"Kids films"
"Kids films"
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One of the main characters gets torn apart by spinning metal claws because he realized they were surrounded by a ship full of zombie slaves. I saw it in the theater. Fucking glorious.
Film gave me nightmares as a 9 year old.
>PG movie
>2 scenes showing Tanya Robert's tits
>ITT: zoomers who don't remember when the only ratings were G, PG, R, and X
Nah I'm 38.
>Produced by Disney
>must be a kids film
this is why Disney created Touchstone Pictures
This. This is also from a time when Disney was branching out with some more "horror" themed stuff like Something Wicked This Way Comes and Watcher in the Woods.
>Watcher in the Woods.
That's another fucking nightmare on film
dragonslayer too. even though that was a coproduction with paramount.
Don't have any off the top of my head but here's a 'kids show'
based Maximillian
Anyone have the webm of them mercy killing a wounded Genosioan?
It was a better time.
You mean after they burned his cave to a crisp youtube.com
Me too!
What's your favorite Saturday morning cartoon
Mine is Kidd Video
I don't care if they were zombie brained or not thats one step below checking their teeth for gold fillings.
>That one episode where they reprimanded a Clone for collecting Battle Droid fingers
Jesus, I had no idea this show was that brutal.
yep, that's the one.
Kek. I'm at work Saturday mornings, the life of an adult :(
>fucking wheelers man
If only you had practiced your reading comprehension skills more as a child
Nah. Just googled it now, we never got that in the UK so I took it for a sarcastic post.
Jeeeeesuuuuuus Chriiiiiiiist.
Kind of unrelated, but you know how they look like giant walking bugs? I feel like if we ever fought humanoid sentient bugs in real life, we'd be super fucked up towards them in wartime, simply because they're so removed from humanity. I can imagine humans charring bug aliens like in the video while laughing and joking about "bug zappers" and whatever. I can imagine the bugs surrendering, and humans just stomping them into the ground and executing them point-blank, just because they look "gross" and "untrustworthy", no matter how hard the bugs pleaded for mercy.
Damn, dude. Shit's crazy.
Did someone say family friendly kino?
holy shit, that's hardcore
It's actually pretty great. Classic old school sci-fi.
reminds me of the scene in mystery men
I need to rewatch this
>"vestigial penis generation" OP and his ILLUMINATION-watching ass can't comprehend this
My bro right here!
You sir are an idiot.
Cute animated movie about bunnies? Eh not so much
If this movie scared you, you are a pussy that probably consumes sóy
Epic xD
t. assblasted sóycuck
I was six. Six!
That dream where the rabbit got suffocated to death by the piles of rabbit bodies being crushed into it deep beneath the Earth kind of fucked me up.
Damn, they really played hardball with this show, huh? Really upped the stakes and everything.
There’s even more goodies he left out in that video
>Wasting away helpless while a deadly virus kills your friends
>That Clone who was chopped in half by a security door
>That Clone who was executed at point blank range just to prove a point
>The Clone Deserter episode
>Space Vietnam
>Grievous crushing a Clone’s neck with his foot
>Witch zombies
>Maul and his brother killing not just the men but the women and the children too just to get Obi-Wan’s attention
>A teenage girl being kidnapped and being sold as a child bridge for an aristocrat
Maximilian was literal nightmare fuel for me as a kid, as was the black hole itself. So fucking good. I can still remember that doofus trying to block the claw with his briefcase.
The only thing I remember about the movie are her tits.