Where the FUCK was the flag scene?

Where the FUCK was the flag scene?

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that was a really retarded controversy

>zoomers and liberals won't watch the film because it's boring and full of white men achieving things
>your only hope to get a decent gross is to appeal to boomers and conservatives
>literally make a massive point of mentioning there's no flag planting scene during the press tour of the movie, trying to gather some sweet SJW brownie points
>turn off conservatives and liberals don't watch it anyway
>bomb at the box office
Was this the worst ad campaign since Ghostbusters (2016)?

The movie was good enough to deserve ignoring bait threads like this. It's enough that pathetic reatards tried to make it a meme here and failed.

might as well call this Brooding Armstrong:the film because all it conveyed to me was that he was either anti-social, autistic, or the director didnt know how to make Gosling portray Armstrong correctly.

Another remake, hollywood out of ideas

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>where was the 14 minute fumbling around best accompanied by Benny Hill music in my Neil Armstrong biopic

Oh yeah btw go die off cancer fag you failed.

The lack of flag planting annoyed me and I'm not even American. People died to get into space, the astronauts did something almost impossible, they don't deserve films leaving important historical points out.

Make it yourself

Weak troll this is not the board for that.

X-15 was the best girl, I can forgive absence of flag for her.

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Do you clowns understand the difference between art and propaganda?

>complain that hollywood is too liberal and diverse
>they finally make a movie about the achievements of straight, white american men
>refuse to watch it because there aren't enough flags and there isn't a 40 minute flag planting scene with god bless america played on repeat and eagles flying over the moon
>guarantee that hollywood continues to make movies about women and minorities that actually sell at the box office
genius. fucking genius.

Then watch the movie it's been out for a long time.

Didnt some black girls do some math

Essentially this. It doesnt get more "USA USA" than the real life story behind the Apollo missions. Adding some bullshit flag waving in the background while Neil salutes the flag and says "fuck N-" is a bit overkill.

Not to mention the film is about the man, not about the space race for propaganda purposes.

Yeah, an engineering and math wiz who lost his daughter is definitely going to be the most happy-go-lucky and outgoing guy in the world.

Is this why legit space threads get no replies? Because other than endless talking about the same subjects like Germans and Soviets killing each other in 1943 and alternate scenarios you talk about boring bait nontroversy debunked even before the release. Nothing else to talk about a movie where men nearly kill themselves in lots of different and unusual ways? Technology , the achievement, the personalities? Nothing?
You are so fucking boring. All of your favorite subjects are painfully mediocre.

It has plenty of scenes with the flag too, on Earth and the Moon. Not to mention all of the "these black people want welfare and not space travel how stupid is that" stuff in it.

Yeah, plus you know the fact that there are countless hours of interviews, entire biographies and friend accounts about the man.

I honestly need to get off this site.

flags are racist
be thankful they didn't make Neil black.

They came in peace for all mankind.

>Not to mention all of the "these black people want welfare and not space travel how stupid is that" stuff in it.
Thats the beauty of the real life story and about people like Neill. They believed in what they were doing out of a sense of exploration, scientific achievement and betterment of humanity. Same with the Soviet counterparts. You have the best engineers and scientist working in a competitive race. The fact that the governments of the Russians and Americans exploited that for propaganda and threw countless money at it, is also part of the drama.

Now add the Vietnam war, civil rights movements and segregation and it truly is a political powderkeg.

Most likely it will offend both sides of the spectrum that cant appreciated a story for what it is. It has to be political.

>be thankful they didn't make Neil black.
If they did they probably would have made more money. White men are box office poison.

Director is part french. Of course he’s a piece of shit who hates america.


theres a french woman in the movie who says "i always knew those americans could do it, theyre amazing"

A rat done bit my sister Nell


movie was boring. i appreciate what it tried to do but im more excited about apollo 11

The film didn’t know who it’s audience was I think??? I guess ? The flag fake news beautifully killed the patriot feeling of the movie and I thought the movie was probably anti American rubbish. Even though I knew nothing about the film!

It's not based on a real event so the filmmaker took some liberties with the storytelling.

>Absolutely based, kino scene montage where the blacks/minorities are throwing a bitch protest, "WHITEY's ON THE MOON" as the white man makes final preparation on his godly rocket that will propell him to the stars.

absolutely bTFO'd minorities and is worth infinite flags in the background.

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got me there

This. Fuck black people and fuck the global warming hoax.

>why is the movie not 1 minute longer to show the flag

Explain how planting the US flag would have contributed to the overall story and to the themes present, as opposed to the emotional climax when he throws the beads his daughter gave him into the crater?

Pathetic subhuman OP received a little bit of happiness in his empty life because poor naive anons answered his call to give him coveted replies to say for the thousandth time that yeah that extremely uninteresting "controversy" was indeed fake.
Bravo. If you want to talk about this movie make a thread about this.

>french “americans”
Not even once

Did Armstrong actually throw beads into the crater?

That was a legit good song.

>lets have a Pear Harbor movie without showing the Arizona
>lets have a civil war movie without Gettysburg
>lets have a Revolutionary war movie without the declaration of independence
As minor as the flag scene was, it's a well know moment of a famous historical event. taking it out makes little sense.

No, he threw a black child into the crater.

movie goes to great, immense lengths to show the surreal sacrifice of both life and home these men made to leave earth. It was Americans, not British, not French, not Congo, not China, Not India.

Americans died, many of them. Americans saw their families disintegrate, to touch the stars.

There are some very interesting statistics about the 'marriage success rate' of Mercury/Apollo project astronauts, and they are horrifying.

bottom line, putting that flag in lunar soil meant more to this group of men, than literally the life of their family or their own

>just a thought.

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>As minor as the flag scene was, it's a well know moment of a famous historical event. taking it out makes little sense.
Are you aware that the significance of the moonlanding was LANDING ON THE MOON?

>bottom line, putting that flag in lunar soil meant more to this group of men, than literally the life of their family or their own
Again, getting to the moon is what made them sacrifice so much, not planting a fucking flag. You Americans really are something else.

First learn about the story or men involved or at the very least the movie because ranting if you only care about some boring controvery and not the actual story you're wasting everybody's time by not knowing what was really important, what could be condensed and what made sense from the storytelling perspective. Even the HBO series that wasn't about a single man but the entire program didn't show it on screen except for archival photos.

For Neill it was landing not even walking on it. But anyone who either saw the movie or knows the story wouldn't get offended. This faggot is baiting hard fuck the bastard.

I thought it was going to be a movie about Adam in the garden of eden ! I was wrong !

>it's a well know moment

The only part anyone remembers about the moon landing is that guy coming down the ladder and flubbing his speech. And the guy playing golf.

If you get to the moon, might as well plant the flag. Jesus nigger do you have learning disabilities with how nitpicky you are? I'm not even American but this is easy as 1+1 = 2

One guy is baiting, the other guy is serious, but youre right. Waste of time. These are the people who believe in phrenology, doubt climate change and ironically see the moon landing as their nation's greatest achievement.

Shepard. Thankfully we already have a show about other Apollo missions. Obviously in the movie we only get two personal scenes specific only to Neil. The first step and the bracelet scene. No Buzz's communion, no awkward and uncinematic flag planting, no call from Nixon, no scene of them leaving official mementos or leaving ALSEP. Not this type of movie. I accept that, there's a show about this and many great books. Fuck the fakers pretending to be outraged about things they don't really care about.

>still believes in global warming in year 2019
lol bro?

what was he supposed to say?


He was supposed to say 'one small step for a man'. A trillion dollars for a space program and you send an autist who can't speak.

They literally show them flag on the moon, retard.

That would have been kino though
>then we realise most of the movie has been a dream (a literal American dreams)
>cut back to reality in all its bleakness
The movie as it currently stands is decent but the wife scenes where over long and not really needed.
I'm too young to care about some faked controversy boomers dreamt up over 60 years ago.
That said whether it was fake or not a flag on the moon is some fantastic marketing
Shame we literally peaked 60+ years ago as a civilisation and the space race is all but dead until we get over population under control and or the earth completely rejects human kind (it happened before with the ice age)

>one small step for a man one giant leap for a mankind

I remember when the same trolls tried to stir the shit further by claiming that the movie purposefully removed American flags on NASA uniforms.
Imagine caring enough to post this without knowing that national flags on NASA suits and uniforms were introduced in 1965 during Gemini IV after request of the very patriotic Edward White which occurs later in the movie, three years after Armstrong becomes a member of the New Nine. Fags.

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Technology doesnt equal civilization you cretin.

Also whoever pretended to know his shit and claimed that the movie mistakenly used Gemini helmets for the Apollo launch not even recognizing the Apollo bubblehead helmet. You fraud.

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>It's enough that pathetic reatards tried to make it a meme here and failed.
>and failed

I know people in my town who actively boycotted it over that meme and I'm sure they weren't alone.

When did I say that? By getting population under control I meant killing 3/4 of total people or sending them off world to die as slave labor aka avatar blade runner the expanse any anime scifi ever
The earth will be uninhabitable within the next century maybe several if the population growth doesn't stop

memes aside what are some other GOOD space movies besides Apollo 13

>Shame we literally peaked 60+ years ago as a civilisation

>Americans (i-i mean the French)finally make a decent patriotic heart felt movie
>it flops
God I hate the modern movie going audiences especially box office drooling retards.
Should have dumped this directly on streaming it would have gone gang busters if it had the flag scenes
I didn't mention technology as the reason for humanity peaking?
When would you say we peaked? Stop blocking

Then explain how 60 years ago civilization peaked.

Well obviously these two, The Right Stuff and From the Earth to the Moon. The remaining gaps can be filled with documentaries and books thankfully there's a lot of them.

Explain how they didn't?
I dunno I was born in the 90s well after the decay set in

Canadians shouldn't make movies involving America.

Stick to your marxist/royalist nonsense.

>>lets have a civil war movie without Gettysburg
>>lets have a Revolutionary war movie without the declaration of independence
Are you fucking braindead? can you not imagine a hundred narratives to adapt into movies for these wars without these scenes? Lots of war movies focus on an individual soldier or a group of soldiers, they're not all fucking Grant biopics

I see, youre talking about society, not civilization.

Have any of your ever saw the actual footage of the flag planting?

It's Neil and Buz awkwardly fumbling around for 10 minutes

All I want is a decent Dudley doright sequel we all deserve
It's 4am I ain't gonna argue over definitions of definition
But yeah I'd say the last stronghold of white culture was early 1900s
After that Jews tech and femenism grenaded everything.

>But yeah I'd say the last stronghold of white culture was early 1900s
What do you mean "white culture" do you mean English Americans in the USA in the 1900s?

UK au nz cad (white euros) and general English white colonies
Africa shit itself in the 30s so that's the reason I didn't include it

Imagine if the (spice trade) never happened China wouldn't have been fucked by opiates and we'd have gotten changxhingchonged a couple of hundred years earlier

>and I'm not even American

that's pretty obvious Ivan
go eat some beets and vodka

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Where the FUCK was this scene? Fuck (((Hollywood)))

>Before Armstrong and Aldrin stepped out of the lunar module on July 20, 1969, Aldrin unstowed a small plastic container of wine and some bread. He had brought them to the moon from Webster Presbyterian church near Houston, where he was an elder. Aldrin had received permission from the Presbyterian church's general assembly to administer it to himself. In his book Magnificent Desolation he shares the message he then radioed to Nasa: "I would like to request a few moments of silence … and to invite each person listening in, wherever and whomever they may be, to pause for a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours, and to give thanks in his or her own way."

>He then ate and drank the elements. The surreal ceremony is described in an article by Aldrin in a 1970 copy of Guideposts magazine: "I poured the wine into the chalice our church had given me. In the one-sixth gravity of the moon the wine curled slowly and gracefully up the side of the cup. It was interesting to think that the very first liquid ever poured on the moon, and the first food eaten there, were communion elements."

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>UK au nz cad (white euros)
So you mean English culture, not "white culture".

T. Semantic
Cbf fact checking this it literally sounds like something out of a scifi anime
Guess reality is stranger than fiction
Also they said the landing was fake so???
Either way it would have made for some kino

It's in the tv series anyway no wonder it wasn't in a movie about Armstrong. Imagine how messy it would look if it was made with all the unrelated scenes. That's why those baiters only pretend to care. They don't give a crap about history of space exploration.

fpbp. This movie was Fucking White Male, Make America Great and Traditional Values all the way, but because they didn't put a scene of Neil or Buzz unfolding the flag, it got trashed by the conservative press.

Who says the right can't virtue signal?

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No, not semantics. "White culture" means youre reducing a widely diverse and multifaceted group of European cultures into a racial light, which is simply retarded. Thats the problem with people like you. You think the world sees everything in a racial light, when it doesnt. You white Americans have less in common with white Europeans culturally speaking, than with Asian Americans, Mexican Americans and even black Americans.

I'm Aussie white euromix tho
Buttblasted muzzie blacked Jewish hell-hole fags like you can take your eu/un horseshit pompous article whatever the fuck and shove it dickhead

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Interesting. So you essentially admit youre a culture-less bastard mutt goblino and the only "culture" you see is "being white".

Meanwhile Im a white European with my family tree extending to the 15th century and with strong traditions.

Cope harder

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Have you ever actually seen the planting? It's fucking slow, awkward and boring.
I don't know if you think it's a triple somersault slamming the flag into the ground with a shockwave, but you're making up total bullshit here. The actual "planting" of a flag has never been iconic.

>It was Americans, not British, not French, not Congo, not China, Not India.
and of course, not a single german did anything to get americans into space
just red blooded yanks

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