh... Nobody tell /pol/

Uh-oh... Nobody tell /pol/

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Shakespeare was a black man.

Why would anyone watch an American play a Scottish King?

They're both too fucking old for these roles.

Denzel is an amazing actor and doesn’t get roles just to fill diversity quotas. He’s Macbeth because he’ll be damn good at it.

For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, /pol/ was right again.

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Denzel is the most based black man in Hollywood also this isn't his first time doing Shakespeare.

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>this isn't the first time a nigger ruined Shakespeare
Good to know.

>hating on based denzel
i would make a post about trump but you seem to be having a bad day already

You seriously didn't realize Coen was a Jewish last name until now?

you just did

Rent free

>the director hires a black person in a story with no black people
>the director has his own wife play the wife of said black person

what did he mean by this?

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But we already got Macbeth kino and it hasn't even been that long ago

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Why isn't Ethan part of it, is he racist?

This. As if the constant Jewish cultural themes in their work wasn't evidence enough. Though i suppose i couldn't expect a /pol/tard to know what actual jews are like

Why do white men insist on making historical figures black?


look, you HAVE to have one black person in a leading/important role in your movie or it won't get nominated for an Oscar, do you remember what happened when the Coens were colorblind and just hired who they thought was best for the job? it wasn't a very good movie, but since they didn't have any blacks in it, the critics and the mob of the woke destroyed the modicum success it might have had.

so they adapt, because you have to.
and the Oscars already stated that if you have black actors in your movie, it will get nominated no matter what, they were free without restraints working on with Netflix for the ballad of buster scruggs though.

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>(((white men)))

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the coen brothers "A Serious Man (2009)" might also be the most anti-semetic movie i have ever seen, more so than anything the NSDAP could have ever produced

because joel is the legit cuckold of the two. he adopted some mutt from paraguay. kinda obvious he has a cuck fetish while ethan does the important work

>only one coen is working on this
It’s gonna be shit

cuck fetish and Paul WS Anderson syndrome

Should've just done Othello if you were going down that route

i think we should call it Gut Ritchie syndrome instead, making a million dollar porno starring your own wife

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still the wrong race

Why? Genuinely curious as i was shown that movie by a Jewish screenwriting friend who regards it as one of his favorites.

All the retards in the thread who don't understand theatrical traditional...

The nickname for their hometown here is St Jewish Park.

Black people exist. Get over it.

He's Jewish.

macbeth isn't a historical character people of different races/sexes have played shakespeare roles for the last hundred years. stop whining like a baby you fucking retard.

macbeth is not a historical figure you fucking retard


/pol/ is broke at the moment anyway. Along with all Yea Forums boards.

Denzel is kino, I don't care if he took some liberal faggot white dude's role

didn't work.

they cut a massive amount but filled it up with empty space instead of making the pacing faster. plus it's inexcusable to change how Durnem wood comes to Dunsinane as the version in the play makes perfect sense.

I was very disappointed and I'm glad that it's being redone so soon.

totally normal on the british stage, no one even comments on it.

it was a great movie... that made fun of actors.


user is too stupid to understand parody. a lot of people here thought Get Out was about white people being evil too.

cringe jews
based aryan

Orson Welles made a black Macbeth and it was really good
They just transposed the local to Haiti and changed some of the wording iirc

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That's cuz England is black these days.


I'm not American. Saying "they're not white either" is not an appropriate defence.

1400 girls.

If you want to be such a nitpicky bitch about it Lady Macbeth shouldn't be played by a woman either but I'm sure you couldn't care less about that.

He's not complaining that it's not being played the way a play would've been done in Shakespeare's time. He's complaining that it's entirely misrepresenting an entire period of history and revising it to suit modern sensibilities. Be less disingenuous, nigger.