How does hollywood accounting work?

How does hollywood accounting work?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>say the movie cost 10 mil to make
>it only cost 5
>pocket the rest

>movie makes 10 mil
>say it only made 5mil and there no money left to pay actors/investors
>pocket the rest

Not sure, but there's a hilarious story about how Universal insisted straightfacedly to the IRS that Harry Potter 6 had lost money.

Where the fuck can i earn 100,000 a year and only pay 825 a month in rent

>Donations: $615

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Webcam whore in Midwest


>excellent with money
Now hold the fucking phone

Is this code for strippers/cam sluts?

average cost to support Israel per US citizen

>A 25 year old earning 100k a year, paying 825 in rent, and making 600 donation a month
lmao who put this shit together

Explain, Burgerclaps.

If anyone actually knew a 20-something year old today theyd know the pie would look alot different. Youd have bills (rent phone utility etc) lets say 1200 a month. Groceries transportation and dining out. Groceries would be a couple hundred and eating out easily 4 to 5 hundred.

>dining out
>house cleaner

This guy is good with money? the only saving grace is that unreal rent cost. does he live in a fucking cardboard box?

Still trying to figure out how his transportation costs are only $130 a month. Either he cycles everywhere (not an option for most people) or he works from home and occasionally gets an Uber.

This is where we cross into fantasy territory. Apparently this guy has a job that commands a $100k salary and yet he has no student loan repayments whatsoever. He lives in a house spacious enough to support work-from-home and no transportation costs, for only $800 a month. He donates $625 a month to someone or something - probably a church, which implies he's religious.

One wonders if he's a former altar boy somewhere in the Midwest who got fingered by a priest and is now being paid $100k a year by the Vatican as hush money. Still, I'm surprised he can sit on that bike.

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>house cleaner
>dining out
>excellent with money

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It has to be his monthly budget for manyvids/patreon thot streamers

>not sending a portion of it to your investments
>excellent with money

you have to live with 4 or 5 other soiboys. thats what the dude in the article was doing

Literally every single figure and statement in that whole picture is just absurd. It's obvious some boomer Senior Marketer just winged it without any research.

donating is where you give your money to a charity or cause that you believe in, like feeding the homeless or teaching retards.

>30 bucks a month
house cleaner here, I wouldn’t dust off a table for 30 bucks.

What the fuck is this? How many 25 yo's are there that make that kind of money? Probably far less than 1%

>House cleaner
The sign of the slob.

Dude just have super rich parents who give you money lmao

>How does hollywood accounting work?
Jew accountant magic
plus money made after the release on tv/cable rights and dvd/streaming doesn't count, so a movie can always be a "flop" and still make a studio money

>dining out
>400 dollars in groceries
>house cleaner
All the above are wastes of money.
The amount spent montly could be 1000 dollars less easily.
>not investing
another huge mistake

>25 year old
>Making a $100K a year

Yeah... no

Just how inflated is the US economy?

>Utilities: $195
>internet and phone are separate
So what actually are the utilities? My water and electricity for 1BR apartment is around $30/month.

>25yo making 100k a year
>Not having a financed iphone x with maximum data allowed
Who puts this dogshit together, it's like they think we're not gonna catch these things

>RENTING a flat
do americans actually do this?

Reminder that the guy who played Chewbacca never saw a dime because the Star Wars franchise hasn't turned a profit yet.

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I made started at $145k base after I finished my MBA at 24

$20 internet????

i pay $80 and its not even that fast

>no student loan payments
Ahaah imagine that someone being smart with their money and not relying on govt subsidies to pay for their school so crazy!

Shut up faggot nobody cares

The rent is the unbelieveable part.

I live in DC and metro to work. My firm subsidizes $150 each month so my out of pocket cost is basically nothing.

Stay mad poorfag.

you can get 100k per year for being fingered by a priest? asking for a friend

Are you trying to figure out how much this stuff really costs? Shit's all over the place depending on where you live. For instance, a guy in one place can pay X for a mansion while some schmuck in another can only get a closet for X. The regional differences are fucking incredible.

>Live in DC
Actual DC or Virginia/Maryland? I always thought it'd be cheapest to just live outside the city (something further than Pentagon City or something) and catch the metro in. Is that still realistic?

>when you give your money to random people who claim to further a cause you care about

What's unbelievable is that he's spending fucking $400 a month on groceries, and then still going out and spending $250 eating out.

Also they don't include in the breakdown:
>loot boxes
>video games
>video game subscriptions
>pokemon cards
>butt plugs

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>good with money

>dinning out
>$400 of groceries

Actual DC but NOVA works just fine. I have lots of colleagues who in live in Alexandria, Crystal City etc. and have less than 30 minute commutes.

>makes $100k year
>doesn't own a house yet

Well the profit was in merchandising. I don't understand how the films didn't make profit though. However I don't think Chewabacca or the other actors deserv huge money, they aren't responsible for the success, it was all George's making. They were completely nobodies so they didn't bring an audience to the movies. They got paid as actors like in any other movie. They shouldn't feel entitled for extra money just because the filme made it big. They never took any risks, george did.

>make 35k a year working for government in remote locations
>350 a month for rent utilities included
>live at work so very little transport expense
>200 a month for food
>50 for internet
>the rest is hoarded or invested
L-living the d-dream lads haha

What's the story?

Universal insisted straightfacedly to the IRS that Harry Potter 6 had lost money.

What's the hilarious part?

Do you need to be from the area to get a job like that?

Not if you buy expensive shit, $100/week isnt a lot if you buy pricy fresh meat and seafood, organic everything, stupid snack foods etc. And 250 is what 8 dollars a day. That's one crappy meal at a fast food joint or one stop at a gas station, 1-2 starbucks etc. Shit adds up quick

It was a huge box office success.

Americans give their paychecks to Holocaust survivors and African children

how can someone 20 years old possibly raise enough money independantly to pay for school outright?

Did the irs pound them in the ass? I could see that being pretty hilarious.

show tits

its called taxes for people who arent virtue signalling attention whores

That's hilarious

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hey gabriela what's up?

It's because he was a richfag from the start. It's the same story every time

Globally speaking? Probably .001 percent

>How does hollywood accounting work?

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Except he's supposedly "excellent" with his money handling. You could give me $400 for groceries and it would last several months if I actually budgeted it out and didn't buy organic filets like a retard.

You can be 25 making 100k a year while paying 825 a month for rent if you're a contractor working somewhere on the gulf coast.

Everything costs 3x the advertised price, producers get paid first, coffee is suddenly a huge expense, and the expenses in general are edited depending on box office performance

Temporary production companies are registered that incur all the expense of making the film. Studio licenses script and leases its owned equipment at absorbent rates. The film production incurs all the non-amortizable losses while the studio makes the profit.

>The U.S Bureau of the Census has the annual median personal income at $31,099 in 2016

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>middle class parents could easily pay for college because it only cost like 200€ a semester
>get CS master's
>50k € a year in first year of first job
>don't even budget because I have more than I could ever spend
t. Yurop

>everyone losing their shit about donations
Have you never been on twitch/chaturbate? The new norm is to give away hundreds to random streamers just to hear them say your name

He's "excellent" with his money because he spends less than half of his take home pay and presumably saves or invests the rest. This is a shit chart for not showing that. If l had that much money I would buy shit like smoked salmon every week too.

No, the federal hiring practices actually force you to move around if you want to get a job. It has effectively killed small towns where people used to be able to walk into the local government office and apply. Now those jobs are nationally competitive by law and the government would happily fly in a diversity hire from 1000 miles away rather than give Joe Bob a job in his home town. And no, I’m not exaggerating, that exact thing happened in the last office I worked in.

>administrative charge
So they can just charge themselves however much they need to, and they'll never make a profit.

>Hollywood accounting
So why are people whining about huge costs of (((((marketing)))) whenever they want to argue that a movie which they dislike is a box office failure?

it's probably like 1 hour or something every month

*male housekeeper. Mostly mansions and offices

Each movie has separate corporation made for it, that company loses money by paying for advertising, production costs, distribution cost, etc. The actual profit goes to the real producers of the movie.

>100,000 per yer
>2,775 monthly spending
>12 x 2,775 = 27,300
Where does the rest of the money go? Taxes? LMAO!


sort of a catch all isn't it?

you don't pay 7k taxes on 100k a year, this budget isn't really representative

I make 100k but I live with mummy so I only spend $800 a month on dates gas food and vidya

Is the $600 in "donations" really just payments to escorts? And a 25-year-old who is excellent with money wouldn't be paying rent. Only morons pay rent.

>$650 alone on food

what the fuck?

>rent is 825 for rent
>in Hollywood

>internet for 20 fucking dollars
This cant be fucking true

here's the article.

He charges $160 an hour to tutor rich trust fun college graduates for grad studies admittance exams, like LSAT, etc.

Even admits other tutors charge 1/10 what he does. But he charges more, and people pay more.

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Skip to 'History'.

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a kike "journalist"

Okay this is actually a fairly good question. There's two aspects. On the one hand you have the parent company and the CEO who care about stock prices and satisfying investors. On the other hand, you have the studio heads and the producers who only really care about getting rich (and, somewhat, about impressing their higher-ups).
Hollywood accounting is a method to line the pockets on the studio heads and the producers so that they don't have to pay out to anyone who was promised a return on the film's profits. It's also a way of avoiding taxes. However, obviously if every film records a loss then it looks bad for the company and will result in lower stock prices.
So what they do is actually really fucking sneaky and illegal if anyone bothered to properly investigate.

They don't just record losses on every film. They move the money. And they do this in a such a way that the studio still makes a profit even though the film makes a loss. So, for a random example that I haven't researched, let's take Infinity War.
The film made roughly $2bn. The way this is mitigated is to divide that up between several different companies. So you have disney, marvel, infinity war holdings and about 50 other studios who are all involved in the production of the film. All these studios need to be properly paid before the film can make a profit. So disney can report a profit on the film because they've been paid for licensing and their fees, along with a percentage of the film's gross earnings.
However, infinity war holdings (or whatever company they used as the official financial centre of the film) reports a loss. Because they have to pay disney, marvel and all the other companies before they can profit.
The company literally only exists for this reason and is dissolved/sold off afterwards.

However, that doesn't mean that the marketing fee isn't real. When a film like Star Wars costs $200m production and $200m in marketing, that's roughly the actual cost of the film.

It's participation in the Patreon circle jerk to up each other's Patreon numbers. Basically diversity tax.

Engineering in the midwest
>Ohio (except Cleveland)
>West Virginia

The other costs aren't typically revealed publicly. $400m is the average cost of a blockbuster in actuality. The accountants will claim that every film really costs around a billion though

I can't knock the hustle but his budget is retarded as fuck.

That only works cause those kikes have a get out of jail for free card from the IRS, if some small company tries to put bullshit costs of that caliber on their corporate tax declaration they'll pounced in the ass by the IRS auditors sooner or later.

Pittsburgh is not the midwest, hell I don't think WV qualifies either.

>1. Scholarships

>2. Lower tier college or community college for 2 years (your school doesn't matter in 5 years, just the degree)

>3. Just don't go to university you fucking retard, make fucking BANK in trade school as a plumber, electrician, HVAC, draftsman after 1.5-2 years and barely have any debt

>health insurance
IE: the place you go to get pills for your sex diseases and the occasional ER trip when you do too much coke in the sauna with your boyfriend and your heart starts to beat funny

typical millennials

Why donate to anything. Does it give you tax exemptions if you do?

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>this thread again
this gets posted here every week and people STILL act like they've never seen it
>dude donations xD
>dude excellent with money xD
>dude millenials

>Does it give you tax exemptions if you do?
Yes. You don't pay tax on money you donate to charities. You now understand why so many rich people and celebrities are frequently involved in charity events that don't seem to accomplish anything

It was WB and Harry Potter 5

>>administrative charge
>So they can just charge themselves however much they need to, and they'll never make a profit.

Yes. The studio or network creates shell companies that bill the shit out of the studio/network for various wildly inflated “costs” associated with the production of the movie/tv show and this is counted against the studio/network’s profit margin, except the money comes right back to the studio/network because they own these shell companies who are doing the billing.

Investors, actors and others whose contract stipulates their cut comes from the _net profits_ end up getting nothing, as there is never any profit because all these shell companies get paid first out of the _gross profit_ from the production.

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cutoff line is colloquially the appalachian mts in PA to the Mississippi River. Pittsburgh is the farthest border; it's at the very least a Midwest city in the NE, no resemblance to Philly

>825 rent
>that car payment/lack of car
>overpaying donations to lower tax bracket
>grossly overpaying for health insurance
>where the fuck is the other 6 grand

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This is why smart actors like RDJ get a cut from the gross profits.

Source for this please?

How would you know any of this? Did you ever work in marketing? Did you see how much marketing costs for a blockbuster? Oh right, you're just pulling all of this out of your ass.

They’re tax deductible, dumbass.

>Source for this please?
Google "Hollywood accounting" and read all the accounts from people who claim they never got paid because they were told the blockbuster failed to turn a profit.

>That only works cause those kikes have a get out of jail for free card from the IRS

Exactly. Hollywood has dirt on virtually every politician as well as contributing to their election campaigns so when some mid-level IRS bureaucrat starts looking into Hollywood's accounting practices, he gets shut down by his bosses (who frequently are Jews themselves) who are profiting from Hollywood's shenanigans.

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I can see how that would be pretty shit for the locals. Do you mind telling me the four digit job series (0000, 0100, 0800, etc)? I'm half interested in making a change.

Presumably he's saving the rest. I max my 401k match and IRA each month. The rest goes into some form of savings or investment account.

Investments aren't spending. If you make 100K a year and your spending 2775 every month, you'll have 5558 left every month that you put into spending.

That level of saving is basically insane. Assuming you're putting seeing a conservative 3% annual growth for 40 years and no increase in savings levels he'll retire with just over 5 million dollars at age 65.

If that's not excellent with money I don't know what you'd call it.

you can rent a two or three bedroom house for like $250 - $400 dollars where i live in usa

ah i guess that means they don't actually cost money

where the fuck do you live that isn't a shelled out hellhole for that kind of money??

>rent is only 825

Yeah, what ghetto shithole is this guy living in

>This is why smart actors like RDJ get a cut from the gross profits.

It's not so much a case of being smart, as everybody knows to get a cut of the gross, it's how much pull you have with Hollywood.

RDJ is a big name and can demand a cut of the gross, the guy who played Chewbacca was a nobody and had to take the deal he was offered (a deal that was worth jack shit).

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No you didn't. You either made closer to 200,000 or 80,00 because first-year salaries for people with an MBA is graphically displayed as a bimodal distribution.

where do you live? Cause if rents are that cheap where you are it must be only service industry jobs or a dead manufacturing town.

So apparently the guy this is modeled after lives with 4 roommates and is still on his family's phone plan. Good for him making $100k though

What part of detroit do you live in?