New Twilight Zone tomorrow.
Will it be as bad as the 2002 version?
How much sjw shit will they try to force?
New Twilight Zone tomorrow
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>marries a white woman and starts making movies about how white men are evil racist scum
This nigga has inferiority complex
I look forward to "twists" like "turns out the robots were built to replace black people after genocide!"
the same dumb shit every sci-fi anthology show has been doing for decades
You forgot
>literally descended from white people
Mulattos compensate for their white heritage with over the top anti-whiteness. It just shows the perils of race mixing
I like Get Out, haven’t seen US. I’m a conservative guy that can enjoy SJWs entertainment without getting triggered. I think the show will be good.
>80s and 00s versions were bad
this meme has to end
there are just as many good episodes in them as there were in the original run. There are some real stinkers back then as well. 80s especially has some absolute classics.
First episode will just be clips of trump! Lol
>2002 was good
literally off yourself
Picture a franchise that's as dead as it's creator...
it will be shit but they will say something in line of "It's not for you!"
There is literally a 0% chance the show will be good
"A Small Talent for War" was great.
Right because it's spooky scary how he is trying to put this shithole back on track.
>marries a white woman
a brotha gains access to a podcast where a laughing wyat man be tellin' him when he's gonna be pulled over by the po leese, but only the second it happens.
Looking forward to the Time Enough at Last remake.
>Nuclear war devastates the Earth
>'Finally, I have time to read my books'
>The only book to survive was Art of the Deal
Wow so they pretty much just picked Peele because of Get Out? Get someone with more cred in this genre.
the original show was SJW as fuck.
I can't believe this guy came from MadTV to the Key and Peele show to becoming a successful director.
He's literally the only auteur making high grossing mainstream films that aren't superhero movies. You really have to respect this guy a lot. At any point in his career he could have just spiraled out and pinned himself in the corner as another Bobby Lee or such.
An innocent city slicker plants gummy bears in high pH soil... with deadly consequences.
>racist piece of shit who makes average quality entertainment
>(((white people))) shame everyone on twitter who don't treat him like the next hitchcock
I should say NEW (last 5 years) auteur.
The old ones are still around, and they're still making stuff. It just seems impossible to get into this game now. He did it, and not because of privilege or anything.
He's respectable af.
is it another remake? I'm still not gonna pay for it but I want to know if I need to feel active disdain for it
>Black director says he's only interested in making movies with black leads
>Yea Forums manlets cry racism
Very on brand
I think it's important to make them lay in the bed they made friend
Oh no not Twitter!
>the original show was SJW as fuck.
Yes, but that doesn't count because of reasons.
Does anything live up to the original?
>He did it, and not because of privilege or anything.
His wife his Jewish
>married a jew
>begins committing usury
Who could've guessed?
Have sex
No it wasn't.
By not watching their movies and whining on messageboards? You're sure showing him
Wanna say I FUCKING CALLED IT about the episode with the black mom and son, and the magoc camera that records her dindunuffin son gettin shot by dah racist cop.
>whenever she rewinds it, it reminds time, but no matter what the RAYCISS COPS are inevitable and always catch/kill her son.
I thought Black Mirror already existed.
Will there be dindu nuffins?
If you can take a sentence or thought, change only the race mentioned, and it suddenly seems was ALWAYS racist to begin with.
what I like will get my attention, praise, and commerce. as simple as that
First episode is about a white college girl that gets murdered by a niglet pretending to be her Lyft driver
He still has your attention because you're angry. And you're bumping a thread on a cinema board reminding people to watch Us if they haven't already.
Your indolent attempt to undermine his works is supporting them, dumbass.
>black man makes good film
>loser wh*toids get angry and start attacking him
Such a fucking insane inferiority complex
I never got why Yea Forums hates JP so much
Get Out is basically dissing democrats
And Us is about class, not race
The problem with EVERY new iteration of TZ is that it's set in the era it's produced in i.e. the 80's, 2000's etc.....
One of the things that made TZ special was the dichotomy between the Norman Rockwell 1950's vision of Americana and these weird, horrific things happening in the show. It also helped that you had a person with a vision (Serling) guiding talented writers (Matheson, Johnson, Beaumont etc....), a strong producer (Buck Houghton who was on for the first 3 seasons which is why those are the shows peak while 4 and 5 went downhill because Hughton had left) along with fantastic Directors and technicians.
I keep saying it but if you want to redo TZ, do a black & white retro show that looks and feels like it was produced back in that era. Use CGI and modern make-up but don't Blade Runner/H.R. Giger everything. Keep it simple, surreal and nightmarish. Also adapt existing stories that would fit the 30 minute format and KEEP it 30 minutes. None of this 1 hour shit which fucked up the 4th season and the reason why I fucking hate the Outer Limits where everything fucking drags!!!FACT!!!
I'm not angry, you're such a low intellect to think that you have to be given over to extreme emotional responses to critically respond to anything.
>The new “Nightmare” exemplifies the series’ problems. Aspects of the story are immediately unbelievable. Scott’s traveler is on a flight from D.C. to Tel Aviv.
>the original show was SJW as fuck.
No it wasn't /pol/tard. It was about fairness and equality, not this shit these raving SJW fuckos have to say!!!FACT!!!
I'm not like that. Is peeled even a mulatto or just light skinned
they can't do that because it would remind everyone how nice the 50s were
the progressive mandate is that Everything Gets Better All The Time... how can the past be better than now? we've progressed!
>“Nightmare at 30,000 Feet” threemakes the paranoid tale of a man going in-flight crazy. William Shatner and John Lithgow starred in the previous versions, and I hope they’ll forgive Adam Scott for his part in this abomination. Instead of a nightmarish gremlin, Scott’s tormented by (sigh) a podcast predicting his own deadly future
>Instead of a nightmarish gremlin, Scott’s tormented by (sigh) a podcast predicting his own deadly future
Shoulda just made a movie
>a podcast predicting his own deadly future
>a podcast predicting his own deadly future
>podcast predicting his own deadly future
was Peele rooting around the dumpsters behind the Black Mirror studios? Sounds like a discarded Brooker idea.
>tyron mcbrideo'nellicatti meets tyreia shamona on [popular dating app all the young people use] when it turns out he's communicating with himself from an alternate universe
Peele literally ripping off keit-ai now
>A podcast
Why tho
Why are people treating Peele like he's some new masterclass in horror film making? He's not terrible, Get Out and Us weren't bad, but what he does honestly isn't better than a lot of the horror schlock that comes out
Chancellor: It's not unusual that we televise executions, Mr. Wordsworth... last year in the mass executions, we televised around the clock. Thirteen hundred people were put to death in less than six hours.
Wordsworth: You never learn do you? History teaches you nothing!
Chancellor: On the contrary. History teaches us a great deal. We had predecessors, Mr. Wordsworth, that had the beginnings of the right idea...
Wordsworth: Ah, yes, Hitler!
Chancellor: Yes, Hitler.
Wordsworth: Stalin?
Chancellor: Stalin, too. But their error was not one of excess it was simply not going far enough! Too many undesirables left around and undesirables eventually create a corp of resistance. Old people for example, clutch at the past and won't accept the new. The sick, the maimed, the deformed, they fasten onto the healthy body and damage it. So we eliminate them. People like yourself, they can perform no useful function for The State, so we put an end to them... what a charming room you have, Mr Wordsworth. Have you lived here long?
Wordsworth: Just over twenty years. I built that furniture myself....
Chancellor: Ah, yes.. so I understand, Mr. Wordsworth. That incidentally has kept you alive this long, that little talent. Carpentry, you see, is a skill and The State provides considerable leeway for people who possess certain skills. Unfortunately, you went as far as you could go which was insufficient. So, in a few moments, it will be the end of a rather fruitless life and Mr. Romney Wordsworth, librarian, goes to his own "nirvana"....that's what they call it in your little books isn't Mr. Wordsworth?
He isn't even (black) tho just another dumb mutt virtue signalling he was raised white
Do we know the other writers yet? Do any of them have a history of horror or sci fi?
Yeah, the other writers are known hacks.
They do have some experience, though.
This place is mentally ill
Just finished S1 and didn't really pick up any of that. The politics of then were alot different from now.
Depends on who they're raised by and what kind of community. I think a lot of mulattos are as you describe because they see it as easier to gain acceptance through the black community and hide their whiteness as much as possible. They know deep down though that all they're doing is being the biggest chimp in the troop, and it frustrates them incredibly and breeds resentment.
I heard it was one hour, so it just completely shrink my already low expectation. Not even the old show thrived under longer duration. Its straightforwardness is one of the show strong point.
Jordan Peele caught on tape talking about how much he hates whites and how white women deserve rape!
Probably better than the '80s and '00s revivals.
I hope they do more original shit instead of just remaking classic episodes with modern takes on them, but from what I've read so far, it's mostly remakes.
Examples? Or are you just SJW shitposting?
>actually believing this quote is real
he is right.
Sterling was a huge cuck (also jewish) and the liberal agenda was pushed fairly well.
that being said, the liberal agenda of 60 years ago bears no resemblance to progressives today which are far more insufferable
Not all of them, but some like The Placebo Effect, One Night at Mercy, Burned, and Memphis were quite comfy.
Is someone going to actually post an example or is this one of these things where someone claims something that is total bullshit to win an argument?
Detroit went to shit because all of the manufacturing jobs went overseas which created massive unemployment. It isn't rocket science.FACT!!
>literally a line about God
"Any state, entity, or ideology becomes obsolete when it stockpiles the wrong weapons: when it captures territories, but not minds; when it enslaves millions, but convinces nobody. When it is naked, yet puts on armor and calls it faith, while in the Eyes of God it has no faith at all"
How do you leave the house if you're so petrified of hypothetical SJW boogeymen?
SJW never create anything on their own. They just high jack and infect.
I took a screenshot of this in anticipation of you being utterly BTFO
Peele was raised by his rich white mom since his dad left them IIRC.
I already know Yea Forums is going to bitch non stop about "sjws" and "politics" as well as "social commentary" when pretty much that's what the entire original run of the show was about.
Most of those fags have never seen the show. They just post that because of what it says on the Wikipedia page.
Why do you people go out of your way to change and manipulate history?
So its like when a liberal tells me an made climate change is real and links 10 studies to me, not one they ever read themselves?
>when pretty much that's what the entire original run of the show was about.
prove it you dishonest lying liberal sociopath
This is a song by the Fall
Fuck off, faggot. The original show dealt with topics of race relations, communism, and xenophobia many times but dressed up in SciFi trappings. Oh, that's right, the Martians were only meant to be aliens and nothing more. Brainlets, the fucking lot of you. This is why you people can't watch anything other than capeshit. It's the only thing on your level.
This. Black as Night Shamalan is a one trick pony.
Then he probably has some psychological urge for a father figure and fills that void with black community acceptance because he was raised by a coal-burner retard.
>That 80s episode where the gays are getting sent to hell.
Shit was based.
Imagine being so shit as a race that every accomplishment is underscored with an asterisk denoting something about your race "first black etc" or what have you.
Give me examples, chum, I'll watch them. I only saw a few of them.
this is brilliant
you unlock this door with the key of white privilege...
Nothing in old twilight zone matches the modern insanity of the SJW liberal and if you disagree post an actual episode rather than vaguely claiming this is a thing
I don't think you know what a sjw is. In fact, in fact I know you don't.
fucking retard lol
it is racist. being picky and choosy with this stuff trivializes it.
>oh only white people can be racist though
then the whole concept is bullshit
And this is how paranoid you fucks are. All I said was Yea Forums is going to bitch about sjws for the show having messages in it about race relations and such. The Twilight Zone has always been heavy on social commentary, and if you say it isn't, you've never watched the original series. I fully expect, when this new series has the same level of social commentary in it, for Yea Forums to lose their fucking mind, because you are all easily riled up faggots. Holy shit you people are fucking brain dead with your lack of reading comprehension.
>The Twilight Zone has always been heavy on social commentary
Social commentary from the 60's does not equal modern SJW insanity you dishonest liberal fuck. You guys are so fucking sneaky and lie on a whim like sociopaths.
That's not what they thought back in the 60s. Back then, it was just a bunch of uppity coloreds and sympathizers that wanted to destroy the American way.
>“The cockpit of this particular aircraft,” explains the unseen podcaster (Dan Carlin)
>Dan Carlin
They got the Hardcore History guy for this?
Oh hey look we have a 65 year old who was a live during the 60's here. What you are saying is irrelevant what was said back then is not the same as now. Again provide an example you won't though watch. Every time you argue with a liberal you guys either lie or do weird semantics plays and here you are doing both
>And this is how paranoid you fucks are.
Says the guy acting paranoid about how an iranian rice sculpting board is going to view a new show.
SJW=/=social commentary and you can sure as hell bet your ass that Jordan "I don't hire white people" Peele is going to be adding the former.
The Monsters are Due on Mulberry Street could be retooled any number of ways. Id have the people die from trying to include everyone. Im pretty sure we know how the JP version of this episode will go down though....
>How much sjw shit will they try to force?
Hopefully lots of it so that racist and sexist pieces of shit such as yourselves seethe yourself into oblivion.
Social commentary now is literally just
white man=bad.
>white man=bad.
Well, they're not wrong
You know what would actually be ground breaking social commentary for a new Twilight Zone episode? If they made an episode where conservatives weren't that bad guys or did a Harrison Bergeron self introspective about how the everything offends me culture is ruining society but they never will.
>did a Harrison Bergeron self introspective about how the everything offends me culture is ruining society but they never will.
Ray Bradbury did that 70 years ago
>conservatives weren't that bad guys
Truly a scenario only possible in fiction.
>conservatives weren't that bad guys
The Twilight Zone is usually based on some form of reality so calm down here
The Entertainment Weekly review made me laugh hard.
>Instead of a nightmarish gremlin, Scott’s tormented by (sigh) a podcast predicting his own deadly future. That’s an example of the warmed-over “modernization” you find in the new Zone: Black Mirror rewritten by your uncle who just got on Facebook.
cuckservatads won't get the new one either
>If they made an episode where conservatives weren't that bad guys
Might as well make an episode starring the tooth fairy at this rate
>Instead of a nightmarish gremlin, Scott’s tormented by (sigh) a podcast predicting his own deadly future.
Dear, God, that sounds bad.
will it only have niggers playing?
There be a fifth dimension beyond the Wallmart and KFC. It be a dimension as vast as Taqueesha's ass and as timeless as my father's cigarette run. It is the middle ground between honkeys and niggas, between cocaine and crack, and it lies between the pit of a niggas fears of cops, and the summit of his knowledge of ebonics. This is the dimension of real niggas. It is an area which we call ... The Ghetto Zone.
>That’s an example of the warmed-over “modernization” you find in the new Zone: Black Mirror rewritten by your uncle who just got on Facebook.