Who put them down there?

Who put them down there?

Who are feeding the rabbits?

What the fuck was it all about?

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Were they government clones? I just don’t get it. I also wasn’t expecting the first twin to get fucking merked like she did

>what was it all about

It was about stealing the premise of that twilight zone episode with the chick and the mirror, making all the actors black, and doing some bad adlibing on said premise to turn it into generic schlock. Rake in the shekels and celebrate yourself as the next Hitchcock because you only cast black actors. Genius!

patience young padawan. she'll explain in an inevitable prequel, spin-off, sidequel, sequel, etc. Peele said Us is the beginning of Us Cinematic Universe.

it was so retarded that the movie tried to explain them
doomed to fail


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>being racist unironically
I seriously hope you guys don’t do this

Honestly the explaination needed more work.

I would have bought "Lab accident that happened after the facility was shut down" the most.

But I had zero problem with the twist at the end. There were a TON of hints.

Elizabeth Moss is in this...

A good chunk of white people are. Bad bait

>Movie has absolutely no racial connotations and peele specifically confirms this
>still gets lauded as a commentary on race
why are black people such entitled narcissists

Only creepy things in the movie were
When the two versions of the mom fight and the "copy" version is moving all weird (even though that scene was kind of epileptic because of how it kept cutting to ballet dancing
When the little version of the mom opened her eyes really wide in that scene
Really whenever, in a properly darkly lit movie, a black person opens their eyes really wide it's creepy.

>the government
>idk, they breed like fuckin mad tho

How about forgo a scientific explanation in favour of a supernatural one

When she decended the escalator I thought that was a great visual metaphor for entering another dimension or some shit but no, instead da gobberment tryna keep tha black man down is responsible for building massive tunnels throughout the country and accidentally left there cloning machines on?????? How would the cloning machine even know to clone a newlyborn person? Its fucking retarded and they only stood to lose by trying to actually explain shit

Only part that really bothered me was the fight, it was way too *teleports behind you* tier the way Red was dodging her swings

It's not about race, it's a character study about the shit we do in our past and no matter how hard we try to improve, we still have to deal with the consequences in some form.

Grown-up Adelaide was a MASSIVE improvement over her past self (she likely would have murdered her past self with a fireplace implement if she threatened her family), but the consequences had lasting effects.

That's my favorite irony BTW: modern Adelaide would have slaughtered 1980s Adelaide without too much hesitation.

explain why racism is bad considering blacks are racist against everyone else

Red is a real human being and actually took dance lessons, that's why she was able to gracefully dodge all of Adelaide's attacks.
The more frustrated Adelaide got, the more she reverted back to her janky tether-like movements.

It's also ultimately why Adelaide won. She remembered her ruthlessness as a child, and fell back on it. It's why she acted the way she did post-victory. She was in full demonic child mode.

The irony is, if Modern Adelaide met Past Adelaide (as somehow a different person), she likely would have killed her as a threat.

She's gone from being the monster in the basement to the protective mom who slays monsters like she was.

I didn’t understand most of this movie but I liked it anyway

This is the gayest post I’ve ever read

Idk but the movie was pretty cool. Too many jokes imo

It's true though. Adelaide hates herself, and she channels that self-loathing into her attacks on Tethered.

It was trash and there’s not much to understand

Agreed, I really liked it but I wouldn’t consider it a horror film. Psychological thriller is being generous

Does it hurt when you pull things like that out of you ass?

Past Adelaide is radically different in mores from Present Adelaide. We see that plain as day.

Of course she hates herself, and fears the Tethered. They have the ruthlessness she used to have.

>explain why racism is bad considering (insert strawman)

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You know I'm right.

You’re either a brainlet or a pseud

>doubling down on being fucking retarded

why didn't the real Adelaide just leave the underground like her doppelganger did? Sure she was chained to the bed at the start but she obviously got out at some point and her doppleganger was able to leave before?

have sex racist

Don’t take it so literally bro xddd

>explain why racism is bad considering (well stablished fact)

>Who put them down there?
The government. It was a failed experiment. Were you even paying attention?

>Who are feeding the rabbits?
Who cares

>What the fuck was it all about?
Who knows

I want to pretend it has to do with her staying away from the beach, so Red couldnt get close to the door and slip out.

Why did the kid believe red instead of his actual mom? A sea of doppelgängers show up and try to kill thousands of people and you just take what she told you as fact? Even though he was right about it there should be no reason he would believe red for any purpose

Peele is an idiot. Even giving the barest explanation of “muh gubment” opens up a ton of questions because he clearly wants it to be thought of literally.
>how did they make 300+ million jumpsuits
>or 300 million scissors
>or gloves
>how did they survive on just rabbits

What's telling is he kept his silence about Adelaide.

Red tried to have him killed. He rewarded her in kind by burying the truth.

>Climb up a down escalator. It's not that hard.
>Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, it's not that hard to get out of poverty.

Don’t ever fucking reply to me again you stupid fucking pseud piece of shit

>how did they make 300+ million jumpsuits
It's a movie

>or 300 million scissors
It's a movie

>or gloves
It's a movie

>how did they survive on just rabbits
It's a movie

I wonder why people don't get as triggered when Michael Myers and Jason somehow end up catching up to their victims in a matter of seconds when the victim has been running for a solid five minutes

>how did they survive on just rabbits

This is a big question. Rabbit is one of the few meats that can't sustain a person.

Its about class antagonisms and government control

That's easily answered with it being part of their supernatural powers. Play the game some time kiddo.

post more buldgy eyed black people

The reason it's a problem in this movie is because they tried to make it somewhat grounded with explanations, but then didn't do enough. He could have just left it at magic realism, but he tried to explain it lazily with far too many plot holes that turned good scenes and visuals into stupid scenes and visuals because they whole time you can't stop thinking "This is so dumb, how did that even happen"

Because Friday the 13th doesn’t try to be 2deep4u garbage and knows it’s a schlocky slasher movie.
Halloween 1, 2 and 2018 treat Michael as a probably supernatural force and metaphor for evil.

Us takes itself too seriously to be the first and too literally to be the second. I didn’t question any of that shit until Red started exposition dropping about how they’re a failed Governemnt experiment to manipulate the souls of the population and that Red somehow planned all of this over the course of 20 years.
What a fucking stupid movie

They didn't think the story through. I could write a blogpost but who the fuck cares anyway?

fun fact, there isn't a person I know that isn't bothered by the Jason slow walking catching up to his victims


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I do, faggot
Blogpost away.

Wasting good digits on such a shitty meme opinion.
Go be a NPC on plebbit!

It’s very explicitly stated they were made by scientists. Also stop asking questions white boi.

Lupita Nyong'o is so cute bros

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I want someone to shop the flare gun scene with Pyro and Spy.

I could barely focus on the film whenever she was on screen

She hated herself.

they shouldn't have explained anything except the twist. cut the entire tunnel of clones as a dream or something

Michael Fassbender, please get back to work and stop inserting your ferish on Yea Forums.

>who put them down there?

i don't watch movies with blacks in it

> final plottwist
Whad does Peel mean by this?

> hmm, Jeremiah 11:11, is this a motherfucking bible reference here? Perhaps it explains everything that I just saw
> "and God spoke: U ppl are fucking disgusting. I'll fucking kill you all, bitches"
So deep...


Peele is a hack

>I was the clone de whole time XD

I don’t understand why this was the “twist” ending. Like we’ve seen enough horror troupes about shit like this that I’d assume that it would be a double fake out. Am I to assume that her being the clone isn’t really supposed to be a big deal?

>But I had zero problem with the twist at the end
but "There were a TON of hints" is a problem. That shit can be easily guessed in the first like 20, 30 mins max

Peele hates his mom for being white.


The government, did you see the movie?

My wife and I correctly guessed the twist in the first 10 minutes but then went "nah it would not be something that obvious"

What is even better is that the twist is entirely inconsequential. You could remove it and nothing would have changed.

Explain why racism is bad without the strawman, in that case.

it’s really just a statement on nature vs nurture and class. we think the clones are evil or animals because theres something in them thats flawed, but in reality their lack of “humanity” just comes from being born and raised underground in a poor environment, so when one “escapes” they’re indistinguishable from “normal” people. not saying Us was like deep kino, but the twist meant something and thats more than you can say about a lot of horror movies.

>le top secret govt experiment
Could he have possibly chosen a more overused trope?

Peele hates his parents for being mixed-race upper class yuppies that allowed him to live in a secluded white neighborhood and never experience the racism, violence and poverty he believes is essential to black american life

This movie could have been so much better if they elaborated on the underground people. I remember one line that was like "government mind control experiment".

Same. That scene where they said "I just want my daughter back," I was like... nah, couldn't be?

Fucking awful movie. If the main cast was white nobody would even be mentioning this shit.

nonono you see
Jordan Peele is a GENIUS filmmaker!

I like these words that you have said and think you hit the nail on the head. upvote.

I didn't even watch the movie and I guessed the twist by the prologue alone. It's very predictable.

Wow...kinda a bit baboonOVision isnt it??

I went to go see this movie last night and right before it came on a group of 5 black teenagers came in and, let me tell you, the stereotypes are real. Am I boring for wanting my movie theatre to be silent except for laughs and girls screaming cause that's what they do when they're scared?

movie sucked.
94% on RT because "dude black actors xd"
Only good parts were the black dad.

Remember how he stared at Adelaide after she killed the Tyler family tethered? He was probably suspicious than.

Funny because at the time I thought he was just uncomfortable watching his mom be so violent.

How the fuck dis evrryone know she was a clone so early on, i didn't even know they were clones until they started explaining it. When i saw the girl at the start i thought she was a ghost or something. What were all these hints?


Blessed thread

They’re all full of shit and read spoilers on here

Very Mantanian

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You didn't realize the exact copies of everyone were clones?

>explain to me why racism is bad because I’m too stupid to figure it out myself

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>make a stupid movie with completely unexplained shit that made no sense
>just tell people they didn't understand it because it was too smart for them

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Tbh after watching Us I agree, she’s gorgeous and I want to call her mommy

It’s not inconsequential you dumb shit. If you watch the movie knowing that Adelaide is really Red, it changes the context of so many scenes. The most glaring one would be when she is delivering the monologue to her husband while facing away from him. It almost feels like a confession when you keep in mind that she’s a clone.

Only when I saw the second family had copies also

>Am I boring for wanting my movie theatre to be silent except for laughs and girls screaming cause that's what they do when they're scared?
No, that's quintessential wh*te American culture

I had no clue it was the gorilla tribe leader from Black Panther, dude has some good range

He was the highlight of the movie

It was pretty wild while i was watching the difference between him and his clone. The dad was so nonthreatening, while Abraham (his tethered) looked like a beast. Shot well that way since a lot of the shots of him were from people on the ground looking up, which definitely helped. The way they were both presented really showcased the difference between them.

>Le epic their doing it to us so we do it to them

So the kid “that had trouble focusing” was autistic right


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why did the little boy's clone mimic his movements when he put on the mask?

>Kike Hollywood RT Score: 98% Literally Akira Kurosawa Tier! WOW!

>Users RT Score: 78% Interesting cinematography but the plot was fucking retard. . . 7/10

I'm not that racist but why do black directors get training wheels?

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>Marvel movie has a retarded plot

>Artsy horror movie has a retarded plot
>"Um dude, it's a movie just turn your brain off bro"

What the fuck is this director's problem?

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-Whyte Peepol keeping clones in under ground tunnels and keeping da clone man down.

-And if they go psycho it da whyte peepul fault

-It's Peele's social commentary of how black people are being kept down tripledeep4u