Zoomers are now nostalgic for late 00s-early 10s shows like iCarly, once widely considered the downfall shit era.
Zoomers are now nostalgic for late 00s-early 10s shows like iCarly, once widely considered the downfall shit era
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I only know Hannah Montana, iCarly, Drake and Josh, and Harry Potter
Mostly from the internet though, never watched any of them except HP
Fucking George Lopez, really?
Can’t stop the movement of time OP. I’m surprised HP isn’t streaming anywhere, is WB working on a service?
das rite
kill yourself boomers
its our world now
Yea tbose shows were all shit. Tho drake and josh was passable right?
that's because zoomers literally have lower IQs and the shortest attention spans of any generation in history
disregard everything they say and laugh at them
2000s BAD, 1990s GOOD.
Those statements were unironically popular on the internet back in 2012, lol. Now in 2019, Zoomers have taken over and say things like "Back in my day we had iCarly, not Jake Paul", blissfully unaware their era was widely considered the downfall shit era.
Are there any reports on the attention spans of people from 100-200 AD?
These millennials are so insecure because they will go down as the pussy generation they gotta try one up the zoomers by saying they had "cooler" pop culture stuff, listen grandpas this is the way of the world just accept you're falling out of relevancy and no memes will help that.
were people from 100-200 AD subjected to the specific technological factors that result in a decrease from the natural human attention span? you idiot?
Can you prove that they weren't? I can't.
is there archaeological evidence for monitors and social media?
that's basically a list of the most popular shows on Yea Forums from 2010
Have you read "Archaeological Evidence for Monitors and Social Media in the First Millennium" by Dr. Jared Igalote?
you must have been on reddit Yea Forums loved iCarly
Anyone who bangs on about nostalgia, whether they're 60 or 16, deserves a kicking.
I grew up with "That's so Raven," "Zack and Cody," etc. and I remember them being bad.
However, my younger sister was really into Dan Schneider shows that came after, and they seemed alright.
Most likely they're checking out the Mom and daughter
Anyone who still pays for Netflix should consider suicide. At least there are still children's cartoons with tranny heroes and shows like "Dear White People" anyway.
>tfw Dan Schneider MK Ultras you
You do know every generation thinks the decade they live in their 20s and 30s is their own "downfall shit era", right?
Shit didn't start going downhill until 2009.
Hannah Montana is absolute kino.
Didn't she put out a country album a while back? I remember someone posting a song on some board somewhere and it wasn't terrible, though I don't listen to that sort of thing.
I'm glad I never watched any of this shit. Except Harry Potter for "No" posting reasons
theres 192k comments on that wiki page, its an entire seddie subculture
So what was the last good era here?
well if all you've known is shit, and you're then thrown into lava, I guess you can at least consider the shit to have been better
Generation and nostalgia fags deserve to die a painful death, you're not special for being born you insufferable faggots
>People get nostalgic for things from when they were young, even not-so-good things that they have nostalgia goggles for
wow how crazy
>you're not special for being born
I am though, just ask my parents and teachers
Core millennial/gen Y was the last great period with scattered good stuff but mostly shit after.
Those kids will become dangerously obsessed footfags down the line and there's nothing to be done about it.
Boomers are just jealous of younger generations
So they viciously thrash shows meant for children in their silly game of measuring culture cocks.
All the while not noticing that they are wasting their best years clinging to nostalgia
Its sad really
Very American
it's an englishy american world my friend, you seem to be living and posting in it
how many time are you going to make this shit thread you mentally ill freak?
I didn't have cartoon network or fox kids growing up. Most cartoons I watched were produced and imported from eastern europe
even my few eastern euro friends on occasion bring up cartoons I'm familiar with, what special case are you?
This entire chart is based around video game console generations.
look at this shit
Of course they existed, but you had to get Sky Channel. I watched Mr. Hiccup, La linea, Krteček, a norwegian version of Sesame street, Fraggles, Moomins and Postman pat because there weren't many alternatives. I did watch He-man and Bikers mice from mars at friends. But still, these representations are very American.
Poor Icarly. She is rich thanks to Dan... but at what price.
Why you never saved her, Yea Forums?
Too busy fapping to her
She has perfect feet and DSL's for days. Shame her lack of tits.
Seething gen poZ boy
the only good shows here are drake and josh hannah montana and zoey 101
Brush up on you english jamal
lol, what a little bitch
Is this true? I'm 26 and haven't really liked the 2010s at all. I wish I'd gotten to experience adult life before smartphones.
They say two-thirds of human embryos die in the womb so you kinda are.
>No Cory in the House
I was born in 1982 and grew up on 90s era Nick. There was plenty of crap back then too.
But the good shows like pete and pete had more "soul" compared to gen z's soulless stale couch potato shows like icarly.
Pete and Pete is definitely one of a kind.
Heh I was a late teen when all this shit was popular and it's dogshit then it's dogshit now
Hated that era of nick/tv/net especially hairy pothead which has only aged like shit the more ghost writer just kidding Rowling retroactively ruined it with her lucas esqe bhllshittery
It's for kids you fucking faggot. Why were you watching kids' shows at 18?
George Lopez was comfy late night background noise comedy
thrash particle
28 here it wasn't as shit with dumb phones and dailup
T. Country fag so was a decade behind the cities until mid 00s in my teens then it all went to shit
28 as well and the thing I most vividly remember as a kid was the utter boredom
>already read as much as I want to for the day
>too late to go out with friends
>nothing on the TV
I might have rotted my brain with constant internet access later but at least I'll never feel that brand of boredom again
no matter how shit something is, some 8-12 year old somewhere watched it and liked it. then 6-10 years later they'll come to Yea Forums to talk about how underrated or "comfy" the shit they watched is.
What's worse though the existenial dread of seeing your race and culture die to privileged morons or kid boredom? Sadly I was redpilled at a young age so my life's basically been a living hell since I was 15
I don't care about that desu it's just pop culture nonsense.
I don't like things because they are from a certain era I like them because I like them.
Idiots locking themselves to a single generation/point in time especially in regards to nostalgia are absolute morons.
I rewatched a bit
It's not good at all, and if it is better than iCarly, it is only marginally
The Zoomer boxes need looking at.
What's incorrect about them
I would consider the stuff like Skyrim, Young Justice, Adventure Time, Regular Show, My Little Pony and definitely Symbionic Titan to belong to the early zoomer box on the basis that the fanbase for that stuff is definitely odler than the fanbase for Teen Titans Go and Wander Over Yonder.
Eh. I'm splitting hairs but I would consider those mid-zoomer because Adventure time basically started a whole new era for animation in 2010.