Hail the bastards

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This is now a Michael Burnham thread.

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I hope he isn't done as Pike. Been one of the more redeeming qualities of this season.

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I guess they don't use lights in the future

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He's gone at the end of the season. The last hope of this series ever course correcting is gone.

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fuck off std
You will never be real star trek

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star trek was never well thought out, the actors saved the show but STD has the worst actors, even worse than voyager.

>DISCOFags and CBS shill still clinging to Pike even after he has been fired

std is better than ent voy ds9 and tng

No one is worse than Harry Kim.

sure it is sweetie

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why did he get fired?

Where the fuck is The Orville in that image, dipshit?


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He didn't. His character arc was just up. Some retard is going to say he was in a fist fight with the director. That person has an IQ under 110 and is illiterate.

wouldn't that hair be a regulation problem with the space helmets and suits they have to wear?

Thanks for giving us the official CBS All Accesstm position shill

It's hair, not horns.


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Anytime. :)

>anyone who points out i'm stupid is a shill!
Figure out where the commas go, Jamal.

best trek beaming aboard captain

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Agreed, white males never should've been added.

i swear 90% of those 2 screen time is just smiling at each other

>pissing on Tilly
she won a half marathon against fit people and set new records. She could kick all their asses

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Sorry I'm not getting paid to post. So my boss wont get mad with my bad punctuation

they're both really ugly

are american actresses not pretty on average anymore?

Yeah, getting paid would imply anyone in the last three generations of your shitmonkey family were employed.

You seem genuinely mad user. Is it just your pay check or is it your fragile ego as well thats tied to STDs success?

>u mad!
There's a reason this meme originally featured a picture of a shitmonkey, Jake.

don't forget about bridge crew guy

Why did they waste so much screen time mourning this background character?

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>and thats a good thing

>mfw that was her final form :(

why didn't young mikey burham remember her mother had a cool time travel suit?

Because they want you think think the characters are well developed when they are clearly not. It's like they're putting a bandaid on a missing limb and saying "see, we fixed it"

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Well that's simpe. It's because... Hey look there! An explosion! PEW PEW PEW!

Were the fuck are the Temporal Time police.
God they just shit all over cannon again and again. How could they not be doing this on purpose.

You mean Monkey Stealham?

they saw it was a woman of color and decided it was her turn to imperil the timeline

d'ya like dags?

Would they have been accused of timesplaining?

the AI will eventually become the Borg. Just wait and see

I watch STD to revel in how shit it is and how inconsistent it is with the other trek shows

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So burnham will also be responsible for creating the borg. They should have written her as a Q since she seems to be able to do and actually does EVERYTHING

Star Trek

More than what the people in TNG did in 3 seasons.

>MFW Nerds are having a Star Trek War.

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that was funny. Now actually go watch TNG

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>You know what the real prime directive is Michael? Gene Roddenberry called it "The human burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Pike looks directly at the camera.
>"The Vulcans, the Andorians, the Kelpiens...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Michael. We'll have every non terran in the universe dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me crippled and disfigured if I'm wrong. God bless the Terran Empire."

It's called diversity sweaty

I try to like the show and I was even happy to see Greggy but fuck why does everything have to be about Michael? What happen to the cow-dude losing his fear?

>hate watching show because your life is empty

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The people in front? No.

Cool it, chimp.

This really was baffling and probably where the lack of an ensemble cast hurts the show most. It's hard to mourn for someone who was basically a glorified extra.

data and geordi. please tell me you are joking

He just wants attention without earning it.

well yeah

Today I will remind them.
First Contact > Voyage Home > Undiscovered Country > Wrath of Khan > Star Trek > Star Trek Beyond > Search for Spock > The Motion Picture > Generations > The Final Frontier > the rest are equally shit

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daym skippy

>tfw they've replaced the actress and nobody noticed

>The year is 2395
>Picard is sitting, drinking an Iced Tea cold, in the Michael Burnham memorial Library in the Michael Burnham wing of the Star Trek academy.
>The shot pans to show he is studying hard from the 50th edition of Michael Burnhams revolutionary book on Quantum Mechanics, Time Travel, Warp Flows and everything else that's really really hard
>Deciding he needs to know more of this great great mind he goes to the hollow deck to recreate Admiral Burnham so he can share her awesome wisdom in person.
>A few minutes of her constructively berating him and all Picards goals are clear he sets off for the rest of the show following Michael's orders and saving the universe.

Unless you were paying REALLY close attention, I literally had no idea she was replaced until someone mentioned it in some articles.

>tfw the CGI team decided to put the torpedoes on the nacelles

Attached: STD - torpedoes launched from the nacelles.webm (900x506, 1M)

When's the rest of the season getting leaked? What happened to our guy that would leak episodes?

Would be cute if there was a plot

Judging by the speed and the first impact explosion, the planet surface is about 3 or 4 shiplenghts away. That's either a very very very small planet or discovery is very very big.

Actually makes sense with the design of the ship. The nacelles can fit some tubes as well as 2 smaller bussard collectors.

You'd also need a second torpedo team. And have your ordnance split over 2 locations.

How is that a bad thing? If starboard torpedos are out, port still works.

>discovery is very very big

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>"Hamlet. Hell yeah!"


beyond is awful

Extra military personel for the same task on a science vessel?

Or if an enemy damages one launcher, your other one is probably okay.

Struggle..... is pointless :^)

Come on then. You come up with an explanation why those torpedoes don't seem to travel that far. That shot was absolutely ridiculous.

>You come up with an explanation why those torpedoes don't seem to travel that far.
Why? The people in charge don't give a shit. Remember the turbolift? or the pinball-like tunnels for the little 1-seat spheres? Nothing make sense on that show.
>That shot was absolutely ridiculous.
I know.

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Discovery is a flying deathstar holy shit

I forgot this dumb take on the insides of the ship, fuck me.

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Why didn't they beam her back as she flew out of the airlock?

>all that wasted space

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What is acceleration?

Tell me about Kirk. Why does he ware the mask?

>Spock I can't stand your sister. She's an annoying know-it-all. Let's get rid of her and never talk about her again.

Please, don't give these hacks ideas.

Now that's a show I would want to watch unironically.

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>posting maymays on an anime site anonymously isn't effeminate

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I prefer Mystique as "Number One".
I'd let her take a number one on me, if you know what I mean.
