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Other kinos like this?
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>those first 3 minutes
they already failed because a real autistic incel would never even dare trying to talk to a woman
Can that guy play anything other than "the loser"?
>His father is Asian
Further proof all AMWF couples create incel kids
wow that is literally me
lmao that dude has more confidence than any incel on the planet
an incel could never just cold approach a girl, let alone lead a conversation and be louder than the other participant while also advancing physically
that doesn't fit the narrative that will help feminists destroy the patriarchy, you sexist pig
Weve had this thread before tranny cunt
Keanu Reeves begs to differ.
Keanu fucks trannies
>he doesn't spend half the day edging to Lolis
0/10 completely unbelievable.
have sex
keanu is only 25% asian his grandma is chinese
This. Plus, hes the Chosen One, so it doesnt matter.
>stereotyping and prejudice designed to demonize any group of people that may be disagreeable with the propagated ideology
>Didn't shoot himself at the end
This is fake news
Ah I see that Google stepped up their mass profiling game, you get pic related for literally anything that's even slightly controversial, even if it shouldn't require an age like that video
They just want everybody to make an account in order to view their shit, so they can collect and sell their data as advertisements are slowly but surely drying up as a source of revenue.
I never had sex, never kissed, never had a gf, never approached a girl in my life. Fully aware that it's all my fault alone and I don't "hate" anyone else because of it.
Am I an incel?
you are who you choose to be
okay I choose to be a 11/10 supermodel beyond confident turboChad, what now
>never approached a girl in my life
So... it's not involuntary? You're just celibate
>Am I an incel?
Everyone is an incel. You just have to make the label stick. All a matter of repetition and persistence. Works better when you have a social media mob behind you.
Then act like it and all will be well
Yes. And don't forget, women HATE you for it. So does the media. And people in general that are easily perturbed by red hats.
if you're not asexual and would like to insert your dick into one of a female's holes, but are too shy to try or whatever, then yes, you're involuntary celibate
"incel" doesn't mean a seething misogynistic virgin, it means someone who's not asexual but still isn't getting sex for whatever reason, unless that reason is well calculated celibacy, in which case you're a volcel
>it means someone who's not asexual but still isn't getting sex for whatever reason
So that means millions of people are incels then
you sound based
Everyone's an incel in 2019, user. Even having sex doesn't save you.
I can't think of anything more horrifying than someone I don't want to fuck trying to talk to me.
I mean we can argue semantics but you get the idea - above the age when he's supposed to get sex with a desire to have sex, but still not having sex
>So that means millions of people are incels then
Actually yes. I think that there should be a few million in the USA alone if we're to believe the statistics that a third of people in their early 20s are incels
So when your parents and family talk to you it's absolutely horrifying?
surprise surprise it's a jew
You broke the code!
I wish these dumb roasties would stop talking to me then.
user's from Alabama and hasn't seen his father since he was 5
>we're to believe the statistics that a third of people in their early 20s are incels
What are the stats?
I don't know there's a pic that's constantly being spammed on Yea Forums which shows that a third of people in their 20s are virgins or something like that, an all time historical high. I think that it was posted on Yea Forums just yesterday if I'm not wrong
Every time.
>tfw 30 years old kissless handholdless virgin
Celibate isn’t involuntariy so no
>1/10 incel not redpilling her about the jews
Pretty unrealistic
>What are the stats?
You're just another disinfo tranny.
there is like 10 variations of this dumb comic and they all make no sense, why do people keep posting this dumb shit?
No, you voluntarily did not approach a girl in your life because maybe a lack of self esteem, confidence or just fear of rejection
Involuntarily is when you make an effort and get rejected because of your antics or something else
Incels are the ones who put the blame on others for their own flaws
I just imagine some woman blowing up on me for complimenting their outfit or something.
I wish I was born 20 years earlier.
You're literally fucked as an average guy thanks to the internet. Any kind of woman has gazillion, thirsty options and there's always someone better than you. It's fucking rough to compete.
an incel would never approach a woman, much less talk to her. this depiction is fucking stupid
>tfw born just in time to massively profit off misogynistic porn games
I cannot understand incels even as someone who is 20 years old and is a virgin aia literelly dont care about sex anymore and I dont hate woman for it
>The board that can find Shia Leboeuf within 24h every time he moves somewhere
This has to be bait
An incel is someone who wants sex but doesn't get it. Don't try changing the narrative by enforcing political views. Someone who doesn't get sex MAY blame others for it, in their resentment. Wow I guess they must all do it too then, huh?
Just keep calling people with different opinions "Nazis". That should suffice.
Just buy a whore. Also wow, way to demonize chastity
I can understand incels even as someone who has had sex hundreds of times (but with the same 2 girls + a one night stand and it was a few years ago). Modern women aren’t fun to talk to and are quite rude. Hell, a lot of girls I knew in hs that were chill became corrupted by wokeness.
Internet is only part of the problem. Sexual "liberation" has convinced women that if they are not being a whore and riding multiples of those offers she's missing out on something. It de-emphasizes the shame of not being only for your first love whom you will marry. It hides the sense of depression that will come from not investing in long term classic relationship when a wall is hit post 30+.
>it's another episode of media adopts a stupid Yea Forums joke and turns it into a serious problem all the while completely missing the point
call me when there's something more interesting on the tv
all virgins need to be killed. we need to petition the government to have all virigns locked up in cages!
that's some kino hair for an incel
Typical whites losing their mental health.
It's not hard to understand you're just incredibly unintelligent.
you will never pass
I want redditors to be tortured.
t. faggot that draws this trash
No way an incel would approach girls over 240 times
t. faggot that can't accept he's an idiot
he could have great anxiety approaching a woman.
if he has such extreme low confidence that he can ignore one of the strongest urges a human can have, right after eating and breathing, than i don't believe it's voluntary.
Basically this.
Something like 35% of men between the age of 18-35 right now haven't had sex the last year. Marriage rates are at historic lows. The truth is, men aren't able to be providers anymore and women are all whores with unrealistic expectations, so men are just opting out. And there's never been a better time to opt out with all of the escapism available with electronics.
In fact, most perceived incels are actually volcels that yearn for human contact, but just don't bother. Almost all incels could get a girlfriend if they actually tried, but they know they aren't good enough for anyone worth having or they simply refuse to meet current expectations because it's so one-sided. That's because men put a lot of their personal value on their ability to provide and protect, and when they know they can't do that, they just resign to themselves. It's more of a societal collapse that's being supplemented with mass immigration from third world countries than it is a problem with men being indoctrinated with hateful ideologies that turn them against women. Because the honest truth is, current society isn't set up to promote making a family. So young men drift and stay lonely way too long and women's purity and fertility expires.
Making a real short film about being a virgin in his 20s would actually be pretty boring. Just a normal to ugly looking young guy that never really says or does anything. No friends. No real anger or hatred. Just monotony and a constant feeling of no fulfillment.
If anything your actions make you celibate.
There's a conlfation of terms between Celibacy and Abstinence. Celibacy by definition is a voluntary choice to be sexually abstinent, Incels should be really called "Involuntarily abstinent", which is force to abstain from sex/marriage against thier will.
All of this goes to show the Low IQs on both sides of this shitshow.
>strongest urges
You're implying he doesn't masturbate?