I can't believe you guys lie to me. And I got meme'd into thinking Brie Larson was sexist

I can't believe you guys lie to me. And I got meme'd into thinking Brie Larson was sexist.

>I don't need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about A Wrinkle in Time. It wasn’t made for him. I want to know what it meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial.

She's just talking about the representation of white guys among critics - which is a fact. She's not talking about you can't see the film, if you're a white male.

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So by that bait logic, women shouldnt complain about not enough female superheroes, since its not "made for them".

>FACT!!! the post

Meanwhile women bitch about representation in ww2 fps-games.

>even for a second thinking it's possible to be sexist against men
Congrats, you just outed yourself as a fascist, OP. Hope you like getting shot in the face, because that's what we're gonna do to when the revolution comes.

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>only children should review children movies or tv shows
do you understand how retarded that is ?

I watched her movie yesterday and it wasn't as preachy as you people made it out to be.
It DOES have some feminist winks in the beginning, but it's not the woke fest people talk about in most review sites.

Brie shouldn’t have said anything. Any time people wanna virtue signal for people like me it comes off as cringy. I feel the same way about the BS Peele said.

Just make good movies with good characters holy fuck.

Why would anyone defend 40 year old white dude?
A 40 year old white dude is a black criminal as far as I concerned. Fuck old people and fuck boomers for ruining the economy and the planet.

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*punches white baby full throttle in the face*

She's talking about film critics, not the people who go see the film.

Not what she was saying

Try to research what sexism really is. Sexism is a social structural discrimination against a particular group of people. Because a single woman says she WANTS to hear from other than white men (which is probably the only group that does not experience structural discrimination) does not make it sexism.

You guys are allowed to feel offended because your opinion for once doesn't matter, but try to do a little research before.

"I do not need to hear" is not the same as "nobody should allow"

I agree, all white critics should be outlawed from reviewing shitty black movies and giving them bad scores.

Only safe spaces and hug boxes are allowed.

Rotten Tomatoes should delete all negative reviews on Disney movies.

anyone who says I dont hate ______ multiple times and then go on to say why they hate ______ are bigots

Wrinkle in Time was a children's book written 40 years ago for whites by whites.

Shazam is a movie that does diversity right and is well written, and its main actors don't ruin the movie when they open their mouths or appear on the screen.

Captain Wagegap is a movie that does diversity wrong, at the expense of others because it isn't capable of standing up for itself without dragging others down, is written poorly with the directors themselves admitting it, and its main actress ruins everything when she opens her mouth and is an unappealing bland turd in appearance.

Shazam is lauded.
Captain Wagegap has Disney firing staff connected to it and the Avengers cast publicly stating displeasure at having Brie as a coworker.

Nothing else needs to be said.

You aren't shooting anything but your load into a tube sock, incel

Brie is actually incredibly racist against blacks if you think about it.

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oh look, another piece of shit shill

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I absolutely love her. For real. She fucking destroy Yea Forums on a couple of weeks. So much incel butthurt, so much hate. Based as fuck. She's also cute as hell

That's a sociological definition of sexism. Useful when discussing societal structures. But doesn't cover the interpersonal, psychological manifestations of sexism that don't depend on societal constructs

She still didn't say people couldn't watch whatever movies they want

>I don't need a 40-year-old white dude
yeah, she needs a black dude.

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Don't blame her. White dudes are so pathetic. She needs a real man

Regardless of what you think, you have to admit Yea Forums lost this battle hard.

>"It's hard for me to comment on that because I don't know what the headlines were, or what was said, or what I said, or what people think that I said," Larson explained.

>"All that I know is what I am looking for is to bring more seats up to the table. No one is getting their chair taken away. There is not less seats at the table, there is just more seats at the table. That's it."

Wow Yea Forums got BTFO. She just want to bring more people in. OP got meme'd hard

>Hope you like getting shot in the face, because that's what we're gonna do to when the revolution comes.
Congrats, you just outed yourself as fascist for supporting gun ownership. Hope you enjoy getting macheted to death when the revolution comes.

If you don't want to see the movie because you disagree with her opinion that's your prerogative. However that doesn't make Larson's statement any more immune to scrutiny. She's arguing that critical opinions by individuals outside of the target demographic should have less value and representation. By this logic a film critic that is over 18 years old cannot write up a review for Minions, Lego Movie, or Dora the Explorer.