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Reddit Cuck Media
>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The Rocketeer
mike literally said this
>it's real
oh boy my friends etc.
Based as fk, finally Mike and Rich
and he is right
>racebait trash reviewed before new korine
>unremarkable 90s movie reviewed before new korine
im glad their patreon is failing
Literally what the fuck are you babbling about?
What went wrong, what was their turning point?
>im glad their patreon is failing
Yeah just look at those numbers plummet!
>hid their earnings because they're literally making 100K a month
>there's this obscure film, you probably haven't heard of it... it's called "the Rocketeer"
How are these guys even so ignorant?
They didn't say it was obscure, they just said it was a flop which is correct.
Is this some sort of troll? The Rocketeer isn’t that good.
Does Mike have to play armchair director in every re:view?
Does user have to play armchair youtuber in every thread?
"Which is a movie noone cares about except you and me". I would go as far as to say it's a very popular movie.
>I would go as far as to say it's a very popular movie.
It literally flopped when it came out. How many threads do you see regularly about it on Yea Forums? How often do you hear people talk about it in real life? They're obviously exagerrating when they say nobody cares about it, but their point is it's mostly been forgotten by pop culture which is true.
>it's a very popular movie
Got any specs or additional information to back that up?
>I now want a 70's blaxploitation Rocketeer
Fuck you Mike
I spent my childhood thinking this was Iron Man but they just called him something different for some reason. Then I forgot about the movie for 20 years.
There have been plenty of threads about it on Yea Forums, simply check the archive. Simply search "the Rocketeer" on Youtube or google and see the results. It's very well known but just generally not highly rated. And as far as i can tell it made $10 million at the box office which is just mediocre, kind of like the movie itself
>It's very well known but just generally not highly rated.
So you're complaining about Mike and RIch's point of view even though you agree with it. Okay.
Rich is way worse than Beard and AIDS combined
>morbidly obese manchild
>always wears comic shirts, but cant answer ANY comic question Jay or Mike have
>has a video game show, but says stupid things like 3D mario games shouldn't have controllable cameras and is blatantly bad at video games in general
>thinks being a cynical, nitpicking autist is the same as intelligence
>flat out didn't understand basic character motivations for Civil War despite being a huge MCU fan
>starts REEEEEEing when chat constantly BTFOs him
>nostalgiafag who only likes shit from his youth
>has an obnoxious "I fucking love science" attitude
>can't pronounce words
>forced catchphrases
>meme laugh
>actual plebbitor
>confused by Yea Forums
>has a tranny fiance
>allows Mike to bully him on a daily basis
>doesn't oppose people being tracked by the government with chip implants
>only ever funny by accident when he fucks up and gets made fun for it, his real sense of humor is "lel so randumb XD" tier
>claps at the end of films
>has never had actual fruit in his life and is convinced he'll hate it because he doesn't like sodas with fruit flavors
When did you realize Rich was actually worse RLM and is the embodiment of amerifat retard?
I'm gonna go ahead and say that I personally think Rich is the worst member of the crew. Even though Beardfat takes things too seriously, he always sounds like he knows what he's talking about and he showed several times that he has technological knowledge and AIDSmoby offers insightful commentary many times. Rich manages to be both an embarrassing nerd and seemingly have no real input into the movies they're talking about and is only there because he's Mike's friend. When Mike isn't around to put him down, he acts like an obnoxious prick and the only real value he offers is that he does the grunt work for them (buying merchandise for videos, building props, etc). He's basically their employee and is only in videos because Mike likes him.
>talk about how appealing the art deco aesthetic is
>fuck it totally alter the sequel in virtually every way to the point where it might as well be it's own thing entirely
As opposed to what? Making a sequel that is just exactly the same thing again? In case you've never noticed, these guys are big proponents of taking sequels in much different directions. That's why they rave about Gremlins 2 all the time.
water world was a flop but everyone knows that movie
No one cares what you think a Rocketeer sequel should be like Mike.
Fuck off e-celeb faggots
Okay. What's your point? Some movies flop and are forgotten by culture and other movies flop and are still remembered because of how big of a flop they were. Rocketeer wasn't as massive of a box office failure as Waterworld.
Don't pretend these guys don't go about discussing this film obnoxiously as if it were some super secret personal film. It was literally a Disney blockbuster for fuck's sake, and Rich starts the video jokingly saying "the Rocke-who?". I mean, they even got the director of this movie to direct Captain America the First Avenger which they even talked about on half in the bag. Of course your average moviegoer doesn't know or care about any of this. People who actually engage with movies on any remotely deeper level? The Rocketeer is very commonly discussed, rated, revisited.
>Don't pretend these guys don't go about discussing this film obnoxiously as if it were some super secret personal film.
I don't have to pretend because I live in reality and I can just watch the video and know what they say instead of twisting everything so I can autistically screech on Yea Forums.
>It was literally a Disney blockbuster for fuck's sake
It was supposed to be. It didn't do well at the box office and has mostly been forgotten. I'm not sure why you're so triggered by reality.
>Of course your average moviegoer doesn't know or care about any of this.
Oh so you do understand what they were talking about. What are you even complaining about then lol
>get a bargain DVD of Rocketeer back when they referenced it as a good movie on a Plinkett SW review
>watch it
>turns out to be a boring stinker
No wonder it flopped.
How about don't make a sequel at all? I don't see the point when you cast aside virtually every element of the original.
Isn't that when they gave a free pass to Force Awakens and pretty much every capeshit made by Disney?
when were you born
the rocketeer 2 set in 77 is unironically a good idea
>complains on Yea Forums about a sequel not being similar to the original
>also complains on Yea Forums that The Force Awakens is too similar to the original
Disney made te film for $35 million dollars and released it in the summer, yes it was meant to be a blockbuster.
>oh so you do understand what they were talking about.
Right, because their 953 thousand subscribers are just your average know-nothing moviegoers
I never said i wanted to burn these guys at the stake or anything, i'm a fan of these guys. I just find it obnoxious when they act like hipsters about hollywood tripe, i mean how could you not?
>Right, because their 953 thousand subscribers are just your average know-nothing moviegoers
They're not talking about their subscribers. Holy shit, you're dense.
Nigger who the fuck do you think watches these videos? No, just disregard the near million film fans watching your show in your little hipster equation. I honestly don't know why you're so insistent on still defending this. I like these guys 99% of the time, i just thought it was annoying how they act so exclusive about this movie pretty much every person watching the video has already seen lol
Why the fuck you guys get so fucking autist about two guys talking of a movie they find comfy? If you dont like their content just move on ffs.
this and best of the worst is usually what i watch them for
older movies
Didn't they literally already review this film in the Captain America HITB?
That was a short discussion and it was literally 8 years ago.
jesus fucking christ, rocketeer attracts the most autistic people on the planet. not surprised mike likes it.
>tfw Jay still lives in a tiny one bedroom apartment in not even Milwaukee (suburb far away from the city)
It's hilarious that there is a segment in the RLM Re:view in the OP targeted directly at people your age/mentality level
90% of the money from patreon goes to mike's pocket
>has never had actual fruit in his life and is convinced he'll hate it because he doesn't like sodas with fruit flavors
you should only post this, because that's the thing that beats everything on that list, and is ACTUALLY 100% true.
I want Joe Johnston to make a fifties serial Green Arrow in the same style as the Rocketeer.
Is this a meme or is there a video where he actually says this?
Wouldn't you live cheaply until you had enough money to last the rest of your life?
no it's not
I only know of it because I was searching for Jennifer Connelly images to fap a few years back
Why are they censoring expletives now?
Why would he not live there? He's single and just lives with his cat.
No I would buy a big mcmansion and 4 ferraris
just to piss you off
>I know this is still true because it was relevant information 5 years ago
They’ve always done they when it makes something funnier than not censoring.
That's why you'll never be rich.
It was a meme, they censored Rich's hand to make it look like he was flipping Mike off when he was obviously just gesturing.
It's that post ironic shit garbagio that they're known for.
Tbh I'd rather be Mike.
Wisconsin’s affordable, but rent in an area of Milwaukee you’d want to live is in absolutely obscene. Jay’s making the right move by not living there.
And besides, driving in, through or around Milwaukee fucking sucks. Whoever planned the city streets should be exhumed and set on fire.
If everyone was paying 5 dollars a month that's 39,090 dollars a month.
Seriously, that plot that he came up with was the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
>another case of the not-gays
Literally, unequivocally, unabashedly what the FUCK did Mike mean by this? Every time there is the slightest hint of a heterosexual attraction by a male character in a film Mike points it out as if it is out of place.
>loved rocketeer as a kid
>had one of the toys
>even had this sick-ass book on tape version that helped me learn to read that came with cool pictures of all best scenes
Damn, those were the days. I was a baller 4 year old
That black Rocketeer rant at the end was embarrassing jesus christ
>t. Doesn't realise that in reality it's the opposite
Here's you (you), my sweet discord troon.
Bte how's that gay pixel canvas war going?
>it was literally 8 years ago
That can't be...
Midwestern liberals are some of the weirdest, most contradictory people you will ever meet.
If mrs. marvels success has taught me anything making more money means you're actually losing
The episode came out July 2011
Dios mio. I was 35 back then.
The time...she was awasted.
And I was 30...
Mike has seen their youtube stats, and knows most of their audience wasn't born when this came out.
The more you watch their other content, the more their behaviour will make sense. They are actually consistenly aweful movie critics. They like to get high and mighty about how much better they are than others and do these endlessly long fake podcasts, but at the core of it all they are just the exact same. They are grade A hypocrites . And pretty lackluster movie reviewers in addition.
You can pretty much predict exactly how they are going to react. The only thing they are good at is detecting a bandwagon starting to roll, so they always jump on it the first chance they get, and if they can't get on fast enough but sense potential for an anti-bandwagon, they will try and start that. That is exactly what they did with TFA. When the wind started turning after TLJ and fans suddenly hated Disney again, they turned right around and "admitted to their mistake" to get onto the bandwagon nice and early while people didn't realize whether the "love it" or "hate it" faction was going to win out yet.
They are good social manipulators, I will give you that, but they pretty much just say what ever will get their audience nodding, and they know how to make a tear-down entertaining whether substantiated or not. In that regard, they are just the edgy """high brow""" mirror image to all those shill-casts they like to mock.
And they do that with every movie, not just Star Wars, I got sick and tired of them real fast. The more I watched of them, the more they reminded me of the higher tier corporate bullshitters I have encountered in large companies, you know, the type that don't just rise through hot air and convincing other bullshitters, but that can hide their unsophisticated behind sophisticated wording. In the end, you develop a nose for that nonsense anyways. RLM are the same, beating dead horses and unsophisticated "criticism" hidden behind nice wording.
Wtf? You spend too much time fighting boogiemen on the internet. Look at your post. Look at what you said. What the fuck does any of that shit mean?
Rlm died for me the day that they trashed boyhood and praised GOTG in the same fucking video.
Am I insane or wasn't there already a Rocketeer re:view?
this. fuck these reddit threads
But they were right to do so
>trashed a bait project
>praised a creative one
They mentioned this in their review of Tremors also. I think the vast majority of people when they see two men talking on screen DO NOT assume they’re fags. The second they mention a women it’s “gay panic”
>*cringe* Charles Lindbergh was pro Hitler
I feel so bad for Jack that this fat fuckup shut down PreRec.
>unremarkable 90s movie
fuck you bitch
I'd watch Mike's movie.
Yes, give me your 50 page essay about how Lindbergh was a white nationalist, supported gassing Jews, regularly attended Nazi party functions in Germany, fathered at least 6 illegitimate children with female members of the Nazi party, met Hitler personally dozens of times, tried to influence the American Republican Party to support the Nazis on request of the Nazi foreign ministry, but still was against Hitler and not be a Nazi.
>whole episode isnt talking about how hot jennifer connelly was
damn, she was hot.
>I now want a 70's blaxploitation Rocketeer
Hey Mike, what's going on, big guy?
yeah, white power gestures.
Is that mike's gf?
Rich is a married man.
They have an eBay sale at the moment, including their cameras. I hope they didn't fall for the RED meme.
I donate $15 a month to their patreon.
Mike is going for that "the script is so tight, all the set ups are paying off" compliment way too often. There's other things to praise about a movie
Why do we hate them now?
Because they became popular.
>There's other things to praise about a movie
And they do, so what's your point?
Back then it wasn’t a thing. To normal people it’s not a thing. But to modern young people they WANT every relationship to be a romantic (or at least sexual) one regardless of the sexes of those involved.
Because some anons here know way too much about their personal lives, it's becoming creepy, it's time to put an end to this unhealthy love for RLM.
He did all that? Lindbergh sounds based and redpilled to me, frankly
I fucking love the Rocketeer, glad its getting some more spotlight, absolute kino costume
pic related, a rocket pack I saw in a Disney theme park
>before new korine
wtf is a korine?
I think it's a director, the guy who made Trash Humpers.
no it isn't. There's literally no reason to make a sequel. not every goddamn movie needs a sequel
He was saying that Mike is actually pro gays.
Shipping, as they call it.
It's telling that Mike found that scene of people going insane and killing themselves after being stripped of their humanity in Robocop 2 funny.
>I love diversity, it's great!
These guys are pretty popular arround here for being fat boomer proto progressives.
Even though I think the diversity shit is ruining movies, if I had a successful youtube channel I would either not comment on it or I would say a milquetoast inoffensive comment like "diversity is good", and so would you. You're probably right about them being fat boomer proto progressives but at least they're not obnoxious about politics
I love driving into the city though, and the smell of the breweries.
>I would either not comment on it or I would say a milquetoast inoffensive comment like "diversity is good", and so would you.
Then you are a tool. They are not movie stars, but own a youtube channel. Their career doesn't depend upon holding mainstream opinions at all.
It does to a certain extent, though. They want money, ergo, they have to play ball.
its legitimately hilarious and framed as comedic
you are an autist
Did you miss that the first two Robocops are filled with dark comedy. The next scene after the suit gets shot in the arm is him holding it like a sad puppy.
>Shipping, as they call it.
On Yea Forums.
Holy shit, imagine being so retarded that you don't understand when a scene is satirically comedic in a satirical movie.
Disgusting review.
lol wtf?! women making babies triggers them.
fuck those cucks. they have beome so fucking annoying when it comes to these things. i don't expect them to be based or anything. but they are so bluepilled it's painful.
There are entire youtube channels making money by holding politically incorrect views. They wouldn't lose many followers, just attract slightly different people.
It's framed as comedic because the suits are literally sociopaths and don't care about the suffering they are causing. To me as a viewer it was a horrific scene.
goddamn film embryos running wild
we get it mike, its ok
The problem isn't diversity, it's "DIVERSITY!"
Some of my favorite movies of all time have black and female protagonists, main characters, hell even directors (Fucking Point Break, and Strange Days - based Bigelow and Cameron's magic cinematic cum).
But as always, those movies are good because they're well directed movies with a solid script and good performances, not because they're hitting some arbitrary quota.
I really couldn't give a shit if a movie was completely written, directed, starring, and produced by cyberneticaly enhanced asexual tranny furry maoists who self identify as chicken soup as long as the fucking movie is good.
They're making money, for now, give it a few years and they'll likely be deplatformed (I may be wrong of course, but one merely has to look at Alex Jones to see a potential future).
Other than being deplatformed, they may just be too scaredof the backlash they'll receive from straying off of the milquetoast. As some other user mentioned - many people online know intimate knowledge about their personal lives. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility to assume that bad actors would exploit said information in nefarious ways, if given supposed justification.
Lol go cry back to redit you fucking autistic faggot.
>Some of my favorite movies of all time have black
>cyberneticaly enhanced asexual tranny furry maoists who self identify as chicken soup
That's oddly specific.
You know it is possible to understand why a scene is satirical while also recognizing the horror underlying it.
That's why it's funny you pickle eating sperg.
t. triggered baby-killer feminist
>Wesley Snipes
>Denzel Washington
>Billy D. Williams
>Billy D. Williams' swole doppelganger from Rocky and Predator
I'm surprised that Rich didn't point out that Mike's sequel idea was already done by Marvel in the Iron Man comic right down to her having a giant afro.
Bruh, Varg Vikernes didn't get deplatformed and he is constantly sperging about the Jews. Sargon didn't get deplatformed, neither did Styx or Peter Molyneux. Compared to that disliking forced diversity is a super vanilla, moderate opinion. Many normie critics hold that view as well with no backlash whatsoever.
Nah man, the only reason they spout that shit is because they really do believe in it, especially Jay and Mike. Even if they were afraid for the reasons you mentioned, they did't have to bring up the topic at all but they do, because they are slightly more fence sitting proto progressives.
>fat old white guy fantasizes about a black woman replacing a white male character in a movie's sequel
Unironically YIKES
You’re either a nigger or watch too much porn with blacks in it
>"it's a love letter to a bygone era"
rich unironically said this a mick kind of looked down
Sargon did get deplatformed off of Patreon. When I said deplatforming I meant off of patreon, not YT, sorry for the ambiguity. A case could be made that they're too big to be outright cut off, or that they're good strawmen, who knows what YouTube are actually doing. And I agree that they're more than likely progressives trying very hard not to show their lefty powerlevel too hard, however, I've heard theories about Jay (notice how he tends to keep mum about such topics).
Yes literally everyone understands this you fucking moron.
Maybe they don’t preach their politics in videos because they’re not soapbox narcissists and they realize they’re just some schlubs that talk about comic book movies on the internet.
Who keeps watching these guys? I used to watch them but now is totally cringe each time that I try to watch some episode of those where they talk about cheap movies. All their funny jokes are just repetitive. The loud laugh of that guy, the other guy the more slim with his exaggerated way of speaking and the older one with his cynic way of speaking...
Maybe, probably.
They are relatively preachy about their politics though, the insanity of modern life has just normalized such behaviour and makes it look tame in comparison.
damn you are badass
Please point to one example of them being “preachy”
Because this is faggot sperg central.
There's nothing going on here though, right?
It's true, who the fucking cares about they talking about old cheap movies? Ohhhh look a cheap movie that is a bad movie, that is so badly done... HAHAHAHAHHA *the loud laugh of the fat guy*
Also they and their guests are so beta and basedboys that make me puke sometimes.
Red Letter Media is boring and shit. It was fun for a while to watch their reviews of capeshit or star wars, but nothing more than that.
They take offense to women having children in movies ffs, talk about how great diversity is and how bad old movies are for not being politically correct.
not basedboys, s.o.y.b.o.y.s
I couldn’t help but notice you didn’t actually provide an example of anything and just posted some vague platitudes. Nice work.
I don't think you know what a platitude is, user.
What the fuck...
Them taking offense to women having children in movies is in this very video, retardo
Even funnier considering Mike was a bit upset about black soldiers in Captain America (directed by the same guy who made The Rocketeer). And the plot was... kind of simillar to Captain Marvel? Want to be pilot but the bad men are keeping her down.
Holy shit, you’re retarded.
I cant tell if rlm have gotten worse or if i have. I used to at least find their videos passively entertaining but now they actively annoy me
If your takeaway from their comments is that they’re offended by women having children, you may seriously have a learning disability.
it's literally in this video at 30:10 you retard
I’ve watched the video. They’re not “offended” by a woman having children.
>That's oddly specific.
The ontological implications of Rule 34.
But that's not what happens at all. They say if it was an old movie from the 30's her ending would be that she gets married and has kids, but even by the 90's that was seen as a little bit too patronizing.
You're literally the kind of retard they're talking about who gobbles up clickbait.
Stop going off your meds.
It was a wholesome ending. These fuckers didn't realize that Jenny was done with Hollywood, it's poison. She choose love, family, over a career surrounded by snakes and pedos.
Holy shit... It's true lol
Essays are not written to state well established facts tho.
>Peter Molyneux
Oops, Stefan Molyneux...even though that Frenchman deserves to be deplatformed for fraud.
What the fuck does your comment have to do with anything that I said? If missclick, you are forgiven.
>don't like, don't watch
Why can't critics handle criticism?
yeah no, you guys are right. they are not at all making fun about traditional female roles in a condescending snarky tone like they always do. i could go back and look up countless other examples of these fucks having the same talking points in their other videos. it's always when a film depicts women not working or having careers they instantly point it out and being all snarky about it like it is some kind of reflex or something.
>unironically watching korine
He's english.
do they make any reference at all to how big Jennifer Connelly's bazooms were in this
how can I explain to a barber I want a haircut like this
They have the W.C. Fields scene, and show it twice just in case you didn't get the joke the first time.
they are cucks, of course not... Altough there was a moment when Mike almost slipped, when she stored the jetpack plans in her teetays.
What the bald uncle cut, or the astroboy?
>right after the scene with JC getting soup shot all over her chest
Just ask for basic hipster hair, they'll know what you mean.
I'm doubly charmed by your post
Ask him for the norwood 5.Or take roids and do it yourself permanently.
the bald one ofc
It took almost 8 minutes in before they even BARELY MENTIONED Jennifer Connelly.
>implying there's something wrong with cliff making lots babies with Connelly
I get the feeling Rich was so lazy that Jack didn't want to keep doing it. I know Jack set up and ran all the cameras and did all the editing. Rich is the kind of fuckup who won't do anything unless he's bossed around. That's why Mike has been so successful at abusing him.
they don't deserve aids moby
No. They mention A SINGLE SCENE where the camera pans down on her extremely compressed bosom when a rich old pervert congratulates her date and that's it. They make ZERO comments about how wildly gorgeous Jennifer is.
>Suprasses RLM
basically 99% of women on the earth need to look like her
That's for certain
if these webms are anything to go by then she's overrated. You're just a waifufag.
she's a whore, what is there to say?
low test or a woman
You have no idea what you're talking about and if this weren't a blue board, you'd probably be THROTTLED with about 50 more images and webms of full-frontal nudes of Jen, just now.
um, yes, obviously. That’s the entire point of these threads. otherwise we wouldn’t even have them.
omg. a slightly above average woman nude. how would I ever cope? *yawn*
Have sex
I could probably improve this entire thread about Milwaukee drunks talking about a film no one cares about because it's a superhero film, you guys, a superhero movie wowowowowowow by just spamming JC webms and images, the leading female co-star & actress. That's inherently more interesting, and related, to RedLetterMedia's re:View Youtube upload of the 1991 movie "The Rocketeer."
But nah.
Nobody but you cares about this ancient boomer hag who was 5/10 at her peak thirty years ago.
kek she's a terrible actress. How did this shit performance win an oscar?
>How did this shit performance win an oscar?
>Jennifer Connelly's role in "A Beautiful Mind" wins her
>A Golden Globe
>An Oscar
>her peak thirty years ago.
Aesthetically, I find her more beautiful just 15 years ago. As for her acting peak, she was won the most awards in 2001, just 18 years ago, not 30. Nevermind how inherently gorgeous she was BEFORE she got breast reduction surgery and was globally famous as a commercial model.
But you go ahead and keep enjoying Zendaya, kiddo.
did someone say JenCon?
Nicolas Cage has an Oscar. Do you think these awards have any validity? Have you learned nothing about how Hollywood actually works from the Weinstein scandal?
>I'm trying to discredit any actor's value beyond my own subjective thoughts by bringing up the fact the Nicholas Cage has also won an Oscar Award.
I don't give a shit about your Hollywood obsession. Jennifer Connelly is wicked hot.
I wish I was near you to call you names and punch you.
top lel I just realized 90% of the Connellies I posted are straight from the other dude also posting
sorry for making you check which ones have been posted alread
Doesn't bother me any, broski. I'm completely anonymous~
Mike sure look good before transitioning.
The old guy is obviously a "confirmed bachelor". He wasn't saying that the main character and him were gonna fuck just because they live together.
Child stars, like Mike, turn out odd. It's a shame.
Daily reminder that your waifu is a disgusting whore.
You're just mad that HDS didn't stuff your shit pipe. I heard he's hung like an evian bottle.
I'm curious user. Who is the most attractive actress in your opinion? Can be from any decade, any country, fuck even just a really attractive role they were in
>people are surprised that cynical gen Xers shit on stories ending with the career-focused woman deciding to give it up and have kids given that it's a cliché, even if realistic
I mean I found it funny in a "pointing out the reality" kind of way.
Doesn't make them SJWs though, as cynicism regarding children is not entirely isolated to progressives.
why can they only do really old movies or disney marvel trash? seriously these people are fucking hacks
Name one good movie released in the last 5 years
I really can't.
The VVitch is really good
The faggots in these threads always find something to complain about
mad max fury road by a hair
>really old
fucking neck yourself
btw the only movies worth watching were all made in the 70s
Warwick Davis
Hardcore Henry
>Warwick will never suck your cock while standing on his tippy toes
Y god y
imagine watching the "liberal moderate capitalist" world plunge into the worst war in all of history by a huge margin, destroying the old order of Europe. Then having that followed by the Great Depression and the fall of Russia to hideous sounding Communism. You see half of Europe on its knees likely to go the same way only to be saved by a new and vigorous movement called "the fascists" who by and large do solve the majority of the problems and provide a strong military bulwark against the now expansionist Communist Russia. How would you feel about the not knowing what was going to happen in the future? Congratulations you are now a man in the 1920's/1930's! Lindbergh ultimately sided with America and used his aviation expertise to the betterment of the country and even flew combat missions against fascist Japan with the USAF as a CIVILIAN (i think the only person to do so)
He wasn't the only person to be psotive towards fascism before WW2 and when you consider the contemporary context they were in its pretty unfair just to go "hurr durr they are facists" with all the modern implications of the word. Neville Shute was another famous figure who admired the fascists before the war for the same reasons but sided against them once war broke out.
What are you talking about? Pewdiepie is racist and redpilled and he's the biggest YouTuber in the world.
>Expect a thread about how everyone loves the rocketeer
>Everyone talking about niggers cucks and faggots
Fucking loved the rocketeer when i was 4, but that was about the last time i saw it.
You saw it last month???
no i saw it in 92 when it was on video. Even had rocketeer pajamas. Dick Tracy and Batman pajamas too. Point is i need to rewatch the movie now that i can appreciate it as a film.
Point is I'm mocking you for being 4-years-old last month with the assumption from the personal information you volunteered about what age you were when you saw this movie, released in 1991.
I’ve tried to watch the last 4-5 RLM videos but I can’t even get halfway through anymore. It’s not even funny it’s just boring. Like, it used to be slightly more entertaining that the average random YouTube surfing but now i find myself scrolling through other videos while I watch and choosing something more interesting. I just can’t finish their videos anymore, the love is gone
The Rocketeer was a wonderful movie, and nobody will ever watch it with me. My wife rolled her eyes at me the time I made her sit through it with me, but I don't care. It's just the kind of movie I wish I could live in. Sinclair is Dalton's best performance, with the possible exception of Hot Fuzz. And Terry O'Quinn and Sorvino were wonderful supporting characters. Also, that movie with that hair and that white dress were the hottest Connely has ever been. I will fucking fight you on that.
And I'm with Mike and Rich, the scene where Cliff checks his gun, looks skyward, and blasts off in front of the flag still gives me tingles. "Go get 'em, kid."
Not the guy you were responding to, but I'd like to think he understood you were being retarded faggot and was just politely ignoring you. I, however, just wanted to tell you that you're a retarded faggot.
You're a retarded faggot.
>taking a comment completely out of context like a spastic
>Mike unironically liked the rocketeer
He's finally lost it. He's gone senile.
Do you always get this triggered when someone likes a good movie?
Also it’s been know for literally years that he likes The Rocketeer. They covered it on Half in the Bag back when the first Captain America movie came out.
I don't fucking care what these shills think about anything.
>good movie
there isn't any pre-2009 action movie that can be considered good
the shitty CGI (or lack of CGI) means you can't have good action
gay wedding hitb arc
Thank you for confirming that you are either completely autistic or just baiting. In either case, bye.
uh huh
What even is Japanese TV
And he's right. What's the problem? You didn't understand it?
This, how much of a newborn babe freshly crawled out of Plato's cave do you need to be to not get the censor beep gag.
>fly home white man
>be my luuuuv rocket 2nite
I genuinely don't understand how this board can be full of capeshit obsessed mouth breathers who also think the Rocketeer sucks and is "boring". Like Mike said it's basically a capeshit but the superpower is a rocketpack. It's written just like a comic book. I guess if it doesn't look like a video game with constant explosions and quips then adhd zoomers get bored. Very narrow interests this generation.
You must be new here. It literally doesn’t matter what the newest RLM video is about or what their opinions are - Yea Forums autists will bitch about it. If there’s nothing to butch about, Yea Forums will twist their words and remove comments completely from context so they can create something to bitch about. It’s just a bunch of contrarian faggots trying to distance themselves from the embarrassing reality that they unironocally use RLM as a friend simulator.
You need to see some real girls.
Why would they mention it? I don't recall them ever mentioning an actress's appearance in any episode
They’ve said both positive and negative things about actresses’ appearances. Off the top of my head I remember Jay once saying that Maggie Gylenhaal looked like a sad turtle.
Which is ironic since he called The Force Awakens and Jurrasic World the greatest movies ever made.
They shill for Disney.
He liked them. He didn’t say they were the greatest anything. Stop being retarded.
Is that why they called TLJ a joke that killed their interest in the franchise, skipped Ant Man and the Wasp entirely, and shit all over Captain Marvel?
I've always loved this movie.
In fairness the reason people still remember Waterworld is specifically because it is a flop.
Maybe if Mike wasn’t a SJW cuck that says marriage is bad and that white males need to be replaced by black women then this wouldn’t happen.
Just sayin.
They called TLJ a flawed but okay movie and strawmanned everyone who dared criticize the movie as basement dwellers.
They only backtracked on TLJ because Mauler called them out and everyone wasn’t as dumb as them.
And Mike recommended Captain Marvel and said he liked it.
You’re fucking delusional if you think Mike knows or cares who that is
Lol clip for that? That actually sounds pretty funny
They said TLJ had some interesting ideas but it felt like Rian Johnson was trolling. They then went on to insult the entire Star Wars fan base as mindless zealots and also said that the movie killed their interest in the entire franchise. Just because they didn’t call it the Worst movie ever made doesn’t mean they liked it and you would have to be ducking insane to to interpret their thoughts as “shilling for Disney”
>they don't agree with muh pol circlejerk about mobies with girls in them reeeeeeee
It’s from whatever episode of HITB where they talked about the White House movie that was a ripoff of Die Hard.
The government investigation believed he was pro-nazi at least.
So they're critics. Basically if you like the guys you'll like their reviews because guess what its just some guys' opinions.
That scene actually is supposed to be funny though.
Jesus, the outfits and haircuts in that 70s news footage
It's not even cynicism, it's just making a joke of, "haha, her career is gone now"
>They shill for Disney.
is this real or is this an incel psyop?
Go rewatch it, it holds up really well. It's not the director's best movie, for me that's Jumanji, but it's still great.
>they're not blanket contrarians that hate the kid's movies that I'm politically opposed to for some reason
>call every Marvel movie the greatest movie ever made
>called TFA the best movie ever made
>went easy on TLJ because Rian tweeted about them and only backtracked when Mauler called them out
>approved of Disney of strong arming theaters
>makes greentext posts filled with incorrect information because he’s incapable of forming a real argument
user pls, I just fapped
>save europe by starting more wars and permanently ruining nationalism for decades to come all on the off-chance that Russia will conquer everything before we get to
Yeah what heroes.
>It's written just like a comic book.
Because it was a comic book. The Rocketeer was a comic series in the 1980s. Which I think might make this one of Disney's first comic book movies, though Dick Tracy was a year earlier.
> Mike and Rich love one of my favorite films
Very cool.
..and in turn that comic book was based on the old 40s pulps and serials.
Plus Betty Page.
God bless Dave Stevens.
I love black chicks with fros
Yeah it's an intentional throwback to the serials from the time when it takes place, obviously. But the comic itself is much younger than most people would think.
It's the cloest he'll ever get to heaven.
LOVED the rocketeer, great aesthetic.
It's a shame that the one actor whose career didn't really go anywhere after this film was Cliff's.
Why can't I ever meet a girl like that at Targe5?
He was Quincy Morris in Bram Stoker's Dracula, most actors never get to be in a Coppola film.
To be fair Coppola doesn't make enough movies for every actor to be in.
My point is more that of all actors, he got picked for the part.
A local science museum had an exhibit on sci fi films and science. That was one of my favorite things these.