I hate to agree with a woman but damn she has a point

I hate to agree with a woman but damn she has a point

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Other urls found in this thread:


Not Yea Forums-related.

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She cute

Lurk more

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Based white people

this applies to most threads here

This this an act on cowardice or bravery?

What’s more shocking? A 22 year old undergoing life altering surgery purely to have unprotected sex and be a dog mommy or the fact this bottle of curdled milk is meant to be 20 fucking 2?

do these fucking retards realize you can fuck and not get pregnant?

Look at the edgy teens who will end up suicidal in their 40 and laugh!

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lol @ u dumbass cumskins making yourselfs extinct

"hey reddit I'm a cumdumpster now!"

she get still have children

they can extract eggs directly and plant them in her uterus

Damn she's gonna take hella loads now

I encourage all of these poor, young, misguided people to read Humanae Vitae before considering such disgusting acts as sterilization.

Pope Paul VI even knew that it would be used as a method of control by authorities and would lead to a decrease in respect for human life, the family, and marriage.

But you will lose your sex drive if you do this as a man right?

Another retard culled from the gene pool.


The only reason you posted this is because she is pretty enough that it TRIGGERS you to no end knowing that you cannot procreate with her and that she has chosen the """OTHER SIDE""".
Imagine being THIS much of a pathetic person.
At least reply to her on Reddit.
Don't come crying and bawling your eyes on here.

>implying she doesn't take it on her face and tits

>But you will lose your sex drive if you do this as a man right?
Who cares. Anyone who considers vasectomy is already fucked in his head

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I still would never do it

Getting any part of your dick or balls snipped off must surely worsen your sexual experiences

Pregnancy is awful
>Will destroy your wife's body
>Awful tits after breastfeeding
>Lifelong stretch marks
>Permanently loose vagina
>Vomit and diarrhea for months
>Insanely hormonal with mood swings
>Can't work for 5 years
>Will be an outdated bottom tier candidate for any job
>Will probably divorce you and wring you dry for child support
I'm so happy my wife is naturally barren

How much would you bet that she'll get horribly depressed because of this before 40?

>I get my moral guidance from a den of pedophiles

This sucks because now she has no incentive to do anal

It's just /pol/tards who romanticize marriage and having a big white family.
These faggots can barely keep themselves out of poverty but they expect all white women to line up for their seed

>Another retard culled from the gene pool.
This mental illness isn't genetic. You and your children will still be exposed to jewish subversion day and night

Jokes on her, I'm not having children either and it's way cheaper

>I'm so happy my wife is naturally barren
Well I'm happy too that your wife is barren

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poor woman fell for the feminist meme


That doesn't work. I've been planting my sperm in anuses for years and no baby so far.

You can still conceive after having a vasectomy. It’s a procedure where they go deeper in your sack to extract the semen and use that to conceive.

Also I’m almost sure it’s reversible too.

Trust me as someone who has a possibly pregnant ex wife there are good reasons to have peace of mind knowing you didn’t knock someone up. Then again you’re all virgins so you have no concept of this.

Yikes, another thot using this to be a whore.

more like three points

No, we aren't, we are the most enlightened beings on this planet, we will never fuck our lives up because of a quick fuck
t. haven't had biology class


Thanks, user. We've already got a fat retirement savings account and are planning 2 vacations this year. Any suggestions?

at least they're taking themselves out of the gene pool

what does an early 20's woman look like in your mind?

Acne can make young girls look like they are in their 30s.
But she could also be lying.

Lol you'd be surprised. I'm 22 and 90% of girls my age look 35
Nobody taught white women how to moisturize or the effects of UV radiation

I’ve known women like this when they hit 50. These women snap. Having children is a normal stage that most people go through, but when people don’t they become degenerate hedonists.
Women need children. If you as the man do not give her that, she will look at you as if you are a lesser man. She will fuck a more dominant man. She will not have kids with him (usually), but she will cheat on you ASAP

she had to post on reddit for validation

not gonna make it



I genuinely struggle to tell peoples ages I haven't gone outside in months. For years am I retarded?

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Based all white women should do this

I miss the times when newfags weren't triggered by any post containing the word "jew".

this is canned comedy to be opened at a later date with inevitable regret
same with tranny kids
what a world

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thumbnail looks like Mark Zuckerberg lol

not him but here in italy even a 30yo still looks 20. perks of being one of the healthiest countries in the world

>saying anything remotely bad about something jewish makes you a nazi
So Marlon Brando was a nazi too?

she's prepping herself for slutdom

> ties tubes so men can dump loads without worry
> loses weight to attract more partners

Natural selection works in mysterious ways

Nah, it's difficult. Especially because people have different skin and use makeup to different extents.
Plus visual bias can also fool you.
I had two girls in class. One was actually a 43 year old woman. Couldn't tell. Thought she must have been late 20s. The other looked like a teenager, but was actually the second oldest at 28.

>tubes tied
She had them removed

forgot pic

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No, the "snip" just involves blocking the sperms access to the jizz.

Nice Yea Forums related thread

>trading a lifetime of fulfilment for hedonistic pleasure

I feel bad for her desu
Being in your middle ages without a family would be depressing as fuck

I'm older than you, been here for longer, and sick of your stormfag nonsense.
You overstayed your visit.
I want the RonPaultard back.
At least they didn't advocated genocide.

>That doesn't work. I've been planting my sperm in anuses for years and no baby so far.
She looks fuck old for her age and her latest comments says she just married. I believe she either lied or had a fucking degenrate lifestyle based on alcohol, smoke and parties. Anyways there's some beta cuck who married this barren sack of shit.

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hello newfag

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Good. The fucking whore chose to be a fucking whore. No one forced this on her, and I take some level of satisfaction in knowing she’ll be miserable.

I personally suggest your cool wine aunt would love to "taste" some exotic wines in paris.

she's better at 174

>she looks late 20
When she will be late 20 she will looks like late 40 early 50 like Captain Fungus.

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>Wants to be a strong independant woman
>her and her friends constantly bitch and moan about the patriarchy wanting them to have kids
>she gets her tubes removed to fuck as many men as she likes without ever having babies
>will sink into depression when the wall hits and she's single and unable to have children

Like clockwork

heatb ledger!

so apparently there is an organization which provides free abortion pills online. All you have to do is fill out a questionnaire.
would be a shame if somebody decided to fuck with them

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I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than agreeing with a woman.

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Italy is the milf capitol of the world
but as soon as the menopause hits they look like gremlins, same with russians and asians

MILFs are pretty hot

>If you as the man do not give her that, she will look at you as if you are a lesser man
Reminds me of this recent murder. A man who was very beta, pure soiboi, everyone liked him (like a pet) was married to this woman who seems a bit dominant. She was getting very nervous because she desperately wanted a child and it wasn't working and she apparently had fights with him until he freaked out and murdered her. He never really explained what happened but it's likely she told him he wasn't man enough. Nobody suspected him and he was crying on TV, doing a march with the family.

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being an old woman and childless is the worst. All your friends are dead, most of your family is dead, and you have nobody. Old spinsters would all commit suicide if the mental illnesses they inevitably develop didn't keep them from it.

imagine not wanting kids
what a sad existence
imagine thinking you can best your biological urges
how arrogant

The only reason you think that is because they are so short, they look like children to you.

Yes. It's really difficult to have a sex drive once a doctor removes your penis.

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based and pipepilled

Do you think she dumped whoever she was dating before losing weight?

Imagine a dark comedy film about this inner monologue throughout all that.
It would be pretty epic.

Foster care and adoption are things that exist.

She still has these Sex&City DVD set to watch in loop

It doesn't matter whether you agree with this woman or not, it's entirely her personal choice, she isn't harming anyone and isn't imposing her will on anyone. Why are you being so salty about it? And don't start telling me some bullshit about biological purpose or meaning of life.

my father had one in his late 40s after me and my brother were grown, i dont see the problem with that. he had his kids and he knows he never wants more after how we turned out kek

that's not vasectomy

I have two children and they haven't brought me fulfillment. This is a stupid /pol/larp meme

not in the least, the snip a tiny tube that puts sperm into your actual semen. you cum exactly the same, youre just shooting blanks and theres no sperm in your semen.

That's his choice. I, for one, want to be able to keep dropping potent loads.

i just had the reversal. everyone that says you can just reverse it bro is a fucking liar and trying to walk you over the ledge

the reversal costs $10k and was an all day procedure under full sedation. even if successful my sperm quality will never return to what it used to be

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>People shooting up heroin doesn't hurt me.
>Prostitution doesn't hurt me.
>Theft of other people's property doesn't hurt me.
Normalizing behaviors like her's leads to an erosion of values with which this society was built.

>but as soon as the menopause hits they look like gremlins
>pic related is 54 years old

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Agreed. The human race should go extinct. Whites need to nuke Israel and China before we go though

as do i, i wouldnt have it done but i get it in his case. if youre a 30 something basedboi and go EWWW KIDS! youre a faggot

>beta looking soiboi is dating this average looking woman
>"we totally decided to be childfree guys"
>8 years not kids
>they break up
>"we broke up amicably, guys"
>woman meets a guy who is a divorced Chad with one kid
>suddenly she is shitting babies one after the other for five years
>soiboi was NOT happy about that
The thing is, he eventually got a new gf and a baby, but his kid is fucking ugly. You just cannot blame his ex for not wanting babies from him. And you kind of blame him for bring an ugly child in this world. Imagine the suffering of that kid when he grows up into an incel abomination.

>Pic related has had countless plastic surgery operations.


Unrelated, does anyone know a good malpractice lawyer? Asking for a friend, who got his penis removed.

Yeah, I know plenty of dads that are not at all happy with their kids.

The less Redditors are out there spreading their worthless genes the better.

clown world

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Vasectomies don't affect your "sperm quality"

>implying the average Redditor doens't have superior genes to the average 4channer
I would bet my whole net worth on it.

wew, lad.

>tfw excellent genetics other than a few loonies in the past
my kids might go crazy but at least theyll be tall, smart, attractive and big dicked while doing it

Why did you do it?

then why are they on r*ddit :^)

At least people on Yea Forums are aware of their worthlessness for the most part. The average plebbitors lack of self awareness is abhorrent.

Good for you. But you shouldn't push everyone to procreate because not everyone is as lucky.

she looks 60
and she'll look worse once the surgeons fuck up her next procedure

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Because Reddit discussions are a tier above anything you can find here.
The only thing Yea Forums does better is maymays and shitposting.

The problem with you is that you are a loser with a superiority complex, so you assume that others must be even bigger losers. This is not the case.

What? She looks her age

1) Why are comparing a totally harmless lifestyle shoice to criminal activity and using drugs?
2) Why are you imagining yourself as some kind of warrior for preservation of societal values (what are those values, exactly, freedom of individual or mandatory breeding?) when, in fact, all you do is spewing bile?

you have to go back

>incel this incel that
When did you realize incel was used to demoralize and dehumanize men that disagree with women?

You really should've picked another picture. Bellucci is still hot as fuck but she almost looks like the fucking cat lady in this one.

Who's story is this? The girl knew he was beta so she treated him accordingly. A bit like that guy who was married to MEW for 17 years and no children, now she dumped him for the cock carousel and will settle down with an old fart that is super rich

Redditors are fucking losers. They live for upboats.

to be honest if youre still around today your genetics cant be THAT bad, just average. unless youre spitting out deformed monstrosities consistently like that one couple with the literal brainless goblins i think you have a right to a family if you want one and are capable.

She based

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pls read

have sex incel

If you don't want to have kids don't have sex. The fallacy that these acts don't have an effect on others is a huge part of the hedonist culture that's creeping into society. I'm a tolerant person, and people most certainly can choose to do as they please, but that doesn't mean you should be silent and praise degeneracy.

Father must be proud

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>20years later
>Why am I single lonley vine aunt man up pigs!

thats where your wrong kiddo. notice how pregnancy becomes a complete crapshoot after a vasectomy of five years

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>One of the most vocal anti-plastic surgery voice in Italy
>Hurr durr she had plenty of operations
Look at this dumb samefag.

americans always look older compared to their age. here in europe 20yo look like babies and in the states they look 40

I hate to say the obvious, but she's going to regret it (while viciously denying her regret) once she turns 35.



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>muh social values
America is the strongest nation on earth and the one with the weakest social values of any kind.
China is the second strongest nation in the world.
Europe as a whole too.
The countries with the weakest social values are the most developed, most civilized, wealthiest, and best at everything.
Afghanistan mountain tribes have strong social values.
Saudi Arabia too.

my cutie gf moved away and I wanted to spooge in sluts without consequence. I also bought into MGTOW propaganda about losing half my shit etc.

In April 2018 when it was being used by literally everyone, including the vast majority of anons on here.
There's a consistency between the left and right, they both hate men and wish to deride them for not respecting all women. So you get this incelbashing from both sides.

Its the corn diet

Imagine having thoughts, ideas and opinions just like any other person. Imagine having all this creativity that you can share with the world and possibly even enrich it given half the chance. Hell, the next Tolkien could be among us. Except, if he has never had sex all of his opinions, ideas, and creativity are invalidated. They don't matter according to the current climate purely because he is unable to have sex.

I was here before you, faggot. I can do whatever the fuck I want.
The most pathetic thing about both Yea Forums and Reddit is losers like you trying to force others to think like the hivemind.

>tfw girlfriend of 5 years had a sterilisation surgery without consulting me

It hurts bad bros. I'd been family planning for years, we were going to have 7 children. I had planned their names, career paths, likes and dislikes (obviously i shared this with her but always acted like it was just ironic and i was joking). I had saved money for years for this.

Then she comes home and tells me 'I was sterilised today, I'm so happy, now we can be childfree forever!'. I was mouth agape at this. But I pretended to be happy, congratulated her and kissed her surgery wounds, then sent the surgeon a bunch of flowers (she forced me to name the flowers after the child names i had planned)

I just don't know what to do. she has ruined my dreams. i tried to float that at least we could adopt children but she got snappy with me and started screaming about how 'adopted children will take even more of our money because we will have to pay to keep them grateful'. The worst part is that i apologised again and then wrote a letter to the nearest adoption company telling them to NEVER let us enter the building.

Attached: bad.png (998x774, 1.67M)

Hey genius, you managed to crop off the key that tells us what the bars mean.

Third comment is too based and redpilled for this world.

>I'd been family planning for years, we were going to have 7 children. I had planned their names, career paths, likes and dislikes (obviously i shared this with her but always acted like it was just ironic and i was joking). I had saved money for years for this.

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i got banned from /r/childfree for saying that permanent sterilization is a bad idea. they are full on book burning now that mueller was a nothingburger

Atleast i can honk honk at them

Bring her to me so I can give her a good pounding

Get a girlfriend with an impregnation fetish. Worked for me.

I love this.

I would have left her. Theres plenty of girls turning 18 every day.

Who wants to bet that list is nothing but jewish monsters? Anyone wanna take the bet?

>Father must be proud
She probably did it to piss him off, encouraged by her witch of a mother. I think people who do this are just screaming that they wish their mom never gave birth to them and don't want to repeat the "mistake".

Please kill yourself

>I was here before you

doubt it
if you enjoy other sites, don't
just...go back...

90% of these people will regret decision by time 40.

99% by time 70 plus

There all idiots

t. Tows the line for ebin reddit gold

Why is she still your girlfriend?

>Afghanistan mountain tribes have strong social values.
Saudi Arabia too.

And they are also absolute fucking shtiholes.

what's saddest about these women is that not only are they ugly on the outside but inside as well

Shut up /pol/.

>Get a girlfriend with an impregnation fetish.
Not him but where do I find such a gf

Imagine getting memed by radical feminists into destroying your life forever. Just think, you'll be in your 30's and you'll know no one will want to settle down with you and buy a home and start a family because you wanted to impress some radfems on reddit a decade ago

>I had planned their names, career paths, likes and dislikes
Imagine choosing what your children are gonna do for a life and what they're gonna like
They'd probably kill themselves

Very convincing kek

Nice pulled out of the ass statistics

Hello, tourist. You have to go back to now.

Get rid of it. What use is a woman who cant have kids?

That's my point.
This bullshit about strong social values comes out of the mount of the pedo den that is the Catholic Church and it couldn't be further from the truth.

/r/childfree is proof they are not truly confident in their decision, otherwise they wouldn't need constant reassurance from strangers is on the internet.

As their years go on and they grow into dried up middle aged cat women that uneasy feeling will slowly turn into regret and eventually suicide/mental illness

>women who were unfortunate enough to be born unable to conceive children
>these women

sick larp bro

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Travel. Get to know people. The world doesn't work the way that stormfront tells you it does.

>What are hyperboles?
Fucking brainlet.

>my cutie gf moved away and I wanted to spooge in sluts without consequence. I also bought into MGTOW propaganda about losing half my shit etc.
Fuck man, it's real

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Having kids is not that great.
It is just the ULTIMATE TABOO (even too much for Yea Forums) to admit it.

The truth is that a lot of parents regret having kids for very many reasons.

Who determines what lifestyle is degenerate and hedonist and what isn't? Why browsing a website filled with hardcore porn and sexualized images of children for days, months, years and contributing nothing to society isn't degenerate and choosing to not have children is?

Did you know that 100% of people that make up bullshit statistics to post on Yea Forums will live into their late 90's but never feel the touch of another human being?

Fuck off retard

Always reminds me of that woman who spent her 20s waiting for Prince Charming and an hero’d the moment she hit 30.

Shut the fuck up kike

They're also not white. The west got successful by being white and having strong social values. Then the values went away and with it the success and eventually the whiteness.

>no one wants women in their 30s
Retarded cope, make a tinder experiment with an old roastie a lot of men are willing to fuck and settle down with them

>Shut the fuck up kike

Please observe global rule 3

>You will not post any of the following outside of Yea Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

>You will not post any of the following outside of Yea Forums: Trolls, flames, racism

That's not hyperbole, you are just a retard


>desperate men for desperate women

>being a literal brainlet

Saudis probably have better lives than you

This, we gentiles treat all women with respect. Fellow goy men like us shouldn't work for our careers or our dreams first and then have children (it's not like we can biologically do that or anything), we should just shackle ourselves to a shitty low-entry job and a vicious harpy who sits at home doing nothing! Us gentiles love traditionalism and women, they're so great. I love coming home after a 12 hour work to get scolded by my lazy cunt wife only to have her divorce me and take everything, right fellow goyim?

As true as this is, I have met a lot of men that just ooze depression and lonliness. The kid will not be in your household forever anyway. Your attachment to them after that will be relatively voluntary. You can create distance.. if you want.. you will find yourself enjoying the fruits of your labor later in life though. Old age is a bitch and having people that love you is very, very nice both in a mental state and a physical convienence. No Jamacian RN will care for you like your children will when you get injured or sick. No one will bring you joy like grand kids do.

If you haven't gouged her eyes and buried her body in your backyard already you should KYS asap

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Someone check if these doctors are jewish.

I'm sorry, but hardcore pornography is not allowed on 4channel. You must be thinking of that other site. Yea Forums.

>stating the obvious
>REEE /pol/
This doesn’t work in your favor


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Imagine being this pathetic.

>Who wants to bet that list is nothing but jewish monsters? Anyone wanna take the bet?
You know what I'm wondering? if that woman isn't just paid to promote this jewish business. Her job is basically posing as a happy barren roastie

So it's fine for you to bash Catholics but you can't take the heat, Schlomo?

>bro, just accumulate anecdotal evidence through personal experience, it'll tell you everything you need to know about a world with billions of people in it

or maybe look at statistical trends and scientific examination of human behavior? your brain WANTS kids, it's how evolution made us. no kids, more mental problems. plus, you won't have anybody to take care of you when you get too old to work. good thinking, fag

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I accept your capitulation no need to reply

good argument rabbi.


Criticizing Israel is perfectly OK.
Shouting about
is not.

>a lot of men are willing to fuck
>and settle down with them
no, they say that to fuck her

Who said you cant establish yourself first? Why cant your wife work too? I did the exact opposite of your statement. Things worked out great for me. You sound fat.

I hear Nigeria is full of KARA BOGA for your wife.

Yea Forums should be rangebanned in Israel, New York City, LA, and Florida.

Name 5 (FIVE) things more fulfilling


>body dysmorphia
>no man's sky

For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, '/pol/ was right again'.

send her down to jamaica so you can play switch in peace

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That's what they look like without makeup.

Jesus Christ you are right. All she would need is three bandaids.

I've met 14 men that have settled down with older women, you underestimate male loneliness and need for companionship

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shit man, i'm confused now. Which jew should I listen to? the good jew or the bad jew?

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>le "not all Jews are zionists" meme

You are attacking the wrong user. It was me who called you a den of pedos.
And guess what?
I'm an ex-Catholic.
Never met or talked to a Jew in my life.
Live in the most Catholic country on earth.
Surrounded by degenerate snake oil salesmen cultists who pretend they know shit about living a moral life.

if anyone unironically uses the term "roastie" you should never take anything they say seriously

Thanks for these pointers rabbi

this but "incel" instead

>oy vey goy I swear I used'ta be one of you catholic gentiles

>implying thats not the truth



It's the same for America.
It's fine to metricize the American government for being evil (which it is).
It is fine for criticizing many factions of Americans for being evil (which they are).
It is not OK to say that all Americans are evil just because they are American.

roasties getting toastie itt

>if anyone unironically uses the term "incel" you should never take anything they say seriously

>believing roasties

both tbqh, i only say incel to bait because its guaranteed replies

>banning wrongthink is discussion

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most doctors are jews

ACKSHUALLY, criticizing israel is anti-semitism now, and being anti-zionist is being anti-semitic.

Hitler was right.

The great thing about childfree mongoloids is they don't pass on their genes so in Darwinian fashion they will go extinct.

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the post-cut realisation that she will never have children set in, aged her a bit

Oh shit, how you been man? Its been a while since I've since the crosseye mutt.

You can test me on any Catholic knowledge or practices that only a Catholic would know.
Just don't ask me to recite prayers in English, because I only know them in Italian.

>absolutely seething incels
if you werent virgins it wouldnt bother you

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light = pregnancy
dark = not pregnancy

seemed obvious to me

>if anyone unironically uses the term "incel" you should never take anything they say seriously

Exactly. Nobody who is happy with a gf or wife is going to give a shit about some random thot going sterile.

Attached: B5FCF18F-F702-4335-AC9F-846966BB8212.jpg (2198x2198, 606K)

Have sex

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>extremely toastie roastie

Good on you bro.

A /pol/fuck actually made this image. Imagine that. Just imagine it for a minute.

I told you to have sex

nice pasta

SUITS you for being a manslut.
I cannot imagine how much of a slut you have to be to consider this stuff over a condom.

Americans aren't evil, they're just fat and stupid. Jews are evil.

Problem is that it isn't a nature thing as much of a nurture thing.

Delete this

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I guess summer came early

That's incredibly irresponsible towards mental health.

>imagine someone demonstrating their opinions through art

>n-no u!

>MUH 2011 maymay
It's 8 years later. Bit stale.

>The great thing about childfree mongoloids is they don't pass on their genes so in Darwinian fashion they will go extinct.
Yeah, I still wonder why fags haven't gone extinct since Sodom's destruction

Zoomers are infinitely more J-wise than boomers.

Neat you should adopt, when you hit 60 all that free timeshit is going to feel really fucking hollow.

doesn't this ensure that no dude will ever think about having serious relationship with her ever? she'll literally be noting but a cumdumbster, incapable of ever having real family
and she paid for this to happen to her, can you imagine what must be going though heads of people like this?

>/pol/tard art is MS scribblings
Are you going to start a world war when they reject you from art school?

>buy a home and start a family

Easy there gramps, millenials can't afford this anyways

condoms suck. imagine spending all day trying to get laid then covering your dick in plastic so you cant feel anything

>That's incredibly irresponsible towards mental health.
Looks like this woman is a bait to trigger /pol and create publicity to these jewish "doctors"

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>Criticizing drawn memes on 4channel

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Hope she enjoys dying alone.

imagine being this upset over someone trying to make a meme, just because it conflicts with their personal opinions
>everyone I don't agree with is hitler: the post

how tall is this bitch lol

>actually believing this
The alt-right neonazi movement is spearheaded by Jews.
Trump is a Jew lover with strong Jewish ties.
Ben Jewpiro is a Jew and so are all the people working behind the scenes of the propaganda movement.


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Why are you spending time on 4channel obsessing about "muh incel boogeyman" instead of having sex?

>(she forced me to name the flowers after the child names i had planned)
>i apologised again and then wrote a letter to the nearest adoption company telling them to NEVER let us enter the building.
holy fucking hell this is the hardest I've laughed in MONTHS

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why are you constructing some asinine strawman to attack in order to cope with the fact that a stranger calling an incel on the internet makes you so mad?

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Meh. You don't want people like this having children anyway.

>that ugly face
never gonna make it. this retard will kill herself when she's in her early thirties or will become a ''cool wine aunt'' who pretend her niece is her own. i imagine she will buy a lot of cats the next few years.

This whole thread is incel screeching by a stranger who doesn't even know this girl.
The only reason he is obsessed over her is because she is a 6/10 white girl.
That is it.

tbqh I wouldn't wish anyone to be born into this world

>why are you constructing some asinine strawman to attack
Cringe. Have sex, hypocrite.

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Lol no worries i am sure the jew doctors are already fucking with there women for years.

There's probably some element of nature that makes them more susceptible to it.
t.not a scientist

But user, I thought they didn't choose to be gay?

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yeah bro because there isnt an army of thirsty betas that will fuck anything right?

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And you're obsessing over that incel boogeyman instead of having sex. Have sex.

You shouldn't breed

>n-no you!
absolutely seething

Wait is this one of the OG incels from way back?
holy shit, lol

I'm not talking about the altright, I mean mainstream leftists and normies are openly becoming critical of AIPAC and the relationship with Israel. The whole "muh six gorillion" argument has worn out with them. They recognise Jews behave exactly like the nazis they've taught us to hate for generations.

Please have sex.

Have a job that pays well and just approach any 30 year old single woman who still doesn't have children.

Based anons

its fucking eggman bro, men are pathetic

It's Sunday afternoon. I'm recovering from the mourning session.

I'm not trying to take away your Nintendo Switch, relax
it's just a bit of banter
enjoy your stay summerfriend

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>implying i didnt last night
when was the last time for you
>Please have sex.

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Get those low testosterone levels checked. That's probably why you're obsessed about the incel boogeyman and mourning your energy levels instead of having sex.


sex have seethe cope cringe yikes incel

I miss eggman the only likeable ironybro

>when was the last time for you
Now who's "n-no u" posting? Seething obsessed hypocrite

Attached: doing_a_think.jpg (700x682, 70K)

Based incel


>Love cigarette juice!

t. incel

>imagine getting so riled up and pissed off at some online shitposts on an anonymous forum that you decide to angrily post about it
kill yourself you retard

>n-no you!
so when was the last time bro? not longer than a week right!?

>this thread

Who is this? Why is this on this board?

t. have sex

I-i... i-is this the power... of Reddit?

A film related thread died for this fucking garbage of a thread

TV star

have sex seething incel cope

t. Already did once this morning and twice last night

>n-n-no y-you


Come on fa/tv/irgins

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This. Most of the guys there also pretend that they're some kind of oldfag elite when in fact they're the Reddit expats.

We know /pol/, we know.

>22 years old
Oh boy she'll regret it once the maternal clock starts ticking


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From what show?

Based, saved.

You are retarded.

damn i don't know how to crossquote lmao

How is this tv related?
Wtf every time I post something about movies he mods quickly take that down due to other people’s dumb comments

Dammit we’re supposed to be better than reddit

>telling people to have sex
>on an anime imageboard
the fap and election ruined Yea Forums beyond recognition. the board is lost

>she forced me to name the flowers after the child names i had planned
saw the jestering here, top kek


Gays procreate by contact with children and molestation.

The fact incel is used actively on this site now just reveals how infested this place is

>dating in 2019
>somehow expecting women who were raised from birth in the west to be absolute sluts from feminism to be better
Dump her ass
A relationship is based on trust. Since she didn’t tell you something is clearly going on hat she wanted to hide from you

Never waste your time with a woman. Just get surrogate kids and let them lie in the bed they made

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>Gays procreate by contact with children and molestation.
Barren women and vasectocucks can do just the same