How do you go from this

How do you go from this...

Attached: Austin Fit John.png (638x478, 310K)


To this?

Attached: 1490623784993.png (639x357, 257K)

They don't look to bad since I think they were a decent amount older than the rest of the cast. Shit was a long time ago

...To this?

Attached: Kevin JUST Smith.jpg (900x1200, 205K)

He's 44 man, you look like that too and you're in your 20s.


Attached: IpxzFt9.gif (1050x750, 108K)

ASJ is the new Bulk, huh?

Attached: 05DeLuise-500.jpg (370x500, 55K)

to this?

Attached: 283737.jpg (450x306, 39K)

>tfw people actually think this is ASJ instead of Bulk

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Hate to break it to ya, but Bulk and skull where in their 20's in 1993 when the show came on. Thats almost 30 years ago friendo.

Plus when they did PR:S they looked fantastic

Attached: Bulk.jpg (800x450, 38K)

Is Austin St. John fat or fit?

Attached: buff jason.jpg (309x549, 34K)

Both. He looks like he works out regularly but doesn't pay much attention to his diet

Bear mode.

Attached: 1553994080869.jpg (720x393, 67K)

He looks like he lifts slabs of meat then eats them afterwards.

To this?

Attached: 1517594134136.gif (280x280, 1.57M)

I know what he's fapping to.

Attached: Latinas Love Austin.jpg (846x476, 66K)

To this?

Attached: Austin St. John hitting the gym.jpg (630x420, 30K)

Dude what is you with your creepy Austin St. John fitness threads? You make these every other day. I'm starting think you're homo for ASJ.

Were there Brendan Fraser whiteknights like you?

hit a nerve.

Yeah, I sure did, ASJ homo boy.

Attached: Tips FedorAIYAH.png (596x555, 381K)


Jason > Tommy
fuck flute niggers

It's literally just a seething JDF.

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>turbo ranger
yeah turbo faggot lol

How many of that millions was him charging autographs at cons?

Should play a relative of Mac on It's Always Sunny.

To this?

Attached: Austin St. John.jpg (600x966, 190K)

me in black in the back

Fit. His pics at his fattest were all back in 2007, when he was still working as a paramedic with no time to train.

Attached: baby mac.jpg (768x1024, 126K)

So there was a ranger manning the Ultrazord!

To this

Attached: 1541188649771.jpg (394x900, 77K)

Now do the red ranger who is behind bars for murder

I met ASJ at the Denver comic con he had some good stories and is an American hero

He is a bit overrated. He was fine as a red ranger but Jasonfags are just as bad as Tommyfags at this point mythologizing his time on MMPR. It's shit for kids at the end of the day. He definitely let himself go for awhile there and it was sad. By all accounts he's done a better job lately. For his stans it's a shame he couldn't stay in better shape or he'd probably be able to take part in a lot of the reunion episodes and have more of presence post MMPR and they wouldn't need to be such babies over the Tommy wank. One guy embraced the shit sooner, for longer and with more zeal and the other just kinda wandered back in and out of the franchise when he wanted when a paycheck was suitable and he didn't actually look like a complete slob. So what did you expect? I'll give him credit for saving lives in real life. That's bretty cool.

Is he crying about something Drumpf related?

No. In Captain Marvel, Stan Lee was reading one of Kevin Smith's movie scripts that he had sent him a long time ago in his cameo and Kevin posted that pic right after he saw it

Ah, I see. Thanks user