Will any movies from this decade reach the cult status of The Matrix?
Will any movies from this decade reach the cult status of The Matrix?
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How the fuck would we know, this decade only started 4 months ago
based coma poster
The Matrix doesn't have cult status. Its a universally beloved film and it was at the time it was released. Cult films don't catch on with wide acclaim til years later if at all. They are nourished by their small, dedicated fanbase
You could maybe take a guess based on what the 2000's were like and what movies have "cult potential" based on certain traits like memorable characters, unique story or effects, etc.
I thought most people had already forgotten The Matrix
That's last decade
And you think in the last 4 months there's been enough films out that we can find cult classics already?
>2012 was a decade ago
2019 is the 2010's, mister futureguy. Dredd is from this decade.
Decades and centuries always start in years ending on 9. Educate yourself
OP is definitely abusing the word "cult", but I think the question is still interesting.
Personally however I can't think of any movies from this MILLENNIUM that have made such an impression on me as The Matrix did.
>movies from this MILLENNIUM that have made such an impression on me as The Matrix did.
How about Sixth Sense?
Is this how murrican education works, or something?
No. Everything made nowadays in controlled by the ultra extremist PC bullshit agenda fad. Maybe in 20 years we will look back and laugh at all the movies that so blatantly shill this agenda. Like how we laugh at Refer Madness now. But as far as anyone genuinely LIKING any of the modern day movies.enough for it to reach cult status, the answer is an emphatic "no". The joy has been sucked out of literally everything. We are in a barren wasteland. But it wont last forever.
That's because you're an adult now. Nothing will ever affect you the way movies like The Matrix did as a kid.
Movies are dead, watch shows!
How come adult normies are so excited about Marvel movies and Netflix series like they are kids? Is it more about being depressed than being an adult that makes me not enjoy things as an adult?
(I'm not that user but I too feel like nothing from this decade at least has made an impression on me)
I think I can see the top of her slit, censor that shit
that is not even a three days landing strip
>because you're an adult now
I think that is an easy answer, too easy in fact. And even if it was true for me (and other jaded 30-somethings) there are still adults who find life and movies interesting. So it shouldn't be a universal truth that The Matrix will never be topped.
even if you believe that proceeding as if it was the case when you know almost no one else does is autistic as fuck
some time ago from here
I still find movies interesting, I just think as kids we are more malleable. We are open wide to a variety of things. Seeing something extraordinary at a young age shapes our expectations of what is extraordinary. And nothing can ever live up to our first kinos.
Because the world is shitty and a childish distraction is comforting. Some people need their capeshit to be goofy like when they were kids. My sweet spot is taking the childish premise and telling a more sophisticated story.
Matrix wasn't a cult movie like say The Crow from 5 years earlier.
I think a comparable movie to The Matrix for this past decade would be Mad Max Fury Road. Memorable, critically acclaimed action movie that the masses also loved.
OP said this decade
Dredd is from this decade
but fury road is already forgotten
I agree that Matrix isn't cult classic, because it was huge despite not making bazillions at the box office (still made a lot)
because it fucking changed the industry and everyone was trying to copy it and reference it
>The Matrix doesn't have cult status.
It was a fairly low budget film on release that greatly exceeded earning expectations mostly through word of mouth.
Fury Road inspired an annual desert festival for die-hard fans. I'd say it probably qualifies as a cult movie more than The Matrix does.
Not even close, there are literally no movies this decade that could match The Matrix.
Ok, maybe Blade Runner 2049.
Some movies surpass it
And positive reviews.
is xoomers being attracted to this the equivalent of boomers being attracted to jamie lee curtis in true lies?
>op doesn't know what cult status means
The Matrix was a major success. Blade Runner is an example of a film with cult status.
I'd like to Mat her rix, if you catch my meaning.