Subscribe or ELSE. Don't worry guys I'm depressed so I can't make videos. I'm sick of living on the money I make from these effortless podcasts. Cheer me up
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I'm seeing less and less of this guy, he's slowly falling off the face of youtube isnt he?
thank god. I watched him in 2015 and 2016. Then his content became shit. For 2 years his vids have plagued my recommendeds and his tweets my Twitter feed. I just want him to fuck off.
He's done. The new videos are tryhard and cringe. He has completely fucked up his image.
>friend sends me a funny video
>scroll through the comments
>"like if the H3H3 Podcast sent you here!"
when is he going to grow out of this shit?
Am I COMPLETELY out of my mind, or is getting bored with your podcast or show really low IQ shit? I mean, isn't the entire point of being a personality who runs a show, to bring fresh or interesting stuff you saw? Like, crack open a book, watch an old show, go on a hike, fucking start putting yourself in sensory depravation and take THC brownies and start selling alpha brain, just have anything going on in your life worth talking about to you.
It just seems like he's depressed and ashamed in the first place, and that's why he can't muster up anything fun or exciting to talk about.
The moment he moved to LA he stopped being funny. NYC era h3 was great.
He was a decent watch when he was just a tourettes spastic watching videos in Israel with his gf and roomie while missiles were going off outside
Then he just got too big for his own good
He's a fucking loser. idk what he did before youtube but it was probably manual labor. He has nothing of interest to say, just retarded babble and dad jokes. Hilla can generally edit his ramblings into funny stuff but live on air, his small mind is on display for all to see.
He hasn't made anything funny in over a year
I wonder how much self respect this guy has, or rather doesn't have. He just doesn't look like he looks after himself in any capacity.
You mean Israel era?
>Cow Chop
What the hell even is LA? That city has got to have some kind of mystical soul sucking aura that makes everyone sad and miserable
He was never funny.
He always was ALMOST funny, as in the friend that makes you laugh, his big mistake was taking billy the burr in his podcast, so you get to compare a real comedian to an almost funny person and there was an abyss of difference, you could see it right there, it was painful but a growing out of h3 momment for a lot of zoomers out there.
I am glad it happened.
He is not your friend.
I don't really understand
If you watch enough to have an opinion, and your opinion is negative, why the fuck did you watch so much?
If you don't watch it, how do you know?
Why doesn't he just do what Joe Rogan does, and seek out smart or smart-seeming people, and just listen to them on the show?
I know the answer, because he's a remarkably low IQ low energy bum. He should literally just drink coffee and read an old book. It would do wonders.
>VIDEO VIGILANTE (holds up Nostalgia Critic gun to camera)
>90 fucking minutes
Jesus Christ it keeps happening
I haven't really seen any h3 (nor do i care to), but he was really good on tigerbelly.
He's clearly quite funny and smart. Why are you cunts so butthurt about him lol.
Did he do something offensive to incels? Or is it just jealousy?
People watch a show they enjoy, until they notice a drop in quality, then they stop watching and post on the internet what made them stop watching.
Why so willfully ignorant? You really are smarter than this, so don't sell yourself short with posts like that.
Thanks Ethan
He didn't seem like such a sack of shit at first. A jew hiding his true nature if you will.
He's had Bill Burr and Jordan Peterson on, both JRE regulars. And he couldn't even just let them ramble and instead sucked it all down the h3 toilet.
What's Tigerbelly?
He's only good if someone else leads the conversation.
I do understand that, but most podcasts don't last that long, and you get sick of them too. Eventually you've gotten everything you can from the person, and unless it's a friend simulator to you, it becomes incredibly repetitive.
I'm not really seeing nuanced criticism like that either. Or discussion of a decline. ITT is basically just shitting on him and saying he's a hack.
At least you dont make low effort reaction videos
I probably would have killed myself after the Bill Burr episode so good for him I guess.
bobby lee's podcast
It's pretty good
You aren't wrong, he used to be so genuine
I hate the podcast format in its entirety. Very few people are interesting enough to keep my attention for 2 hours. But everyone and his mom insist on doing a podcast nowadays. I used to really, really like Scott Adams' blog, the Dilbert guy. Then he exclusively went to (unedited) youtube videos and periscopes. Low effort for him, tedious bore for his audience.
I don't want to sit through 30 minutes of small talk or beating around the bush. I also read way faster than you talk, even if I 2x the youtube speed.
>Listen to podcasts while you're cleaning or doing chores!
"No!" I want to listen to music then to keep my energy up. Not listen to some people have a fucking conversation.
The Bill Burr episode is fucking terrible, i watched a little bit of it, holy fuck. But it's not indicative of anything. It's actually kinda funny.
I think shit like him and Justin Roiland is more of an indictment of Ethan, because that's his friend, and that's 'working' and still not that good.
I suppose that's why you don't turn what you do in your spare time into your main source of income, it sucks the soul right out of you. It's no wonder Ethan is depressed really
The Justin Roiland podcast ep proved to me that Ethan's talent wasn't really comedy, but networking.
The Bill Burr episode is what really broke it. You can find clips.
And it's true people listen to shows way longer than they should, out of habit. If you listen to the same show every day on the way to or from work, it become a ritual and you may listen longer than you need. That being said it is truly not a mystery that H3H3 is a stumbling fool
There's a reason genuinely interesting people like John Roderick can maintain like 5 different podcasts while boring chodes like Ethan can't keep one going.
he sold weed before youtube
People liked him when he ranted about hating living in Israel. However, the porker is an Israel first little degenerate.
Who the fuck makes a video about how turned on he is by his pregnant wife? It was on the trending page on youtube. Fucking disgusting Susan Kikeberg.
Did he though? From what he's been saying about him feeling like a bad person and forcing himself to make videos even back in the day, I have a feeling he was just really good at pretending. I mean if I didn't know all the behind the scenes drama, I probably would fall for the new videos to a degree too.
To be fair, Justin Roiland as a person seems totally boring and actually kind of stupid to me. He did the meme review thing with Elon Musk for Pewdiepie and he explained every fucking joke, which killed the humor completely. So strange because I like his shows a lot
>a video about how turned on he is by his pregnant wife?
lol based.
>le based if you hate it so much why are you watching it/posting about it argument
Jiminy jillikers Radioactive Man, its almost as if one must consume media in order the develop a negative opinion of it. And complaining about bad media is how one makes their opinion heard and informs others about a bad product, it gets a conversation going. If your so-called favourite media cannot stand up to scrutiny and your best form of defense is to ad hominem dissenters by calling them fags with nothing better to do but complain then you should probably bash your head in with your modem
Based schizoposter
lol you're triggered by hypothetical insults
obscurity is the threat to youtubers, not criticism
you're merely engaging in their fame and popularity by watching it, forming an opinion, and discussing it, even if your discussion is vitriolically negative.
I can understand specific weighted criticisms, but if your positions amounts to that he's a hack, unfunny, stupid, etc, that makes no sense whatsoever.
idk what happened to Roiland, he used to be hilarious on his old podcast (Grandma's Virginity) and season 1 of Rick & Morty. But now he looks like he's zonked out on zoloft or some shit. Trover saves the universe looks like aids.
he also told kids to watched blacked porn. you sir are based.
Not him, but are you really as confused about it as you were acting? You've never seen something you used to enjoy, or seen something for the first time, and be able to say why you didn't enjoy it? You turn everything off before you get to the bad part?
Guy has millions of viewers, just take his numbers at their peak, and count the decline, and know that every single person who left could probably explain why.
>I can understand specific weighted criticisms, but if your positions amounts to that he's a hack, unfunny, stupid, etc, that makes no sense whatsoever.
It's like you didn't even read my post
That was fucking weird, he's obviously into that shit.
>Who the fuck makes a video about how turned on he is by his pregnant wife? It was on the trending page on youtube.
gonna need a source on that lad
his content peaked with the yosemite vids
been downhill ever since
You write like a fag.
I started losing interest after seeing how hard he was riding Post's dick just because of his fame. Typical social climber.